How to be tacky: an early Christmas special

Published: December 1, 2011 at 12:18pm

20 Comments Comment

  1. etil says:

    Success (?) has gone to his head. His body language gives it all away – check out the way he walks.

    [Daphne – Not to be rude, but according to Manu Maltes, dak ghax ghandu linfa kbira.]

    • Dee says:

      Reminds me of the Christmas turkey that is about to be stuffed by Mr Bean in one of the Mr Bean episodes.

    • 'Angus Black says:

      Iva, linfa kbira b’short circuit f’zewg bozoz.

      And that’s in reply to the photo caption.

    • BC says:

      Do you realize you are all talking about a person you and your Nationalist friends all elected? If there is a government MP who is not up to standards it is all your fault ta, that’s why you must think before you leap ….2013

  2. sherpa says:

    Grow up, Franco. You sound like Mintoff in his heyday ‘ jew nilaghab jew inhassar ‘.

  3. Alfred Bugeja says:

    Looking at his parliamentary motion again, one can immediately notice a pattern. Dr. Debono seems to be after having investigators and prosecutors who do not have to answer to anyone. I wonder why. Maybe it has something to do with his profession as a lawyer practicing in the criminal field.

    Furthermore, it is overtly obvious that Franco Debono seems to favour the Italian school of thought on justice. “Ideas” such as the separation of the AG’s functions as the government’s solicitor and chief prosecutor as well as having independent investigative magistrates are lifted from the Italian system. Our system on the other hand is largely modeled on the British system. The Crown Prosecution Service and the Solicitor General for England and Wales are both ultimately answerable to HM’s Attorney General.

    What Dr. Debono is proposing is thus a major shift from the British system of Justice to the Italian system – the same system which is famous world-wide for creating mess after mess – including the recent Amanda Knox/Raffaele Sollecito debacle.

    Dr. Debono cannot expect to turn our justice system upside down just because he is a backbencher. Such major shifts in policy have to be decided by the people. A conference for stakeholders will not do the trick either. In the last election, the people did not vote for what Franco Debono is proposing. Nothing of what he is proposing can be found in the PN’s electoral manifesto.

    So, once again I reiterate. If he feels so strongly about his ideas, he is free to propose them for inclusion in the electoral manifesto of the PN for the next election. If the party does not endorse them, he is free to set up his own party and put them in his electoral manifesto. That is how real democracy works, dear Dr. Debono. What you are after is merely an abuse of your position as a Government MP.

    • Not Sandy :P says:

      It’s increasingly apparent that Franco Debono wants to be Minister for Justice and will be a dog in the manger until he gets his way.

      • Alfred Bugeja says:

        And where would it all end? After that he would aim for the PM’s chair.

        The PM cannot afford to give him another inch. The creation of the Parliamentary Assistant post in ministries to appease him was already a big mistake.

      • john says:

        His linfa would collapse if the PM gave him another inch.

    • Jozef says:

      Not to mention Italy’s problem with ideological notions of justice, leading to the formation of politically motivated unions resulting in their affiliation to political parties.

      Magistratura Democratica being the leftist union made it a point to lobby for stronger investigative powers to magistrates within the procure, simultaneously occupying these with its members.

      When they didn’t manage to oust Berlusconi in the late nineties, they went one better, financing Di Pietro, one of their own and his IDV.

      Franco could be executing someone’s big plans.

  4. Bottom says:

    Tajba din. Jigifieri Franco jipprezenta private members motion fil-Parlament u ma jinforma l-hadd, la l-whip u anqas lil-Kap tieghu imma imbaghad jippretendi li Ministru ghandu jmur jikkonsulta mieghu qabel jipprezenta ligi.

    il-Ministru hu obbligat li jipprezenta il-ligi lil cabinet u mhux lil Franco.

    Franco, f’gieh is-sewwa ieqaf mill-kantaliena li kollox illek tghidlu l-Prim Ministru. Jaqaw tahseb li kollox iddur madwarek? Vera narcissistic.

  5. Joe Camilleri says:

    One of the rules that need to be inserted in our criminal code is for members of Parlament to be barred from working in either the Criminal Court or the Civil Court.

    You don’t make the laws and then go to Court and try to find holes in them to let your clients go free.

  6. John Schembri says:

    Franco will vote in favour of the €500 deduction of Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici’s pay packet.

    We will listen to him talking at around noon on 106.6.tomorrow.

    I hear that the voting will take place in one parliamentary session, after the budget discussion in parliament ends.

  7. Qabadni l-Bard says:

    Who does he think he is? It-tifel tal-mummy, who in spite of his big linfa, does not have the big marbles to go set up a family of his own, in his own home with his own woman, and stop behaving like a 10 year- old having a tantrum because he wants his brother’s toy. Loser.

  8. Pecksniff says:

    The Times headline reads “Franco Debono disappointed….” But when was the last time that he was satisfied with something, anything?

    The best thing that could happen to him is failure to be re-elected in the next election so as to have some time for reflection and ponder where he went off the tracks.

    • 'Angus Black says:

      He will have to be accepted as a candidate. And there lies the crux of the matter.

      • Pecksniff says:

        Or just dump him come next election.

      • Jozef says:

        Why? He rarely shows up to meet his constituents in Zurrieq.

      • John Schembri says:

        Jozef, when Franco Debono showed up for drinks in the PN club in Zurrieq, he objected to the presence of Herman Schiavone and Manuel Delia. They were asked to leave, and they obliged.
        So next time take care who you vote for.

      • Jozef says:

        John, what Zurrieq needs is a PN candidate from the locality itself, unabashed by Labour’s two prospective ministers.

        The PN used to have three cabinet members elected from that district. The abrupt change upset a long standing balance of power, leading to what we’re seeing now.

        Everyone is careful, don’t you worry.

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