Tooth Fairy Update
It’s been a quiet day on Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s Facebook wall.
But now, after knocking back a mukk of Earl Grey, going through internet quotation sites and another internet hunt for a picture of a man who might just about pass for him, standing and surveying his territory in silhouette, he’s come up with more evidence of gross self-delusion.
The strongest man is the man who stands alone
Henrik Ibsen (Enemy of the People-1882)
’An Enemy of the People’ is a play which deals with the story of one brave man’s struggle to do the right thing and speak the truth in the face of extreme social intolerance.
And bang on cue, his desperate Labour housewives oblige.
Amanda Bonnici
U must be quite strong!! :-)
Mercedes Mifsud
i like!
Carmen Orsini
a bit like you then jeffrey!!!
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On an unrelated note, I found the fact that Nakita has a website – rather amusing. And then I came across this…
Oh dear.
[Daphne – Gan Luwigi, a pure Maltese name. Kemm jifilhu ikunu stupidi? ]
Shocking! Shameful! Where is this country heading to?
No Maltese fonts at the Public Registry !!!!!!
U ijja, a pure Maltese name, like Nakita.
Gan Luigi is not a Maltese name but I think the Public Registry should be able to process a Maltese name with Maltese fonts.
[Daphne – I think it’s an appalling and stupid and vile idea to give your child a name with Maltese fonts, when it’s going to make his life very inconvenient unless he wishes to live in Malta for the next 90 years. You do not get Maltese fonts anywhere outside Malta. He would have to change his name and spell it differently anyway, like the Chinese, Japanese and people from Arabic-speaking states do when they go to Europe or America or anywhere else.]
Say I want to call my son Guzeppi instead of Joseph shouldn’t I be able to do it with Maltese letters?
[Daphne – Why on earth would you want to do that? To be difficult? We all know how Guzeppi is pronounced. You don’t have to put a dot on the G or Z for heaven’s sake.]
I think they just took the Public Registry by surprise and unfortunately because historically nobody was registered with their Maltese name (e.g. Paul not Pawlu) we have this ridiculous situation.
I think someone should solve this without a lot of hassle and use Maltese fonts.
If the EU can translate all its legislation into Maltese with Maltese fonts I think the Public Registry can do it too.
On the above I was under the impression that ‘united we stand’ still held.
I don’t know who the genius quoted is but standing alone doesn’t make you strong. It’s because you are extremely strong that you might be able to stand alone, but that is temporary.
I fail to see the comparison with the MP as till now he has neither shown strength nor the ability to stand alone.
Guzeppi is not a Maltese name. It is Italian.
The parents are probably trying to show how “patriotic” they are (shades of Ġensna) but they’re misguided because names and surnames are very rarely spelled phonetically (Aleks comes to mind) and, in any case, Maltese fonts are never used in such cases.
Moreover, the usually-accepted Maltese version of Louis is Lwigi not Luwigi.
And a very popular blog she has too, with barely a dozen comments to all her posts since mid 2009. Her popularity is impressive.
Madonna, x’inhi bla sens. Ghandha bzonn outlet to vent her frustrations. Gejja bid-discrimination. Hasbitha qieghdha taht Mintoff?
U gejja bil-pure Maltese name. La Gan u lanqas Luwigi m’huma ismijiet Maltin. Mela issa nibda nghid li l-isem Hamfri huwa Malti ghax kemm naqta ras l-H u nispellih kif inhossu.
Their next daughter? Blenxx.
Or Klinsmen. Or better still, Simor. We already have incidences of Xon.
Almenu mhux Goxx. Sorry – I couldn’t help it, but people like NAkita really get my goat.
Gan Luwigi is neither pure Maltese nor pure anything else except for pure mongrel.
I am sure I saw the name Xylon on Super One recently.
Gan Luwigi is not a Maltese name. It is an Italian pet name spelt badly.
Jon Lewis…
Maybe the parents were inspired by the label on his first babygro. Good thing it wasn’t bought from Primark.
