Published: January 24, 2012 at 3:10pm


Here’s a recent photograph of Dom Mintoff, for those who believed that liar Yana Mintoff Bland when she said that her father is closely following developments in the Labour Party and that he is most pleased with Joseph, while worried at how the Maltese are starving.

Did you wonder for a moment why they didn’t bring out Dom himself instead of wheeling out his daughter?

Well, now you know.

It would have shattered the myth they’re trying to build: a dribbling nonagenarian incontinent suffering from advanced dementia, in a wheelchair, with passers-by stopping to pose with him for photographs as though he’s a piece of historic masonry, then uploading them on Facebook.

Sic transit gloria mundi – not that he ever had any to begin with.

May God rot his soul, if he finally decides he wants it.

966 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Blimey. Is that George Clooney?

    • Grezz says:

      Yes. The one in the wheelchair. That’s why he’s got so many fans, you see – because he’s George Clooney.

    • Marku says:

      In his dreams . . .

      • n busuttil says:

        mr.agree, I attended university during the worst part of the 80s and one course had 60% work-phase and 30% course work, and in between a few days of holidays and exams.

        It was blatant sfruttament of the university students with the sorry excuse of exposure to the ‘dinja tax-xoghol’.

    • votinglabour says:

      Dom Mintoff is why Mothers get childrens allowence, and why the sick that can’t work still get money he made many of the values that this country had.

      If God does take his soul it won’t rot!!!

      Daphne and to all whom agree with you the Devil’s got your soul and that surley will rot.

      • agree says:

        I totally agree with you sir. I am a University student who got my ecducation at a very prestigious Church school. if it weren’t for Mintoff i would not have had that chance because my family weren’t ‘tat-tajjeb’.

        [Daphne – You cannot be serious. Let’s address the logic of your argument, shall we. You praise Mintoff because he was the greatest socialist ever in history, but then you also thank Mintoff (it was actually Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici) for going to war on the church schools and divesting them of their right to charge fees, allowing you to go to one of them and escape the necessity of going to one of the hopeless state schools which the great socialist did nothing to improve. ‘Thank you Mintoff for making it possible for me to go to a church school given that you did nothing to improve state schools.’]

        Furthermore without going into the merits of any religion, I’d have to say that it is a falsity to say that ‘god’ will ‘rot’ a soul. However, if it were possible I’d rather he rot sould of people who share malicious, thought-to-be-witty, comments than of a person who (altough seen to have made many bad decisions by certain people) has done a lot of good work towards this country.

      • TROY says:

        Ma! x’biza! I agree with Daphne.

      • William Micallef says:

        Daphne int u kull min ghandu licken simpatija mieghek ma tarawhx wicc ALLA,,, tmorrux tibilaw l-ostja kull nhar ta HADD ukoll IPOKRITIIIIIIIII

      • laburista says:


      • AA says:

        Ahjar ktibt bil-Malti, xbien, ghax bil-livel tal-Ingliz tieghek ma fehmek hadd.

      • tinu says:

        Mela bhal Mussolini u Gaddafi: dawk ukoll l-ewwel haga li ghamlu taw ic-children’s allowance.

      • IMHO says:



      • christian a says:

        ejdillom aa nazzjonalisti hamali

      • response says:

        Dom Mintoff is also why no one dared wear blue shirts in the glory days of thuggish politicians, why people were beaten in the streets and others were called in for interrogations during the night.

        That is the Malta that Dom Mintoff wrought, and his state of health is too little a punishment for the evil he wrought.

        May he have a thousand times worse, and the rest of you with him, because you made him possible.

      • Paolite says:

        You only got children’s allowance for the first 3 children. For the rest you did not get anything. Dik justizzja socjali! Tghid ghamel hekk ghax il-kap tal-oppozizzjoni ta’ dak iz-zmien kellu hamsa?

    • TROY says:

      You’re just trying to get his Nescafe pod, Baxxter.

    • Albert Galea says:

      Yes that’s true I really beleive he looks like your father

    • mary cauchi says:

      missierek nahseb, mhux george clooney!

    • mary cauchi says:

      missierek nahseb mhux george clooney!

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Kemm intom ridikoli u bla sens tal-umorizmu. Is-Sur Anton Baldacchino jaghti lemha sewwa lil George Clooney. Ghalhekk ghaddejt dak il-kumment. Kieku kellkom nitfa civiltà kontu tidhqu u tohdua bhala l-battuta umoristika li hi.

    • Sabrina says:

      He is better than George Clooney Dear.

  2. Dee says:

    Why is he surrounded by total strangers and photographed like some museum artefact?

