Franco Debono’s manic plan

Published: January 9, 2012 at 1:52am

I finally got to watch the whole of Norman Hamilton’s show with Franco Debono on Super One, in the repeat which has just finished.

Apart from the fact that he is hyper-neurotic and monologued obsessively in that way that disturbed people do, he gave away the plan that has formed in his sick mind.

FD: “I am ready to serve under any prime minister but him.”

NH: “The prime minister has said that this is a party leadership issue that must be handled within the party structure.”

FD: “No, it isn’t a party leadership issue. There is nothing in our Constitution which specifies that it is the party leader who should be the prime minister. The prime minister can be any MP who can show that he has the support of the majority of MPs. It is up to the President George Abela to decide who should be the prime minister. It is not necessarily the party leader.”

Did anybody else notice that? I pounced on it immediately as the detail in which the devil lies.

You can see that here, in his hyper-manic state, he has worked out what he obviously believes is a fast-track plan to make himself prime minister to Muscat’s leader of the Opposition.

Lawrence Gonzi stays on as party leader – no need for any shenanigans in the party organisation – but resigns as prime minister, leaving the president free to appoint Franco Debono prime minister instead of him.

A fine prime minister he’ll make, I must say, if he can’t even cope with the stress of watching himself talked about on television.

FD: “Kont se mmut bl-inkwiet. Se joqtluni bl-inkwiet. Hekk ghidtlu l-prim ministru, u ommi u missieri huma xiehda ta’ dan.”

This to let us know that the prime minister was in the Debono parlour at the time.

NH: “Se tmut bl-inkwiet ghaliex?”

FD launches into an explanation of why hearing himself discussed on Bondi+ nearly killed him, his mother and his father, but he has forgiven Lou Bondi because he apologised “u nehha l-blog tieghu”. “Jien minhiex wiehed li nzomm, imma ommi u missieri lanqas biss jifilhu jaraw in-news.”

Il-GF ma tghoddx, miskina – jew inkella tiflah tara n-news u tigi taqa u tqum dwar Bondi+ u xi jghidu dwar il-BF.

And I don’t blame her. Quite frankly, if I hadn’t seen her out to lunch with him (an unfortunate choice of terminology, in this scenario) on a couple of occasions, I would have doubted her existence.

29 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Interesting that this morning Joseph said he’s is in no hurry for an election.

    [Daphne – Karmenu Vella needs a little more time. He’s preoccupied with Orange Travel now.]

    • Lomax says:

      I had exactly the same impression. He didn’t seem too keen to me to have an election called now.

      I would have expected a more “electoral” speech.

      I tried to listen to all his broadcast-though I switched between him and Gonzi and I have to say that I was pretty surprised that Joseph Muscat was extremely cautious.

      He seems to know that his 51 proposals will lead us to precious nowhere.

      • Albert Farrugia says:

        Well, the moment is now Dr Gonzi’s. The Opposition does not need to call for an election, just as the PN in 1998 did not call for an election. This is the Nationalist Party’s problem.

        The Opposition’s role now is just to be careful and wait. But notice the choice of words here. “Jozef” says that the “Joseph said he’s in no hurry for an election.” “Lomax” says that he had the “same impression”, and that “Muscat was extremely cautious”. So much for accusing the Opposition of “bsaten fir-roti”.

  2. markilmaws says:

    Nut: An indehiscent, hard-shelled, one-loculated, one-seeded fruit

  3. J. Schembri says:

    “Jien minhiex wiehed li nzomm, imma ommi u missieri lanqas biss jifilhu jaraw in-news.”

    Tridx tmur!

    The brazen faced criminal lawyer wrote to me in public asking for my identity.

    franco debono
    Oct 25th 2011, 19:25
    @ j schembri

    are you the same j schembri that a few days after the last election had hoped for and predicted on another site that as a consequence of my election to parliament this country will have “a Lady Speaker and a President as a side effect of your unseating of Dr Galea and Ms D’amato.”

    This is something similar from a mary mifsud(I wonder who she /he is…).

    mary mifsud
    Jan 2nd, 19:20
    @ George Cutajar:
    Are you the same George Cutajar who said that you are a great friend of Ninu Zammit on NET TV programme “Evidenza”?

