Published: December 5, 2011 at 12:39am

On an island just 17 miles by nine….

Imagine them in charge of Libya. Or Brazil.

Or even Sicily.

After listening to this radio interview, I’m left with the searing impression that Silvio Parnis is going to be Joseph Muscat’s Franco Debono.

38 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    And the capital city of the Sawt is….Zeijtun.

    • Delacroixet says:

      Dee and, once again, the absurd generalisation against Zejtun.

      Last Wednesday the PM, (Prime Minister of Malta, and not Malta except for some naughty bits), was at Zejtun. I never attend Kazini meetings, so I can only surmise as to what was said.

      Maybe the PM was there to apologise for the way the south in general, and Zejtun in particular, has been treated in 30 years of PN administration. Maybe he apologised for the way the Old Nationalist core was abandoned and the area ignored over the years. It could be that he apologised for the fact that the blokes that ruined the lives of a previous generation were left scott free, to roam the streets of Zejtun and multiply in peace. Or he apologised for the way all of the inhabitants are treated because of some very rotten apples.

      Or maybe he did none of the above, because he knows that come Spring 2013, the Nationalists of the South – who have continued to live in some kind of Socialist limbo – will still vote for the PN.

      It’s not much, our numbers were never much to start with, but it’s a darned sight better than what other ‘Northern’ districts have been doing.

      What with the chattering classes’ wish of giving Joseph a chance, and the no-shows at the polls in those enlightened areas, those staring straight into Labour’s face on a daily basis and living in a Socialist limbo are bound to grow.

      Let’s then see whether the likes of you, unlike us, will grovel or flinch.

      • Alfred Bugeja says:

        I ‘happened’ to be there on Wednesday.

        The Prime Minister actually described Zejtun as the historical bastion of the PN in the south. Electoral results at hand, he’s not far off the mark.

        But he also made it clear that it was only a few thugs who gave Zejtun its bad name with what they did. Most of them have since died.

      • Anton Zammit says:

        Good for you, couldn’t have said it better myself.

      • Dee says:

        In the Golden Mintoffian/ KMB era, Zejtun was referred to as the “Repubbilka” taz-Zejtun.

        Now we can look forward to seeing Zejtun as the capital city of the Silvio Parnis’s SAWT, when Joe Muscat gets to Castille.

  2. dmlt says:

    A plain stupid idiot – not even one adequate answer.

    God forbid this man should be re-elected.

    [Daphne – Better than that, my dear, he’s aiming to be il-ministru ghas-sawt.]

    • 'Angus Black says:

      Jekk ir-rekord tal-Ministru tas-Sawt ikun bhal dak ta zmien is-Socjalisti u r-rekord taghhom ta x-xoghol li ghamlu fil-Kottonera, allura ahjar ma jkollom ministru xejn.

      Il-Kottonera, bastjun tal-Partit Laburista minn dejjem, qatt ma ra zvilupp bhal ma ra taht gvern Nazzjonalista. Allura dwar is-Sawt, ahjar tal-Lejber jaghlqu halqhom.

  3. Marquis de Sade says:

    Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart.

  4. Joe Xuereb says:

    Tal-wahx. Alla harisna.

  5. Min Weber says:

    The presenter (Chris Scicluna) was beginning to lose his patience with Parnis, and I can’t say I blame him.

    Parnis seems confident that yes, Labour will have a minister for the south, and that moreover, it will be him.

  6. John Schembri says:

    Dan l-anqas messaggier tax-xufier ta’ ministru Nazzjonalista ma’ jixraqlu jkun.

  7. Village says:

    Malta deserves much better.

    Joseph Muscat should have the courage and decency to remove those prospective candidates who are not fit to represent the country. There are quite a few.

    • Not Tonight says:

      Then he needs to start with himself because, quite frankly, I am blushing already at the thought of him representing me in the foreign arena.

  8. A. Charles says:

    The next thing Parnis will do is to turn “is-sawt” into a ghetto – hamalli gewwa u puliti barra.

    [Daphne – You had better point out that you live in Zejtun…]

    • A. Charles says:

      Daphne, I did not mention that I work in Zejtun.

      I have suffered the consequences of doing so, such as being arrested twice (trumped-up accusations which came to nothign), physically attacked by il-Qahbu and the rest, the main door of my surgery burnt three times, impeded many times from entering my surgery and so on, and all this during the Fascist Socialist reign.

      Many others in Zejtun have had the same treatment or worse.

      I live in Marsaskala but I have to admit that I find the majority of the residents of Zejtun as some of the nicest and generous people around .

      Every few metres of this city (Beland) is full of historical buildings and artefacts of great beauty. I am proud to say that I am a founding member of the Wirt Zejtun Association.

      These are some reasons why Zejtun Nationalists become extremely agitated and angry when some Slimiez or a person from the ‘north’ threaten to vote Labour because of some excuse like when the authorities dd not remove a vegetable hawker from their area as happened in Dingli Circus.

      • anthony says:

        Tony, your contribution here carries a lot of weight coming as it does from an often unjustly vilified part of Malta.

        Your style is inimitably plain and straightforward.

        You have not changed one iota since our Lyceum days over fifty years ago.

        Prosit tassew.

  9. ciccio2011 says:

    If the Sawt gets one minister because there was one hotel and this has closed down (is that because of some property development?) then how many ministers should we have for the North? OK, let’s count the hotels…

  10. Brian*14 says:

    I just listened to the first clip.

