Franco Debono School Report Update – with pic of his Form II report

Published: January 7, 2012 at 1:02am

So I waited for the late night bulletin on TVM to get a closer look at those school reports, having missed the details while wiping away tears of astonishment the first time round.

It turns out he showed the PBS crew only one report card, which was shown twice, separately, which is why I thought there were two. And it was his Form II report from 1987.

Form II! When he was 12. That must have been the best report he ever got, because otherwise he would have shown us his Form V report at least – or maybe even all of them.

I scanned the columns quickly for 100s, but spotted only one – for religious knowledge.

Tsk tsk.

So he said that he’s showing us his Form II report because I said he needs a psychiatrist. You know, because if you got 74 in French when you were 12, that means you’re of sound mind when you’re pushing 40.

He doesn’t seem to understand that what he did just shores up my observation.

Sadly, my mother has thrown out all our school reports (I rang her earlier and demanded to know why she didn’t file them away like a Proper Mother), even the ones with strings of 100s (yah boo sucks).

This is just too bad, because I wanted to start a school-report wall on this blog.

Never mind. Some of your mothers might not have thrown out your school reports. Please scan them and email them to me to show that you don’t need a psychiatrist.

48 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    He got 100 in religious doctrine. Ahem.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Can I scan my psychiatrist’s report instead?

  3. Pawlu BORG says:

    Franco the Iron Man

  4. cannot-resist-anymore says:

    Those of us who need to prove that they are sane ( especially by pulling out Form II school reports) are the most insane of all.

  5. Pawlu BORG says:

    show us your reports dephanie

    [Daphne – Can’t you read? My mother chucked them decades ago.]

  6. markilmaws says:

    I am surprised Franco was not invited to Xarabank to discuss the end of the world on 21 December. Some of the audience had excellent school reports too.

    • markilmaws says:

      I would like to thank Franco for providing a comedy moment in this tragic week.

      • No Problem says:

        Kos, xi haga bhal din kellha tkun biex tipprovdi diversion u n-nies ma jkomplux itaqtqu u jaqilghu minn zniedhom fuq id-delitt doppju ta’ Tas-Sliema.

        Sewwa jghidu l-gdid jaqla’ l-qadim.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      You know? That is exactly what I was thinking when I heard them talking about “The Dragon” and “The 13th Apostle”. Franco Debono would have been in his element.

  7. Botom says:

    Here we go. In 1987 he was 12. Only a few weeks ago he shocked us when he said that PBS today is worst than it was in pre 1987 under the Labour regime. He was 8,9,10 years old at the time.

    How the hell does he remember the infamous Xandir Malta. He was probably busy enjoying a Desserta chocolate at the time.

    • Not Tonight says:

      NO ONE (not even budding loony bin fillers) could possibly have actually ENJOYED a Desserta (is this the right spelling for it?). It was pretty foul.

  8. Matt B says:

    Big wow, I was getting 90s on a regular basis in Form II as well, and I’m certainly not insane.

  9. Kenneth Ellul says:

    Am I right to point out that even though Franco got a 100 in Religion, the Class Average seems to be 90 ? Must have been a real though exam!

  10. Gatt says:

    Daphne, I have put together his full exam report from the news feature. I thought it might interest you and your readers.

    Of course, do feel free to use the picture should it be of any further use to you.

    [Daphne – Thank you. I shall.]

    • Angus Black says:

      I notice that in this report he was encouraged more than once to ‘keep it up’!

      Indeed he has, and now he needs a tiny flag to hoist up his very erect pole.

  11. Kenneth Ellul says:

    Am I right to point out that even though Franco got a 100 in Religion, the Class Average seems to be 90? Must have been a real tough exam.

  12. Daniel Cefai says:

    Well, he said he showed the report card to show everyone what he really is, now we know. He’s a 12 year old boy who hasn’t evolved since 1987, and he’s got the report card to prove it.

