Coal for Franco from Father Christmas

Published: January 6, 2012 at 12:23pm

Reports of a cabinet reshuffle today, with the justice portfolio possibly going to Chris Said and no promotion for any backbencher: expect more frustrated anger from Franco Debono.

Let’s hope he does not have to wait for the results of a survey of public opinion to tell him – as with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who read Malta Today’s survey results, promptly went quiet and announced his retirement from politics at the end of this term – that he has lost the support of the electorate, taking the wind out of his sails.

You’ve blown it, Franco. At least have the good sense to know it.

90 Comments Comment

  1. Hot Mama says:

    ‘Sense’ what sense?

  2. ciccio says:

    Why should Franco be frustrated now? He will get exactly what he asked for. I mean, the separation of Justice from the Interior…

    [Daphne – Ahem.]

    • ciccio says:

      Ok, let me try this. He will now say that justice in Malta cannot be administered by Gozitans.

    • No Problem says:

      Sure, but no Ministry….

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      Because Dr Franco Debono did not blow his top off when the Prime Minister did not separate the Ministry of Justice from the Ministry of the Interior according to his ultimatum.

      But, now, he has blown off the top of his head when he was not one of the newly appointed Ministers!

  3. Jonathan says:

    This is an interesting move. I really hope that the PM will use the same cunning and foresight he used when he nominated the President.

  4. xandru says:

    Personal note to Daphne:

    Dear Daphne, Thank you for the articles, especially the latest ones regarding the double homicide at Sliema.

    I noted something strange which I suggest you to investigate. I am under the impression that no plans are available online from MEPA website, as the current legislation do not give access for a copy of personal development application plans to everyone. One can only VIEW such plans from MEPA offices and are not available for viewing from the website. Only persons who provide a copy of a contract and ID (which relates to the contract) can have a copy from MEPA.
    Kindly investigate as this might is a breach of data protection and possibly a breach in confidentiality from a mole within MEPA.

    The article reads as follows:
    “F’mezzi oħrajn, is-Sur Xuereb stqarr ukoll li l-pjanta tal-post ippubblikata fil-ħarġa tagħna tal-bieraħ mhijiex korretta, iżda anke jekk indikajna li mindu ħarġet dik il-pjanta setgħu saru xi alterazzjonijiet fuq il-post, il-pjanta tniżżlet mill-websajt uffiċjali tal-Awtorità Maltija għall-Ambjent u l-Iżvilupp (MEPA).”

    Can be viewed:'Ahbarijiet'&ID2=84943

    These persons publishing such informatin re the same persons who dipinge themselves as victims whenever someone publishes something on their beloved politicians!!!

    Another point which I want to ask you relates the court case regarding Sandro Chetcuti and Vince Farrugia. During the hearing Chetcuti’s lawyer presented copies of sms’s between Vince’s daughter and a doctor. How were these obtained? Is this legal? I heard nothing on this case.

    Thank you, and please do keep up the good work.

  5. Neil Dent says:

    Good for Chris Said, if this is accurate – I like him and consider him to be an asset to the country and the Nationalist Party. Good for Chris Said and a wise choice by the Prime Minister.

  6. pampalun says:

    Real loser, is once again PM. No one negotaites with terrorists. I think that if Franco Debono is clever enough, he will come out of this stronger. Depends on his next move.

    [Daphne – I’ve been doing this job for more than 20 years, Pampalun. I think I have a pretty good sense of when somebody has had it.]

    • pampalun says:

      You could be right. But my guess is that the PM and the PN will be reckoning that they need every single vote come next election, and better Franco Debono in the fold than lose a couple hundred votes. I think that the PM will do another Johnny Dalli, with probably the same disastrous effect some way down the line.

      [Daphne – Franco Debono will be deselected.]

    • Angus Black says:

      “…if Franco Debono is clever enough, he will come out stronger”

      But he isn’t clever. He put his own political future in great jeopardy and he does not realize it. That’s not being clever, that’s plain stupid.

      A good politician seeks compromise and ensures his popularity by presenting himself as a team player. He doesn’t and his ego impedes logic.

      His only future (maybe) lies in Italy – his life long dream!

    • Pepe` says:

      After political suicide, what next move could there possible be?

    • Renzo says:

      Seems to me you are right, Daphne.

    • il-Ginger says:

      He’s definitely lost it – delusional to the point of mental disorder.

  7. George says:

    Far from it. Franco has won yet again. We need more like him. Men of Principle and not ‘yes’ men. I suggest he stands as an independent next time round in case we get another slim majority between the elected party and the opposition. Malta is crying out for a third force.

