God give me patience: just look at the way this story was reported on the PN site MaltaRightNow
This story beneath is as surreal, weird and detached from reality as when newspapers report that ‘lawyer Toni Abela was defence counsel to Malta Today editor Saviour Balzan’.
Or when they report that somebody involved in a shoot-out with the police was defended by ‘lawyer Anglu Farrugia’.
Excuse me while I raise my voice.
The problem is that the Nationalist Party’s news site probably feels itself hamstrung by the fact that here we have Karmenu Vella speaking on behalf of a company which is partly owned by Sam Mifsud, the man appointed by the government to head the Malta Tourism Authority and who was staunchly defended by the party when he came under attack.
This, of course, is exactly why people like that Sam Mifsud behave as they do and make and take the appointments they do: to ‘buy’ political protection from both sides.
And when the political parties – both of them – cave in, the result is a weakening of democracy in its truest sense.
We are also faced with the absurd situation in which Karmenu Vella The Shadow Finance Minister takes to the podium at the Labour general conference and mocks and laughs at the government’s performance.
Then Karmenu Vella The Orange Travel Group Chairman addresses the press and says that the government’s performance in the cruise liner sector has been amazing.
And the Nationalist Party media report it just like that, separately, instead of writing a story which begins:
“Shadow Finance Minister Karmenu Vella, in his role as chairman of the Orange Travel Group, a private company involved in the cruise liner business, told a small audience of XXXX yesterday that government policy in the cruise liner sector has led to impressive results for XXXXX. This is in contradiction to statements he made earlier in the year at the Labour Party’s annual general conference, when he said XYZ.”
I can’t believe these things have to be explained. This is the only way the story should have been written even by the independent newspapers, because THAT is the news angle – let alone by the media of the party in government.
Heads need to be knocked together. Here, you don’t only have the eyebrow-raising situation of a shadow minister of finance masquerading as the chairman of a cruise and travel company, a questionable appointment at best.
You also have his split-personality, two-hats statements. As shadow finance minister, he runs down everything this government has done. But as chairman of the Orange Travel Group, he’s full of fulsome praise for everything that’s been done in the cruise liner sector.
And this extraordinary news report on the PN news site doesn’t even mention that the Karmenu Vella in question is the selfsame shadow minister of finance, who is writing Labour’s programme for government.
Why not? Because the Nationalist Party really wants to further the strange Maltese idea that we can be different people at the same time?
This country, honestly. Sometimes I just despair.
L-industrija tal-cruise liners miexja ‘l quddiem u qed tagħti benefiċċji kbar lill-ekonomija Maltija
– Karmenu Vella, Chairman ta’ Orange Travel Group
11 ta’ Novembru, 2011 14:17 CET
Pajjiżna qed jikseb riżultati mill-aktar pożittivi fl-industrija tal-cruise liners u hu importanti li kulħadd jibqa’ jagħti s-sehem sħiħ tiegħu biex din l-istorja ta’ suċċess tissokta u tkompli tkun ta’ benefiċċju kbir għall-ekonomija ta’ pajjiżna.
Dan qalu Karmenu Vella, iċ-Chairman ta’ Orange Travel Group li tinkorpora fiha SMS Travel u Mondial Travel, waqt l-inawgurazzjoni tar-raba’ edizzjoni tal-fiera tal-cruise liners li qed issir matul dan tmiem il-ġimgħa fil-Magazino Sea Passenger Terminal fil-Valletta Waterfront.
Hu qal li matul dawn l-aħħar snin kiber ħafna l-interess tal-Maltin u l-Għawdxin fl-industrija tal-cruise liners. Iċ-ċifri dejjem jiżdiedu tal-Maltin li jieħdu vaganza abbord cruise liners kulma jmur qed ikomplu jiżdiedu minn sena għal oħra. Dan hu xhieda ta’ kemm din l-industrija f’pajjiżna qed tikseb suċċess kbir.
Karmenu Vella qal li matul is-snin pajjiżna kompla jinvesti fl-infrastruttura meħtieġa għal din l-industrija u dan ta riżultati inkoraġġanti, anki mill-aspett li issa qed jidħlu f’Malta cruise liners kbar. Ġieli f’jum wieħed ikun hawn irmiġġati aktar minn cruise liner wieħed għax l-infrastruttura tista’ takkomoda fl-istess waqt numru ta’ cruise liners.
Hu qal li Orange Travel Group qed tkompli tagħmel dak kollu li tista’ biex toffri l-aqwa u l-aħjar prodotti u servizzi lill-Maltin u l-Għawdxin. Il-kunċett tal-all inclusive li qed joffri l-cruise liner Mein Schiff niżel tajjeb ferm mal-Maltin tant li fl-ewwel staġun tiegħu li uża lil Malta bħala home port, kiseb suċċess kbir. U dan is-suċċess jidher li se jirrepeti ruħu fl-istaġun tas-sena d-dieħla tant li diġà bdew deħlin ħafna bookings.
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F…..cking unbelievable.
Biskuttini f’halq il-hmir.
Could it be that the author of the article is actually unaware that it is the same Karmenu Vella (and the editor was asleep)?
It had better be that.
Maybe they are aware that they have a few in the fold who practise the Two (Multi?) Hats Syndrome, and so can’t write about the matter because they lack Labour’s bare-faced cheek.
Another conflict is being appointed consultant for the GWU, then competing with its Untours.
What next? An electronics store? Toni Abela should consult Karmenu for the supermarket, he’ll get it off the ground.
If he’s so pleased with the increase in cruise liner passenger numbers, he should also approve of the lift, Valletta’s entrance, the breakwater bridge and anything related to the product offered to these visitors.
At least he might bother to tell us why he doesn’t.
Min qallek li tal-Maltarightnow jafu min hu Karmenu Vella? Tiehu xejn for granted.
Hekk qed nifhem sew semmewha Orange Travel ghall-Orange Revolution li saret fit-Tunezija?
Jista’ jkun li qabel kienu ippruvaw imma xi hadd mill-familjari ta’ Ben Ali ried xi sehem.
Karmenu f’kelma wahda ried jigbed lejn xawwatu meta qal lil Joseph biex nahtfu l-opportunita ha nattiraw t-turisti li kienu jmorru Tunez.
You are right Daphne. The above mentioned story which also appeared on the PN newspaper In-Nazzjon is similar to other stories carried on In-Nazzjon which highlight the activities of the GWU when the union’s newspaper L-Orizzont is full of anti PN propoganda.
The problem with the PN media is that sometimes they need to be spoon fed to realise what exactly is being said.
They do not have the investigative mind one would expect. I bet that following this revelation, this story will make the headlines in the coming days, qishom skoprewha huma.
What’s new…. The PN had appointed Sam as MTA chairman (a puppet in the hands of 5 major hoteliers) when as owner of a travel company he had a major conflict of interest.
Whiie he was chairman, tthe MTA financially supported with thousands of euros incentive events and other third-party companies which SMS represent.
This country and the majority of its politicians give you no option but to despair.