A telling incident
I have received this anecdote, by email.
Hi Daphne,
When Franco was in Form II, I was in Form V, and his bus captain. The route was a long one stretching from Marsaxlokk, going past Hal Ghaxaq, down to Zurrieq.
He always sat in the same seat, with his black satchel wedged between his legs and the seat in front of him. He was quiet, orderly and small for his age. The perfect target for others to pick upon.
There was one particularly obnoxious fat kid from Birzebbugia who bossed others and made it his agenda to take the same seat just to spite Franco.
Things came to a head when Franco was so upset that he burst into tears, this after a whole argument where his indignant stand was met with jeering and ridicule from the other boys.
It was only resolved when I ordered the chubby bully to sit next to the driver (it was a van) and never again pick on Franco. From that day onwards Franco sat next to me at the back, the place ‘reserved’ for the big boys.
Maybe I should have left him to it, gain some character.
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Re the pic…. I heard he introduced himself as a minister at the time
Ma kiber qatt.
How low can you all go? It is revolting.
And it seems that it will be getting worse as D-day approaches.
Rotten core best defines you all.
And your assumed name best defines you, mandango.
So Franco Debono seems to have been quite a nerd when young. Now that he is a grown up, we are hearing that he is a mummy’s boy, he needs treatment for, I don’t recall how many mental disorders that have been attrbuted to him, and all in all he is painted as a complete nervous wreck.
And we are to understand that this is the man who managed to CHECKMATE Gonzi and all his bright advisers?
Thank God he is not completely there.
[Daphne – He didn’t checkmate Gonzi and his bright advisers, Silvio. He walked into a shop carrying a machinegun. That’s different.]
He checkmated them because they are now powerless and in his hands – they can’t knock the gun out of his hands.
[Daphne – That’s not a checkmate. Checkmating involves wits, not threats of ‘violence’.]
Why was a criminal lawyer with Angelina and Brad in the first place?
Another photo-op, that’s all.
The bus captain is needed again, because Franco might have to change his seat in parlament.
But he won’t be happy with the back seat this time round.
It turns out that Franco has been on the back seat since that day when he joined the big boys on the back seat of that minibus. Only that the big boys moved to the front and driving seats since then…
Robert Musumeci
Jien kont wiehed minn dawk li meta kien hem il- vot dwar l- ARRIVA esigejt li ma mmorrux ghall- elezzjoni peress li fhimt li l- kwestjoni kienet salvabbli stante li l-izvolta kienet ta’ natura teknika fi sfond amministrattiv. ILLUM, qed nitkellmu dwar deputat li irrizenja mill- Partit u allura jidher li l- gvern ghandu diffikulta biex jibqa’ jmexxi. Ghalhekk qed ninsisti li t-triq rimanenti hi li mmorru lura ghand l- elettorat.
U int, Musumeci, x’kredenzjali ghandek biex tghid kif imorru l-affarjiet?
Ghax ghadu ma’ rrizenjax, stante l-insistenza tal-istrurdament li jissaporti.
Stante li tghid il-magistrat.
“Stante”? Dan il-blog sar bejta tal-avukati?
Robert Musumeci: Second-year law student and already using legalese to impress the plebs.
Dan Robert ukoll, gej bl-istante. Lil min tahseb li qed timpressjona?
Mur tnejjek, int u l-insistenzi ta’ mohhok, trid?
Sounds really pathetic. Lawyers (and law students) should use legalese in a court of law and NOT with non-legal people. Some people will do anything to impress.
Another one ripe for expulsion from the NP.
Breaking News: Franco Debono denounces Catholic Herald report. Sends certificate to prove his case. http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/en/newsdetails/news/national/He-s-not-only-a-prince-of-the-Vatican-he-s-possibly-the-most-intelligent-man-alive-20120109
That’s just him dropping by unannounced at Da Pippo restaurant in Valletta.
So the bus captain confirms it – Dr. D. (I can no longer bring myself to dignify him with his full title) was destined for the back bench even as a 12yr old, no matter what his stunning mid-yearly results indicated.
Min baghtlek l-email suppost jaf illi Debono (jew “il-Frank” kif konna nafuh) jekk iggibu daru mal-hajt, ser iweggek. Ahjar inhalluh bi kwietu. Hemm izjed cans insolvu l-affarijiet nahseb.
Wrong caption. It should read “Ara mama, Brad Pitt u Angelina Jolie qeghdin ma’ Franco Debono”.
Mrs Debono, ara kif lahaqlek it-tifel! Gabuhulek fil-USmagazine!
“Toward the end of the meal, they were joined by Franco Debono, a local politician, for a quick chat. “I love Malta!” Pitt raved to Debono. “Glad to be here.”
(The stars posed for a phone pic with Debono, second to left, a staffer, and restaurant owner Francis Cutajar, far right.)”
The stars posed for a “phone pic” … Make a bet that was Debono’s phone?
Oh come on, guys – I mean he declared he never got anything out of politics – at least he has some pictures with famous people on his “Mamma Guardami – ma quanto sono bravo” wall.
Judging be his grin it could also be he showed Brad and Angelina his school report and hey, maybe they offered to adopt him – no money spent on his education – he’s already sooooooo intelligent.
Franco li tghidlu ommu, u Musumeci li tghidlu xi ras kbira (u warrani kbira) mil qorti.
So Franco was a gatecrasher that night.
Explains a local insider: “It’s a lunchtime restaurant, so it was opened especially for them. Brad wanted a dinner for some of the people working on the film. It was an intimate setting.”
Toward the end of the meal, they were joined by Franco Debono, a local politician, for a quick chat. “I love Malta!” Pitt raved to Debono. “Glad to be here.”
Pity Debono did not show this photo to the PM before the reshuffle.
It might have convinced him to give in and make him minister. Evidently, as far as political judgement goes, Franco Debono is an unmitigated disaster.