  4. Johannes says:

    Check the Mayo Clinic website for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

  5. Botom says:

    I have to admit I did not watch the whole of Bla Agenda’s interview with Franco. But I am really surprised that this most revealing clip was completely missed by the media.

    This surely gives his ultimate ambitions away.


  6. amen says:

    Let us assume that Dr Lawrence Gonzi steps down as PM and someone else takes over…. but the new PM declares that he is not ready to work with Dr Franco Debono.

    Would Dr. Debono then resign?

    • La Redoute says:

      A PM cannot do that. A sane PM wouldn’t. The current PM hasn’t done so.

    • Angus Black says:

      No Debono would never resign. He would make PM’s successor’s life as miserable as possible.

      The key is Debono’s petition by his own constituents. If successful and enough (verifiable) signatures are obtained, then it should be presented to the President and to Parliament.

      I would like to see him hand in hand with his mommy, stamping his feet, yelling ‘Unfair!’, on national television.

    • Jozef says:

      Only if the new leader has a better school report, presumably.

      Franco should immediately resign from parliament if he wants to show consistency.

      The people of the fifth district elected him to represent them, yes, but only as a Nationalist MP led by Lawrence Gonzi as PM.

      If he thinks he can transform his votes into some personal portfolio he’s utterly wrong. He cannot expect to take those votes elsewhere, and should have the decency to present himself at the PN council this coming Wednesday to explain himself.

      The fact he wants to avoid it is just the latest in a series of no shows including the ones in ‘his’ district giving vent to all the rumours going around.

      I think I speak on behalf of most of those who gave him their vote that what he’s doing is unacceptable and that our vote remains our prerogative. I refuse to be represented by Franco Debono and will not have my vote used in this manner.

      One last thing, if he thinks he can go to Italy and behave like this he’s way off the mark.

      Gianfranco Fini tried a coupe’ d’etat within Berlusconi’s PDL, failing miserably to gather support for an internal faction and consigning himself and his thirty followers to the formation of a party consistently in haemhorrage of support. Barely making it past the 4% mark, it has become effectively unelectable to parliament.

      Berlusconi carried on for another 18 months.

      Italians, like the Maltese, including Labour, can’t stomach people who don’t keep their word to the electorate. It’s human nature.

  7. Moxxu says:

    Mr. Joseph Muscat knows that next year will be tough for the country, that’s why he does not want an election now.

  8. rustic fairy says:

    Chief Elve Aaron Farrugia has been promoted ‘secretarju tal-manifest elettorali’.

  9. Reporter says:

    If Debono skipped second year Sixth Form, how come he didn’t graduate as lawyer with Beppe Fenech Adami?

    As far as I know, Franco graduated with Chris Cardona, bearing in mind that Chris had to repeat because he failed his criminal law oral exam the first time round.

    When did Franco begin his LLD course? And what happened between 1st year sixth form and the LLD course?

    [Daphne – Perhaps he repeated a year of the law course, too.]

  10. Fidelio says:

    I wonder if anybody picked this up from Franco Debono’s interview on Super One, the day the prime minister was interviewed on Xarabank:

    FD: ” Jien ma ridx insir ministru, mela jien jaqbilli nitlaq ix-xoghol tieghi?”

    I thought politics was all about serving your country.

  11. HEQQQQQ!!! says:

    “Jien minhiex wiehed li nzomm, imma ommi u missieri lanqas biss jifilhu jaraw in-news.” (see above).

    However his mother did accompany her “little boy” on Xarabank some days back and let out the “news” about him in insisting and succeeding in delivering the “priedka tat-tifel” at Christmas when he was too short to reach the lectern.

    She said they solved the problem by giving him a box to stand on. Now he needs that box to hide in and not come out of for a number of years. The shame.

  12. Catsrbest says:

    Watching this saga developing, I do not know if anyone else shares my view, but what I see is that there is an eerie similarity in both Franco and Joseph Muscat’s egos.

    They are both so power hungry and so conceited. They certainly are not in politics to serve but only to be served. Could it be a symptom in upbringing of parents with a single male child?

