God help us – they think the crisis is over, just in time for Joseph

Published: January 17, 2012 at 1:08pm

Try not to look so excited, darlings

Despite its many self-professed ‘ekonomisti’, like Aaron Farrugia (segretarju tal-manifest elettorali), Labour’s think-tank Fondazzjoni IDEAT actually believes the European economic crisis is over, instead of about to get worse.

They’ve issued an invitation to their Facebook friends.

Fondazzjoni IDEAT qed tistiednek ghal konferenza nazzjonali dwar il-holqien tax-xoghol u kondizzjonijiet ahjar wara l-krizi ekonomika fl-Ewropa

Il-Holqien tax-Xoghol u Kondizzjonijiet Ahjar Wara l-Krizi Ekonomika
Saturday, January 21 at 9:30am at Centru Nazzjonali Laburista, Hamrun

17 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    Look at this as well:

    Aaron Farrugia
    Tuesday morning MEPs elected German Socialist Martin Schulz as president of the European Parliament with 387 votes. He will lead the EP until the next European elections in June 2014. Congrats Martin.

    They are on first name basis. I hope that other European countries will not start thinking in terms of hbieb tal-hbieb.

    • Dee says:

      Isnt this Martin Schulz the EU gentleman imported by Joseph Muscat to assist him pull fast ones over the competition in the race for the party leadership?

  2. sherpa says:

    Dan Aaron Farrugia huwa injorant mit-twelid jew ha xi ‘kors’?

  3. Julian says:

    You know, in some ways it could be real fun watching them try to govern during this economic crisis. If I were an outsider I would enjoy watching them explain to all and sundry that they cannot deliver on their promises because of the hofra they found and the economic crisis which they will blame on GonziPN.

    They would bring down the electricity tariffs by a measly 5% and they will repeat that achievement until the following election.

    The only problem is that I am not an outsider and depend on the economy doing well for me to enjoy a decent quality of life. But how many PL supporters see it that way? None?

    How sad is this country of ours – but is it any different to anywhere else?

    • Angus Black says:

      Yes, it is truly sad in this country.

      Other countries kicked Socialist governments out after having ruined their economies. Yet, here we are about to have our own brand of Socialist governance.

      Canada, as an example, had a weak Conservative minority government for a number of years, surviving only with common sense cooperation of the Opposition. The same government won a substantial majority because it so happens that this government was responsible for a much more resilient economy than the rest of the G20. One can draw a parallel here since Malta’s economic situation is quite similar.

      Yet, we are about to embark on uncertainty and leaving the economy in the hands of amateurs an in the hands of ones who could never get one right.

      We spend one million euro a day for Education. Huge mistake according to Franco Debono. Education, clearly, should stop at Form II(c).

      We owe all this progress to the one and only Franco Debono. One of his many (he says) successful achievements. What an achievement!

    • ciccio says:

      They promised they would halve the price of water and electricity. That is what we will expect. Cara din. Daqs il-kristall.

  4. Mister says:

    What is a “Tuesday morning MEPs”?

    I must say, that’s a short working week.

  5. Joe Micallef says:

    When I read, in the survey published by The Sunday Times, that the price of utility bills is not an electoral issue I was a little surprised, since I found this conflicting with the three-year-long PL crusade on the subject.

    To try and settle this conflict, I made that the subject of discussion with two Labour friends over lunch. It turns out to be correct, not because PL voters do not care if utility prices go down, but because they consider it as a given.

    One went as far as saying that they will be reversed to 2008 rates.

  6. Jozef says:

    Ta’ min hi l-iskutella fir-ritratt? Kumpass.

  7. Dee says:

    Why do all the people in the pic look as if they smelt something really obnoxious?

  8. ciccio says:

    “…Labour’s think-tank Fondazzjoni IDEAT actually believes the European economic crisis is over, instead of about to get worse….”

    Oh come on… They are planning 10 years ahead, when the economic crisis will finally be over.

    The problem is, who in Labour is thinking about the current worsening of the crisis?

    • Jozef says:

      It’s a serious blunder on their part.

      It’s an admission that the team in goverment is doing a much better job of handling the crisis than they ever could.

      And an admission that this is considered fact by most Maltese. After all, experience in government isn’t their forte.

      Better ignore it then, as it could cost them votes.

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