Defni is a Maltese name, and it requires no special fonts. So there.
Close – the Anglicised spelling of the name in Greece is Daffni.
@La Redoute. That would sound like Toni Abela’s phonetic spelling of her name.
This couple were on TV too, baby and all. I think it was One News.
The baby was wearing a cap with Gan Luwigi printed on the front, complete with dots on the Gs.
Soon it’s going to be someone complaining that they want their personalised number-plate with dots too.
They have obviously used their newborn-child to pick up a fight with the authorities, to expose GonziPN for what it really is: highly incompetent and discriminatory for not allowing them to give a pure Maltese name to their son, complete with the G bit-tikka.
Honestly, meta se jkollna registru ta’ ismijiet li huma oxxeni u imbarazzanti ghat-tfal? U min diga ghandu ismu tan-nejk, meta se tkun possibli li jharrek lil-ommu u missieru?
If I am not mistaken these people are regularly on television, particularly St82DPoint on Super One.
Is it Mistra that he is surveying? Boohoohoo.
It looks like Mistra to me.
He must be dreaming about his eco-development when his party is in government in a year’s time.
Yes, he’s probably planning to call in the Mistra favour when his friend Joseph Muscat becomes prime minister. Nice.
Well, Joseph Muscat has gone on record now as encouraging controversial decisions when he gets to be prime minister.
The search for a quotation was followed by a Wikipedia search for the theme of the play and the inevitable copy and paste job.
And in the picture, there he is, standing alone. Abandoned by his party friends.
Antoine, it seems that Jaff felt the need to explain the theme of the play after he saw the first few reactions from the housewives, which probably worried him.
Only a matter of time, and Carmen will find herself having to fend off Labour housewives bearing chicken-soup and TLC for Jeffrey miskin, queuing at her door.
Jew xi platt minestra maghfga. Jew biex nimxu mat-times we live in, xi frozen pizza.
Amazing what a mukk of Earl Grey can do for you. I must remember to invest in a few tea bags. Perhaps my mukk might get me a few gullible tarts.
Gianluigi (ghax ma tinkitibx kif kitbuha huma) is a Maltese name? Sa fejn naf jien isem Taljan, u ma tanntx hu komuni.
L-uniku wiehed li naf jismu hekk hu il-goalkeeper maghruf Buffon.
Issa jekk huma qabdu u dawwruh ghal-Malti billi qasmuh fi tnejn u dahhlu il “W”, hekk hag`ohra.
Dawn l-ahhar ghoxrin sena xebghu jikkundannaw tfal b`ismijiet tad-dahq. Imsieken.
Yes, a ‘brave man’, one who doesn’t know what he’s doing from one minute to the next, and totally intolerable.
Meta qrajt din, ftit ilu, bejni u bejn ruhi gheddt “Issa dalwaqt jispunta xi hadd u jdawwar kull ma qalet Daphne u li kattiva ghax qalet kontra it-tarbija”.
Nahseb bilkemm ilhaqt spiccajt nahseb, li ma jmurx wiehed fuq il-Facebook u jikteb ezatt li hsibt jien! Veru taghni d-dahq.
Is it beginning to dawn on Jeffrey that he is alone, as far as people that matter are concerned, and that he appears “strong” only to ladies who swoon with pleasure when he is adminstering to their needs in a dentist’s chair?
Dr. Saliba, you must have a phobia about dentists.
Not all dentists – only Jeffrey in his double role of a dissident NP member of parliament and a dentist who gives pleasure to his lady patients.
One Man. One fision. One tussle.
Stalked by his wannabe nemesis, plagued by her vision of him and of her against them and their cats, he embarks on a mission that would take him to the very outskirts of sanity’s fringes.
Pollyanna Notebook presents
A Spirited Nutblog production
In cooperation with Tunnel Vision Flix:
Pull a Chin or Land on Galizia
A tale of conspiracy, intrigue and schoolgirly insight into the depths of Gulliver’s Pootians (and their cats).