    Why isn’t Yana Mintoff Bland or Anna McKenna with him?

    Dawk family values.

  3. Qabadni l-Bard says:

    How sad.

    [Daphne – It all depends on who for.]

    • Grezz says:

      Not for me. I despise the bastard.

      • Andrea says:

        You may hold an grudge against anybody, but you don’t say those words about him. That’s way over the line…

        [Daphne – Andrea darling, just thank your lucky stars you didn’t have to live in this country when that louse ran the show. Then you’d really know the definition of way over the line. Now run along and play with your Facebook and leave the grown-ups alone in peace. Thank you.]

      • Grezz says:

        Yes, Andrea, I despise the bastard. I really do.

      • mandango says:

        I did live in this country when Mintoff ran the show. It was far from perfect, but it surely did bring about social reforms like never before.

        If you want to even try to comprehend why so many around the island had picture frames of Mintoff in their homes, alongside religious ones, it is precisely that this man changed their lives by giving them dignity.

        It makes my stomach turn when I read the sheer hatred that permeates your psyche. Your rotting inside started well before God took your soul.

        [Daphne – Dom Mintoff did not give them dignity. Eddie Fenech Adami did that, and they’re too damn prejudiced to grasp the fact. So are you. Read the story of Eva Peron. It’s a metaphor for the Maltese working class and Mintoff. She pretended to love them and help them, as a sort of business, while making herself rich and working out her hatred of those who were rich before her.]

      • Corinne Vella says:


        Save your sympathy for those driven to an early grave because of Mintoff’s “policies”, and for those whose lives he made hell. They deserve it. Mintoff doesn’t.

      • Andrea says:

        Just to make sure: I didn’t write those comments.


      • qeda sew says:

        i despise your family who raised you in hatred. Fullstop

    • laburista says:


      • The Peasant's Pitchfork says:

        Mela l-Laburisti jafu kif tkun giraffa? I learned something new today.

      • Anon says:

        To the left of your keyboard infront of you there are several command keys. One has the print ‘Caps Lock’, just above the shift key (Pretty arrow) and the Ctrl key. I think yours might be activated, please make the effort to remove it. You give me a headache.

      • May (Canada) says:

        See, I don’t get this. Why don’t you all leave the politics out of it. You breathe it, you smoke it, you live it. For one second leave it out. Think of yourselves as humans. “Laburista” whether you are laburista or not, what the heck does that have to do with it? What it boils down to is this: Good, decent human beings ta’ l’affari taghhom do not speak the way you do. Very there are many nies baxxi of baxxi in Malta ta’.

      • Grezz says:

        laburista, giraffes are graceful, elegant and lovely to look at, and are coveted by many. Now run off and take a long, hard look in the mirror.

  4. Dunstan says:

    Great read! The very mention of his name gives me the shivers.

    To those of us who lived those dreaded years, PL should get this clear in their heads: we shall never forget!

    Trying to change the party image with blue backdrops and ties then bringing out the Salvutur`s daughter said it all.

    • ninu says:

      The root of all evil in this country.

      • ninu says:

        Sorry but it should read, THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL IN THIS COUNTRY.

      • gorg says:

        That is the biggest load of bull**** I have ever heard. I personally am not Mintoff’ s biggest fan, but one cannot deny the fact that he did bring Malta to a stable economic position through his autarchial policies, in times of worldwide economic unrest. Yes his reforms were rather extreme( could in fact be considered far-rightist) but he did create the foundation for which the Maltese welfare system was to be eventually built on!

        [Daphne – You are tragically misinformed.]

      • IMHO says:

        Gorgy porgy pudding and pie – wash your mouth out with soap.

        North Korea’s economic position is stable. So blinking what? Mintoff was a fan of North Korea’s Great Leader. He sucked up to every god-forsaken rotten bastard that ruined the lives of milions, all for their own personal glory.

        They’re all dead and rotten, now, and this one’s on the way there too. May his last days be as hellish as the worst he inflicted on others.

      • gorg says:

        re.Daphne I thank you for your concern, but I know my facts.

        re.IMHO Really? Is that all you can do? Convict an ex opposition leader to eternal damnation only because he sought what was right for his own country? May I remind you all that some of the reforms he applied were only there to contradict and oppose the then Bishop. So what if he had some minor communistic traits? Didnt all socialist party leaders around the world of the time have?

      • Grezz says:

        @ Gorg:

        “The first confirmed sighting of Kim Jong-il came in the early 1970s, when he was spotted on holiday in Malta, where it is understood he was receiving personal English lessons from the Maltese prime minister, Dom Mintoff.”

        The above would probably make somebody like you proud to be Maltese.