    [Daphne – I see the similarity between them, too, but Franco has a brother. Maternal fixation, however, certainly does play a part in it. I’ve observed that this sort of thing usually happens when the male child doesn’t make the necessary emotional/psychological/identification break from his mother at the normal age of around seven, generally because the father is not around, is a cruel or distant figure, or is simply pushed out of the picture by the mother, even if living in the same home. It happens with only sons or where one son becomes the sole focus of attention, with the others relegated to inferior status. The son fails to model himself on his father or any other close male relative and remains an emotional extension of his mother into adult life. Men like this generally make very poor husbands because they are uncertain what their role is or what is required of them.]

  13. diamond says:

    In the 80s while this ‘mummy’s boy’ was studying to get a ‘100 mark’ in Religious Studies, many of us were fighting to keep the schools open, and spending our weekends at mass meetings or campaigning.

    And he tells us of his sufferings and pain. Brat.

    • maria Debono says:

      No connection with above named. During those times we were struggling in the name of democracy and I was locked out for 7 weeks for obeying my union and left without a salary till Christmas.

      I got a transfer to boot. BUT we came out victorious.

  14. Jozef says:

    ‘coup d’etat’. Pardon my french. Imma issa xbajt.

  15. cikku l-poplu says:

    Issa isbah!

    Irid jikkmanda lil President x’jaghmel ukoll. Mela dan veru waqawlu l-iskorfini kolla u zbolxja.

    Jista dan jitressaq il-qorti u din tordna li jigi ezaminat minn psikjatri biex naraw jekk hux mentalment f’sikktu, ghax qed naraw u nisimghu affarijiet li igibulek ghajnejk wara widnejk?

    • ciccio says:

      Issa dalwaqt jghid li l-President ghandu jirrezenja.

      Imbaghad jiddikjara lilu nnifsu President.

      Jiddikjara l-gvern illegittimu u b’maggoranza difettuza, ixolji l-Parlament, u isejjah elezzjoni.

      Jahtar lilu nnifsu Kummissarju Elettorali Ewlieni.

      Jiddikjara lilu nnifsu l-uniku kandidat eligibbli ghal-elezzjoni, u wara l-elezzjoni, fejn jivvotaw biss hu u l-familja tieghu, jiddikjara ruhu l-Prim Ministru u Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni fl-istess hin, biex b’hekk jelimina lil Lawrence Gonzi u lil Joseph Muscat b’daqqa ta’ gebla wahda.

      Hekk, ghall-ewwel darba fl-istorja tar-Repubblika, ikollna President li huwa ukoll Prim Ministru u Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni, u jiddikjara Stat ta’ Oligarkija Debonesca.
      Fuq lapida li titwahhal mal-faccata tal-Palazz tal-President fil-belt Valletta, titpogga kopja tar-rizultat tal-ezami tal-Form IIC tal-1987 bhala tifkira.

  16. ZAREN says:

    Qiegħed insegwi mill-qrib dak li qed jiġri f’Malta bħal bosta.

    Jiena naraha li din tista’ finalment taħdem favur il-PN.

    Dejjem hekk ġara fl-imgħoddi, donnha l-providenza dejjem taf taħseb f’dan.

    L-aġir tar-ribell xegħlet dawk ix-xemgħat inemnmu u m’għandix dubju li min kien qed ikaxkar saqajh biex jivvota jew idawwar il-vot, illum qed jaħsibha sew fiċ-ċirkustanzi tad-dinja kif inhi llum.

    Li kien kollox trankwil, jafu jgawdu tal-PL, imma dawn baqgħu bla sugu u n-nies mhux ċuċ.

    Kif jgħid il-Malti, kull deni ħudu b’ġid, fil-mument tal-prova dejjem rebħet is-sewwa. Nittama li din id-darba tkun l-istess.

    Naf li elezzjoni bikrija mhux daqstant mixtieqa, imma xi drabi, trid taqbad il-barri minn qrunu għax kif ngħidu, l-ftira sħuna tajba.

  17. cat says:

    He seems to be copying the Italian personalities.

    When they are interviewed they have to give a mention to their mummy, their nanna’s lasagne and tagliatelle and the rest of their families and they love describing themselves as mummy’s children and that they cannot make it without their mummy’s cuddles. Proud to be Mammoni.

    He’s doing the same. Behaving like a mummy’s boy. “Izeffen lil ommu u lil missieru fin-nofs.”

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