Socialist International downgrades Malta Labour Party from member to observer status because of unpaid fees
Rich, isn’t it?
Well, not the Labour Party, obviously, because it had only a thousand euros to spare for the Community Chest Fund and none at all to meet its dues at Socialist International.
It’s rich that the faux-economist-ridden party tells us how much better it is going to be at running the country.
Then it can’t even manage its own blinking finances.
It’s listed on Socialist International’s website, too:
*Party downgraded to observer status due to non-payment of membership fees
The other Labour/socialist parties which have been downgraded to observer status because they haven’t paid their fees are those of:
Burkina Faso
The Philippines
Tunisia (can be excused, I imagine, due to other, more pressing matters)
St Kitts & Nevis
St Lucia
St Vincent/The Grenadines
Oh, but there’s also:
New Zealand
So that’s all right then.
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On the 13th, they will have “il-ftit mil hafna” and so will be able to pay their dues.
Not only finances. They can’t even control themselves.
It’s interesting that you chose to highlight Toni Abela’s outburst. How about Galea Curmi’s forwarding of a private conversation between the PM and Said to Bondi?
You’re a penchant for procedure Daphne. Your thoughts?
[Daphne – I know all three people you mentioned and am more likely to know the facts about any situation involving them than you are. You have to be very warped indeed to compare any of these three to Toni Abela. Those are my thoughts.]
What great company Labour finds itself in over there.
One must admit their consistency though, sitting on the fence.
Little Joey seems to be begging for alms in this photo. How about doing some spit and polish for a euro?
It seems that Socialist International is on the fast track to becoming extinct.
Joseph, as a pseudo-economist, has such a foresight that he figured that sending the illustrious Party’s membership fee is like throwing good money after bad.
One wonders whether soon, salaries will be paid by a bunch of useless IOUs. And what about the Gallarija?
Dak il-makk ta’ fuq il-mejda, ta’ min hu?
According to AST, international affairs should be used to feed into the budget. Using that logic, it should be Socialist International to pay the Labour Party for it being a member.
Oh if only they followed the example of the Tunisian socialist party and called it a day….
I know why the MLP did not pay – no media coverage, so no return.
The Gaddafi link has now dried up. Coffee mornings from now on.
I have that hunch that Bundy has been squeezed till the last drop by the PL.
He is past his sell by date for them and is out of place on ONE TV, his place could be back in PBS replacing Joe Mifsud, Pierre Portelli and Daphne, that’s his place were he had a good decent following and where he made a decent program.
TVAM is nowhere near Jozef’s Bongu and Bundy’s original program. He can easily do an Eileen Montesin.
[Daphne – Why does everyone assume that the women who watch morning television are stupid?]
Daphne, Bundyf’s Bongu was informative and entertaining.
Two standing men interrupting each other trying to gain brownie points for their party together with a so-called journalist telling us that “ir-RATA tal-umdita fil-gzejjer Maltin hija ta’ tmenin fil-mija”, is too much to put up with at seven in the morning. How stupid can we get!
A properly guided John Bundy, backed with a good production house, can deliver. He gave it a try with a shoestring budget on ONE TV and now can realise that he made a flop.
He’s better on PBS with the old format of Bongu Bundy than the three attention-seeking scarecrows we have now on TVAM put together. I am constrained to watch TVAM for the latest local news. Sorry to say but it’s just not on.
BTW: the women I know prefer radio before leaving for work.
They pay Marisa Micallef 40K a year and then have no money left for Socialist International.
At least from today they don’t have to pay Joe Cuschieri as well.
40K? That’s even more than a minister is paid now.
They could have asked Gaddafi to foot their bill before he started the debacle in Libya
Joseph to Bundy: “Hwe m’hemmx x’taghmel, Johnnie…tghid tikkunsidra terga’ tmur tbiegh il-waxink maxiens part time ha ntellghu s-somma tal-memberxipp?”
L-ittra li rcevew il-PL fejn gew skwalifati milli jkomplu jkunu membri shah (tiftakruha ta’ membri shah fl-Unjoni Ewropeja ta’ Alfred Sant?) kien fiha wkoll kanzunetta helwa bil-Malti msejsa fuq id-diska ta’ Modugno, Cantare:
Ciao, ciao tal-Labour
ta gol Hamrun,
spiccaw il-liri, kiber id-dejn
hudu pacenzja, u ikkripaw
cejca Gaddafi, le ma tarawx