When you’re tempted to listen to them or take them seriously, remember that they voted to make KMB prime minister

Published: December 12, 2011 at 2:35pm

Silvio Parnis voted to make KMB prime minister in 1992

Michael Farrugia voted to make KMB prime minister in 1992

Marlene Mizzi voted to make KMB prime minister in 1992

Karmenu Vella voted to make KMB prime minister in 1992

Jose Herrera voted to make KMB prime minister in 1992

Edward Scicluna voted to make KMB prime minister in 1992

Consuelo Herrera voted to make KMB prime minister in 1992

Charles Mangion voted to make KMB prime minister in 1992

Anthony Zammit voted to make KMB prime minister in 1992

Anglu Farrugia voted to make KMB prime minister in 1992

Joseph Muscat voted to make KMB prime minister in 1992

And just to put things into perspective, Toni Abela didn't vote to make KMB prime minister in 1992

23 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Who did Toni Abela vote for, apart from himself?

    [Daphne – He had set up AD at the time, remember.]

    • La Redoute says:

      Yes, I know. But there were hardly enough of them to fill a ballot sheet. Wenzu Mintoff doesn’t really count. Wasn’t he already an MP when he switched to AD?

      [Daphne – Yes.]

  2. La Redoute says:

    Oh, and I imagine Sceberras Trigona (future minister for foreign affairs and special relations with Libya?) also voted for KMB in 1992, as did Joe Debono Grech (future minister without portfolio?), Marie Louise Coleiro (future minister for social affairs?), and Evarist Bartolo (future minister for education?).

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    And they all voted to make Alfred Sant Prime Minister in 1996, 1998, 2003 and 2008.

    Maaa, x’biza.

  4. Jozef says:

    1992 was Joseph’s first time.

  5. thinker says:

    I love the photo of Anglu Farrugia – couldn’t stop laughing.

    • Hey thinker,

      I couldn’t either. The guy looks like a bum who needs a bra and a corset. On second thoughts, he needs a general makeover.

      • La Redoute says:

        That photo was taken ‘in front of famous sacred mosque’ (sic). He’s seen sense and removed that collection of photos from his website, only he hasn’t realised they’re all over the internet anyway.

  6. U Le! says:

    Of course Karmenu Vella voted to make KMB PM in 1992. He had served as minister under iz-zero.

    Now he writes our future, under Joseph.

    And Joseph’s nanna used to adore Mintoff.

    It’s like the Addams Family.

  7. Scerri S says:


  8. pampalun says:

    “Just because you are in opposition, doesn’t mean you should oppose British interests,” says the prime minister. He says the Labour leader should have the courage to state whether he would have backed the treaty or not. For once our parliament seems to be doing better than the British one…or am I missing something?

  9. edgar says:

    Toni Abela and Wenzu Mintoff had resigned from the MLP because they could not tolerate the corruption of the MLP (their words) and formed AD.

    Now they are back and with them most of the same people who formed the MLP then.

    Strange how these two gentlemen accept to be rubbing shoulders with the same people who they had called corrupt two decades ago.

  10. Reporter says:

    I think Joseph Muscat wasn’t even 18 in 1992. (He was born in 1974 … so he surely didn’t make it in the electoral register of that election).

    Also, I think Knotty Zammit was in Germany at the time.

    Are you sure REALLY sure Ed Scicluna voted Labour in 1992?! I think he was fooling around at the time…

    [Daphne – Joseph Muscat was born in January 1974. So yes, he was 18 when the 1992 general election rolled round. Anthony Zammit would have flown back to vote, and Edward Scicluna definitely voted Labour because, as he famously said, he always sides with the underdog.]

    • Reporter says:

      Beg to differ.

      The electoral register for the 1992 election closed in September 1991. He wasn’t 18 in September 1991. So he did not vote.

      With regard to the other two, they give me the impression of being two slimey creatures.

      Don’t you remember Ed Scicluna quarrelling publicly with Sant on the HSBC privatisation?

    • ciccio2011 says:

      It is very interesting that Edward Scicluna said that he sides with the underdog (I know he said it). Why is he not siding with the PN for the next elections?

    • Snoopy says:

      Anthony Zammit was already in Malta and a consultant (became a consultant in 1986) and I have the impression that at that time he was not so Labour leaning.

    • Lomax says:

      I distinctly remember Edward Scicluna showing blue and red graphs on television to show that the MLP was ahead of the PN.

      What I don’t remember, on the other hand, is whether this was in 1992 or 1996.

      However, given that I had voted for the first time in 1996 and given that I do not recall watching TV at home on that fateful Sunday 27th October, 1996, but rather I was at some friends’, I’m almost certain that it was in 1992 so he MUST have been round at the time.

      Still Daphne, you really hit the nail on the head. It’s incredible that people voted KMB at all, let alone these people who should know better.

  11. Soft spot says:

    Here’s another rebel and former Labour Prime Minister who is on a par with KMB.


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