Dafni u r a wicc
Yes, I know this website is loading r-e-a-l-l-y slowly this evening. That’s because it’s been hit by a sudden surge of traffic.
I didn’t think it could possibly be the woolly mammoth, attractive and cuddly though it is. Then I found a total deluge of dafnie u r a wicc!!!! how com u tink u r so smart comments???? awaiting upload under the Glanville Goodlip post, and realised it was going viral.
So I checked it out: 142 Facebook recommendations so far, which means a lot of people coming in who usually don’t.
I’ve just checked the stats and Mr Goodlip is really hot right now, even though he’s no longer on the home page
Two days down the line, the alves and their friends have discovered the Glanville Goodlip post, and are popping in to tell me that i need 2 gat a lajf!!!!???
The comments are quite funny. Type Glanville Goodlip into the search box up top and take a look. You might have to wait some seconds while it loads.
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Tghid hemm xi parrrrty tal-elves ghand Nakita, b’xi dipp jew tnejn jew hamsa?
Who’s dipping what?
He plays for Pieta’ Hotspurs http://www.wsoccer.com/people/glanville-goodlip/
Not very hot, though, is he?
My anti-virus program has blocked a virus when logging on the Pieta Hotspurs site. Take care…..
Why am I not surprised?
No, he’s not.
Possibbli kienu daqshekk iddisprati il-Hotspurs? Ara veru meta tkun iddisprat, tigbor iz-zibel kollu.
LLB students
[Daphne – They look like nerdy kids on a rare break-out to me. The neat T-shirts and jeans are a dead giveway. But then I have been around a long time, and the nerdy kids on rare break-outs in my generatioin were no different. It’s just that their jeans were Spider and theri shoes Sanga, that’s all.]
And a sore thumb in a beige coat, just loving the attention, no matter where it comes from.
A prick, you mean.
How funny. He floors a man old enough to be his grandad and all his buddies get pissed off that people are talking about him and thinking that he seems a bit of a jackass.
Or should we say that he was floored by one of the Mussolini type lecturers.
There are two sides of a coin.
Or should we say that he was floored by a Mussolini type lecturer.
There are two sides of a coin.
Actually, the account I read said he was floored by a group of 30/40 graduates who surrounded him and poured beer all over him as he lay injured on the ground.
I wonder how they would have behaved had they been the ones to capture Gaddafi.
Whilst on the subject of student ‘celebrating’ – it would be a good idea if they could include donating blood as part of their celebrations. It may be that they already do so but it has not be publicised. It is a way of giving something in return to what they have been given by the taxpayers.
What about alcohol content in the blood donation ?
Without entering into the merits and demerits of this incident I must say that in my many contacts with a lot of academics over the years quite a few of them turn out to have been real nerds in their youth, some of them still are.
These celebrations have been going on for years, admittedly some do go over the top.
However I find that criticising these young graduates for their boisterous way of celebrating is unjustified.
I remember, years back, when students during their graduation cermony at Ta’Giesu church released a couple of doves in the church they were branded as hooligans and the devil himself and accused of having desecracted the church by their act.
I don’t quite get the ‘Wicc’ insult. Is being called a Wicc such a bad thing? If I wanted to insult you I’d try something different. Having said that after reading this blog for a few years (has it been that long?), I realise it’d probably be water off a duck’s back, and wouldn’t bother.
Yes, years back, students and the Church authorities were different. Of course they celebrated too and with good reason. Besides, as far as I can remember they paid for their studies too so I guess it was a double celebration. Now the majority of them just take things for granted. There are of course students who enjoy good clean fun without in any way annoying other people.
U inti ssibomna wkoll! Goodlip, il-Farfar u sejrin.
Awwwww Goodlip, ghax ma tghidx grazzi lil Gonzi.