    • leslie says:

      maybe when yr dad dies ,you’ll get the shivers dunstan

  5. Dem-ON says:

    “May God rot his soul, if he finally decides he wants it.”

    One hopes that God would wait until after any elections are held before he decides he wants it.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      The PN should ensure that his voting document is withheld – he’s clearly unable to make a choice.

      • Dem-ON says:

        I agree with you Antoine. They should send a note to Toni Abela of the Partit Laburista to present the court writs with the others they prepared so that he is struck off the electoral register.

        Unless they intend to have him as another star candidate. He is so special because he is the Salvatur-Traditur who may yet again prove to be the Salvatur.

  6. ciccio says:

    U Joseph irid ikun bhal Mintoff. Ghalhekk ma marx jiehu ritratti mieghu ghal-kampanja elettorali li ghaddej biha.

  7. Kieli il Maws says:

    Take heed of my advice and do a prayer for your dumb soul before its to late

    • Richard Borh says:

      ‘say’ a prayer before it is ‘too’ late.

    • IMHO says:

      Prayers are said, not made.

      Don’t fret too much over Mintoff’s rotten soul. He never had one and wouldn’t care much for your sympathy.

      He’d be sneering at you if he weren’t demented.

    • Angus Black says:

      ‘too late’ not ‘to late’, Kieli.

      If you want to be ‘cool’ and not sure when to use ‘too’ as opposed to ‘to’ then be hip and write ‘2late’.

  8. Louis says:

    Neither God nor the devil want his soul, that’s why he has been here so long.

  9. Carmen says:


    • Andre says:

      Saved Malta from what exactly?

      • thinker says:

        alien invasion of the western world

      • ciccio says:

        From Alfred Sant.

      • geek says:

        Too bad he did not save us from your Caps Lock.

      • laburista says:


      • Anon says:

        @ Labusista

        Make an actual argument for once in this dialogue. You are truly portraying the Labour stereotype that has plagued your party from the Mintoff era.

        You are the true embodiment of what we fear in having your kind rise to power. The concepts of Labour as a socialist party have always been modern and sometime dare I say it, brilliant.

        My issue remains with the inbred slurry of humans pushing the socialist mentality past what it is designed to achieve.

        So many good ideas throughout history have been pushed too far. Your mentality and limited brain functions are the reasons why history repeats itself. Always pushing on the brawn rather than the brain.

    • Chris Ripard says:

      That’s right – he saved Malta by destroying freedom of expression, by taking over Xandir, by giving workers trenches to dig in Korpi, by closing Church schools (where Joseph wouldn’t have been able to go to), by rigging elections, by not investing in the country’s infrastructure, by seizing control of all banking and utilities and above all, by wrecking the University.

      • laburista says:


      • and..... says:

        ……you forgot all about the Constitutional Court and the “musical chairs” in Court during the period when, it is alleged, he saved Malta.

      • Chris Ripard says:

        Dear Laburista, all the “political history” people need to know is that in 1981 Mintoff governed against the express wishes of the majority of voters.

        This confirmed what we all knew, that the man was a power-mad dictator, and that is how he will be remembered, together with changing Malta to a sub-standard Third World country without water, telephones, chocolate or toothpaste, a wrecked educational system, roads, justice and more (or rather, less).

        You are entitled to your opinion of course and can think of him as you please. What you cannot do, however, is change history.

      • IMHO says:


        Political history written by Laburisti is about as reliable as Gaddafi’s Green Book.

        Tear it up and spit on it.

    • Anabel says:

      people like her are only jealous because they know they can’t do anything , so STUFF YOUR JEALOUSY defsa caruana galizia =]

    • IMHO says:


      • The Peasant's Pitchfork says:

        Primal soup? Mintoffian nostalgia? Now you’re going to confuse her.

        Let’s end all education so that Carmen doesn’t feel left out. There. Joseph Muscat has his first Mintoffian policy.

    • Dee says:


    • Anon says:

      Pure class

    • Kemm Batejt says:

      Saved Malta? Tell us, please, what did he save Malta from?

    • May (Canada) says:

      Honest to goodness, Carmen how low can you go. For the love of God have some self respect and decorum. Aren’t you even the least ashamed of the language you used? There you go……my point exactly.

  10. J says:

    Hsibtek matura Daph, imma mill-mod kif inkiteb dan il-blog, niddubita. Mhux ghax ghandi xi haga kontra l-opinjoni tieghek ta, imma nahseb li fid-dinja tal-lum hemm mod u mod kif tghid l-affarijiet. “May God rot his soul”? Seriously?

    • ciccio says:

      Mintoff’s got seven souls. You should just have asked which one.

