“EdwARRRd dejjem wara l-purtiera” – Karmenu Vella

Published: December 13, 2011 at 4:55pm

When I wrote, a few posts back, that Edward Scicluna’s sense of judgement, intelligence and credibility have to be put into the context of his having voted to make Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici prime minister in 1992, there were some who said that it wasn’t possible he had done so.

Their memories are short.

And so, here it is from pretty much the horse’s mouth: Karmenu Vella endorsing Edward Scicluna as an EP candidate by saying how much he used to depend on him back in those horrible, horrible days when Vella was Mintoff’s and KMB’s minister of industry and used to run to EdwAHRRRRRd for advice.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Does that make him a closet capitalist?

  2. Jelly Bean says:

    Much of the audience look like they know what digesting is. The cutting and pasting-I’m not so sure. They might think it’s about making hobz bil-kunserva.

  3. .Angus Black says:

    Karmenu said that they will win with ‘Kwalita’, not ‘Kwantita’.

    Where is Labour’s ‘quality stuff’?

    U issa, dak ta wara l-purtieri – Scicluna. U halluna!

  4. K Farrugia says:

    How much did those women understand about the comparison between quality and quantity?

  5. L-ekonomista says:

    Here is an example of Edward behind the curtain, ready to help when one of the key actors makes a false move. We haven’t heard from him about the living wage since. Did he bury his head in the sand?


  6. ud says:

    U l-marmalja iccapcap.

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