This is for Labour’s Aaron Farrugia, whose parents lied to him horribly as he grew up, and who couldn’t be fagged to find out for himself

Published: December 20, 2011 at 9:52am

From one of the blogs on The Guardian’s website, following Kim Jong-Il’s death – yes, Raised Red Aaron who thinks Malta is NO LONGER a democratic country, it’s The Guardian, not the Torygraph:

1) North Korea’s future ‘dear leader’ was born in, well, no one seems exactly sure where or when. According to the legend his family cultivated, he was born at his father’s log cabin on the side of North Korea’s sacred Mt Paektu in 1942.

A swallow was seen in the sky, signalling the early arrival of spring. A new star shone in the sky and a double rainbow was sighted nearby. The Soviets, meanwhile, said their records showed he was born in the Siberian village of Vyatskoye in 1941.

2) The first confirmed sighting of Kim Jong-il came in the early 1970s, when he was spotted on holiday in Malta, where it is understood he was receiving personal English lessons from the Maltese prime minister, Dom Mintoff.

3) In 1994, when he succeeded his father and “Eternal President” Kim Il-sung to lead North Korea, he was granted the first of more than 200 official titles. These included “Guiding Star of the 21st Century”, “Glorious General, Who Descended from Heaven”, “Amazing Politician”, “Ever-Victorious, Iron-Willed Commander” and “Highest Incarnation of the Revolutionary Comradely Love”.

And because Aaron Farrugia had the grave disadvantage of growing up in a home where the extended family voted for Dom Mintoff and KMB to retain power over an undemocratic country which was the focus of serious concern among the democratic countries of Europe, I have a little reminder for him.

Go straight to 12.30 mins in this video below, Aaron, and watch a North Korean troupe perform ‘Ma taghmlu xejn mal-Perit Mintoff’, when our own Dear Leader visited Kim Il Sung there in the 1970s.

You know, Aaron, you’re damned lucky you didn’t have to live in Malta when it was an undemocratic country. But if you had, you would have been voting for it to remain undemocratic, just as the rest of your family did.

No wonder you are the way you are – and of course, not having the intelligence to overcome the prejudices engendered by your upbringing, and to see things as they really are, can’t help.

Collecting university degrees is not a substitute for IQ – sad, but true.

So go straight to 12.30 mins, play it loud and thank the Nationalist Party (not because it is the Nationalist Party, but because it rid us of that scum for a decent interval) that Malta is now a democratic country.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Jack says:

    I also suggest he reads Nothing to Envy (

    It’s such a depressing description of life in North Korea that I couldn’t take more than a few pages at a time when reading it.

  2. La Redoute says:

    Aaron Farrugia could ask Alex Sceberras Trigona for the details of the agreement he brokered with North Korea.

  3. il-Ginger says:

    You have no idea how shocked I am right now. I had no idea. Someone said he was even educated at the University of Malta. WTF

  4. Not Sandy :P says:

    More recent news:

    Tuesday, December 20, 2011
    Belarus arrests dozens on vote anniversary

    Tuesday, December 20, 2011
    The Dear Leader’s secret stay in Malta

    • ciccio2011 says:

      “Little is known of Mr Kim – he led the world’s most oppressive and secretive country, where the state controls every aspect of private and public life.

      But in the 1970s, Mr Kim was in Malta to learn English, possibly as part of an exchange that included a secret agreement between the Labour government and the North Korean regime for the provision of military training and weapons.

      No official documentation exists of Mr Kim’s Malta stopover and any past attempts to coax comments from government officials at the time has always been met with cynicism.”

      If Kurt Sansone wrote that, we ought to believe it.

  5. Not Sandy :P says:

    Elve Aar and the not-so-secret grotto:

    Mr Farrugia also decided to call each member of the group ‘elve’: “Memo to elves in Sant’s grotto… Elve Alex… and Elve Josef… start working with Malcolm on the next wine party. Elve Andre, Elve Therese and Elve Bjorn A start working on IUSY events in Malta. Elve Daniel together with Elve Nikita and Elve Therese work on the renewable energy conference….”

    Signing as Elve Aar, he ended: “Keep it up elves: Proud to be elves on Labour’s side …”.

  6. Democracy says:

    Without people like these the Nationalist Party stands no chance at the next election.

  7. La Redoute says:

    The Committee to Protect Journalists is an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide by defending the rights of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal. Its list of the world’s ten most censored countries is here:

    It doesn’t mention Malta. Funny, that.

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