The chief elVE hits the biktime

Published: December 28, 2011 at 6:25pm

This is such an interesting video: how Labour’s chief elVE Aaron Farrugia sees himself.

The opening sequence depicts him in a series of meetings with politicians, presumably because he admires them and is aware of their significance:

Eddie Fenech Adami
Lawrence Gonzi
Guido de Marco

Joseph Muscat – his actual party leader and presumably, future prime minister – appears in a brief one-second flash which is easily missed.

You would assume that an ambitious up-and-coming Labour politician would make a point of showing himself in close conversation with the Labour leader, not with the Nationalist Party leader and former leaders.

I’d watch my back with this one, if I were you, Joseph.

32 Comments Comment

  1. edgar says:

    Another Franco Debono.

  2. R borg says:

    Does he have a full time camera person ? Fanfru !

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Yes, he seems to have filmed every handshake he had at the PES Re-new conference. ‘t explains why he wanted to know the following:

      “Will Hollande,Thorning Schmidt and Gabriel attend todays session?I wonder why they didn’t attend yesterday.Can someone explain?
      Like • [Comment] • @farrugiaaaron on Twitter ”

      He wanted to film a handshake with them as well.

      • Get Your Facts Right says:

        PES re-new conference? Thats the SPD Congress. Can`t you read the signs every other second in the video?

  3. Maryanne (2?) says:

    And windfarms, not Sargas.

  4. BC says:

    NO Daphne, you got it all wrong again. let me explain to you (Hallini ha nfehmek- inhobbu nghiduha ahna tal- LEjber). He has few seconds with nationalist or ex-Nationalist MPs/Leaders, just to show that with the National interest in mind he is ready to cooperate with everyone……even with those who think that the national interest is their own interest. Fhimt issa?

  5. Qeghdin sew says:

    See those sun spots on his face at 00:38? Whatever happened to them in later footage?

  6. Spector says:

    Anyone can visit a trade exhibition and film himself visiting the stands as if their guest.

  7. I.Cilia says:

    Bet he gets a thrill every time he sees himself on youtube.

  8. Amanda says:

    Blimey. His ego is already out of control.

  9. John Schembri says:

    I think we have arrived to a point where one has to be a self centred,ambitious spoilt brat to make it to parliament.
    Please, I beg the PL supporters to vote for Ignatius not Aaron Farrugia , at least we will have some much needed stability.

  10. rustic fairy says:

    The Elves had their Christmas hamallata gathering at Blue Hawaii last Monday..

  11. Botom says:

    Aaron dedicates a good chunk of his video showing us his contacts with European politicians. How ironic. We can see in the background the flag of the European Union. This is the same European Union which Aaron and his party campaigned against. Now they boast of their European connections? JAFU JISTHU?

    • Vanni says:

      Oi Bottom, the Dear Leader claimed that the EU is kosher “with hindsight” and not with hindshame. U jekk ma stahax Joseph, ghalfejn ghandu jhabbel sufu Aaron……..

  12. xmun says:

    This guy must be on the poverty line to afford a personal cameraman.

  13. Paul Bonnici says:

    Daphne I think you will like this BBC Radio 4 programme about degrees letters after names:

  14. Clifford says:

    Forgive my ignorance, Daphne, but why say elve instead of elf?

    [Daphne – It’s a reference to a email from one member of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti to others, which went astray and ended up in a newsroom. In that email, they called each other Elve Aaron, Elve Nikita, and so on.]

  15. GALLETTU says:

    Very impressive – he seems to be happy with the EU but maybe nostalgia came back of his LE vote and Svizzera fil-Mediterran watching ice skating. Did he get any free samples from the fair stands he visited?

    • Yellows says:

      Not only that – he is going to be one of the ‘new’ up-and-coming PL EP candidates.

      Can’t you notice how he is constantly speaking and writing about ‘Objective One’ and other EU related issues?

      He wants to carbon-copy Joseph’s way to the top, and having a huge ego and not being ashamed to call himself an economist when he is not one will take him a long way (especially when he is pushed on by sub-literate PL delegates and a naive PL voter base).

  16. gianni says:

    Watch Anglu in the start of the video on timesofmalta in the MPs’ charity match. It quite simply made my day.

  17. Dee says:


    No film clips with the Pope, Imam El Saadi, Manu Maltes, Peppi and Vic Laiviera?

    Tsk Tsk Tsk.

  18. Antoine Vella says:

    Apart from everything else, it is essential for a politician to be articulate and at least know the meaning of all the words he uses. Someone should tell Aaron Farrugia that “proponiment” is resolution not proposal.

  19. 'Angus Black says:

    Who did you expect Aaron to interview?

    Mintoff – presently in la-la land?

    Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici – still defending Gaddafi?

    Alfred Sant – the VAT killer, EU application freezer, etc.?

    Joseph the boy-toy, follically deprived, late comer?

    At least Aaron knows on which side the toast is buttered.

  20. Alex abela says:

    The Sargas top brass are in full view at 1:32…… how subtle can one get.

  21. Antoine Vella says:

    I wonder how Aaron Farrugia introduces himself to foreigners. Probably not as Chief Elve, unless he’s shaking Santa’s hand.

  22. Intellect says:

    Why isn’t Dom Mintoff shown in his YouTube clip…after all he is the one that personally gave his parents ‘their’ council house in Ta’Xbiex and their Grundig colour TV.

    One’s roots should never be forgotten.

  23. Passing Wind says:

    Charisma = Zero

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