  13. Gerald says:

    When I was 10 or so my mum desperately wanted me to get into St. Aloysius’ College and always told me that MPs and Prime Ministers etc. come out from there.

    I always wondered how she knew… Now I know. When they do become MPs they call the press to film their Form II report card from there.

  14. P Shaw says:

    I noticed that this is a mid-year report and not the year-end.

    Typically, it is the year-end report that counts, since the mid-year one is considered as an interim report and the exams are typically much easier than the year-end exams.

  15. Ellie says:

    So now that it’s on record that Franco is capable of lapsing into inappropriate responses/behaviour, doesn’t that seriously call into question whether he should be allowed to stay on as an MP?

    This is not Mr. man-in-the-street but someone who is being called to take decisions for the country’s good.

    Even the fact that he’s committing extortion (an illegal act in itself in which he’s blackmailing the PM to be awarded the services he’s after), would be enough to see any employee sacked.

    But it seems no one can control this rogue.

    Dr. Gonzi should call an election only when he deems fit not when Franco dictates. Do not award this narcissist a place in history.

  16. Ooooops says:

    I know a person with a university degree who is diagnosed as being psychotic and takes anti-psychotic drugs.

    This person makes others’ lives a misery (well the one I know anyway). This was a straight A student, who spent five years in the top A class.

    Franco is a complete quack if he thinks that he can justify his actions of late by showing us his Form II report.

    Just because a person has a good academic year in secondary school, this in no way means that they will not in later years develop mental tendencies.

    My God, if this wasn’t so tragic, it would be damn funny.

  17. Lino cert says:

    I can understand Franco. I also had a string of hundreds in Form Two, and was a child prodigy, so much so that i was skipped a class. And I raced towards 14 ‘A’ s in my O levels.

    But like Franco I am a narcissist and remained caught up till my 40s in a web of paranoia and frustration, fighting with authority and all those around me as I struggled to change the imperfect world I lived in.

    The truth is that Franco is right, the justice system needs major reform, particularly the Police Department, and nepotism and apathy within the Nationalist Party are preventing reform.

    Franco is unable to accept this and being the narcissist he is, interprets this as a personal attack to his ego.

    Franco is not insane, he probably just has a personality disorder, but to him, as to me, the rest of the world seems insane.

    Franco is in danger of slipping into depression once insight sinks in and he realises his battle is lost.

    He will then be in danger of self-harm and needs help urgently.

  18. Peter Galea says:

    Kieku Franco huwa genwin kien jurina wkoll ic-certifikati tar-rizultati li gab fl-universita.

    Ghandi dubji kbar kemm kienu rizultati eccellenti kif qal li hu dak li uriena fuq il-PBS.

    Hallina Franco u itlaq lejn l-Italja…ma tafx kif forsi taghmel figura ahjar.

    • zrinzo says:

      Fill-fatt, Franco Debono mhux dejjem mar tajjeb fl-ezaminijet tal-universita. Shabu fil-politika jiftakruh sew.

  19. Noel says:

    With 100 marks in Religion I think he’d better emigrate to Italy and work towards becoming Malta’s third cardinal.

  20. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Many people used to get Franco’s marks and still go to a psychiatrist.

  21. A.Attard says:

    Who could tell Fr. Herbert that his comment “Tajjeb Hafna” and signature would end up in the 8 o’clock news 25 years later.

  22. Mark Camilleri says:

    The pic of those college reports brings some nostalgia actually.

    Franco, for God’s sake … your Form 2C mid term exam result?

    Can’t you see that with your antics you have ruined what could have potentially been a great political career? And now by doing this you are showing that your mind is thinking irrationally.

  23. J. Aquilina says:

    I can’t stop laughing this morning. Dear old Fr Friggieri’s signature for all of Malta to see.

    The motto of the school is ‘Serio et Constanter’. Indeed.