      • joseph says:

        ciccio qed tiraguna ghar min ciccio franco…dawk kienu kumidjanti biex idahqu u int kumidjant biex nithasruk gej titkelem ekk ….min jaf li qedin nitkelmu fuq missierek xi tejt ehhhhh???

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Joseph, la missier Ciccio, u lanqas missieri jekk niġu f’dan, m’għamlu l-ħsara li għamel dak il-biċċa tal-art li int tadura.

        Taf li mietu n-nies imħabba fih? Min miet bl-inkwiet li ħoloq għal xejn b’xejn u min qatlietu l-marmalja, mxewxa mill-misħut perit.

        Le, le, isma minni Joseph: jistħoqqlu jinħaraq bħal ħatba f’ħuġġieġa. Għall-eternità.

  11. Ryan says:

    Galizia you’re really a person with the devil inside try to respect other people or i think you don’t know howww.
    you should be ashamed of your self you satan

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      said the kettle to the pot

    • laburista says:


      • The Peasant's Pitchfork says:

        Yes, I suppose somebody that height, which isn’t exceptional height at all by international standards, would look like a giraffe from the perspective of somebody so much closer to the floor.

      • Izzie says:

        When did you last look in the mirror?

      • IMHO says:

        Ok, laburista, ibghatilna ritratt tieghek ha naraw xi ssaraf int.

        Tilbisx dak in-niker li rajnik tixtri fuq il-monti, pero. It-tanga ma tantx tmur ma’ sorm daqs dinja. Jew dak wiccek kien, bil-ponot?

      • May (Canada) says:

        Dear Laburista, why don’t you stop now before you show your colours more radiant. If you have any respect for the party of your choice, don’t show the low calibre of character that you have please. If you are not at all articulate, then please stop writing.

      • Dudina says:

        @ Laburista

        It is because of people like you that I have never voted Labour and NEVER WILL.

    • J Abela says:

      Yet you don’t show respect yourself.

    • May (Canada) says:

      And you Ryan should be ashamed of yourself. Il-listra x’injoranza hej. I am not a fan of Labour Party but come on let us have some decorum.

  12. Edward says:

    Vera jmissek tisthi ddahhal lil Alla fil-politika.

    Ma nafx min qed itik id-dritt tikteb artikli bhal dawn.

    Vera nixtieq li xi hadd jihu passi fuq dawn l-artiklu ghax il-partiti Maltin dejjem qalu li l-politika qatt m’ghandha taqa’ personali.

    Nikwotak l-ahhar sentenza: “May God rot his soul, if he finally decides he wants it”. Kif qatt tista’ tiehu l-guddizzju ta’Alla f’idejk? Min tahseb li int?

    • Christian Catania says:

      il ligi tiprotegiha dik, imma ghad issib kappel jigiha!

      • Maria says:


      • joe says:

        Issa naraw :)

      • ninu says:

        Forsi meta xi darba jitla l-PL imma nahseb li hadd minna ma jkun ghadu hawn…………Sur Christian Catania.

      • The Peasant's Pitchfork says:

        ‘il ligi tiprotegiha dik’ – yes, Christian Catania. Freedom of expression is protected at law. Nowadays.

      • Izzie says:

        Inti bis-serjeta’ qed tgħid hekk? Ma taħsibx li b’diskors bħal dan qed tinduċi n-nies għal iktar mibegħda?

        Fl-aħħar mill-aħħar bir-raġunament tagħkom, min mhux magħkom (politikament) huwa l-għadu u tridu teqirduh minn wiċċ id-dinja… hemm aħna… nerġgħu niftħu l-bibien għall-vjolenza, vandaliżmu u evviva l-marmalja.

        U mbagħad triduna ninsew. Għandek bloody ċans.

      • leslie says:

        ghanda lill gonzi pn,u lill richard caruana jidefendua

    • Andrea says:

      Naqbel mieghek 100%. Hadd m’ghandu dritt idahhal l’Alla fil-politika kif ukoll jitkellem b’dan il-mod fuq nies li mexxew lil Malta u vera kienu importanti ghall-izvilupp li ninsabu fih illum. Jien ihossni disgstat li din il-mara ghandha l-guts li tikteb dawn il-kliem, kif ukoll sorpriz li hadd ghadu m’ghamel xejn dwarha.

      [Daphne – Fil-fatt, kulhadd ghandu d-dritt li idahhal l-Alla fil-politika. Huwa dritt fundamentali tal-bniedem. Jekk ma joghgbokx, itlaq lejn l-Iran u ara kemm se tkun hepi hemmhekk.]

