Cyrus calls the prime minister a pufta. Getting into the Labour groove, I see, Cyrus. Kemm ahna tal-lajf, hej.

Published: January 20, 2012 at 11:49am

This is what a real pufta looks like, Mr Engerer

Cyrus Engerer, like Jeffrey and Jesmond, is learning fast how to be Labour.

He posted this disingenuous truth-twister on his Facebook wall the day before yesterday, and rounded it off nicely with what he probably imagines is a cool and ironic insult.

Cyrus Engerer

Il-kaptan tal-Costa Conocordia fakkarni fil-Prim Ministru li meta beda jeriqlu l-vapur flok ra x’ghamel biex jikkoordina s-salvatagg, habbar li kellu titjira ghat-Tunezija u l-Qatar.

Wara li l-poplu ma approvax dan l-agir, rega gabu lura.

Ara vera PUFTA!

Nakita might laugh, Cyrus, but you come across to the rest of us as rather…queer.

36 Comments Comment

  1. K.Cremona says:

    He of all people. I can’t believe it was him (too ironic)- perhaps he got hacked?

  2. Teo says:

    Who the hell is Cyrus Engerer anyway?

  3. Jozef says:

    It’s a natural progression when your mentor is Ronnie Pellegrini.

  4. Hot Mama says:

    He always was a closet Laburist.

  5. Cirillu l-Inginier says:

    Daphne, the last three words aren’t there in Cyrus’ comment. I just checked his Facebook.

    [Daphne – Good, he saw sense and removed them. But equally fortunately, there were those who noted his grave error of judgement.]

    • david says:


      i saw his facebook status at the time he posted it and its not true, that last sentence was added…. cant belive this is happening……

      [Daphne – I hate to break it to you, but you are wrong. That text was copied and pasted direct from Cyrus Engerer’s Facebook wall immediately he uploaded it.]

    • Edward Caruana Galizia says:

      Do you have a record of those last three words?

      [Daphne – I have a reliable witness, also a journalist.]

    • MarK E says:

      Dear Daphne,
      Why didn’t you put a screen shot to provide evidence of what was written.

      [Daphne – Good idea. I’ll do that next time.]

  6. Izzie says:

    The Maltese have a saying which befit this poor man’s arguments:

    L-ispiżjar milli jkollu jtik.

    Besides, get your facts right, Mr. Engerer. One Italian comedian in particular “accused” the Berlusconi government of having abandoned the political ship and this, surely, is not the case with Malta.

    I wish you were here with me in Italy to understand what it means to be living right in the middle of a gigantic crisis.

    If any Maltese government were to implement the measures Prime Minister Monti is enacting here in Italy, you’d pour out in the streets and cause a revolution. So, once more, get your facts right.

  7. Paul Bonnici says:

    This shows the inherent homophobia in the Labour Party, a mentality reflected in its setting up of a special LGBT group, in which to ‘quarantine’ homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people, so as not to integrate them into the party mainstream.

    It is sickening.

    If a minister said anything like this in the UK, he would be made to resign. It borders on criminal too.

    I hope that the ‘pufti’ reading this will remember it in the next general election.

    • will says:

      PL homophobic? Are you serious? Let me remind you that it was PN that said that it didn’t want homosexuals in parliament for some reason or other and the former PM was a well known homophobe, and do you remember all the vile comments way back in the 70’s when homosexuality was made legal….and guess who was against it…right the holier than thou PN..

      [Daphne – ‘Let me remind you that it was PN that said that it didn’t want homosexuals in parliament’: the only openly homosexual member of parliament is Nationalist: Karl Gouder.]

  8. peppi ic-cuc says:

    Imma pufta min, ezatt? Mihiex cara daqs il-kristall. Forsi qed jirreferi ghalieh stess. Kif jghid il-qawl, il-qahbu milli jkollu jaghtik.

  9. Qabadni l-Bard says:

    Tajba, Cirus cirillu – laqwa li taqbezz ghad-drittijiet tal-pufti!

