Cara daqs il-kristall: we’re heading for a rough ride
January 17, 2012 at 7:48pm
I thought we had better start getting ourselves used to the idea that this man will soon be our deputy prime minister. What do they call it – immersion therapy?
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I hate to place this here seeing as it is not directly related, but it has happened, it has finally happened.
I cannot read another article about Franco Debono, let alone look at his face.
I usually read almost every article and most of the comments, but I have found myself skimming through anything remotely related to Franco Debono here and elsewhere.
I never thought the time would come when the sight of Anglu Farrugia would be welcome. But what do you know? Franco, to me, is history.
Same here! Whenever I see the little twat’s face, I say “not again”.
I either skim-read or ignore.
If Lou Bondi’s questions were exam questions and Anglu’s replies were his written answers, he would have failed his exam miserably.
Is he really a summa or a magna cum laude?
Can you imagine him delivering a speech at a Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial meeting in Brussels? L-aktar jekk ifettillu jghidilhom li jrid jaghmel xi “Tuks Force”.
Immersion therapy, eh? Well yes, we could immerse him but where?
Good luck!
Actually I do have a soft spot for Anglu Farrugia: the Grimpen Mire.
Good luck Malta
Why do I feel like crying really, really hard?
I’m finding this pill too hard to swallow. Somebody help me.
Kelma waħda: diżastru.
He really needs to work on his “I have no idea what I’m on about” face if he expects to convince people that they might actually do something they say. Benefits is a cute idea and I can see how they think that this would make them look good, but what are they going to do? Start turning shit into money?
But really, why don’t they focus on getting people to get their act together? If they keep getting better benefits there’s absolutely no motivation to do so and all you’ll ever keep doing is increasing their benefits because these people realize that it’s ok that they’re a train wreck and it’s ok because the labour party lets them survive through national handouts.
Miskin, nithassru. Ahjar li baqa’ pulizija ghax kieku ghaddewlu 25 sena servizz u barra bid-daqq, Ang.