      • -A says:

        ‘Hepi’ mhux hekk tinkiteb ta :) Tghallem ikteb tajjeb l-ewwel qabel ma tindenja tikteb xi haga ohra u tghajjar bija lil nies, li f’dan il-kas ma jistawx iwiegbuk lura :)…qas il-Malti ma taf, ara kemm taf affarijiet ohra!

      • Emanuel says:

        tgħallem ikteb sinjura għażiża ;) hepi? hippie? ferħan? happy? persuna li ma taf titkellem bl-ebda lingwa, miż-żewġ lingwi uffiċjali ta’ pajjiżha. Naħseb aħjar tmur inti lura għall-facebook.

      • Anonimu says:

        Tistghu please thalluwa lil Daphne. Ma tafx issib mod ihor kif tizvoga lila innifisa allura eda tipprova titmellah b’persuna anzjana, inkontinenti gewwa wheelchair.

        Nixtiq hafna nirringrazzja imma ghax naddi siegha zmien nidhak b’ kemm hi vojta redikola u pastaza din il para.

        Proset Daphne pruvajt iddahhak :) haqqek cookie.

      • Drattax says:

        Jekk ghal-xejn, nixtieq li jaqa dan il-Gvern halli forsi tispiccala l-protezzjoni politika din il-vas ta’ HDURA u OXXENITA’.

        [Daphne – Ghaliex, Drattax, x’tahseb li se jigri? Se jigi Jason Micallef b’ imqass u jaqtali l-cable tal-internet?]

        Jekk Joseph Muscat ma jiehux hsieb ipoggi lil-din il-bicca speci ta’ kreatura distorta (u xi ohrajn li madankollu ma jersqux vicin il-livelli fondi taghha) f’postha jaghmel ZBALL KBIR!

        ..u postha ghad irid jigi ivvintat min bord ta’ tortura specjali.

        [Daphne – Nista naghmel suggeriment, Drattax? Joseph jista jarrestani u jitfaghni f’xi mezonett ikrah bhalma thobbu intkom, b’hafna ghamara ta’ cacu, f’post mimli criecer Laburisti hodor, niekol il-minestra u l-corned beef, u nara veedeeows tal-Perit Mintoff meta zjar ic-Cina u l-Korea ta’ Fuq. U imbaghad, ghal tortura extra special, jista jibaghtni tour mimli nisa hamalli ghal fiera ta’ Sant Agata f’Catania, ma’ Hamilton Travel.]

      • lulu says:

        Int tghamel l-arja ghax issib min jinkuraggik u dawk li jaqblu mieghek f’dawn il-kummenti moqzieza huma demel bhalek, min hu tal-affari tieghu ma jkomplix mieghek, jien nahseb li int imxajtna ghax filhajja tieghi qatt ma ntqjt ma persuna li jghid qan il-kliem.

        [Daphne – Dak ghax taghmilha mal-marmalja Mintoffjana biss, lulu. Ma taf xejn izjed. Bhalma qal Gesu fuq is-salib, ‘Alla ahfrihlom ghax ma jafux x’inhuma jaghmlu.’]

        int bniedma mdejqa bik innifsek, jien ma nimmaginakx tghamel opra ta’karita ghax ma tafx, int mara ta stmerrija J’alla il-mulej ikollu hniena minnek ghax ghandek bzonn mhux minn nies tad-dinja imma minnu u min qed jiffinazjak biex tghamel dawn il-hnizrijiet ghandu bzonn daqsek.

        [Daphne – Jiddispjacini ghalik li ma twelidx 250 sena ilu fi Franza, lulu, ghax aqta kemm kont tiehu gost.]

      • TROY says:

        -A please check your IQ. and then be ‘hepi’

      • REX001100 says:

        f’dak il kass itlaq int daphne,ghax int laqa ta kulhadd,hliewf tilaq lill pn ma taghmilx,sewwa jaghdu ,il qahba milli ikollha itik, ghax int propja qahba ,

        [Daphne – Saqsi l-Byon Jo Zammit, cameraman tas-Super One, dwar il-qhab, ghax hu litteralment son of a whore. Jew saqsi l-Charlon Gouder, ghax dak il-vera jifhem, mid-dehra . Biex titlaq minn ma’ partit trid tkun fil-partit. U jien minhiex f’ebda partit. Nivvota biss: kontra l-Labour, ovvjament.]

      • Carmel Scicluna says:

        Lil A.

        ‘Hepi tajjeb kitbitha. Filfatt Daphne kitbitha skont l-ahhar aggornament tal-Malti. Tghaggilx qabel tghajjarha li ma tafx tikteb bil-Malti.

      • laburista says:


      • J Abela says:

        Oh my God! They’re seriously trying to correct your spelling. These people simply don’t get sarcasm.