    I’m pretty sure that now that the divorce issue has been pulled from under PL’s feet, the next Labour proposal will be gay marriages, or to use Cyrus’s preferred terminology, zwieg ghal-PUFTI.

    Ghax la Gonzi l-PUFTA zzewweg, mela l-PUFTI kollha haqqhom jizzewgu, mhux hekk.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Labour could also use the preferred terminology of their former minister of Justice when he once elegantly boasted: “Għamilna liġi għall-buġarruni”.

      I had never heard the word before but then I’m not a poet.

  10. TROY says:

    Gonzi pufta, said the kettle to the pot.

  11. Cyrus Engerer says:

    Il-kampanja ta’ gideb tax-xibka tal-hazen li tiehu hsieb il-blogs tkompli. Illum kont jien fil-mira tal-attakk bl-opinjonista Daphne Caruana Galizia tigdeb u tghid li jien iddeskrivejt lill-Prim Ministru bi kliem insulenti fuq facebook. Tkompli tghid li issa sirt ezatt bhall-Laburisti, bhal li kieku il-Laburisti huma differenti minn Nazjonalisti.

    1. Qatt ma uzajt kliem insulenti. biex nidiskrivi lill-Prim Ministru. Mal-istil ta’ tmexxija ta’ Lawrence Gonzi ma naqbilx, pero zgur li qatt ma ghajjartu u miniex se nghajjru. Ma naqax ghal dak il-livell baxx ta’ attakki personali bhal dawk tax-xibka ta’ hazen Nazzjonalista.

    2. Qieghed hawnekk ntella’ screenshot ta’ dak li ktiebt jien u l-kummenti kollha li nktibu f’dak il-post li hi irreferiet ghalih. Hemm l-istess post ukoll fil-pagna tieghi fuq fb li tinsab fuq Fl-ebda hin ma uzajt il-kliem li qed tghid hi.

    3. Kif taf hi u kull persuna li juza facebook, status ma tistax tbiddlu jew tirrangah. Min taghha l-informazzjoni taghha informazzjoni skoretta. Infatti, ma tellghat l-ebda screenshot b’dawn il-kliem li suppost ktiebt jien, kif jghidu li taghmel is-soltu.

    4. Jekk il-Partit Nazzjonalista u l-bloggers imqabbdin minnu se jibdew issa b’kampanja ta’ gideb fahxi bhal dan, ma nafx fejn ha naslu waqt il-kampanja elettorali.

    5. Dan l-istess messagg bghattu lis-Sinjura Caruana Galizia bhala kumment fis-sit taghha.

  12. chetcatty says:


  13. Lorna saliba says:

    Cyrus is as gay as a daisy, and he’s calling the prime minister ‘pufta’? How does that work?

  14. Joe Micallef says:

    Does anyone know if LGBT issued some form of reprimand?

  15. Uncertain Werner says:

    I saw the post when it was uploaded and I am pretty sure the last line was not there.

    [Daphne – People can say anything when they are anonymous, Uncertain Werner. Unfortunately for Cyrus, the people who saw it, copied it and pasted it are not anonymous.]

    In any case posts can be deleted but not modified (just google “modify post on facebook” and there are numerous sites/forums/fb pages complaining that this cannot be done).

    [Daphne – Sigh. You can delete the whole thing and reupload the same sentence, leaving out the offending article.]

  16. Hibernating from Malta says:

    Bloody appalling to say the least.

  17. Zachary Stewart says:

    Oh Daphne, either you’ve completely made that last line up or your informant has lied to you.

    I saw this status update when it came in.

    It did not have the word “PUFTA” in it, so your above post strains credulity.

    Do you have a screenshot to back up the pasted text above? If you do not, it seems to call the integrity of this blog into question. I really expect better from you.