[Daphne – It could be quite good, actually, Kevin. I wouldn’t want to be the one to write the sex scenes though. ‘Bored middle-aged man in Brussels and middle-aged man with existential crisis in Haz-Zebbug swap notes on the respective healing powers of stroking 1. cats, and 2. gerbils. Or is it chinchillas?]
Here’s a tale to warm the cockles of your frozen Brussels heart.
19th century Europe is rank with corruption, paranoia, superstition and suspicion. Conspiracies – real and imagined – rule.
But what if the terror and tumult of the times were not fragmentary conflagrations?
What if there was one man at the centre of it all, an evil genius creating the context and conditions in which he could wreak havoc?
Leading us into the unsavoury underbelly of European affairs….
The Prague Cemetry – Umberto Eco. Read more here:
Ijja, kont rajtu dak il-fimmm.
It’s about good hearted European bankers who offer to take a 50% haircut on Greek loan after being promised compensation from us through the Arjupijin Bir tas-Skieken Fund.
But could the Greeks, having come to know better and wasting time no more on Bondi+ and kindred pukey spirits, save us from this evil plan?
No spoilers, I’ll let you watch the fimmm.
George Papandreou is today facing the anger of European leaders for shocking the markets by risking to jeopardise the Greek bailout deal.
He must be biting his nails. Joseph ‘Malta’s Sixth MEP’ Cuschieri could have done it for him.
It’s a book, Kev. You should try reading one instead of trawling Youtube.
Kev, you are a victim of the tanil vixin that you speak about, when you refer to the benevolent European bankers.
Maybe you have not noticed that the US markets have collapsed too.
US bank valuations are at abysmal lows, because they too will be hit by the Greece debt fallout.
You surely know about CDS and that sort of financial engineering whereby, I am sure, Greek debt had been sold to the American banks.
It is no use being sarcastic about the banks. The European project is a political one, and as far as possible, both Greece and the banks should be saved.
The way you put it, you would either save Greece or the banks, but not both.
How wise is that?
Ciccio – Your world is all Blue vs Red, Left vs Right, EU vs US, idiots vs cwiec – you’re entrenched in a rut so deep you are unable to even imagine what I see, let alone understand any part of it.
Let me give you one simple key: you do not solve a debt problem by adding more debt, especially to prop up failed financial institutions with taxpayer money.
Do they know what they’re doing? Sure they do. But do you know anything about it? Well, who are ‘they’, you would ask…
Ahjar tintefa’ tistad ghall-imzazen, Ciccio, taf tohrog ta’ ragel.
Kev, can I recommend some Earl Grey? It helps to clear one’s mind. As you predicted, I ask: Who are “they”?
Kev, if Pullicino Orlando is “on a mission that will take him to the very outskirts of sanity’s fringes” he should ask your advice because you’ve been there and know the place well.
In fact it looks like you’ve set up permanent residency, comforted by those tales of conspiracy and intrigue you love to read about.
Indeed, Antoine Vella. Here’s an article that should shed some light on the darkest corners of the fantasy cupboard you’ve been inhabiting:
Will Greece Pull an Iceland… And Tell the Banks to Pound Sand?
Kevvy, do you ever have an original thought?
Other than what dishwash to buy?
Gahan: “No man is an island”.
Who needs to be the strongest man (upon earth)? This Pulgarcito?
Nobody can stand alone, but many can feel lonely in a crowd.
The poor Irish, how dare he take all their mayonaisse?
Ġaħan, please start spelling your name correctly. Make sure all the Gs are dotted and Hs properly crossed.
Ma jmurx tiġi akkużat li qed turi disprezz lejn il-lingwa Maltija.
Yesterday evening in parliament, in the course of discussing a UN bill on cyber crime, Herrera had an indirect go at your blog.
In essence he said that there are people on the cyber domain that pitch politicians against each other, possibly because they have an own agenda.
