Ara x’cake bellezza! Helen ghalqet 50, tenks God.

Published: December 3, 2011 at 5:26pm

I certainly needed a good laugh this afternoon, and I got it thanks to this photograph, courtesy of the Anti-Gonzi Facebook group.

What sort of woman puts the arma tal-partit and a ritratt mal-mexxej on her 50th birthday cake, like a 13-year-old girl who wants Justin Bieber on hers?

You might remember Helen Cutajar, but if not, I’ll jog your memory.

Last year, when I wrote in response to all the fuss about Mintoff going and coming from hospital that he couldn’t die a moment too soon and I hope he rots in hell, this site was swamped by murderous comments from crazy illiterate people, including Helen Cutajar’s son, who had spent some time in prison.

When I highlighted her son’s I’ll-kill-you-and-cut-your-head-off comment and uploaded his photograph and identity, Miss Helen went nuts, more so because she was mad at me already, her Facebook frands having told her that I’d written bad things about Mintoff.

And so she had the following hilarious (and tragic, because she’s going to help choose the next government) exchange on her Facebook wall, seeking help with uploading a comment on ‘ta times’ because she thinks that’s where I work and she hasn’t a clue about this site (imbasta taf li jien sahhara, Alla jbierek, meta qatt ma qrat xi haga li ktibt).

Helen Cutajar
meta jghidulek biex tnizzel il website xi trid tnizzel pls forsi nidhol naaqra go ta times ax ma niflahx ma nghidila xejn lis sahhara

Lorraine Mangion likes this.

Gladys Caruana
Mela x’qalet tal bidnija?? Inti tnizzel il website jew tikumenetala trid??

Lorraine Mangion
haha kemm tamellllllllllllll lol

Yvette Camilleri
Din hija is site tat-times Helen

Helen Cutajar
iva imma biex namel comment qed jghidli amel email ok semm umbad il website dik ma nafx xini

Yvette Camilleri
Sa fejn naf jien kif tikteb il comment tghfas Submit

Gladys Caruana
Manafx ghallima qed tghid ta ghax jien kemm il darba hallejt comments jekk mhux xi procedura gdida

Helen Cutajar
le ta trid tamel l email isem umbad qed jghidli website haqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq irrid nghidila xi haga

Yvette Camilleri
Sa fejn naf jien dawn jitolbok
Please enter your name
Please enter your email
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Please enter your home town

Carmen Vella
idhol fuq daphne caruana

Gladys Caruana
‎@Veru Yvette issoltu ghallinqas dawk jitolbuk u ha nidhol ha nara x’kitbet li ma nghidila xejn

Charmaine Schiavone

Gladys Caruana
Mela gdida din Charmaine??

Charmaine Schiavone
al tat times qed najd jien l ewwel trid tkun membru kif qed tajdu intom tikteb id detalji eccetra imat tkun tista taddi l comments li trid

Charmaine Schiavone
ma nafx liema estremita waslu biex jejdu li jixtiequh li miet illum mamma mia x biza ta hdura awn go dal pajjiz :(

Yvette Camilleri
jien ghadni kemm hallejt comment bla problemi ta xejn ma talabnix website

Gladys Caruana
Tistaw plssssssss tghiduli x’jismu it title li nkiteb ghax ma nistax insibu

26 Comments Comment

  1. San Ditu says:

    Milli jidher hawn fuq, mhux ta’ b’xejn il-comments board tat-Times marret ghall-ghajna.

  2. La Redoute says:

    Charmaine Schiavone…isn’t she the woman who’d asked on Facebook whether Robert Musumeci’s any good in bed?

    What does this sort of person do for a living?

  3. Charles says:

    “Manafx ghallima qed tghid ta ghax jien kemm il darba hallejt comments jekk mhux xi procedura gdida”

    Procedura – Tisthajjilhom ha jtellghu xi satellita fil-qamar dan l-ghageb kollu biex thalli kumment.

    • geek says:

      Ghandek zball ta. Apparentament ghandhom TAKS ohra, u kbira – dik li jnizzlu l-website shih.