    HIp Hip Hurray.

    [Daphne – Sigh.]

    • stiefnu says:

      Franco Debono a third force? Are you nuts yourself?

      He’s just a spoilt brat and now the PM has called his bluff. The PN will most probably lose the coming election (will it be in March) but at least would have got rid of this man.

      He got into parliament not because he is Franco Debono but because he contested the election for the PN and he betrayed his voters.

    • Etienne Calleja says:

      What an idiot.

  8. gianni says:

    We should expect another Franco Debono mess within 3 months and then he will announce that he will not contest next general election.

  9. Jack says:

    @ Daphne

    Are you seriously suggesting / implying that Malta Today has a redeeming feature?

  10. Joe Micallef says:

    I’m loving it!

  11. Gino says:

    Puppet on a string – remarkable song in such times…… on all other fronts I agree with the decision, which however should have been considered ages ago.

  12. BBC says:

    Prosit Franco. Good job.

  13. Ray Camilleri says:

    Yes Malta is crying out for… Franco Debono.

  14. Joseph A Borg says:

    I bumped into him this morning. It was a pleasure to shake his hand.

  15. Clifford says:

    Franco bezaq fl-ajru u giet f’wiccu. Is there an English version?

  16. Sammy says:

    Prosit, Daphne! You never fail with your words!

  17. Li Ding says:

    Confucius, he say:
    The superior man knows what is right; the inferior man knows what will sell.

  18. P Shaw says:

    Jeffrey decided to call it a day once he realized that he had no support any longer.

    You claim he read the Malta Today survey before publication, and I heard that he received negative and indifferent feedback once he started doing the rounds in the PN clubs of his district.

    Yet, and knowing all this, The Times crowned him a victor for 2011 and labelled him as “cool” for taking the decision to retire from politics.

    The reporter (the usual Christian Peregin) tried to imply that Jeffrey is above it all and an overall winner. This article was published on December 31.

  19. edgar says:

    This is a clear message to all that Dr. Gonzi is in full control of the situation.

    The more things are looking bad the more he comes out with flying colours.

    The ones who tried to put spokes in the wheels are falling by the wayside.

  20. La Redoute says:

    Franco Debono needn’t complain. He has achieved his stated end of separate ministries for justice and home affairs and is now free to go to Italy where he has always wanted to work.

    Good riddance.

  21. Kenneth Cassar says:

    “In initial comments about the reshuffle this afternoon, (Franco Debono) expressed disappointment, saying he wanted to live in a democracy and not an oligarchy.

    He also pointed to comments he made to this morning where he expressed concern that the prime minister was being held hostage by a clique around him.

    ‘He can run, but he cannot hide’ Dr Debono said”.

    1. What a surprise.
    2. Anyone needs any more confirmation that he’s not all there?

  22. Dee says:

    It is not coal from Father Christmas but a a slap with the broomstick on Franco’s derriere, from La Befana.

  23. P Shaw says:

    It seems that you will become a target of Franco Debono as well. He refers to other forms of media to be included in the libel laws. He obviously has you and Lou Bondi in mind.

    [Daphne – My, how frightening for me.]

  24. Angus Black says:

    Cabinet shuffle just announced.

    Chris Said, Mario DeMarco, Jason Azzopardi become Ministers, Franco Debono is OUT.

    Debono could very well have become Minister had he behaved as team-men do. Stamping feet did not serve him well even if it impressed his mama throughout his life.

    Pack, book and fly, Franco. One way, of course.

  25. Dee says:

    Mummy’s boy stamping his feet here for not getting a promotion;

    He is quoted to have said that he will not support the government.

    What a God-almighty pain in the butt!

  26. Mister says:

    That’s it. Franco Debono has totally lost it.

    I can’t understand this: didn’t he want exactly what the PM gave him ( apart from himself getting the ministerial post)?

    Or am I missing something here?

    • La Redoute says:

      It’s the bit in parentheses that is the most important to Franco Debono. He’d have been happier to be made Minister of Justice and Home Affairs than to have the ministerial portfolios split and handed to others.

      No, I am not joking.

  27. Karl says:

    He should be packed and posted to Filfla for ‘reflection’.

  28. Anonymous Coward says:

    “It also means that I have been right all along and every advice I have given should have been implemented without causing undue suffering to this nation, and to me.”

    What a fucking wanker.

  29. David Ganado says:

    And right on cue Franco asks the PM to resign.

    If he had anything else to lose, he just lost it – in my book, at least.