He went so far as to suggest that the President should be empowered to do something about it in defence of, wait for it, moral standards.
With his usual aplomb Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici spoke about the need to respect each other but said he could not understand how Herrera was linking his veiled attack with cyber crime.
Typical Labour. If we can’t set fire to the building, let’s get the president to do it.
He’s showing off his new pussy now.
Straight men with a thing for cats freak me out.
Was it the Godfather who used to stroke a cat? Or one of Bond’s villains?
[Daphne – ]
Anton Buttigieg had written a short poem on the same lines, which I remember studying, aged around 12:
Ejja puxa, ejja hdejja
Nghaddu siegha hawn fil-kwiet
Jiena mmelsek, inti tgerger …
(I can’t remember how it ended, because the whole class invariably ended up in tears, laughing.)
Go ahead and jump down.
Tsk tsk
“The strongest man is the man who stands alone.”
Sounds (and looks) like a case of Hulk the Sulk.
He’s quoting the character Dr. Stockman, though Wikipedia and the quotes sites haven’t told him that .
The words are based on Ibsen’s stand that in moral issues the individual is superior to the masses.
Apart from quoting it out of its historical and literary context, JPO betrays his disdain for the electroate who voted him into power by assuming the mantle of one who is superior to the masses.
He needs to have ‘representative of the people’ explained to him very clearly.
“The words are based on Ibsen’s stand that in moral issues the individual is superior to the masses.”
Ic-cittadin l-ewwel.
” The strongest man is the man who stands alone”
“The strongest man is the one who inspires people to follow him”
Now, doesn’t that sound better?
Ahhhhhh, a strong hard man is so good to find.
We’ve decommissioned the Manu jokes. Didn’t you get the memo?
Still she claims she has no Facebook account. And what’s wrong with having a Facebook account?
[Daphne – Unlike Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, I do not stand alone.]
Unlike JPO you have many fake accounts.
[Daphne – I don’t. I have many friends and acquaintances who keep me up to speed.]
They keep you up to date 1am in the morning as well? Worse than “Madonna ta’ Malta” mela. Ara vera m’ghandhomx x’jaghmlu.
[Daphne – Yes, would you believe it? Crackberries have made life SO much more fun. And you would be surprised to know just how many people don’t retire with the chickens but stay up to naughty hours.]
There’s absolutely nothing wrong in having a Facebook account. It saves you a lot of hassle.
[Daphne – Au contraire. It is the very best way to invade one’s own privacy while looking like a perfect idiot, at our sort of age, that is.]
1) Friend constantly checks JPO’s Facebook wall
[Daphne – Obviously, you don’t work on the internet or at a computer, because then you would know that this sort of thing is a routine distraction. Of course, it’s different for people who actually have to go to a computer, switch it on, etc etc, and yes, I agree that it is a little strange to check people’s walls on a Blackberry while at a party, but if you’re watching TV and the advertisements come on, then it’s normal. In the world I live in, ‘reuters’, people are at their computer all the time, myself included, because that’s the nature of our work. I know it’s hard to understand if that isn’t your kind of work, but well…]
2) Friend e-mails/SMSes/calls? (1 am OMG) Daphne to inform her with JPO’s latest updates, including comments by third parties.
[Daphne – Call? No. Text or email. For example, when we’re watching a particularly scintillating episode of Inkontri, Vodafone’s and Go’s revenue rockets, unless we’re using our free SMS allowance. But then I’ll have to admit that we’re not the sort to talk about what kind of tea we’re drinking at that moment in time, which is apparently considered normal.]
3) Daphne constantly checking email to keep up to speed with her friend’s updates.
[Daphne – I don’t have to. Get with the programme. It comes up live. Perhaps you’re thinking of, say, your mother, who checks her email every two days by going to the famly computer and switching it on, making a cup of tea while it whirrs to life. Exhausting, talking to people like you.]