      “meta jghidulek biex tnizzel il website xi trid tnizzel pls”…

      • Not Tonight says:

        Ikolli nghid li qed jirnexxilhom. Ghax il-website nizluha f’livell tar-redikolu. U l-gurnalisti m’humiex jghamlulhom ghib l-anqas. Il-medjokrità saret il-moda tal-gurnata.

    • Debbie says:

      You must be joking right??? That is NOT Helen Cutajar’s son!!! Get your facts right!!! She has two LOVELY kids and they are Cutajars too. Ma nafx minn fejn tivvintahom Daphne int. You better make a thorough research before spitting out comments and stating things that are not true. Once again, get your facts right Caruana Galizia!

  4. lolz says:

    It’s scary knowing that people like this exist.

    • Anthony Briffa says:

      It is scary because such people have a vote and they will help dear Joseph become prime minister in less than two years’ time, assisted by those PN votes who say that they will not vote because they want to deal a lesson to Dr. Gonzi and the PN.

  5. ciccio2011 says:

    They can’t even communicate one simple thought between them in Maltese. How are they going to understand Joseph’s 51 proposals?

  6. Jozef says:

    A take on the old joke about changing a lightbulb:

    How many Labour women does it take to submit an internet comment?

  7. Grezz says:

    I think I remember her – She must be the one whose grandchildren were called something like Denzil and Shenzil.

  8. ray says:

    How can people below a certain IQ allowed to vote? Democracy at its worst.

    • R Camilleri says:

      Be careful, ray. That is a quite dangerous ground to tread on.

      • Jozef says:

        Why? I think ray has a point. I’m sick of these people deciding my future according to their baseless irrationality.

        Democracy is not a faith based system and yet here they are, happily complying to the myth of Labour and its dogmas. Joseph has simply uncovered its extent by resorting to laziness in thought and spirit reflecting the national malaise, an utter lack of rigour.

        Such provocation should at least send them running to their keyboards, hopefully with a valid answer. If rights are, as they say, irreversably achieved, they should also be upheld.

      • Ghoxrin punt says:

        Not really, I think Ray and Jozef are quite right. People with insufficient IQ, should not be allowed to vote.

        It has nothing to do with democracy but everything to do with common sense.

        If you don’t understand the issues then how can you determine the common good?

        [Daphne – Well, I don’t know about that. Alfred Sant has a high IQ, doesn’t he. And I’m quite sure plenty of people with a low IQ voted for EU membership because they worked out that it would be better for Malta, while he couldn’t understand that.]

  9. M. Bormann says:

    I am genuinely frightended and concerned that such a substantial number of people of this level of intelligence live in Malta.

  10. silvio farrugia says:

    This kind of person used to run the country and hence our lives.

    Even the ministers’ drivers had more power than the minister himself.

  11. Charly says:

    I too had a treat laugh with this. Many thanks :-)

  12. Lupin says:

    Please tell me that this conversation didn’t occur in 2010.

    [Daphne – Yes, September last year as I recall.]

  13. Jozef says:

    Proposal no.101

    Voting in general elections shall be restricted to submitting preferences via internet.

    • Kevin says:

      Voting should be restricted to those who are able to vote as well.

      I remember during last election in Valletta, priests bringing people in wheelchairs and even stretchers, asking (if that’s the right word to use) the commissioners to vote PN for these people.

      [Daphne – You were privy to the exchange, were you? Or have you just assumed that priests favour the Nationalist Party? I can think of many priests who don’t.]

      Some of them couldn’t even indicate their preference. Unless the voter can indicate the preference himself, he’s not eligible o vote, but since they voted PN it was all OK.

      And no I didn’t hear this, I saw it with own eyes.

      [Daphne – Really? How? More to the point, you forget that most of us on this website vote in Malta, and know that it is impossible for 1. somebody to hang about watching other people vote, and 2. accompanying persons to give electoral commissioners instructions on how to make the ballot sheet for others, unless those others are blind.]

  14. sahhara says:

    ohh yes daphne you did it agian,btw daphne that is not helen son my know what i wish for christmas luv…all i want for christmas is to meet you..that will be the day…hahahaha

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