      • J Abela says:

        They also don’t get the concept of freedom of expression and the idea that for some people God is meaningless.

        Dear God, and some say only Muslims think this way. I’m sure they’ll change their minds if they visit Malta.

      • Jo says:

        Andrea, l-izvilup li li ninsabu fih ma nafuh lil hadd hlief lil Eddie Fenech Adami u l-Lawrence Gonzi.

        Mintoff kien tirann li hassar il-hajja ta’ hafna Maltin bin-nuqqas ta’ liberta li kienet tirrenja.

        Jekk ghandek il-kuragg mur il-librerija nazzjonali u fittex il-gazzetti ta’ zmien Mintoff u KMB – iz-zero – ghax sar PM minghajr vot wiehed biss- dik demokrazija – alla Kim Il Sung jew Ceaucescu il- kapurjuni tal-liberta u l-akbar hbieb ta’ Mintoff.

        Naturalment ha nghinek daqxejn taqrax il-gazetta indipendenti l-Orrizont.

      • Izzie says:

        Kemm għandkom ħdura fl-istonku tagħkom ma’ min ma jaqbilx magħkom iżda ma jimpurtax… what goes around comes around and he who uses the sword dies by the sword… oqogħdu friski!

    • May (Canada) says:

      Edward……finally someone who can write without offending people. Good for you.

  13. Bernard says:

    Imissek il veru tisthi Daphne, jien m inix xi fan ta Mintoff imma biex tghid xi haga hekk fuq ragel xih veru waqajt fil baxx. Qed taghmel hafna deni lilek innifsek, lil partit u lil pajjizek.

    • Maria says:

      she is not a journalist
      she is a foul mouthed ignorant person with a good sense of speech.

      • Lia says:

        So true Maria! I just think she is Bitter. Makes me wonder what has happened to her behind closed doors…

        [Daphne – Wouldn’t you just love to know: the fascination of the servants for their superiors. One hundred years on and it’s still Upstairs Downstairs in your minds.]

      • ciccio says:

        She writes recipes. For the souls.

      • Nitpicker says:

        She can spell and punctuate correctly, unlike ‘Maria’ who only writes in ‘SMS’.

      • Lia says:

        I love how you contradicted yourself in your own post. You may actually be human. I believe there is still hope for your soul. Why the hate Daphne? Why not do something nice for yourself? To bring up your moral? Go treat yourself! get yourself a boob job, maybe some botox? you might get lucky :) I mean, Isn’t that what all the women your age do now a days to make themselves feel good? Because we all know you could use a good lay. Good day.

    • lulu says:


      • IMHO says:

        Orqghod sew, lulu. Jghidu li l-irqad jghin biex il-mohh jizviluppa. Forsi tieghek tikber ftit izjed minn mohh ta’tigiega.

    • IMHO says:

      Kemm joffenduk il-kliem, Bernard. Ara kieku kont tisma ‘l Mintoff fi zmienu.

      Ma tantx hemm lok taqa baxx izjed minn dak il-kankru – litteralment, ghax propju kankru.

  14. J. Grima says:

    “May God rot his soul”?

    You really are the witch from Bidnija aren’t you? How can you talk like that about an elderly person who is clearly going through the last stages of his life?

    [Daphne – Last stages of his life? Please tell me it’s true. I’ve been waiting for the last stages of his life for the last 40 years.]

    You and your supporters like to tarnish other people’s reputation with this immature & disgusting language and then you mention the supposedly ‘dark ages’ that you had to live through when the PL was in government? Well I tell you what I’d rather be governed by the PL then by a party that seems to endorse the likes of you!

    P.S. – I am your typical floating voter who does not endorse any party just because my family/friends do. On the other hand you seem to be just another ignorant zombie follower, no better than the people you offend on a daily basis.

    [Daphne – Yes, right. Kellekx xi nanna b’xi santa ta’ Mintoff ukoll. The only people who made political choices of their own are those from families of Stricklandjani, J. Grima. All others just fell into it, and sometimes it really shows.]

    • J. Grima says:

      [Daphne – Last stages of his life? Please tell me it’s true. I’ve been waiting for the last stages of his life for the last 40 years.]

      Just proved me right, that you are an ignorant woman after all, not that I had any doubt anyway.

      [Daphne – Yes, right. Kellekx xi nanna b’xi santa ta’ Mintoff ukoll. The only people who made political choices of their own are those from families of Stricklandjani, J. Grima. All others just fell into it, and sometimes it really shows.]