  24. xmun says:

    The Times reporting on Franco’s school certificate episode:

    “When earlier today, PBS tried to get a comment on camera from Dr Debono, the Nationalist MP only allowed the crew to film his school certificate, which he said, showed who he really was and that, contrary to what was being said in some blogs, he did not need a psychiatrist.

    The certificate showed excellent results in all subjects.

    Contacted for his reaction, Dr Debono said that was a 1987 school certificate which he showed the PBS crew to prove that he was very different from the way Dr Gonzi and a few others were portraying him.

    He wanted to show them that he had wanted to do things the right way since he was very young.”

    How pathetic.

    Unfortunately I do not have my old school reports to share as they were thrown away long ago. I can share my children’s reports though, because they still attend school.

  25. George Cutajar says:

    So in 1987 he was in Form II at St Aloysius College, and 12 years old.

    This means he was 10 during the worst of it at Tal-Barrani and Gudja.

    His loving mother will now come out and let us know that she took him with her to Tal-Barrani and that from such a tender age her son knew that one day he will drive this country up the wall and over a cliff.

  26. La Redoute says:

    I’d take a bet that if we lined up all their respective school reports, we’d find that Joseph Muscat outstripped Franco Debono in one exam or other in all reports from his Form II finals onwards.

    Franco Debono’s Form II mid-yearly report is probably the only time he beat Joseph Muscat hands down all the way through.

  27. Alan says:

    And it is not even the end of year report but only the mid-term one. He can’t even produce a proper school report to back up his infantile claim.

  28. The Sting says:

    Yeah right, Frankie – maybe you made a scene at home and your mummy threatened the head priest that unless you got an Excellent you’d call sick for a week. The writing was already on the wall; just needed someone who could read it.

  29. thinker says:

    They are even mid-year exam results, not end of year.

  30. oldtimer says:

    Why waste time on the subject of a really spoiled brat

  31. jae says:

    It is a good idea to have a school-report wall on your blog. Unfortunately, I did not keep any of them so I can’t send you mine.

    Another possible action would be a silent protest with people carrying billboards with the school-report attached and with ‘I WANT TO BE MINISTER’ in large letters.

    PS. My dog, Whacko, is sitting next to me as I read about Franco’s school-report. Whacko has a wide grin on his face. I wonder why.

  32. Bobby says:

    Franco, maybe it’s time for you to start going to private lessons. Try to concentrate on ethics. Once done, you can show us your results.

  33. Alex Papps says:

    So, let’s see if I’m getting Franco’s theory right here. If you have a good Form II report dated a good 24 years old you can be considered sane, right?

    So all real loonies should have bad Form II reports, by way of logic.

    All psychiatrists please take note of Franco’s logical advice when analyzing your patients.

    Always demand they show you their Form II results before coming to any conclusions or diagnosing patients.

    Daphne – it would be great if a patient with real psychiatric needs shows up with a good or better Form II report.

  34. cikku l-poplu says:

    Franco ghamel zball meta hareg ghall-politika ghax b’100 fir-religion seta mar qassis u flok Patri Prospero Grech kien jilhaq hu kardinal, u kien ikollu l-vot jidhol fil-konklavi u jilhaq Papa u kien ikollna l-ewwel papa Malti.

  35. Paul says:

    You barely mention a school-leaving certificate on a CV for f… sake, let alone a Form II mid-year report on national television!

    I can see what Franco was trying to get to. I am proud to say that my Form II results were an absolute DISASTER. What if Franco’s academic life was at its best when he was back in Form II?

    Irrespective of all that, let’s assume for one instant that his academic life flourished with excellent grades throughout (highly unlikely).

    Could anyone provide me one link to one scientific journal proving that a perfect nerd produces a decent politician?

    So Franco is telling me that I should entrust him with my vote and that he can make sound decisions for my country when he can’t even stop bragging about himself for one second?

    Franco, you mentioned (several times) your so-called “talents”. What talents are these, exactly?

    If you’re referring to the b**ls in your pants, then you’ve exhausted your argument. You’ve proved to everyone that you ain’t got those, either.

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