4) Daphne reads email and tries to make out a blog update out of the friend’s email. She has to invent a title in a split second, manually type the text in the screenshots and maybe put up some screenshots, edit the screenshots and maybe mark them in red where attention needs to be emphasised.
[Daphne – I don’t try, ‘reuters’. I succeed. And yes, this may be hard to credit for people who run their finger under a sentence as they read it, but I do write in a split second. Face it, I’ve had decades of practice and it’s what I do for a living. I’m itching to get my hands on Maltastar, but they should be so lucky.]
5) If any information is missing she has to get back to the friend to ask for more information, friend has to stay awake, read email and go back to JPO’s wall, take more snapshots and mail them.
[Daphne – Hardly, given that Jeffrey does go to bed at some point, and usually before I do thanks to the mukks of Earl Grey and the fact that he has to be up at dawn to pull teeth and inject Botox. Think harder.]
WOW that is a lot to digest at 1am in the morning. Get a Facebook account.
[Daphne – Well, you are obviously going to want me to get a Facebook account for your purposes. Again, you should be so lucky.]
Even the Budget is on Facebook now and they’re even splashing public funds (from my taxes too) to promote it on radios(sic).
[Daphne – Non sequitur.]
reuters, you must have forgotten that according to some Daphne is a witch who can call on her supernatural powers to keep up to date.
@Reuters. Say I was one of those that incessantly wanted to inform Daphne about JPO’s comings and goings – here’s how easy it’d be thanks to Facebook.
Facebook has a feature that gives people notifications whenever someone they are subscribed to completely posts something.
I press that notification, highlight what I want to send her, right click it, press send email, type the first few letters of her email address (since if I fed her info often, she’d be in contacts) and press send. A minute’s work.
While I don’t personally feed such information (mostly because Jeffrey’s wall makes my eyes bleed), it’s not as elaborate and convoluted as you hope it is.
Someone awake at 1am.
I always thought it was the pathetic, sad git with no real friends who stood alone.
You won’t believe it, but now he’s followed Roza Zammit Salinos’s Facebook advice and got himself a kitten to stroke while he’s drinking he’s ‘Earl Grey’.
Actually, he wrote: “Kim followed me for about a mile when I was returning home from a walk last Sunday. Couldn’t turn her away, could I ? Our dog, Juno, has found a new BFF :)”
[Daphne – As somebody who has kept dogs for two decades, I can say that Jeffrey’s must be the first dog to react to a kitten in any other way than with the instinct to snap it dead in its jaws.]
“Let us all bury our differences and be BFFs.”
– Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, at the Congress of Vienna
[Daphne – U mala. U only live 1s:)))))]
He is a rebel without a cause.
I am no computer wizard but I have been using correct Maltese fonts without any alterations to my computer since inception.
All one has to do is to go to tool, press symbol, choose Latin extended and there you have all the Maltese fonts without having to procure one for yourself.
If the people working at the Public Registry cannot do this, then they are living on taxpayers’ money for nothing.
They simply do not deserve the job and there are quite a number like them employed with the civil service.
And by the way I am an old man who experieced the days of pre-TV.
“The strongest man is the man who stands alone.”
Maybe he has BO.
Inspiration for Nakita Zammit of FZL:
Nakita Alamango please.
Zammit is too common a surname for someone of her stature.
Ewreka! Now I know what his picture reminds me of. Scarlett OHara viewing her land after the war in Gone With The Wind.
Mistra Revisited.
Blackberries ? Get a real smartphone already. Crackberry ? I’d say OCD.
[Daphne – I don’t use one. I don’t need to, and they are unsuitable for my line of work.]
