UPDATED AT 8PM – New foods
December 1, 2011 at 5:05pm
On the price list at Champ’s Pastizzerija:
On the menu at the Valletta Labour Party club yesterday:
UPDATE: meanwhile, somebody has let me know by means of a photograph that his supermarket is selling CORSLOW.
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Dammit, the VAL EV ANZ made me spill my mug (obviously !) of tea on the keyboard and am drying it out with a hair dryer; should keep a spare keyboard.
An incandescent lamp or spot light is better than the hair dryer, it is more gentle.
Does the fish place come with chips or mached potatoes
You mean matched.
No. With mashrooms.
Yes, I was tempted by the fish last night. We climbed the stairs but didn’t like the look of the place, so we left.
Ghandek ragun.
Have they opened an aquarium at the Valletta Labour club? They might need one for the makku…
These posts are hilarious, Daphne, keep them coming.
Reminds me a bit of the Engrish.com photos.
Those, however, are taken in countries in which English is seldom spoken as opposed to somewhere English is an official language.
On another note, I am horrified by the poor level of Maltese written on this island too. I would “understand” it if some band club slaughters the language on their menu in the same manner as they are butchering English, but I even spotted various mistakes on the information panels on Arriva buses, adverts, and official government letters.
Is there no one screening these things before they’re published?
Like Switc (bit-tikka) on the back of the buses.
You’ve got to a visit the outdoor gym at Ta’ Qali. It’s got priceless instructions: “hendils” etc
I’m not referring to the ridiculous Maltese bastardisation of English words, but rather actual Maltese spelling mistakes, like misplaced or omitted għ, għ in words of romantic origins, and a general mix-up between the z and ż.
Ahh ghandi aptit Kord in Blue issa.
Fishiin chips or much patatoes
Pfft – That’s nothing. I don’t know if the menu has changed since I went there but if not, you can find much worse in Bay Street at ‘Al Pomodoro’ .. and I’ve written about it too:
Haha, I remember a restaurant in Xlendi offering “pene”
You never can be sure about anything in Gozo, anything goes,
Emmanuel Cini is a regular.
Maypole Bakery are selling packets of Qaghaq, the ingredients of which include ‘saccharose and ground gloves’.
Once came across a Sirlion steak in Xlendi.
And in Shepton Mallet, Somerset, England.
As seen today on http://www.timesofmalta.com in reaction to the story regarding the 2011 Global Corruption Index.
pat muscat
Today, 17:33
Each year the can of worms is getting bigger and bigger under GonziPN!
Reply to pat muscat
Stephen Sultana
Today, 18:07
And your metaphors are getting worse.
Izjed ma huma injoranti, iktar jikkumplikaw il-hajja, u jdahhqu lin-nies bihom.
Iridu jispecifikaw u johorgu ta` mazetti.
Bhal dak li qallu min se jmur jiekol hemm ha joqghod jara jekk il-hut hux “place” jew jekk il “val ev vanz” hux differenti mil-qassatat jew pastizzi.
Ara tal-“corslow” nifhima, ghax dik maghmula mil-kabocci bhalhom.
Insomma, Allahares ma jkunux huma kultant, ghax tidhaq dahqa sew. Il-“pene” tax-Xlendi, mistghagbin kif jinhatfu malli jidhru fuq il-menu, specjalment meta jkunu “al dente”.
fqajtni, pat
Dear Daphne, can you please start issuing health warnings prior to uploading certain posts? I nearly choked on my sandwich (the Valletta PL club will soon put sandwitches on its menu). This is reminiscent of Jay Leno’s Headlines on cnbc
What about Ceaser / Ceasar salad, then? Not ONCE have I seen it written correctly. This includes the uber-expensive “eateries”.
Chick King in St. John`s Street Valletta.
Spear Ribs.