The twisted mentality of a C2DE Labour voter who can’t face facts

Published: December 5, 2011 at 10:08am

This is Anthony David Gatt, a Super One reporter and Jason Micallef’s special pet. And before you dismiss him as just another nonentity, and wonder what the fuss is about, remember that a Super One reporter will be your prime minister in just over a year.

Not so long ago, he was just like Anthony David Gatt, doing the same job. In a few years’ time, given that the Labour Party’s standards are so appallingly low, Anthony David Gatt may be the Labour leader and even prime minister.

Laughing, are you?

I would have laughed, too, had you told me the same thing about Joseph Muscat when he was a Super One reporter a few years back. But there you go. God moves in mysterious ways, doesn’t he?

Anthony David Gatt spent two years studying journalism totally free of charge on the Erasmus Mundus programme. He uploaded on Facebook a photograph of himself in his graduation garb (see below), and beneath the picture, posted this:

Thanking on occasions the likes of today might be a cliche yet without the support of my family and friends this would have never materialised. They know exactly with I mean. Finally graduating as a Masters in Journalism and Media from the University of Swansea, Wales!

Thanks to his family and friends? Why – what did they do, exactly? Did they, for example, campaign for EU membership? Spend days and nights persuading people to vote Yes in the referendum? Vote Yes in the referendum themselves?

Or did they campaign against EU membership and vote No?

I don’t know why I’m so surprised at this man’s outlook. After all, his Great Leader did his utmost to keep Malta out of the European Union, but had he succeeded, he wouldn’t be about to become prime minister.

It’s a great life, when you know how to milk every situation to your maximum advantage.

25 Comments Comment

  1. Kenneth Cassar says:

    “Thanking on occasions the likes of today might be a cliche yet without the support of my family and friends this would have never materialised. They know exactly with I mean”.

    Thank goodness they know what he means. I certainly don’t.

  2. Opportunisti says:

    Qabda opportunisti li jhobbu biss il-poter, li m’ ghandhom rispett lejn id-drittijiet ta’ hadd, u li mohhhom biss biex jippuzaw bit-toga, certifikati u glekkijiet u mal-kap tal-partit biex jidhru dejjem izjed.

    Sadanittant, dejjem ipappu minn fuq dahar iz-zghir.

  3. The shadow says:

    Today is a great day for Malta. Today Joseph Cuschieri takes his seat as an MEP representing me and you in Brussels. Oy Vey. If Edward Scicluna gets elects to Parliament, we’ll send Silvio Parnis to replace him u nigu ottu.

  4. Farrugia says:

    Gloating on Malta’s membership in the EU is not a very clever thing to do now, especially with the euorzone crisis (nobody seems to be aware of this in Malta). There were times in the past when EU membership was very adavantageous, but I doubt whether it would remain so for long. No wonder that the UK is contemplating leaving the EU mess altogether.

    I also do not think it is clever that you should reveal your squeamishness about the fact that an ordinary reported has been elected the leader of a political party.

    I see nothing wrong in that.

    If your intention is to make comparisons with the PN, then what you are suggesting is that the PN has a glass ceiling for people with ordinary backgrounds, which explians why a reporter would never make it to the top in the PN. This means that those who reach the higher echelons of the PN (and government since the two organisiations are now welded together) have to come from privileged backgrounds or old family connections. I find that so ancien regime.

    It is precisely for that reason that the present administration and the Establishment it represents may not be re-elected next time and not because the PL has anything much better to offer in this time of crises.

    [Daphne – There are so many holes in your reasoning that I’m not going to bother. Waste of breath.]

    • Jozef says:

      I’m sorry but I cannot agree.

      Just imagine where we would be with our old lira in this crisis. The UK cannot leave the EU either, it is inextricably linked to the continent, if anything it must move closer to the concept of fiscal union and monetary policy being proposed. Cameron himself is insisting on Britain’s role in the EU, this, from a conservative.

      As for the reporter, what he lacks is the strength to go beyond reporting and start taking decisions. Until now, he still prefers gathering the week’s stories to produce his personalised synopsis.

    • Farrugia says:

      There are no holes in my arguments, displeasing as they may be to the Establishment.

      You have been outrun and you are out of breath.

      [Daphne – This may have escaped your attention, Farrugia, but Joseph Muscat and his politicians are The Establishment. I am not.]

  5. cat says:

    Forsi l-mummy kienet tiddepozitalu l-flus fuq xi account f’Wales kif jigri f’hafna familji tal-Maltin li ghandhom it-tfal jistudjaw barra. Naf familji li anke n-nanna taghti kontribut.

  6. Mattie says:

    He should have worn his graduation sash over his tie and not under it. Graduation dress etiquette. Imma……

    • Anonymous Coward says:

      Actually, I was instructed to wear it this way too (i.e., sash underneath the tie) when I graduated in the UK.

  7. Pecksniff says:

    In your pic, is the guy on the right on his way to evening classes for his economics doctorate complete with thermos flask and packed sandwiches?
    By the way, Anthony David Gatt is not that much of a tall guy!

  8. Not the Back of Robert's Bus says:

    Joseph’s width is rapidly catching up with his height. He looks like somebody who should be following Snow White.

  9. Dee says:

    Is Joseph Muscat wearing Joe Grima’s hand-me-down trousers?

  10. john says:

    Why are they holding hands behind Anthony David’s back?

  11. marco vella says:

    Daphne you are such a shit starer,your life must be a misrable one like the grinch no wonder they call you is sahhara tla bidnija as not only you look like a witch but also act like one.
    Why dont you tell us a bit about your family for once rather then picking on every one else!

  12. Not Sandy :P says:

    There are some interesting and revealing comments below that photo:

    Joe Mifsud Awguri Toni, dak li tghallimt tista’ twettqu fil-prattika. Ftakar li l-ewwel li int gurnalist, iccediex ghal certu pressjonijiet.
    July 18 at 5:26pm

    Simone Cini Prosit Anthony,haqqek. U prosit kbira wkoll lil genituri tieghek li zgur kellhom parti kbira fir-rizultat .AWGURI
    July 18 at 5:41pm · 1

  13. Not Sandy :P says:

    Here are a few more responses to Anthony David Gatt’s photo announcement:

    Jason Micallef Congrats ADG. We at ONE are very proud of you and share this happy moment with you.
    July 18 at 6:11pm

    Wenzu Mintoff awguri Antony David
    July 18 at 9:03pm

    George Vella Heartfelt congratulations. Wishing you all the best.
    July 18 at 11:42pm

    Brian Hansford Congrats Anthony weldone (sic)
    July 19 at 3:09pm

    Aaron Farrugia PRosit Ton.L-iktar li ghogbitni l-ingravata tal-SPD Germany ;)
    July 20 at 8:11am

    Pia Micallef you graduated u m’qedtlix????????????? So much for a thank you for my help :P (even though it wasn’t an exaggerated amount of help :P) haha but congratulations, I’m really happy for you :)
    August 10 at 11:21pm

    Did they all vote ‘yes’ in the EU referendum?

  14. Not Sandy :P says:

    And Martin Debattista, Evarist Bartolo and Miriam Dalli are all pro-EU, it seems. Did they vote ‘yes’ too?

    Anthony David Gatt Grazzi lill kullhadd tal-awguri!!! Imma specjalment lill Martin Debattista, Miriam Dalli u Evarist Bartolo li 3 snin ilu emmnu fija u tawni referenza biex dhalt f’dan l-kors.
    July 19 at 12:14am

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