  30. NikiB says:

    So now he throws a hissy fit for not being made a minister and won’t support the government. What an opportunist! The PN might lose the election but you can rest assured Franco that your political career is now over.

    • La Redoute says:

      It isn’t. He can join the ranks of oddballs who are wheeled out at every election believing that they’re going to take over the world – like Emy Bezzina and Norman Lowell.

  31. B Azzopardi says:

    Ball in Franco’s court. Let’s see what is there behind Franco’s mask?

  32. Emanuel Zerafa says:

    Franco was elected as a member of parliament representing his Nationalist supporters, When he found out that the way the PM and leader of his party was leading the country was not in accordance with his principles, he should have resigned from the party and given up his seat in parliament. Members of the party should pull the party’s ropes and any dissent should be discussed within the party lines. Shame on you Franco.

  33. No Problem says:

    But Debono noted that he had been responsible for the eventual policy change. “The people have me to thank, seeing how I had to go through all that I passed from,” the backbencher said of the vicissitudes leading up to the cabinet reshuffle.

    Debono said he was not aware of the cabinet reshuffle and was not CONSULTED on any prospective policy changes concerning the justice and home affairs portfolio.

    Imma x’wicc ghandu dar-ragel?

  34. John F. says:

    I wonder what Franco’s next move is going to be.

    He’ll come up again with some other “request”.

    People like him are always looking for the spotlight. They want to be protagonists and will never accept a supporting role.

  35. joe cutajar says:


  36. John H says:

    Please check The Times. This idiot hurts my head.

  37. Doyle says:

    Franco – waqatlek il-maskra. Kont nahseb li int idealista genwin pero issa ghandi dubji serji jekk intiex meskin.

    Tajjeb ktibta iva – MESKIN.

  38. Il-Furjaniz says:

    Min jaf Karmenu Vella x’jghaggel biex ilesti l-Manifest. Min jaf kemm se jkollu misprints miskin.

  39. Ray Camilleri says:

    The PM has to other choice but to resign since he does not have the confidence of the majority of MPs.

  40. Kenneth Ellul says:

    I am wondering. Franco most probably knew about the cabinet reshuffle during Christmas time.

    Knowing that he had no realistic chance of being appointed minister, he stupidly decided to take one final stab at the PM.

    His last chance to show his discontent unless he is appointed minister, disguised as an ultimatum to split the Justice and Home Affairs Ministry.

    Finally today the shit (or better still his shit) hit the fan.

    His true motives are finally ever so evident for all to see.

    Well done to the PM. Whatever happens in the coming days the PN will come out stronger than ever before.

  41. GiovDeMartino says:

    Ciccio is wrong! Franco Debono only wanted to be appointed minster. No more and no less.

  42. Emanuel Zerafa says:

    Franco was elected as a member of parliament representing his Nationalist supporters.

    When he found out that the way the PM and leader of his party was leading the country was not in accordance with his principles, he should have resigned from the party and given up his seat in parliament.

    Members of the party should pull the party’s ropes and any dissent should be discussed within the party lines.

  43. silvio says:

    According to my book, that is the stuff that prime ministers are supposed to be made of.

    He has called his bluff, and now the ball is in Franco’s court.

    The message is there, very clear, I am ready for your next move, and I am prepared to listen to you, like I did by splitting the Justice ministry, but I am the only one to decide how and why.

  44. Keep up the good work Franco.

  45. Joe Azzopardi says:

    Why dosn’t the guy pack his things and fly to Italy? Now that’s a democracy! And they can elect technocrats as ministers too.

  46. Belti w kif. says:

    Are you still there? I very much wonder.

  47. Lomax says:

    What a masterstroke! I think Gonzi’s move checkmates Franco Debono.

    Let him not support the government. Who cares? But he didn’t win the day.

    I hope Gonzi doesn’t do anything now to try to appease him.

  48. cikku l-poplu says:

    Ghal egojizmu tieghu Franco lest li jwaqqa l-gvern bil-konsegwenzi li jista jgibb fuq dan il pajjiz f’mument fejn pajjizi ohra ghaddejjin min krizijiet ekonomici kbar waqt li ahna ghadna ghaddejjin bil-kapacita ta’ Dr.Gonzi.

    Jekk Franco Debono irid iwwaqa l-gvern ghax ma tahx ministeru, allura jrid jerfa r-responsabbilita ta’ ghemilu.

  49. Malvo says:

    As I am writing this, Franco Debono is stating in the media that he will not support the government even after the reshuffle has given him what he has been asking for.

