Correct me if I’m wrong, but Eva Peron never wore a yellow cardigan
….or made a public grab for Colonel Peron’s – well, never mind. They do say Prattikament Power is an aphrodisiac.
Control yourself, darling. It’s becoming far too obvious that you fancy him far more than he fancies you.
If you put this sort of thing on display then you can’t have a go at people for ribbing you about it.
Just a tip: in their public appearances, on the balcony of the Casa Rosada and so on, Colonel Peron generally held Eva at the waist, usually because he stood behind her (you know, for protection from newspaper columnists and people with blogs).
You already have a head-start because apparently you have plenty of descalcados and descamisados who have been starving under Eddie Fenech Adami and gOnZipN since 1998, with an escalation in the starvation curve since we joined the European Union in 2004. So go for it.
Next up: a blonde bun.
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Ahna se noqghodu naraw dawn ix-xeni ghal hames snin shah. Xi dwejjaq ta’ pajjiz se ikun.
Lucky lucky me that I no longer live in Malta. “Mich”, he calls her on stage, as if she hasn’t got a proper name. X’injuranza ta’ nies.
It will get worse. Soleil and Etoile are going to receive their first holy communion when their parents are prime minister. Given the tendency of that sort of person to treat this kind of event like Aisha Gaddafi’s wedding, a tiresome spectacle is in store. With PBS and Super One cameras, too.
Mhux hekk biss, imma anke l-birthdays u l-precett etc ta’ ETOILLE u SOLEIL se jsiru national events b’live coverage fuq il-PBS.
Dik qed tibki ghax tant kien patetiku li m’ghandha l-ebda cans tkun il-first lady ta’ l-Unioni Ewropea.
[Daphne – No, she’s crying because she absolutely adores him and realises in some corner of her soul that he doesn’t reciprocate the emotion. She’s the adorer and he’s the adored. Life’s better for women when it’s the other way round, or equal.]
Very true Daphne, and the only time he mentioned Michelle in his ‘nanna speach’ was to ask her not to cry.
“Mich issa tibkix”. U bkiet kumbinazzjoni. Mela kollox bil-hin u bl-ezatt jaghmlu dawn in-nies.
Oh come now, leave her alone, miskina because she was ikommoventata.
The Labour leader has a wife. For you all it might not mean much, but for the PL it does. It’s a long way back to Paul Boffa, the last Labour leader with a wife at his side.
Marisa has handed out strict instructions on the removal of moustaches, possibly also the shaving of lady-gardens, backdrop colour choice, and crying in public by PL officials.
Kissing on the lips in front of a large audience is a privilege limited to “Dik li Thobbkom Hafna”. We’ll have to wait to see Toni Abela tonguing Ronnie and Jason.
Kissing him on the lips and wiping off the lipstick. Hammalagni assoluta.
She tries to kiss him; he turns his face away. Nice.
She’s the inherent symbol of continuity between Mintoff and Joseph, having been Alfred Sant’s assistant.
Spouse, moral authority and a link between the old creed and the new testament. Burmarrad her Curia and Yana Mintoff a timely miraculous visitation.
With nihil obstat power to dispense precious relics, and an eye on the Siggiewi Dulcinian apostasy.
Vedere Michelle dare un bacio e pulire il volto di Joseph non a prezzo. Per tutto il resto ce Mastercard.
Thank you, Daphne, for letting us see this clip! The kissing clip!
bhal ma qalet cat, vera hamallagni meta tqis li dawn qed iqisu lilhom nfushom ga prim ministru.
Did Jackie Bouvier Kennedy ever wear yellow cardigans?
Idejk min hemm, Mich hi
Enough with this internet bashing, airing out everyone’s dirty laundry and hiding your own. You hysterical MADCxW.I dare you to post my earlier comment and show me what you are really made of .
[Daphne – Put down that bottle, step slowly away from the laptop and head for the medicine cabinet. Then take one Valium and go to bed.]
Having been on the receiving end of many a rejection, that video intrigues me. Seems like she’s recoiling away from that kiss.
Daphne, you are a one in a million.
@ Doris – hear hear
Jalla uliedhom imorru fl-iskola tal-ghazla taghhom, mhux bhal missierhom li miskin kellu jmur jitghallem fid-djar tan-Nazzjonalisti ghax shab nanntu tal-Lejber kienu qed jattakkaw lil ghalliema u Karmenu l-Prim Ministru jhedded li jaghlaq l-iskejjel tal-knisja.