Another round-robin from the Coconut in a suit that’s too big for him

Published: December 1, 2011 at 12:21am

Get yourself a good tailor, KERRRRT

Kurt Farrugia emailed this out to half of Malta last week, and it’s been queued up for upload here. Incidentally, I don’t think I told you at the time but a couple of weeks ago I won a thousand euros off him in a libel suit.

He hasn’t paid yet. I hope I’m not going to have to resort to a warrant of seizure as I had to do the last time I won Lm1,200 off them. My lawyer phoned: “They’ve got nothing in the banks.” Then he phoned again: “We seem to have found Lm600 in one account.” So I got a cheque for Lm600 from the Labour Party, signed by Jason Micallef, and another cheque for Lm600 from Joseph Muscat’s personal account.

Looking back, I wish I’d scanned them and framed them.

But onto the Coconut:


On Monday, Joseph Muscat outlined his vision for a better Malta. His message of hope is the key to unlock our future as the PN government is increasingly paralysed by a fear of real leadership.

Only a vision built on confidence in the Maltese people can defeat this fear.

Our nation has always succeeded in the past because we never feared the future.

Our goal to be the best in Europe calls for us to compare ourselves with the achievers not the failures of Europe. However we need to be sensible in our decisions.

In a time when we expect honest and prudent decisions, Prime Minister Gonzi has turned to Joseph Muscat for solutions to rescue Maltese families.

Joseph Muscat answered Gonzi’s 10 questions with 51 solutions.

51 solutions built upon one vision: economic growth, confidence, sensible judgement and stability.

A government led by Joseph Muscat pledges to reverse the Eur500 weekly increase taken by Gonzi and his cabinet and will instead appoint an independent commission to determine salaries to political appointees.

A government led by Joseph Muscat pledges to reduce energy bills in a realistic and sustainable way whilst investing in greener technologies.

A government led by Joseph Muscat pledges to reduce bureaucracy and let businesses and self-employed thrive unhindered by the state.

With a clear pledge on maternity leave, a government led by Joseph Muscat will extend maternity leave by 4 weeks and improve paternity leave.

These are just a few proposals that Joseph Muscat is putting forward as part of his vision for Malta.

Click here to view the full list of 51 pledges and proposals from Joseph Muscat.

Kurt Farrugia
Director of Communications
Partit Laburista

16 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    You can use the money you got off them to buy a ticket from Hamilton Travel to travel to the US to watch the Calleja Concert next January – flogged on ONE TV right now.

  2. BC says:

    Ara Daphne Caruana Galizia kemm tiddejaq turi l passat ta meta kienet waddbitlu l-platti lir-ragel, pero niehu gost narak li min 10 posts li nhallilek tippostja dawk biss li joghgbu lilek….itinni certu sens ta sodisfazzjon

    • Dee says:

      Qatt garaw xi borma soppa tal-armla tghali fid-direzzjoni generali tieghek hi? Tinhass imsawwat gmielek int.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      BC, if you are feeling lonely and would like somebody to converse with, why not have a word with Silvio Parnis?

    • el bandido guapo says:

      Typical pea-brained mentality. No wonder you vote Labour. It’s only the “little people” who vote Labour, because anyone with half an ounce of reasoning skills and reasonableness could not possibly ever – sadly, because a weak Opposition is the country’s loss (not that you will believe my sentiments or understand this latter, but who cares, I don’t).

      You are in over your head here, no doubt you’ll shortly be back to your usual haunts populated by similar chicken-brains discussing “is-sahhara tal-Bidnija” and “gonzipn” and absolutely nothing of substance at all, understandably of course because anything of the sort would be way over your capabilities to understand.

      The PL keeps you happy with talk of “il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma” and nothing else, guess those are simple enough to understand, what with all the detail on the second page.

      That’s fine, at least you are happy today, wonder how happy you will be when, if the PL comes to power, the bills are reduced “responsibly and sustainably” (JM’s words) – translate into “just a token amount” – but of course that will be acceptable to you just as Alfred Sant’s massive hiking of rates when the price of oil was at it’s cheapest, no doubt was.

      Chicken brain.

    • Your Maltese does not seem much better than your English.

      Please do yourself and the rest of us a big favour – bugger off.

