Franco Debono’s mother should be arrested and charged with crimes against the state for foisting her ‘tifel biezel’ on us

Published: January 8, 2012 at 11:05pm

Before watching this, prepare a revolver, a bottle of whisky and a large pack of suicide pills. I mean it.

The man is as crazy as a soup sandwich and the thought of how he got to where he is, and what he stands to do now, will make you despair.

If you assess Franco Debono’s language, terminology and thinking in these clips from Norman Hamilton’s show on Super One yesterday night, you’ll see where the problem began and that he’s still stuck there in the pre-pubescent stage, reciting his mother’s tune of praise.

80 Comments Comment

  1. A Grech says:

    Franco you could have ended up a hero because some of your proposals were in order but you chose to handle it in a very immature way. You can kiss your political life good bye.

    If you SERIOUSLY wanted to resign, with or without the PN’s acceptance you could have resigned. You knew they would not accept it not because they didn’t want to lose you but because they only have a one seat majority.

    Look before you leap – you didn’t and/or you seeked advice from the wrong people. I am not a PN supporter but I can’t agree with your immature attitude.

  2. John Schembri says:

    Self praise is no recommendation.

  3. Hibernating From Malta says:

    L-aqwa li jiehu Promowxin!… Mhux hekk?

  4. NGT says:

    Jesus! Who allowed this plonker to get to where he got in the first place?

    • ciccio says:

      The first item on the checklist for the vetting of the general election candidates must be: “Please attach a copy of your Form II report card here.”

  5. aud1015 says:

    I watched the whole thing and I was flabbergasted. The only words that I can express are Ma X’biza.

    And since when has Norman Hamilton become a political journalist?

  6. niki says:

    Truly a case of empty vessels make most sound.

  7. thinker says:


  8. el bandido guapo says:

    An expression I don’t ever use is the most appropriate here – a long, drawn out “Maaaaaaaaaaaaaa…” (not as in Mum, notwithstanding it’s relevance!)

  9. Botom says:

    Unbelievable. Surely a member of his family should tell Franco to stop making a fool of himself.

    He is being exploited by the Labour Party, mocked by the whole nation and cursed by his constituents.

  10. Joseph Carmel Chetcuti says:

    Arguably, the same and more could be said of your parents for inflicting on a beautiful island the great dardira of Malta!

    [Daphne – Trust you to think through your backside. And no, that isn’t a homophobic comment.]

    • David Gatt says:

      “Before watching this, prepare a revolver, a bottle of whisky and a large pack of suicide pills.”

      please tell me you DID swallow the whole “large pack of suicide pills” after you watched it Daphne

      [Daphne – No, I didn’t. I thought of all the sad and desperate Labour voters like you, who would be deprived of decent things to read and intelligent places to amuse themselves on the internet, and who would henceforth be reduced to the comments boards of Maltastar, Malta Today, and various Facebook walls. And I was overcome by compassion.]

      • David Gatt says:

        You know what… you may be right on this after all! I’m thrilled by the prospect of reading your blogs, past election.

        [Daphne – Yes, and I’m looking forward to writing them. I had the time of my life between 1996 and 1998.]

      • David Gatt says:

        you mention 1996 AND 1998, indeed very relevant to these times… 1996 (labour’s victory) and 1998 (the goverment losing his one seat majority)

        [Daphne – No. It just so happens to have been the sole 22 months that the Labour Party was in government since I started writing a newspaper column in 1990.]

      • David Gatt says:

        That will make it even harder for you to accept the fact that your PN ship is now sinking fast. No wonder you’re behaving like a stubburn little kid… publishing article after article in your state of panic.

        [Daphne – Why would I be panicking, David? I’m not the one who has to finish typing the Labour Party’s manifesto, or the one who’s put a bomb under my own political career and ambitions. I’m actually enjoying myself. I come into my own in situations like this, though I can’t help thinking what a bloody waste it all is, with so much pointless disruption caused by one man with an extreme case of NPD.]

