Two Hats Toni

Published: December 6, 2011 at 1:06am

So Toni Abela was in court again this morning, in his role as Saviour Balzan’s lawyer.

When he’s Saviour’s lawyer, he’s not deputy leader of the Labour Party.

To become deputy party leader, he has to put on his other hat. Then he stops being Saviour’s lawyer.

How does he work that out?

This morning he yelled at the magistrate – in his role as lawyer, you understand, not wearing his hat as deputy Labour leader.

The magistrate thought otherwise, told him that he expected better of a seasoned lawyer and POLITICIAN, and fined him 250 euros, noting down in the proceedings that he had “shouted at the court and insulted it”.

The Labour Party gets the supporters it deserves, and the rest of us get lumped with their decision.

11 Comments Comment

  1. The chemist says:

    Magistrate Francesco Depasquale gave him a right old bollocking. The deputy leader now has to pay 250 euros by the next sitting or face more consequences. 30 lashes should do it for starters and then chained to the stocks and pelted.

    • Re-charge says:

      Can’t the euro 250 be passed on to MaltaToday? After all, they are the client, and these can pass as disbursements on behalf of the client. Saviour Balzan should have no difficulty paying. Isn’t he expecting to cash euro 370,000 from the sale of his ready-to-move-into home with large rooms?

  2. ciccio2011 says:

    If Labour’s leaders shows this sort of arrogance in opposition, imagine what they will do in government. And if they can be this arrogant with the court, what will they do with the common citizen?

    Joseph’s proposal number 47.

    “47. Iċ-ċittadini jinqdew mill-qorti b’rispett u mingħajr dewmien żejjed.”

    Can they start respecting their own proposals from opposition?

    • Reporter says:

      My thoughts precisely.

      Dr Abela was completely arrogant and power seems to have gone up to his head. Power … ? Just imagine real power when they are in government.

      Dr Muscat must have a splitting headache. He’s got a subliterate idiot on the right, and an arrogant fool on the left. Absolutely unenviable situation.

  3. Banderas Herrera says:

    Show some respect guys. Dr. Abela is our next deputy prime minister. U giezu giez, sabbarni.

  4. TinaB says:

    A leopard never changes its spots.

  5. vicki says:

    Kont vera kuntenta li Toni Abela gie mmultat mill-Magistrat – bhalma nghidu ghall-darba sab kappell jigih.

    Haqqu iktar minn hekk ghal-ilsien twil li ghandu.

    Bniedem vera pastaz, arroganti u m’ghandux rispetti, Nispera biss illi ma nitqannawx bih bhala deputat tal-Prim Ministru fl 2013 anzi nispera li anqas jigi elett fil-Parlament ghax hu u nies bhalu deni biss jaghmlu lil Malta u Ghawdex.

  6. Matt says:

    What do the people see in the MLP’s leadership. They are arrogant and not worthy to be in parliament.

    I want people in parliament who are better than me. Malta deserves a better Opposition. Labour delegates I beg you, kick them out of your party and replace them with people who would make you proud. These people are embarrassing you. It’s not too late.

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