      First of all, no, my Grandmother never had any ‘santi’ with Mindtoff’s face plastered on it. Secondly, I would like to break the news to you that although the majority of the Maltese population, including you, are zombie followers regardless of what pros and cons their party offers, there is a minority of people who actually do choose their vote carefully depending on what the party has got to offer. I for one think that both the PL & PN have done both good and bad for this country, hence why I don’t choose to stick to one particular side.

      So, why don’t you change your tune for once and start writing constructive and mature blogs rather than childish ones? The way things are going for you I can safely predict that you are going to be hated and remembered as the Bidnija Witch long after your passing. Isn’t that supposedly the same fate that your beloved Mintoff has suffered? :)

      [Daphne – The opinion of those whose intelligence, abilities and choices we fail to respect does not matter to us, J. Grima. So I will not care how you choose to remember me, just as I do not care what you think of me now. Mintoff did not care two hoots for what his miserable followers thought, for much the same reason. He manipulated them and laughed while doing it. But when I wrote about him, he went crazy and took me to court. Why? Because my opinion mattered to him. The strange fact of life, J. Grima, is that many of those who hate me most are the very ones who most want my admiration and respect, but won’t be getting it.]

      • joseph says:

        fik amirazjoni sahhara tal bidnija

      • Drattax says:

        The strange fact of life, J. Grima, is that many of those who hate me most are the very ones who most want my admiration and respect, but won’t be getting it.]

        OMG, you have now put a darn lot of people under pressure depravity!

      • J. Grima says:

        I am not asking for your admiration or respect, all I’m asking for is to be prudent enough not to stoop to the same levels as to those who you write about on your blog. As someone else has already pointed out earlier, two wrongs don’t make a right.

        [Daphne – Ah, but that’s because your assumption is that I’m wrong. I believe otherwise. If you seek the company of hypocrites, who wish to see Mintoff rot in hell but don’t say so lest people like you think ill of them, go elsewhere. I repeat: I do not give a damn what people think, and I especially do not give a damn what people who admire Mintoff think, as by definition they have extremely poor judgement. And please, for the love of God do not hector me on my own territory. I set up this blog precisely to say what I think, not to say what you want me to say. This is a very easy concept to understand, even for a Laburist. So think for five minutes and work it out.]

      • Andrea V says:

        @Daphne: Who the hell is “we”?

        [Daphne – People like me, Andrea.]

      • J. Grima says:

        “even for a Laburist” – I hope you’re not suffering Alzheimer’s at your age, so let me remind you……” I am your typical floating voter who does not endorse any party just because my family/friends do. ”

        Unfortunately, you do seem to be one of those die-hard party extremists that is keeping this country’s mentality back, way back. So if I quote what you said yesterday, “I’ve been waiting for the last stages of his life”, I can safely say that the sane population of Malta would probably have the same feelings toward you. After all you’re nothing but a brainwashed human being.

        [Daphne – Yes, of course they do. Read the comments here. But do you know what the significant difference is? I never had control over other people’s lives or the fate and direction of a state.]

      • Eyes in Face says:

        “The strange fact of life, J. Grima, is that many of those who hate me most are the very ones who most want my admiration and respect, but won’t be getting it.”

        Hahaha hekk tixtiq tahseb…. min iz-zobb iridek lilek xi kruwha!

      • May (Canada) says:

        Daphne, Seriously? Are you kidding me? Who would want your admiration and respect? Or did you mean, “Those who wish they were admired and respected in the same way I am.? Are you kidding me? If people respected and admired you before, they surely do not now. You have lowered yourself to 0 degrees. Why don’t you go off line and write ask God forgiveness?

        [Daphne – I love it with you folk. You start off all transparently ‘I am not a Labour supporter but/I am a PN but…’ then the more you are provoked and pricked, the quicker your real motivation and feelings come out: anti Daphne. ‘Who wouuld want your admiration and respect?’ Lots of people, May, starting with the entire Labour Party. Strange you can’t see that. But then you are in Canada.]

    • lulu says:

      u ghalaq halqek ghax hierga ntiena inu t mhux Mintoff ghamillek il-hsara imma ttrobbija li tlajt fiha, mamissekx tisthi tghid dal-kliem u toqghod issemmi nnanniet int fejn taf mohhok biex timmalafama n nies.

      • The Peasant's Pitchfork says:

        ‘u ghalaq halqek’ – the authentic voice of the unfortunate classes.

      • IMHO says:


        Mintoff, haxxej ta’ Malta.

        Xi darba ghad tifhem, imma trid titghallem taqra u tikteb l-ewwel.

    • leule says:

      Jien gej minn familja nazzjonalista u daqs kemm nistmerru dak iz-zmien ahna zgur li hadd. Izda xorta qatt u qatt m’ghandek dritt titkellem hekk fuq persuna ohra.