    After hearing the words “gabinett” and “ifhimni”, erm, hmmm, that was enough for the day.

  11. pampalun says:

    “Consider yourself at home…consider yourself …part of the family”

  12. Jozef says:

    Which south? Qrendi, Mqabba, Zurrieq, Safi and Kirkop are also in the south. Or are these someone else’s territory?


  13. Matthew says:


  14. Anthony says:


    1. Ministru ghas-Sawt, swat, korpi u ghazz
    2. Ministru ghan-Nort, Ghawdex u Kemmuna
    3. Ministru ghall-Arriva.
    4. Ministru ghall-kontijiet tad-dawl u ilma
    5. Ministru ghall-mitilkless
    6. Ministru ghall-wens tal-gays, separati, divorzjati pogguti,dawk li wettqu abort u l-hafna foqra li hawn
    7. Ministru ghal kuntratturi u business men ta’ gewwa
    8. Ministru temporanju ghat-thaffir taz-zejt (li jista jirrezenja u jerga jsir whip)
    9. Ministru li jirrapprezenta ex-ministri tas-70’s u 80’s
    U fl-ahhar u mhux l-anqas:
    10. Ministru tal-infrastruttura biex jerga iwaqqa l-kapricci bhal l-isptar, skejjel, il-bridge tal-breakwater etc

  15. Josephine says:

    “bhala persuna mis-sawt ta’ Malta” I am ashamed to have to say Silvio Parnis is from the same area, and seriously insulted he is treating the ‘sawt’ (in-Nofsinhar, Silvio, in-Nofsinhar) as some kind of special category. Injoranza li twahhax.

  16. Joe Micallef says:

    I love the last part of the first video where Parnis quotes Joseph as saying that “il-Ministeru ta’ Ghawdex irnexxa…..”.

    I start wondering if Parnis belongs to the same party as Refalo and the snake charmer who over the past few weeks have been saying that Gozo exemplifies the poor performance of 25 years of PN administration.

  17. anthony says:

    Once he is given il-portafoll tas-sawt he will expect a Cassa per il Mezzogiorno.

    He will then be entrusted with its keys.

    Ministru Tal-Biki.

    • Jack says:

      At least he managed to give clear answers regarding the PL’s power station proposals…”heq…hemm…ma nafx ghax qed tistaqsi lili…l-esperti…jien mohhi fuq affarijet ohra…”

      Ministru tal-Biki.

  18. I really thought the title of this post was Ministru ghas-swat… conditioning I guess …

  19. C Falzon says:

    So we already have a minister for the Northern extremity of this great country, now it seems we’ll get one for the Southern extremity as well. What about getting another minister for the bit in between?

    Or maybe we should have a minister for each and every town and village.

  20. Matthew says:

    How can anyone go for an interview so utterly unprepared?

    No plans to speak of, he was clearly making stuff up on the spot according to what he thought the interviewer was expecting. He completely froze a couple of times.

    Someone should tell him that the Hypogeum doesn’t accept more than 80 visitors a day. If he wants to see queues outside a temple, he should go to the Tarxien temples, which are also in the south if he hasn’t noticed.

    Tourists will always stay close to where the action is. Unless our towns are completely overhauled to turn them into touristic places, tourists will always stay in Sliema, St Julian’s Birzebbugga or Valletta. It’s not just a Maltese phenomenon but it happens all over the world. It’s impossible to have every spot in a country turned into a touristic spot.

    For those who couldn’t stand going through all the videos, they should listen to the last three minutes of the last one where, feeling completely frustrated with his inability to answer any of the questions, he flips out and attacks the interviewer for not asking him the correct questions.

    What an utter git.

  21. J Casha says:

    “nisteidnek tinzel sa hdejn STMART City”

    L-ewwel Anglu Farrugia lanqas jaf liema u l-ministru responsabbli imbaghad jigi Silvio Parnis u lanqas jghid l-isem…ahseb u ara kemm se jkunu kapaci jigbdu lejha l-investiment.

    Jista Joseph Muscat jghidilna min fil-PL hu tekniku? Wara Anglu issa Silvio qed jghid li mhux tekniku.

  22. Paul says:

    L-aqwa l-“pipe” tal-Gass!…..u l-queues barra l-Hypogeum.

    Did the git ever try and book the tour of the Hypogeum? He’d be lucky to find a place before like in three months time! u le jahasra…alla jilliberana.

  23. Mario Dalli says:

    My God he had the cheek to speak about animals in fortresses.Wasn’t the Delimara fortress occupied by a Labour thug of the “glorious eighties” to keep pigs there?

  24. Lilla says:

    A Ministry for the South is another great idea in a long list of great ideas from the Labour Party. As if we aren’t divided enough on everything in Malta, all we need now is to make the divide of north and south more concrete.

    I’m from Zejtun and yes, it is predominantly Labour (98% if I’m not mistaken), so the other 2% have more balls than a Nationalist from, say, Sliema.

    Some of my family have shown up to vote, been accosted at the school gates, had their vote taken away from them and God forbid if they so much as opened their mouth. Then they were given a kick in the backside to make them go away. This in the so called ‘Golden Years’ of Labour.

    So when people think of Zejtun as the backward marshes of Malta, think about those people who stood up for what they believe in, come hell or high water, and don’t be so quick to judge.

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