Such gravitas: here’s the chairman of SMSMondial/The Orange Travel Group. Nice work, Simon and Sam Mifsud.
December 13, 2011 at 12:37am
KGA 2011 – Karmenu Vella – Diskors from Partit Laburista on Vimeo.
Take special note of how he bangs on about tourism and Tunisia, without mentioning that he’s just been made chairman of a private travel and tourism company with operations there.
The Labour Party clearly has its very own John Dalli.
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Tajjeb biex idahhaq, ic-Chairman tal-Orinc Trevill.
Was he the one to suggest to Joseph the idea about Tunis, by any chance? He sure defended both it and Joseph vehemently and shamelessly.
All that hand flapping poses a risk to anybody standing next to him.
He should take the precaution of wearing red nail polish. Perhaps he can get some gel designs with Godfrey Grima’s torch logo emblazoned on them and little bits of diamante stuck on.
Bet it will look sexy with a matching loin cloth.
The problem is that he might get to like the nail polish a little bit too much.
God, he’s so camp. That voice, those hand gestures….
Miss Guy Did.
“Take special note of how he bangs on about tourism and Tunisia, without mentioning that he’s just been made chairman of a private travel and tourism company with operations there.”
He did pass a comment about some SMSs he received, at
When he is a cabinet minister in Joseph’s government, will he stand up for VISET or for the Orange Travel Group and its Tunisian cruise travel interests?
If this is not a conflict of interest, I do not know what is. Labour’s own John Dalli, indeed.
Kemm idahhak, Karmenu, istra!! I won’t be able to sleep tonight, how funny he is.
“Imma issa fuwlstopp u frexx lajn!!”
“Don’t waste your shots on a dead duck!”
Did I hear well what Karmenu Vella said about the corruption?
I think he missed the corruption about televisions. And the contraband being brought into the Tunny Net in Mellieha.
And the corrupt thinking behind having someone with considerable business interests in the tourism industry OUTSIDE Malta running for the post of Malta’s tourism minister.
Old age brings on amnesia!.
According to him Malta in the seventies was full of contraband. In which year was his yacht involved in that innocent incident?
Brush away the superficiality, and our future minister’s reasoning is either seriously flawed or he’s deliberately attempting to confuse matters.
Karmenu Vella, stated that electricity prices in Malta are the most expensive because this ‘economist’ says that prices must be divided by the wages first.
If, for the sake of argument, that the average EU household income is three times that of the average Maltese household income. What will il-Guy do after he’s let out of the hatchery, and sits at the cabinet table? Reduce electricity prices to 1/3 of the EU average? Who will pay the subsidies? Will he knock at OPEC’s door and say ‘ hey I am il-Guy from Malta. You are selling oil at US$90, but you have to sell it to Malta at US$30?
Inciting socialist envy by talking rot.
He has the temerity to lump the 70s, 80s and 90s in the same chapter of Malta’s political and social history.
What brazen cheek.
Sorry, but I couldn’t get past the standing ovation at the beginning of the clip. I feared for the safety of my laptop. Now I think I understand why we saw so many Libyans venting their anger and frustration by throwing shoes at images of Gaddafi. For a second, it seemed like a great idea, and then I hit the pause button instead. I admire your forbearance.
“European Commissioner John Dalli said tonight that it was unfair to blame the European Commission for the fact that no answer had been given to Malta yet on the restructuring of Air Malta.”
“Mr Dalli was replying to questions by Joe Grima on the One TV programme Inkontri. Before asking his question, Mr Grima featured comments by Labour spokesman Karmenu Vella, who said that it appeared that it was Malta, not the EU, that was to blame for the fact that a commission decision on the restructuring plan had been delayed from early autumn to the end of the year.”…/dalli-economy-has-stagnated.3917
How sweet, they both agree.
25 minutes of inane chatter, and at the end we’re left with ZERO proposals from this senior member of the Labour Party.
“tinkwethom tinkwethom qieghed, Joseph!”
Of course – there’s the real risk that we might find ourselves with Joseph as prime minister.
Li kieku ma kontx inbati bl-istonku tieghi kont nibqa nara lil Kamenu Vella jikkumidja..
Izda kemm wiehed jiflah jissaporti meta tara lil Joe Grima fl-ewwel filliera imkebbeb qisu balloon barrage icapcap ghal dak li kien qed jghid Vella dwar il-kuntrabandu u l-korruzjoni?
Meta niftakar x’gej il-quddiem taht dawn in-nies…
Why do all Labour’s boasted achievements come at the expense of someone else?
The banks (hijacked from private owners)
Sea Malta (a private company, hijacked)
Social housing plots (requisitioned from private owners)
U ghandu il-wicc tost jghajjar lin-Nazzjonalisti kuntrabandisti u hallelin……incredible.
Following Sam Mifsud’s chairmanship of the MTA, he switched roles as a consultant to Mario DeMarco, a post which he probably still occupies. It would be interesting to know Mario’s comments on this.