ara fejn u l king!!!! proset perit kem u sabih litratt

Published: January 25, 2012 at 2:47pm

It’s hard to believe there are such immense and insurmountable cultural differences in a population of less than half a million. People like this might as well be from another planet, not just another country.

And because there appear to be more of them than there are of anyone else, every five years (or four) it’s a hellish battle to ensure that their rubbish choices and poor judgement don’t get inflicted on the rest of us.

36 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    “Very nice pic proset”

    Mintoff floating in outer space IS a nice picture.

  2. S Borg says:


  3. JoeM says:

    Maybe, who knows, Franco Debono will be receiving the same reverential treatment in 14 years’ time.

  4. TROY says:

    Rita Grech saw the king! Is he that lump of crap in the wheelchair?

    Rejoice, Rita, rejoice.

  5. ta' sapienza says:

    ‘Spiteri Michelle : iqbad l bard hu jbikik.’

    You have no idea, Michelle.

  6. geek says:

    He’s probably thinking about buying an ice-cream.

  7. Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

    Actually it’s quite a good photo…. Mintoff out of this world.

  8. Sarah says:


  9. C Falzon says:

    That looks like the sort of picture one would compose for a dead person.
    Perhaps a fire and brimstone background would be more appropriate than that heavenly one for this particular person though.

  10. Mark says:

    Taghllem ikteb titlu sura ta nies fidila qabel ma titnejjek b’haddihor. Turix l-injoranza tieghek iktar ma int taqa ghan-nejk tiga :)

    [Daphne – Dak quote minn Facebook, Mark. Jien minhiex illiterata. Ghalhekk ma nivvutax Labour.]

    • Level says:


    • C Falzon says:

      lezzjoni zghira fil-kitba bil-Malti minghand xi hadd li ma gabx 100 fil form 2:

      Tghallem, mhux “taghllem”.

      Ta’ nies, mhux “ta nies”.

      Haddiehor mhux “haddihor”.

      Taqgha, mhux “taqa”.

      Diga, mhux “tiga”

    • Karl says:

      Is it just me, or is there a new wave of people making fun of your vocabulary on this blog? How do they not get the sarcasm and mockery? No, seriously, how? I would really like to live a simple life like theirs.

    • maryanne says:

      Ahjar titghallem tikteb int, Mark.

    • @daphne says:

      jekk biex tivota labour trid tkun illiterat hawn 48.8 % tal- Maltin illiterati jgifri ghandkom biex tifahru il PN bil passi il quddiem li ghamiltu f dawn il 25 sena .Mhux ta b xejn anki nies injuranti jmorru asistenti barra minn Malta .

      [Daphne – Naqbel mieghek u ma nistax nifhem kif fallew daqstant bil-kbir l-iskejjel Maltin. Nahseb li l-influenza negattiva (influence, mhux flu) tal-familja hija qawwija wisq u teghleb l-isforzi kolla tas-sistema edukattiva.]

      • @daphne says:

        Jien nahseb aktar il 49.3 huma falliment ghax biex tivota dan il gvern ta hmieg trid tkun altru illiterat b eccezjoni ta nies li biex jghixu u jaqalghu lira jahdmu minn taht ma dan il gvern imma dawk sewwa jaghmlu la mux kapaci jaghmlu xi haga ohra imma il bqija tista tiddeskrivihom b qawl malti – il malti taqlaghlu ghajnu u jifrah

    • thinker says:

      u int tista’ titghallem tikteb il-malti minghajr zbalji

  11. joseph says:

    mela nehejtu il kument tiji fidila bhal ma qallek mark hehehe

    • TinaB says:

      Joseph, issa minnflok toqghod tahli il-hin hawn tghid il-hmerijiet mhux ahjar tmur l-iskola ta’ filghaxija, tiehu ftit lezzjonijiet forsi titghallem tikteb, imqar bil-Malti?

  12. Pisces says:

    Phew! Thought they all had gone away after yesterday’s stampede to hijack this site with their venom and hatred, defending their senile perit.

    Am sure they alert each other to post threatening comments trying to scare Daphne. Ma taghmlu xejn ma’ Daphne! Please lock them out, we do not want them here.Suckers!

  13. John Schembri says:

    Isma dan mhux se jkun xi Star Candidate hux?

  14. Lorna saliba says:

    Taf min jonqos f’dan ir-ritratt, Daphne? Joey z-Zejza!

    It should inspire all of us to vote Labour when we come to make the right choice.

  15. Dem-ON says:

    Did Jose A. Herrera send him one of those cards wishing him the best “f’gheluq zmienu”?

  16. TinaB says:

    Absolutely beautiful! I want one, to hang it on my living room wall. If you provide me also with one of Joey and Michelle and another one of Anglu I’ll be forever grateful.

  17. Dee says:

    Qisa santa tal-mejtin.

    Min iddisinja dak ir-ritratt?

    L-istess wiehed li ghamel il-kartolini ta’ gheluq iz-ZMIEN ta’ Jose’?

  18. il-Ginger says:

    Far out Mintoff

  19. Peppa says:

    It is taqa’ as in kiser

  20. Joe says:

    ‘Il-King dak’ – tac-cwiec u ta’ dawk li jitkarrbu ghax bla hila.

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