Voodoo dolls, anyone?
Have people lost all sense of basic decency and good manners? Look at some of the comments posted beneath the timesofmalta.com report about Austin Gatt being hospitalised with “severe abdominal pain”.
Mark Scicluna
Must ‘ve been Joseph Muscat’s speech. Anyway, the longer he stays in there, the quicker this country solves its deficit problem.
Fortunately, this man appears to stand alone in his nastiness. Most of the other comments by Gatt’s political opponents follow the theme ‘I do not agree with him but I wish him a speedy recovery’ or ‘Politics aside, I hope he recovers soon.’
Even so, though – this is a very odd way of putting one’s good wishes.
Politics aside, I wish him well? I do not agree with him but still hope he recovers?
I mean, should it be spelled out that you’re not the sort of person who wishes he would suffer an agonising illness and not recover from it, just because you don’t agree with him politically or like what he has done?
I was relieved to see a comment by a well-known opponent of this government and committed Laburist – not just because he did the right thing in saying this, but also because when I tell people (or write) that Austin Gatt is very decent and actually extremely courteous and civilised, despite the bad rap (a situation I understand perfectly because I have a similar problem), they just don’t believe me.
Maybe they’ll believe Albert Fenech:
Today, 12:00
Over and above all the political differences of opinion, I sincerely wish Dr Gatt a speedy recovery and that all will be well. I have to be truthful and record that on an occasion when I needed some help, Dr Gatt (as a Minister) immediately granted me an appointment and was extremely courteous and very helpful in his advice. So – differences apart, get well soon.
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Please check out Malta Today online editor Matthew Vella’s status on Facebook: “Wishing the abdominal pain a speedy recovery.” He thinks he’s being witty. Tal-biki.
Maybe he thinks he’s 16 and that MaltaToday is the voice of revolution.
Tasteless git.
I wanted to see whether you would comment on those comments (as it were). I was appalled to read some of them. I’m even surprised to read that people actually write, “all politics aside”. What does that mean? That if they remember that Dr. Gatt (or whoever) is a politican, then they withdraw their well-wishing?
So much for “Catholic Malta”.
I always hope that where health issues are concerned, we do not see a politican but a human being, irrespective of his/her ideals and allegiances.
That timesofmalta.com has gone to the dogs and almost reached the same low level as Malta Today everybody knows. But allowing that comment from Mark Scicluna is hitting rock bottom
Seriously now? “Have people lost all sense of basic decency and good manners?” … Where were your manners when you wrote that piece about Mintoff when he was in hospital? Such double standards my darling.
[Daphne – Well, I wouldn’t feel sorry fot Hitler or Pol Pot either, if that helps.]
They think they are being ‘progressive’ by displaying compassion, in spite of their political differences.
Yet at the same time they highlight those very differences in a highly inappropriate context. Not progressive at all.
Taf x`naf inghid, illi hu kien kapaci inehhi l-arroganza tax-xufiera ta’ xarabanks, ta’ taxis, u hafna ohrajn.
Jien ma naqbilx mieghu li ser jitlaq elezzjoni ohra ghax bniedem tajjeb bhala ministru u xogholu jaghmlu allavolja ta’ transport pubbliku ma tantx bdiet tajba imma ghallinqas hlisna minn dak il-marmallja ta’ xuffiera li kellna.
Nawgurawlek fejqan ta’ malajr Austin u ritorn fil-ministeru tieghek malajr.
Unbelievable – the majority of comments on this story are from people cracking sick jokes.
The victim here had his neck slashed from one side to the other, apart from other injuries, and was in danger of dying. Imagine his family reading their sad attempts at ‘humour’.
It is called black humour.
I know that…so what’s your point?
Allow me to remind you that in the same manner, you, Daphne, stooped even lower when you wished for another political figure to “drop dead”.
Sweet Irony or Pathetic Hypocrisy?
I found this interesting tidbit:
specifically this little gem:
‘Furthermore, the domestic courts had not given any weight to the fact that Sir Boffa had been a prime minister and, therefore, a public figure who had to tolerate broader limits of acceptable criticism. Neither had the courts considered that the article was devoted to a subject of some public interest.’
I firmly believe that it is essential to subjugate instincts, passions and any reactive indignant feelings to the supremacy of the will – the control centre of personality.
I also am convinved that we must learn to distinguish between the sinners and their sins.
We have a right, indeed we are duty bound to look upon all sin with abhorance: but we are also duty bound to love the perpetrators of evil. The same two principles apply to minor peccadillos and to many minor daily failings of our fellow humans.
Not sure that I agree with you. I don’t think I would wish Dom Mintoff or Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici a speedy recovery if they got sick.
I don’t either, IRASB, but I wouldn’t post sick comments either.
Dear Daphne, you are so truthful as always.
In fact when I saw some of that rubbish posted I preferred to stay away from passing by best wishes.
Will you kindly allow me space to be short and to the point that I wish Dr. Gatt a sincere speedy recovery.
All my family wish him a quick recovery. Always in our prayers, Austin. .You are a great man who did a great deal for this country .