    I did not agree with what you’ve been writing about him over the last few months. Time has proved me wrong. Hats off to you Daphne.

    [Daphne – I don’t know why or how, but I seem to have a gift for reading crazy people. And I also attract them in droves, unfortunately.]

  50. eric says:

    I think people out there are asking who is the real prime minister, Gonzi or Debono?

    [Daphne – They’re asking no such thing. They’re asking when the psychiatrists are finally going to be called in.]

    What interesting moves are you seeing here that one person is dictating the country’s agenda?

    The PM is appearing very weak, always helpless, he has been bending backwards to accomodate Debono on numerous instances.

    Now he has not only split the justice ministry from the interior just as the new PM wanted but he also reversed the 500 eur payrise, he was so adamant about. I’m sorry to say but this is a another flop from Dr Gonzi, an even bigger one from the divorce no vote after the yes vote won.

  51. Not Tonight says:

    He’s blown it for all of us, the bastard!

  52. John Schembri says:

    Franco Debono like all other MPs on the government side can press the self-destruct button anytime he wants to.

    Malta’s future is at his mercy.

    Unlike with the divorce issue Franco has no free vote. So the argument about the PM not voting in favour of divorce does not hold water.

    If anything he’s the one who should resign because he promised us on his election brochure that he will strengthen the “valuri Insara li qed jitnaqqru jew jintilfu” and then voted in favour of divorce.

    [Daphne – That’s not the reason he should resign. He should resign because he promised his voters he would support the Nationalist Party in government, and he has done the opposite.]

    He cannot vote against his government and blame others for his actions.

    Like anybody else in this world he is the only one who’s responsible for what he does and he has to face the logical and natural consequences of his actions.

    All the Prime Minister has to do is warn him about the political consequences of his actions.

    I seriously think Franco gave this reaction at the spur of the moment, without thinking on the real repercussions of his utterances.

    I am hoping (against hope) that he’s been misreported.

  53. M - A says:

    Jaqbillu jitlaq lejn l-Italja. Tahseb li hu u Joseph Muscat ltaqghu qabel?

  54. marcus says:

    There he goes, wants the government to resign as he did not get what he wanted.

    Let’s be straight, it was not that Debono wanted Justice and Home Affairs split but he wanted the Justice Ministry. Typical of a spoilt brat.

  55. david anastasi says:

    Mummy mummy I didn’t get a ministry. It’s not fair, now I don’t want to play.

  56. david anastasi says:

    U kemm hu bravu Franco.

  57. Oliver Magro says:

    TVM has just reported that Franco Debono refused to appear on camera this afternoon and insisted they film his report card from his school days at St Aloysius instead.

    Apparently, his “results” would prove he did not require psychiatric help. Is the man for real?

  58. I.R.A.B. says:

    I know you’re busy and you have a life Daphne, but I’m stuck at home with a sick young son and I’ve been hitting refresh on your blog every five minutes. I can’t wait for your next article. Please hurry back.

  59. Bobby says:

    I think Franco should be fed to the lions.

    Shame on you, Franco! You are not fit to be part of the Nationalist Party.

  60. Hundred percent says:

    Have you seen Franco’s secondary school results on TVM? I could not see any 100 marks in any of the subjects there.

    • La Redoute says:

      True. I thought the same thing. For all the boasting, his results did not look particularly impressive.

      Poor fool. It was the one thing that kept his ego afloat and he blew. Now everyone will know that he wasn’t as bright as he likes to make out.

    • Etienne Caleja says:

      What has that got to do with anything? You’re comng off as petty as he is.

      • La Redoute says:

        It’s got EVERYTHING to do with the current saga. Debono uses that report card as a benchmark.

        It’s the one he pulled out to show the world what he’s really worth. You’ll note that he didn’t flash around his university certificate, or remind us – yet again – that he unseated a long-standing politician when elected to parliament.

        There’s the tragedy that is Franco Debono. He’s done so much since that report was written, but it’s still the scale he measures himself by.

        So, no, it’s not petty to remark on its content.

        That it’s not particular impressive is his final undoing. No one’s admired him for showing it off on national TV at prime time. Instead, everyone is mocking him.

      • La Redoute says:

        And now that I’ve taken a second look at that report card, I can see that it doesn’t say ‘plays well with others’.

  61. il-Ginger says:

    What’s next for the mad dog of Malta?

  62. amen says:

    I wanna be a minister…..I wanna be a minister…

    Post it-tfal huwa wara – fuq il-backbench.

  63. Not Sandy :P says:

    Coal? He deserves a truckload of horse shit.

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