A major scoop on Franco Debono’s cock
Imbasta hafna pozi, Franco Debono.
Illum bir-Rolex u l-Italian suit, u l-bierah bis-serduq tal-glied. U minn dejjem bniedem skifuz.
After reading this anecdote sent to me by one of his village contemporaries, I can understand why he’s so vulgar, crass, boastful and ta’ cacu.
I mean, a cock-fighter, for heaven’s sake. Is-serduq ta’ Franco l-Baggio (his nickname). Mur ghidlu, issa.
No wonder we haven’t seen him campaigning for tougher laws on animal cruelty.
So here’s the anecdote sent to me by email
I’m sending you this story after I read about what happened on the schoolbus when Franco was younger and which with hindsight sets more light on today’s antics.
Mela meta konna hafna izghar kien hawn furja ghall-glied tas sriedak (don’t laugh so heartily, because that’s life in the village) u Franco kellu serduk prim. Igelldu ma’ ta’ min igelldu, ta’ Franco dejjem rebbieh u l-hena tieghu jara lis serduk tieghu ikisser u jfarrak is-serduk tal-avversarju, u dejjem jiftahar li ma’ tal-Baggio m’ hemmx cans.
Imma darba fettilu jgelled dan l-imbierek serduk ma’ ta’ wiehed jghidulu l-Brazz, li kellu serduk champion.
Malli bdiet il-glieda is-serduk tal-Brazz beda jtaptaplu il ta’ Baggio, u Franco inkredibbilment u ta’ haxxej li hu dahal f’nofs is-sriedak, hataf is-serduk tieghu u telaq jigri lejn id-dar.
Iss, kien jiehu pjacir tant jarah jirbah, ma hallaniex narawh jitlef. Minn dejjem hekk kien a sore loser. Dejjem li jirbah hu biss jghodd.
Illum with hindsight qed nifhem ghala kien ghamel hekk.
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The little prat never grew up.
Now that explains a lot.
Seriously was expecting a little bit more than facebook videos, copy past articles, and copy paste comments…..I was seriously expecting some perfect well constructed arguments countering those of Franco’s, but maybe he is right after all, and the only viable argument is that he’s insane…..Keep at it Daphne
[Daphne – I’m not in the habit of arguing with the permanently or temporarily deranged. Perhaps you the sort of person who thinks that Norman Lowell ‘has a point’ and that we should tackle his issues constructively. Even cracked people are capable of saying the occasional sensible thing, Gino, but you have to take what they say in the context of who they are, what sort of problems they have, and why they’re doing it. Do you remember Jo Said in the last general election? I knew he was suffering from something mental because he used to ring me after midnight and even fought with my husband about his ‘right’ to speak to me at that time of night even if I didn’t want to. But to others, he was this ‘freedom fighter’ li kellu ragun, arguing against corruption. Then it turned out that he had been ‘boarded out’ of his job years ago because of his psychological problems which rendered him unfit to work.]
Gino – Why are you upset by a mention of Franco’s cock?
Maybe because he’s Franco’s pussy.
Tant hu mignun Franco li l-prim ministru jaghmel dak li jrid hu!
Ara veru m’għandekx iktar xi tgħid u qed tkompli taqa fil-baxx.
ezatt din injoranza ta DAPHNE CARUANA GALIZIA – kulhadd kapaci jippostja imma mux kulhadd kapaci jghid li andu jghid wicc ma wicc
Caps lock does not make you sound more important. It only makes you look simple. If you have a point to make, make it using a logical argument.
Thank you and good night.
People don’t change, they just put on a persona.
He cultivated it up to parliament.
Che schifo.
Uzgur Franco ga kellu f’mohhu li jilhaq MP dak iz-zmien…..
Daphne is-sahhara ta wied ghafried
Your time has come
What the f**k does that mean, “your time has come”?
Do you think that just because Labour are going to be elected, anything is going to happen to Daphne?
You are a perfect example of a stupid, ignorant Labour supporter from the time of Mintoff and KMB. We’re in the EU now, you miserable sod.
She can continue to write all she wants when PL are in government, and nobody will stop her. These are not the 1980s anymore.
Believe me M. Bormann, if you believe that because we are om the european union the politics don’t have the power anymore that they had in the time of mintof KMB and eddie, your totally stupid. If someone in goverment want to dispose of someone, they have hundred means to do it, and little to no means to get caught.
I’m not saying that this stupid bitch will get taken care of once labour is elected, I’m just correcting you that it IS possible if they wanted it :)
[Daphne – ‘This stupid bitch’. On my own website. Il-vera criecer, jahasra. No wonder THEY don’t think there’s anything wrong in answering your mobile phone during a one-to-one live television discussion.]
If Franco Debono votes No on the Budget Measures Implementation Bill, it will mean that government will grind to a halt, with possibly no money to pay salaries, pensions, social security benefits, suppliers, contractors as it would not be able to raise funds through the issue of Treasury Bills and Government Bonds.
It appears that Debono is hell-bent on causing as much damage as possible not to the PN but to the country as a whole through forcing an early election during 2012 when double dip recession and financial crisis will reach its peak.
I’ve said it on other sites: I think the Budget Measures Implementation Bill will pass as otherwise everyone would blame Franco Debono (and the PL) for all the complications that would arise.
Any anti-Debono sentiment at this point would automatically be translated into support for the PN and even the PL has seen this and will try to avoid it.
This is how I interpret Joseph Muscat’s words that the Opposition will be taking a position that won’t be understood or approved by their supporters (he doesn’t have a high idea of the supporters, evidently).
So that’s why Marisa was unusually involved with JPO in a tit-for-tat on who should take responsibility and call a vote of confidence yesterday.
But then she’s barely a paragon of loyalty and principle.
Jeffrey couldn’t hold a slight grin as she worked herself up into a huff.
taghlem tkellem blingwa wahda -_-
Look who’s talking. One who can’t even string one sentence in Maltese.
Little Jack Horner sat in the corner
Eating his Christmas pie,
He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum
And said “What a good boy am I!”
Jekk il-PN jitlef l-elezzjoni in-Nazzjonalisti f’min iwahhlu ?
Fi Franco Debono jew f’Daphne Caruana Galizia? Hmmm food for thought ;)
[Daphne – It’s incredible the way support for the Labour Party is, except in cases of extreme family tradition, invariably linked to unsound judgement. If Franco had not been raised in a Nationalist family, he would have chosen Labour. All the signs are there.]
That’s Maltese news for you, from Manu’s “layered, uncut cock” to Franco’s “serduk prim”.
Isn’t cock fighting illegal? The more we get to know of him, the darker the picture gets.
Is the story about the Serduk true ? I can’t believe it.
[Daphne – Yes, of course it is.]
Someone should call him to find out.
Imagine trying to interrupt him in full flow to ask whether it’s true he once had a cock.
What are you implying?
Thank you very much, Daphne. I will consider it seriously before casting my vote.
Vote for rubbish and get rubbish, but with a rubbish electorate what do you expect?
The trick is to field candidates who appeal to different types of voters, even the crass and vulgar, then hope for the best.
Pulling his cock away when he was losing to another cock – hmm – that seems to be the pattern of behaviour here.