UPDATED: Cassette tapes, eh? Now THAT’S a reason for the prime minister to resign

Published: January 25, 2012 at 8:51pm

Franco Debono is speaking now in parliament. And speaking. And speaking. Now he’s on the subject of cassette tape recordings during court hearings.

This during a debate on a vote of no confidence in the government, while increasingly awful bulletins emerge from the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos.

His phone rang (twice), forsi ghax kien mitfi.

One of my friends in the Strangers’ Gallery received a message from somebody else there:

Waqt il-priedka ta’ FD halli l-mobile idoqq b’sound gholi. Jekk jghid xi haga, ghidlu ‘Ara, anke mitfi idoqq.’


Franco is still speaking. Same old, same old. My friend there tells me that half the house is yawning, many are fiddling with their mobile phone, Helena Dalli is reading a book (what is it? what is it?), and all are slouching in their seats not kept to the edge of them.

If he aspires to be party leader, he’s going to have to learn how to be a more focussed and incisive speaker.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Micallef says:

    I am at a loss of words how in two minutes he rubbished the looming world economic crises and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

    And just now he is saying one idiocy after the other on energy.

  2. The chemist says:

    Meta tkun puppatur il-mobile qatt ma taghmlu silent. Sorry, but no literal translation for this.

  3. Lomax says:

    I’ve buried myself in a Ruth Rendell psychological thriller but fact is that I can’t really immerse myself with Franco Debono ranting in the background.

    But have you understood exactly what he’s about? I mean, is it the Courts, the Small Claims Tribunal, or the Constitution, the Electoral law? Even his own parents got a mention in this litany of complaints.

    “Issa saru d-disgha .. nitolbok biex tkompli” – I was rather hoping my evening would be spared this litany but apparently not even the normal adjournment time will spare me.

    • gogemini says:

      That surely is uncalled for torture. Who is responsible to have subjected you to hear FD’s entire speech against your will?

  4. AA says:

    All this while Jose Herrera walked in with a bag of Twistees.

  5. Lomax says:

    Sa mal-ex Prim’ Imhallef qabad. Mid-dehra tilef xi zewg kawzi kostituzzjonali.

    I have to say “dal-bicca deputat” has more than one axe to grind – a whole workshop of axes.

  6. La Redoute says:

    Cassette tapes during court proceedings – isn’t that one of the reasons for throwing his many wobblies?

    Maybe someone should introduce him to sub-atomic quantum communications and the universal memory bank.

    Or just put him inside the total perspective vortex so he can see his own importance in relation to the universe across all time.

  7. John Schembri says:

    In the first part of his speech Franco was convincing. His issues were good but not important even though everybody agrees.

    The things he’s proposing need to be agreed by a two-thirds majority in parliament. We can’t afford to discuss these things while there is all this turmoil around us.

    Franco Debono used parliamentary immunity to attack Dr Hermann Schiavone. He’s beating about the bush attacking this genuine gentleman from his privileged parliamentary seat.

    As a lawyer he knows very well what he needs to do to protect his integrity: Dr Franco Debono should drag Schiavone to court and truth will come out. The fact that a lawyer of his calibre is avoiding the law courts says a lot.

    Is-sewwa jirbah zgur, no Franco?

    How about regulating the abuse of parliamentary immunity, Franco?

  8. mc says:

    Debono is trying to justify the unjustifiable. In this legislature we had a government which achieved excellent results, in spite of the shortcomings.

    Debono latched on to whatever criticism was made in past years, spiced up with his own and tried to depict it as sufficient justification to rebel against the PM.

    It is all a smokescreen. The fact is he rebelled because he was not made minister.

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