  11. Stephen says:

    I’m curious.. His body language must say a lot to an expert in this field. Any experts out there?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I’m an expert. I’ve honed my skills through daily contact with such smug twats. His body language says Not A Shred Of Self-Doubt.

      This man loves himself.

      It’s the same with Joseph Muscat. JPO, on the other hand, retained – or rediscovered – that essential spark of questioning of the self.

  12. Edward Aquilina says:

    He is low on confidence. I cannot stop crying, I feel so much for the guy.

    • La Redoute says:

      Narcissists are impervious to self-doubt. What’s low is everyone’s threshold for tolerating any more of his antics.

  13. James Grech says:

    When I played football and my coach put me on reserve in match after match, I awaited the transfer period and on a very good note with players, coach and club I moved on to another club.

    Having said that, I still consider myself an ambitious person and achiever.

    As Franco puts it, Alex Delpiero should go on every sports programme saying that Juventus FC which made him a multi millionaire is pure evil.

  14. Chris says:

    No, seriously … ‘jien imdorri, le veru high-achiever’ …

  15. Kenneth Ellul says:

    Saw this clip of him for the first time:

    The man can’t even read sentences properly. At university I was taught to give concise presentations within the time-frame provided. Franco clearly has no idea what this means.

  16. Chef says:

    “It’s all about me, me, me.”

    Funnily enough, every now and then I chide my 8 year old daughter with this expression when she throws a tantrum. Looks like she’s not alone in demanding constant and undivided attention.

    This might come as a shock to Franco, but there are a number of colleagues of his who have been occupying the back benches of parliament much longer than he has (and apparently ever will) and contributing to government operations without demanding a place in cabinet.

    They are all capable individuals who have a lot to offer to the country, however they have accepted that the Prime Minister feels that they may best serve the country in other roles. It’s called humility.

  17. Grezz says:

    Einstein was a genius; it doesn’t mean he’d have made a great prime minister – or politician, for that matter.

  18. marc says:

    Life’s a bitch. Get over it.

  19. anthony says:

    Le, veru high achiever.

    He is in the process of f**king an entire country.

    And that is quite something.

    The guy is severely delusional.

    This condition is notorious for being very refractory to treatment.

    So help us God.

  20. Alexis Callus says:

    “Jiena dejjem kont tifel biezel…”

  21. jae says:

    ghadu tifel

  22. Grezz says:

    Hey, Franco! You forgot to include your Form II C mid-year report here

  23. La Redoute says:

    By what measure does Debono conclude that he’s a high achiever? Aside from spectacularly making an ass of himself, he hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary.

  24. JZ says:

    I had to stop the video half-way through. It’s too painful to watch. So cringingly embarrassing, it beggars belief.

    Holding the country to ransom because you were a high-achiever at school? For crying out loud!

    He talks of his Form II result sheet with the same passion Golum has for his “precious”.

    I pity his inability to realise what he is primarily doing to himself.

    How can he possibly destroy his reputation and any prospects for a serene and fulfilling life in full view of the nation.and so spectacularly?

    He will be forever labelled as the nutter who brought a government down because he didn’t feel appreciated.

    Had he been patient enough he might well have become somebody a few years down the line, with more to boast about than just average grades in Form II C.

    Sorry to break it to you, Franco, but yes, those grades are pretty average for St Aloysius College. I know because I was there.

    Looking beyond the immediate seriousness of the situation, I am concerned that if this clinically depressed MP doesn’t seek professional help he may look back at these early days in 2012, bitterly regret his foolishness, and become so engrossed by this public self-embarrassment that it will consume him to his grave.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      You make a very valid point in the last paragraph. The same thought had crossed my mind.

    • La Redoute says:

      Clinically depressed? His anxiety attacks are brought about by his absurd expectations and incredulity that things are not going his way.