There are Maltese (as opposed to Italian/Sicilian) names, such as:
Peppi (Giuseppe)
Guze’ / Guzu (it’s not a ts or ds) (Giuseppe)
Zeppi (it’s not a ts or ds) (Giuseppe)
Bastjan (Sebastiano)
Nerik (Enrico)
Lippu (Filippo)
Pinu (Filippo)
Zaru (again neither ts nor ds) (Rosario)
Zaren (again neither ts nor ds) (Nazzareno)
Kieli (Michele)
Gamri (Giammaria)
Frans (Francesco)
Cikku (Francesco)
Saver (Saverio)
Ninu, Toni, Toninu (Antonio)
Nenu (Carmelo / Carmine)
Karmenu (Carmelo / Carmine)
Kaneni (Carmelo / Carmine)
Duvik (Ludovico)
Santu (Santino?)
Tuse’ (Tuttisanti)
Wistin (Agostino)
Wigi (Luigi)
Mundu (Raimondo)
Stiefnu (Stefano)
Xandru (Alessandro)
Leli (Emmanuele)
Manwel(i) (Emmanuele)
Gampatist (Giovann Battista)
Patist (Battista)
Kola (Nicola)
Wenzu (Lorenzo)
Gulin (Angelino)
Gomu (?)
Iermu (Elmo)
Zanzu (THIS is ts / ds) (Costanzo)
Lonzu (THIS is ts / ds) (Annunziato) …
Minka (Domenica)
Zeza (again neither ts nor ds) (Teresa)
Sina (Teresina?)
Warda (Gisualda/Gesuarda)
Lola (Emmanuela?)
Mari’ (Maria)
Giga (Luigia)
Cetta (Concetta)
Marinton (Mariantonia)
Melin (Carmel-ina)
Lippa (Filippa)
Pina (Filippa)
Dolor (Dolores) …
I have left out Bertu, Fredu, Gejtu, Pawlu, Gorg, Marju, Nardu, Dwardu, Karlu and other names which are clearly Sicilian.
Note that the many Italian-sounding like names are Maltesisms. For instance, Cikku for Ciccio. Also, Nerik (for Enrico) which is the typical Maltese transformation of loan words to fit the native consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant model.
Also note that we don’t have Pippo, for instance, but Lippu, for Philip – and Lippo / Lippu does not exist in Sicily / Italy.
Most importantly, Ganluwigi does not figure among any of the known Maltese first names. Ganluwigi is just an affectation.
Lola is short for Dolores.
Lela is short for Emanuela
Er, at the risk of having Rikotta Mk III (or is it IV?), are there any REAL Maltese names, beyond Maimuna and Hasan and all the rest of our magnificent Arabo-Muslim heritage?
@ La Redoute.
A propos of Umberto Eco’s Il Cimitero di Praga, on page 12 of the Italian edition (2010) published by Bompiani one can find a whole list of national characterisations, vanitoso come un spagnolo, cupido come un levantino, imperioso come un prussiano, sporco come un inglese, insolente come un zingaro, igniorante come un croato… and then, ingrato come un maltese.
Have you proceeded with criminal and civil procedures with regards to the posting of slanderous material on JPO’s Facebook page?
[Daphne – Criminal. The police have two requests before them in his regard: from me and from my son. They were filed last Monday. The prime minister’s chief of staff was also formally informed that day that these requests have been made to the police for action against the Chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology, who reports directly to the prime minister.]
Funny that I did not see anything on Jeffrey’s Facebook wall about the two requests for criminal proceedings against him. For him it is more important to tell the world that he is having a mug of tea after extracting some teeth and attending a meeting.
I love it so much you call him “the Tooth Fairy”. It is hilarious.
On another note, I think this quotation is utter balderdash. I think a man who stands alone is pretty lonely and ends up doing crazy and attention-seeking things.
A woman who stands alone is fairly safer but still she may fall prey to attention-seeking shenanigans.
Still, there is nothing better (in my humble view) than to be surrounded by people you love and who love you and with whom you can face all the adversities of life and enjoy all the good things that life can offer you.
Maybe he was trying to hint to the whole of cyberspace that , as far as he is concerned, for him it is now ” meglio soli che mal accompagnati”?