    [Daphne – Zachary, I do not have patience for reams of Cyrus’s friends and associates popping in here to tell me that I am making this up. That text was copied and pasted direct from Cyrus’s wall as he uploaded it. If he thought better of it later and removed it, good for him. But he uploaded it, and it was copied direct from his wall. If I were the sort to make things up, you can rest assured that I would know how to be a lot more creative than that. Don’t defend the indefensible. A man who did what Cyrus did and lied about it is capable of any sort of falsehood. But then you probably don’t believe he did what he did either, and that his ex boyfriend, his ex boyfriend’s employer, colleagues and friends are all lying, while Cyrus alone is telling the truth. Or rather, he’s not saying anything, because he can’t very well deny it.]

    • Zachary Stewart says:

      Strawman argument. I’m not talking about Cyrus and his ex-boyfriend. I’m talking about this post. You have no evidence of the offending post beyond the dubious claim that a “journalist” (can we have a name?) friend copied and pasted it. Are you sure that that final comment wasn’t added by said friend and you misread it? Where is the screenshot?

      I am sorry you do not have the patience for this. Haven’t you always wanted the Maltese to read the news with a more critical eye? Wish granted.

  18. Zian says:

    So if I understand your article correctly it is wrong to call someone a “pufta”. You even say it’s a “grave error of judgment.” And yet, at the very same time, you call Jason Micallef a “pufta”.

    [Daphne – That wasn’t a grave error of judgement, though. It was a statement of fact.]

    • Joe Micallef says:

      Uncertain Werner, Zachary Stewart, Zian?

      Darth Vader jonqos.

      [Daphne – Zachary Stewart is a real name not a pseudonym.]

  19. Mister says:

    Cyrus… Cyrus.. please… the language.

    Can’t we speak and behave like nice people here?Its not good for your blood pressure.

    You used to come across as a nice chap when going round Sliema before the Local Council elections, but after this whole ‘switching over’ incident all your talk has been peppered with spite and resentment.

    Cyrus, please let Franco enjoy the spotlight. We were starting to forget you, and now you come back with this to steal it from him?

    Min jonqos jaqbez issa?

  20. Ganna says:

    Bhal Gonzi jkunu l-pufti – ara vera lis-spizjar milli jkollu jaghtik. Cyrus, pufta dak li ha r-ritratti minghand siehbu u baghthom lill-employer tieghu biex igibu fit-trouble.

  21. Artful Dodger says:

    To parody this famous Tim Minchin song:

    “Only a pufta can call another pufta ‘pufta’.”

    [Daphne – Except that Lawrence Gonzi isn’t one, which is precisely why I direct Cyrus to Jason Micallef.]

  22. kevin zammit says:

    I am perplexed by the fact that Cyrus uses the word ‘pufta’ as a derogatory term.

  23. Chris Ripard says:

    This country is totally f * * * * *!

    We badly need National Service to teach us something about discipline, teamwork and loyalty. We badly need parties to choose candidates that are upright and honest.

    Neither Joseph’s skip nor the PN, with their Muglietts, Dallis, Pullicino Orlandos, Engerers, Niki wahssisname etc can offer us a lineup that is 100% committed to doing their best for the electorate.

    In my ignorance, I would have thought “how difficult could it be to organise and run a country of 100 sq miles, with a vast army of civil servants, plus appointed hangers-on and with EU assistance?” Answer = very, when its populated by a people who are largely ignorant and mostly dishonest.

    Dur dur, it’s a miracle we’ve made the progress we have.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      It’s OK Chris. Hold on. Everyone finally crawls out of the local political kindergarten sandbox of the rock and grows up. At least the thinkers.
      Oops, hope we have a majority of thinkers.

  24. Izzie says:

    Well, it is true that the status cannot be modified, BUT it can be deleted, and another status put up. If he deleted the last line and reposted immediately, there is no way one can tell, right?

  25. FP says:

    I believe that that last line was added innocently by the person who originally lifted the quote from Engerer’s wall, addressing Engerer himself for accusing the PM of abandoning ship.

    Then the quote and comment were mistakenly thought of as one complete quote, somewhere along the line.

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