Franco’s mama and the priedka tat-tifel

Published: January 7, 2012 at 7:46pm

Franco relives that other highlight of his life: his priedka tat-tifel

12 Comments Comment

  1. Teo says:

    Wow, seems like a really refined woman, that Mrs.Debono.

    • silvio says:

      Why do you have to bring Franco’s mother in all this?

      In any case he wasn’t the only one appearing with his mother.

      How come no comments on Simon’s mother?

      [Daphne – Because Simon isn’t making these scenes, Silvio. Get a handle on how the news works, please.]

      This is all wrong,it is nothing but an attempt of trying to ridicule somebody for being what he is by bringing his family into the issue.


      [Daphne – His mother IS the issue, Silvio. It is screamingly obvious that she has caused much of his personality problems and is still his enabler at the late age of 38. Imagine – tiggusta t-tifel meta t-tifel ghandu 38, qisu xi toddler.]

  2. Amanda says:

    A Grace Borg type, but with a blonde ponytail.

  3. jae says:

    Dear Mrs. Debono,

    Your son has lost confidence in the Prime Minister and in the government. Fine, that is his choice. But that means HE and not the prime minister should resign from Parliament. That is how democracy works.

    The people who voted for your son did so because, first, they wanted the PN to govern and then, second, to have your son represent them.

    I am sure that if he were to ask the people who voted for him, ALL of them would tell him that he is wrong to ask for the PM’s resignation.

  4. Dee says:

    Minn dejjem zattat kien u issa nafu min ghamlu hekk.

  5. Botom says:

    Il-problema m’hiex li ghamel il-priedka tat-tifel. Il-vera problema hi li baqa tifel.

  6. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Daphne, only a psychiatrist can speak precisly about a personality disorder. There are hundreds out there with personality problems! Only genes in the family are responsible for such. Franco’s mummy has nothing to do with his personality’s problems.

    [Daphne – You’re quite wrong about the genes. Some personality disorders are caused by what occurs in the first few years of life. Others are genetic, yes, but certainly not all. And what exactly makes you think I haven’t consulted a psychiatrist about Franco?]

  7. Pawlu BORG says:

    ragel ta primcipju ma jibzax mill oqbra imbajda franco ragel sew keep it up franco tibzax minn gonzi hlief u turns ma jamilx u mrs debono tibzax ish ibnek qed jamel sew

  8. Persuna says:

    Franco, mhux qed nithasruk billi ggib l-ommok fuq it-television tghidilna li ghamilt il-priedka tat-tifel u ghamlulek kaxxa. Itlaq mill-parlament.

  9. gorg says:

    I beleive you are a really intelligent person daphne and that is granted, but seems you have an answer for every comment, stop thinking you know it all the time, guess your children are perfect and your parents have nothing to comment about!!!!!!

    [Daphne – No, I don’t have an answer for every comment. If you were to comments about pure maths, physics, chemistry, medicine, advanced economics, geography, academic subjects about which I have no knowledge, polar exploration, astrophysics, or how to make macaroons and get soil-stains out of clothes, I would be at a complete loss. But in ‘people’ matters, I do tend to have a view, yes, because it’s my stock-in-trade.]

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