Labour’s run out of steam already – maybe those twins needed to go to bed
11.10pm and the Labour Party’s shut up shop already on Super One, ha jmorru jorqdu mat-tigieg.
The annoyance and disappointment at having brought in 304,200 euros to the Nationalist Party’s 441,230 euros (so far, ghax dawk jorqdu tard) was palpable.
So much for trying to attract more money by using the Muscat twins (and Zammit Lewis’s Violet Elizabeth Bott). Cheap tactic, and it didn’t really work.
Nobody likes to see children paraded around by pushy parents in that manner. They just feel sorry for the infants.
In any case, children that age should be in bed at 6pm at this time of year, 7pm at the absolute latest. They certainly shouldn’t be running around with the grown-ups at 11 o’clock.
Jason Micallef’s absence was so palpably obvious that we have to begin asking questions.
Perhaps he was on the phones earlier in the day with Marisa Micallef and Kurt the Coconut, and I missed them all.
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But like that they can say that it’s because Laburisti are financially worse off than Nazzjonalisti…which is obviously false.
And what about Ray Azzopardi’s commentary? He was at a loss and behaving as though he was off-air.
The worst of it was Joseph Muscat trying to cheer Ray and the rest by putting streamers on his head…behaving like Mummy’s boy.
What about Joseph Chetchuti, John Bundy and Eileen Montestin?
Apart from Jason Micallef’s absence, tikolni ghajni ma narax lil dawk fil-maratoni. Wisq nissuspetta li jmorru fejn jaraw il-flus biss, fuq perezempju Arani Issa ghax veru trid tara biex temmen. Imma lil Jason bqajna ma rajniehx.
Qisu anke Alfred Zammit staha jidher.
Another absence from the PN’s marathon was JPO.
Astrid wants Malta to give a medal to her buddy Marco Cremona;
It is in the comments section.
People who resort to rabid self-promotion should not be considered for such awards. From what I know, most if not all of this year’s recipients work in their respective fields quietly without fan fair, and without resorting to manipulation of the media.
People constantly driven by hidden agendas should never be considered for an award. Does Marco Cremona really care about the environment more than he cares about his consultancy business?.
Pessimism : The Tyranny of the Past
John Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Funds, pointed out that many of us have a “rowboat” mentality. We move forward into the future the way we row a boat – facing backward, looking only at the past.
Everyone engages in a little nostalgia now and then. There’s nothing like time to put shine on even some of the most tarnished moments in history. It’s human nature to remember the good and forget the bad, and we should be thankful for our memory lapses.
D.R. Keough.
I wish to congratulate Mrs. Muscat for her new job with Emirates – well done. That hat…
After a lot of zapping I watched Bondi+. Lou was interviewing Professor Oliver Friggieri. I didn’t need a bed time story this time to sleep.
Regarding Joseph’s cute twins, I can only say that children have rights and their parents should be the ones who should protect their privacy.
Couldn’t the parents have left the poor innocent children at home with a nanny or their grandparents?
I know MP’s who tried to push their adolescent children into the political arena and who were threatened by their children that they will call them ‘political fanatics’ in public.
Regarding the two fundraising shows, they reflect the standard of our political parties: the PN is like a cold nutritious meal on a chilly winter’s night, while the PL is like a rotten bread pudding freshly covered with chocolate ready to be eaten by someone who is fed up eating the same cold meal.
Can we have a microwave?
One of the comments on the screen of ONE TV struck me , it reflects precisely the PL supporters’ mood. It ran somewhere along these lines: “Kuragg PL , ejja ha nehilsu minn dan il-gvern…”
Interestingly enough, according to the Times this morning the PN gathered 467,880 euros against the PL’s 336,000 euros.
Maltastar, this morning, gives 436,135 euros to the PN, and a piddly 235,902 euros to the PL.
That’s practically 100,000 euros missing. Someone’s lost his wallet again.
What’s your take on this?
[Daphne – My take is that when Raphael Vassallo isn’t taking his medication, he goes off at a tangent. and is impossible to read.]
Text messages on One TV’s maratona yesterday night:
Prosit Joseph il-King
Proset Renato u Mary show mil aqwa marcelle qormi
ahna tal-gamien ma labour ax bhan nassaba jigrilna f’april VIVA LABOUR
tal hamiem nivvutaw labour
proset joseph u il family kollha ta super one keep it up
proset ta kollox! viva Joseph muscat il-futur taghna!
Labour’s birdbrain section. Which it isn’t.
@Space, looks more like the uniform of AirMalta in the 70’s