It gets worse: John Bundy adds to the festive fun by producing an entire show about ‘doppju sens’
On Affari Taghna’s Facebook page:
Affari Taghna
Bdejna noqorbu ghal-festi festegjattivi tal-Milied u sabiex nikkumplimentaw dan iz-zmien ta’ ferh u b’ghan li nnislu tbissima fuq it-telespettaturi nhar il-gimgha Affari Taghna jiddiskuti id-doppju sens!
Il-mistiedna ivarjaw filwaqt li nilqghu ucuh popolari fuq stazjonijiet televizivi izda godda ghal programm Affari Taghna.
Ippartecipa waqt dan l-ispettaklu ta’ dahq, billi c-cempel fuq 21 821 477 sabiex tirrizerva postok maghna fis-sala.
L-umorizmu ma jonqosx waqt id-diskussjoni u ghalekk inheggukom is-segwu Affari Taghna ta’ nhar il-gimgha fi 8.30pm fuq ONE TV!
Samyra Bundy
Affari Taghna nhar il-Gimgha 16 ta’ Dicembru 2011.
Jitkellem doppju sens!
Inghaqad maghna u idhaq dahqa.
Cempel fuq 21 821 477!
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Festi festeggjattivi, eh?
Festive feasts …
Beastly beasts …
Girly girls …
Boyish boys …
Isn’t there a name for this sort of circular reasoning?
Tautology… or what?
The Maltese is hilarious (festi festegjativi? c-cempel?) so the show should be sidesplittingly funny.
It all depends on one’s IQ and mentality.
Please be kind enough to allow me to digress but I thought this might interest (and shock) your readers:
Who said the middle ages are over?
[Daphne – I’m not shocked. I live in Malta, where lots of people still think in terms of witches.]
I see what you mean. I assure you I had no intention of making any reference in that direction. I am a firm believer in arguing ad rem and never ad hominen even were it possible to prove arguments of a personal nature — in any case people who think in terms of witches have no valid arguments to offer.
I’ll be tuning in.
I really want to see how serious the problem is. Judging by who attends and who the person represents one can gauge situation.
Such a bundy of mirth.
I cannot understand! how Bundy expects us to laugh and joke when there is so much hunger and so many poor people who cannot even buy a meal, or pay for the electricity to watch him on television.
He does have to make a living, even if it’s on Super One. People need to forget their stomachs are empty so Bundy makes them laugh instead.
… and yet still have enough money to donate to the Labour party.
Eh, din id-darba l-Affari ta’ Bundy tinten! Ser jaghmilha fuq id-doppju sens.
Another one who likes the sound of his own voice, and his reflection in the mirrors.
Super One just suits John Bundy so much better.
Bundy repeatedly stated that he will work on Super One untill the forthcoming election. Nobody ever asked him what deal he struck with future PM Muscat for the years after the election.
I do not think that he will work as a clown on the cruises organized by Hamilton or SMSMondial, even though the crowd won’t be substantially different from the group of people attending the recording of Affari Taghna.
Imma kemm jiflah ikun tan-n**k dan l-ispeci ta’ bniedem?
Are his hands portraying something doppju sens?
Let us start guessing who will be on this programme on Friday; I will start with a very well known ‘Laburist tal-puliti’ – Narcy Calamatta.
Id-Dulli u Veronica?
A perfect representation of the “talent” seen on Maltese TV…