Tick tock…ouch

Published: December 28, 2011 at 4:58pm

Posted beneath a story on timesofmalta.com:

As I always saw it…the pn are renowned for their Clock & Dagger manners and they prove it by the every day (…)

27 Comments Comment

  1. Ruby says:

    What does it mean? Should that be cloak and dagger?

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    The PL – and especially Joseph Muscat – are certainly not “renowned” for their clock. Even the King of Spain knows that.

    • Matt B says:

      And there they were, today, speaking of how the PN’s time in government is up.

      Maltastar has a fantastic ‘leader’ about it.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Did you see Joseph on Xarabank, last Friday, trying to put the blame on his wife for his tardiness?

      • John Schembri says:

        Can you elaborate please?

      • ciccio2011 says:

        Oh, he was on time for the programme. But he brought up a case where he took Lil Din to Sliema and dropped her off to buy a gift, and she promised it would be only 10 minutes, but she took much, much longer.

  3. Karl says:

    Don’t be too harsh on the poor guy/girl Daphne. Maybe he/she wanted to say that the PN like to kill time?

    Happy holidays to you and your family, Daphne.

  4. ray says:

    It is always better than the usual Victor Laiviera bull.

  5. Artemis says:

    Maybe that means time is running out for the PN?

  6. Marku says:

    Have a look at this comment also from timesofmalta.com:

    victor caruana

    Today, 08:35

    North Korea have weapons of mass destraction, so North Korea is hard to destroy.

    Iraq had no weapons of mass destraction (despite the lie by the US) and so it was destroyed.

    • delacroixet says:

      …and there I was thinking Super One and L-Orizzont were the only weapons of mass distraction.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Now that’s a novel thought, ‘weapons of mass destraction’. Perhaps the Labour ‘brainees’ can come up with some for the next election. I suggest elephants, dwarfs, bell bottoms, horizontal stripes, spray-on hair, brown pants with black belt and shoes (or vice versa) and, course, a multitude of inanities.

      • ciccio2011 says:

        Harry, may I add some more weapons to your list: Taskedos, black ties, wine glasses with elephants etched on them, short sleeve shirts to be worn under a jacket, transparent synthetic shirts, Onslow vests, red-dial watches, oranges…

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Good stuff, Ciccio. Was searching for more. You rounded it out.

        What a list, and what a bunch of scary twits.

  7. Isabelle Micallef says:

    Did anyone hear TVM news right now? Report about our past connections with the Beloved Leader of North Korea.

    Apparentlyn TVM have a signed report of all the ammunition given to Malta, which report is signed by AST.

    TVM made it a point to show all its viewersthat AST had signed it and was aware even that it had to be kept secret. This with Reno Calleja saying that it was no secret……..

  8. edgar says:

    Yes TVM were very clever. They made Reno Calleja look like a real a**hole.Oh and the secret pact is no secret anymore.

  9. Botom says:

    Last Friday Xarabank was a PR disaster for Michelle Muscat. She was completely out of her depth.

    She tried to give an opinion on different issues trying to portrait herself as a well read, intelligent woman, a deserving wife of an aspiring prime minister. She failed miserably.

    She would do a great service to her husband and to the Labour Party if she kept her mouth shut.

  10. pippo says:

    Jista Reno Calleja jghidilna ghaliex dan il-patt kien sigriet?

    Jekk kien sigriet ghaliex qal “so what” jien nahseb illi ma kienx so what jekk kien baqa sigriet.

    Ta l-ahhar. Qal illi ma kienx hemm xejn hazin u anke kien hemm rapprezentant ta -Ewropa.

    Jista jghidilna l-isem ta’ dan ir-rappresentant ta l-Ewropa? Jista jghidilna ta’ liema Ewropa kien jekk hux ta kajjin jew ta’ Abel.

    Hallina Reno, mhux ahjar tibqa tigri b`dik il-briefcase vojta forsi min jarak jimpressjona daqxejn ruhu?

  11. Botom says:

    Reno is a self proclaimed kolonna tal-Partit Laburista. He was once appointed minister but was sacked after some time by Dom Mintoff.

    As an MP, he adopted an aggressive, bullying approach. Once after one of his typical hostile speeches in Parliament, Eddie Fenech Adami said that the time for this kind of politics is over is over and that Reno’s hostile attitude would cost him his seat.

    Dr Fenech Adani was spot on. Reno was never re elected to Parliament again… Thank God.

  12. Hans Weber writes under this article


    ‘Could these be the remains of King Henry V11?’

    I wonder which King of England that would have been..or perhaps it was no King at all but just an engine.

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