  25. aaa says:

    We should be discussing whether we should be taking a Keynesian or Austrian approach to the upcoming crisis, and instead we’ve got this buffoon going on about his unrecognised genius.

  26. lauro abela says:

    Franco, don’t you realise that you are becoming a bit hilarious?

    I saw parts of your interview on One News and it is obvious that what you say points to one direction: megalomania.

    And Labour is enjoying it and using it to the full.

    Your close relatives and friends should give you good advice.

  27. David Meilak says:

    Its not about me…….its all about the good of the nation

    I watched the above video twice. The second time round, I listened especially carefully and pressed Pause to take notes.

    Ikollok l-ideat li HRIGT biehom JIEN

    Mela JIEN little child ta’ xi hadd?

    Bhala student dejjem (JIEN) kont top student, top marks

    (JIEN) qbist is-second year tas-sixth form

    (JIEN) tifel biezel hafna (Note the self reference to ‘tifel’, mhux ragel)

    Meta hrigt (JIEN), u meta (JIEN) tlajt

    JIEN tlajt flok ministru u segretarju parlamentari

    JIEN mhux biss ma tlajtx fil-kabinett

    Lanqas kienu ghamluni (LILI) fuq board suret in-nies

    Kif jixraqli JIEN

    JIENA mdorri (JIEN) very high achiever

    (JIEN) imdorri dejjem ma’ ta’ fuq nett

    B’dan ir-ritmu JIEN

    It-talenti TIEGHI jitkellmu wehidhom

    JIEN ghandi kwalitajiet li kullhadd jaf

    (JIEN) baghtejt

    Minkejja li forsi (JIEN) jisthoqqli

    Talenti u attributi li ghandi JIEN

    JIEN gibt 1,200 vot

    Did-darba (JIEN) tlajt

    JIEN lanqas ghamluni fuq bord

    Il-Parlament ghandu jiddiskuti is-sitwazzjoni (JIEN) fil-pajjiz

    • John Schembri says:

      “JIEN gibt 1,200 vot”


      Candidates 1st Count Votes

      D’Amato Helen 1,175
      Debono Franco 1,130
      Galea Louis 2,229
      Schembri John k/a Ivan 150
      Schiavone Anna 1,244
      Sciberras Nadine 258
      Zahra Helga J. 178
      Zammit Ninu 2,466

      Franco qal gidba: harsu naqra lejn il-marki li gab fl-2003 .Helen D’Amato kienet gabet aktar minnu , u l-mara ta’ Hermann Schiavone li hadd ma kien jafha, fi tlett gimghat gabret l-elf u mitejn u fuqhom li jghid li gab hu.

      Bihaqq, b’dawn il-marki jsejjah lilu nnifsu ‘high achiever’!

      Dan dejjem skond ir-‘report sheet’ li ghandu fuq il-website tieghu.

    • Not Sandy :P says:

      Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:

      Believing that you’re better than others
      Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
      Exaggerating your achievements or talents
      Expecting constant praise and admiration
      Believing that you’re special and acting accordingly
      Failing to recognize other people’s emotions and feelings
      Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
      Taking advantage of others
      Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
      Being jealous of others
      Believing that others are jealous of you
      Trouble keeping healthy relationships
      Setting unrealistic goals
      Being easily hurt and rejected
      Having a fragile self-esteem
      Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional

    • Hot Mama says:

      Closely resembles ‘Gvern immexxi MINNI’

  28. markilmaws says:

    21st August 2024

    Dear Hamilton Travel,

    Nixtieq nghidilkom grazzi ghal tour ferm sabih li ghamilna l-Italja. Kellna tourleader mil aqwa li dawarna ma hafna postijiet ta interess kbir. Minbarra li kien gustus u intelligenti dan it-tourleader taljan kien jifhem bil-malti, haga tal-ghageb kemm kien bravu. Fil fatt deherli li dan it tour leader Bono Defranco qisni nafu minn x imkien, imma ma stajtx niplajsjah. Prosit tassew veru tajbin! Grazzi ghall darba ohra ta gita stupenda.