      Do you have any manners, you moron? Do you realise that this website is the PRIVATE property of Ms.Caruana Galizia? Do you normally throw up on people’s tables when they invite you for dinner/lunch? Is this so complicated to comprehend?

  3. Dee says:

    PS, It is not a concert ,but the participation of Joseph Callejja in Gounod’s “Faust” at the Metropolitan of New York.

    Kemm saru klassi dawn tal Lejber.

  4. SC says:

    It makes me think of two love struck teenagers sat on a beach together. Joseph sits with his arm around the Maltese electorate, telling them about the future and how great everything is going to be with him around. He has no real plan on how he will ever do the things they talk about but pins his hope on ‘scoring’ before she realises.

    • Dee says:

      It’s like with TX this evening and their shameless peddling of the Castle in Spain referred to as “il-progett ta Johnnie Dalli.” by Anglu Farrugia.

  5. ciccio2011 says:

    Joseph’s solutions are totally out of point considering the questions asked by Gonzi. Besides, it is quality, not quantity, that matters.
    Joseph, we are still waiting for 10 clear, concise answers.

  6. Joe Micallef says:

    When the moron sends his idiotic emails he pledges not to send any again if one unsubscribes. I have done that for a great number of times but without fail the pledge is broken the next time he dreams of some other mailshot.

    Now don’t many of the “proposals” talk about pledges!

    • Dee says:

      Dumbo! When you bother to unsusbscribe, they will know immediately that the email address is question is still in use, and will carry on sending you even more junk mail then before.

  7. Gatt says:

    The Maltese version is by far more entertaining, especially the first couple of sentences which seem to have been inspired by a distasteful cocktail of Che Guevara and Dun Karm:

    ”Gonzi jasal sal-mistoqsijiet, Joseph Muscat jagħtik is-soluzzjonijiet

    Nhar it-Tnejn li għadda, Joseph Muscat ippreżenta l-viżjoni tiegħu biex inti jkollok ħajja aħjar. Viżjoni mibnija fuq it-tama, l-arma li l-moviment se juża biex ibiddel id-direzzjoni ta’ dan il-pajjiż. L-arma li l-moviment se juża biex jegħleb il-biża’.

    Għaliex il-Maltin u l-Għawdxin qatt ma beżgħu mill-futur. Irnexxejna għax qatt ma bżajna.

    Aħna nqabblu lilna nfusna mal-achievers, għax irridu nsiru l-aqwa. Imma biex insiru l-aqwa, irid ikollna l-għaqal. L-għaqal li jġib l-istabbilita’.

    Fiż-żmien meta għandna bżonn l-istabbilita’, u fiż-żmien meta l-Prim Ministru spiċċa jistaqsi l-mistqosijiet, il-familji Maltin u Għawdxin għandhom is-soluzzjonijiet ta’ Joseph Muscat.

    Lil min staqsiena 10 mistoqsijiet, tajnieh 51 tweġiba.

    51 soluzzjoni miġbura fuq ħsieb wieħed: tkabbir ekonomiku, fiduċja, għaqal u stabbilita’.

    Gvern immexxi minn Joseph Muscat ineħħi ż-żieda ta’ €500 fil-ġimgħa u jwaqqaf kummissjoni biex tiddetermina hi l-paga tal-politiċi.

    Gvern immexxi minn Joseph Muscat iraħħas il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma b’mod realistiku u sostenibbli, filwaqt li jinvesti f’teknoloġiji li jħammġu inqas.

    Lill-businesses u s-Self Employed, Joseph Muscat iħallihom jaħdmu f’inqas burokrazija.

    Dwar il-maternity leave, il-pożizzjoni ta’ Joseph Muscat hija ċara: din tiżdied b’erba’ ġimgħat, filwaqt li jittejjeb il-paternity leave.

    Dawn huma ftit mit-tweġibiet li qed jagħti Joseph Muscat, għall-mistoqsijiet tal-Prim Ministru.

    Aqra l-proposti kollha billi tagħfas hawn.

    Kurt Farrugia
    Direttur tal-Komunikazzjoni
    Partit Laburista

  8. Jozef says:

    This is what’s wrong with Labour, you can’t even give them a run for their money.

  9. celine says:

    Wow… 51 solutions? I’m impressed.

    But but but… the eternal question is HOW? not what… HOW?

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