    Connie Casha Mula

  29. Matthew says:

    Blair and Brown once had a deal. Blair didn’t keep his end of the deal and yet Brown never did anything to destroy Blair’s government. Loyalty to one’s party and country comes first.

    On another note, is there any way that Franco can be made to step down because of psychological issues? Mentioning his school days every other sentence and carrying a 25-year-old school report around with him clearly shows that he isn’t of sound mind.

    The more information is revealed about Franco by his colleagues, the clearer it is how sick he is.

    Only idiots, madmen or people with ulterior motives wouldn’t agree.

    Raving lunatics are not aware of their madness and one can’t expect them to say ‘I am sick’. So how can article 54.1(e) actually be put into practice?

    Would someone have to take him to court and challenge his seat as being unconstitutional?

  30. Just finished watching a classic film. Closing line was ‘A man has to know his limitations’.
    Seems fitting.

  31. Whoami? says:

    What a f**king wa***r. Seriously, he needs more than a shrink.

    His behaviour is worse than that of a cornered rat.

    Franco, get a life and give us ours back. Drop your cockiness and call it a day. Better still, move to Italy and make sure you get used to it.

  32. Jozef says:

    He nearly spells it out in this clip. Driven to obsession.

    • A. Charles says:

      With this level of obsessive behaviour it is sometimes too late to take corrective measures and the outcome may be very drastic and dramatic.

  33. His self esteem is sky high.

    Watching Dr Franco Debono on the this video, evaluating his performance at school, higher than it actually is, shows an undeserved self assessment. Of course some level of self confidence would not harm, it shows that you are positive and belief in yourself. However Franco’s self praise in this video was et nausea.

    Excessive self-praise and over-confidence are potentially harmful and irrational in this case. If Franco took a humble and reasonable approach to how he view himself, he could have been more credible. Also the inconsistency in his arguments shows that he is in a confused state of mind.

    Franco’s self-confidence is so high that he miscalculated the risks involved. He challenged his Prime minister thinking that he will succumb to his requirements, in which to become the minister of justice.

    Over estimating his abilities Franco soon will face a humiliating and destructive outcome. In such case when somebody boost his self-esteem in such extremes will end up feeling dejected.

    Franco failed to recognise his strength and weaknesses, he failed in assessing the outcome and now he is out of control.
    He naively thought that his past performance and abilities should be recognised and therefore deserve a ministerial post. However this worked against him and his inadequacy was exposed.

  34. P Shaw says:

    He seems to be obsessed with Helen d’Amato. He mentions her in each interview or press conference.

  35. johnUSA says:

    You guys have no idea how hilarious this all is to a Maltese citizen residing abroad. Kulhadd gharef wara, u kulhadd janalizza.

    It’s funny though how we tend to attribute “mental illness” when something like this happens. Deja vu kbira bhal ma gara in 1998, Mintoff waqqa il-gvern, dak mignun! Issa Franco Debono mignun!

    Stuff happens, but because it happens in Malta it’s always inflated and drawn out of proportion.

    “Ghax ahna Maltin, u ahna il-Maltin nafu kollox u nafu aktar min kulhadd”. No wonder lots of Maltese are deluded in thinking that they are part of some supreme race, above everyone else.

  36. Sarah says:

    He’s wild eyed…scary to think he’s a grown man with a responsible career

  37. M. Bormann says:

    Madonna. This guy is really f**ked up.

  38. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Dear Daphne.

    I have a bone to pick with you – a big bone! You should have warned your readers to prepare a sick-bag.

  39. silvio says:

    According to most of those commenting here, and even to the majority who are closely following this soap opera, Franco’s days in politics are over.

    He has burnt himself out, according to Lino Spiteri.

    Something makes me think that this is not correct and that we will still have Franco around for quite some time.

    Now let’s say that an election is held and Labour will come out the winners. What will keep Joseph Muscat from adopting the American system, and appointing ministers and under secretaries by choosing from among those who do not have a seat in parliament?

    I don’t know,I am simply asking. Can it happen?

    If this happens I expect many many heads to roll.

    From what we have been reading, I am sure Franco’s mother will make sure of this, and I venture to say, rightly so.

  40. BuBu says:

    My God.

    Notwithstanding the evidence, I had refused to believe that this guy’s marbles had really gone AWOL. But this video is chilling.

    He’s prepared to bring down the government because he was not mollycoddled enough by the administration. This is beyond childish.

    Does this man not have an ounce of honour and self-respect?

    Is it possible he does not realise how pathetic this behaviour makes him out to be?

    [Daphne – Pathetic? No, anything but. It makes him look dangerously mentally ill.]

  41. pm says:

    One word only: GHAJJUR.

  42. L. Gatt says:


    “lanqas qatt ghamluni fuq bord”

    How sad is that? Ghax qabez sena sixth form ….

  43. oldtimer says:

    The cherry on the cake of the Debono false moves is his accepting to appear on One TV.

    • Angus Black says:

      Debono is doing Super One a favour, providing them with free comedy material.

      In return he expects (and will get) the LP’s support, free publicity and a ticket to Joseph’s skip, although the smarter (not by much) Joseph will never accept him for obvious reasons.

  44. Katrin says:


  45. lino says:

    Franco Debono,

    A friend of mine got his PhD by the age of 22 and not in a learn by heart and memorize LLD. course, but in one of the toughest branches of mathematics. Another friend got his Masters and PhD in 3 years, in a branch of computing science following a class A first degree in electrical engineering.

    Unfortunately some young lawyers get the idea that the world revolves around them and that nothing is more important than what they do.

    Some of them grow up to know that that’s not realistic, and that actually the aforementioned and similar examples,especially in scientific subjects, are the very noteworthy achievers.

    Your statements on Bla Agenda have actually depicted you as you really are: a conceited egocentric selfish being who could not contain his ego and consequently had to explode to his own detriment.

    There’s no turning back now. No matter how hard you may regret your actions, there’s no trust to pull you back into the fold; only ‘thrust’ to push you further away from where real gentlemen reside.

  46. "The Rising Star" says:

    I quote from Times of Malta:

    “However, he said he still considered himself a Nationalist and was acting with a heavy heart because all he wanted to see was the strengthening of democracy in Malta.

    “I’m not doing this because of ambition. I was a rising star in the party. What I am doing is a sacrifice,” he said, acknowledging that he has now come to a point of no return.”

  47. TROY says:

    Oh Lord it’s so hard to be humble
    When I am perfect in every way.
    Each time I look in the mirror
    I see that I get better-looking each day.
    To know me is to love me;
    I must be one hell of a man.
    And all this is thanks to mummy
    Who does the best that she can.

  48. Jozef says:

    Is it a Rolex?

  49. ciccio says:

    Let me focus on the bit that has been given least attention in the comments. He says “M’inix se nivvota favorih” – 3.36. He actually did not say he will vote against. Is he having second thoughts?

  50. P Shaw says:

    Matese politics has always included an element of free entertainment, but sometimes that entertainment is dangerous.

  51. Lilly says:

    I’m eager to see Franco’s Form II results because everyone’s talking about them but I didn’t see them yet. Where can I find them?

  52. alfred mizzi says:

    MAN FOR ALL SEASONS, that’s what he thinks he is. Is there a hidden man behind all this?

  53. John H says:

    Oh my god, what a self entitled prat. Painfully so.

    I got better marks in form two than he did, yet here I am, not a minister either.

  54. @Daphne says:

    Daphne is-sahhara ta wied Ghafried

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