      Kemm dan l-“artiklu” u kif ukol ohrajn tieghek juru livell ta mmaturita u nuqqas ta’ edukazzjoni (u b’edukazzjoni mhux qiehed nirreferi ghal certifikati). Kritika m’ghandha qatt tkun personali u nies bhalek qieghdin jippruvaw jitfghu l-poplu f’injoranza u dlam izda kif qed tinduna il-poplu intelligenti hafna iktar milli tahseb.

      [Daphne – Tinkwetax, leule. Qed inlesti series ta’ posts dwar kemm mar zmerc Mintoff u kemm huma stupidi l-followers tieghu meta jemmnu l-gideb dwar is-‘success’ tieghu. Mintoff kien failure tal-prima klassi, kemm fil-hajja professjonali, kemm fil-hajja privata, u kemm bhala prim ministru u mexxej ta’ partit. Halla stragi warajh kull fejn miss. Dizastru totali. Hopeless case.]

      Jien nixtieq li tkompli tikritika l-politikanti ghax xi kultant jahsbu li huma kollox izda ma nahsibx li ghandek tibqa tattakka fuq livell personali. Apparti minn hekk fil-fehma tieghi il-partigjanizmu m’ghadx ghandu lok fis-socjeta’ ta’ llum.

    • laburista says:


      • The Peasant's Pitchfork says:


      • Eyes in Face says:

        ovja li kerha ghax nazjonalista! kollha koroh dawk, qabbel in-‘net’ mal-‘one’ u tara kif vera!

      • Kanadiza Maltija says:

        Tajjeb ukoll… is-sinjal li m’ghandekx u l-anqas taf x’se taqbad tghid. Is-soltu risposta tal-laburisit li jintefaw fit-tghajjir ghax m’ghandomx risposta tajba xi jghatu.

    • IMHO says:

      Why don’t all the Mintoffian crows and vultures land elsewhere? The internet’s got billions of pages, and most of them don’t even mention Mintoff.

  15. Lorna saliba says:

    I agree that this blog should not get that personal but lest we forget:

    The man in the wheelchair sold us to Gaddafi, North Korea, Ceaucescu and the rest of the Communist clan behind the Iron Curtain.

    He left this poor nation deprived of all commodities and modcons allowing only those within the inner circle to control importation at racket prices and turned us into a nation of scroungers, whichever western country we visited, after we had to show the authorities how much money we were exporting.

    • Mark says:

      Well said Lorna

    • Maria says:

      The man in the wheelchair gave you the vote, the pension, the childrens’ allowance and much more hanini. he was not perfect ok but at least he was not a big liar as all the pn leaders.
      As for you dear daphne I don’t think that there will be any soul rotting in hell more than yours will.

      [Daphne – The man in the wheelchair did not ‘give me the vote’. I voted for the first time in 1987. He did not give me a pension either, because I still many years away from receiving one. He did not give me an allowance for my children because they were born after his time. But he took away plenty, and for that I will never forgive him and will be the first to spit on his grave and break open the champagne before he is buried. And I will watch his funeral on television and I will laugh. And now that you have some idea of how I feel about your hero, you might have a better idea of just how much damage he did to the society he controlled. Millions loved Kim Il Sung and Chairman Mao, too. That is no reflection on their character, ability or success in running their kingdoms.]

      • joseph says:

        tista tkun cara u tejdilna xamilek ezatt…ghax nahseb qatt ma kien pastaz daqs kemm kien ibnek luniversita!x tahseb sahhara tal bidnija

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You may think you’ll be the first to that grave, but you’ll find me there, onto the second bottle of Taittinger.

        [Daphne – Ah, we shall meet at last. How shall I know you?]

      • Macduff says:

        Pawlu Boffa did that, stupid. Funny Labour fails to learn their own history.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I’ll be the one sitting under some tree, brooding. And weeping for that half century of lost time. All because of the man in the grave.

        And remember that though we may rejoice at his death, we’ll have an uphill struggle to stop his supporters from erecting a 10-metre bronze statue in his honour, larger even than the one to that scum Lorry Sant.

        And PN will give it its blessing. Because, as Gonzi, by then retired, will say: “Here was a great statesman.” And so the lie will live on, and old wounds will be left to fester and poison this land which we call L-Art Helwa.

        I think I’ve gone off that champagne.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        They should bury him at a crossroads.

        I’m not superstitious but . . .

      • ciccio says:

        “…I will never forgive him and will be the first to spit on his grave and break open the champagne before he is buried. And I will watch his funeral on television and I will laugh.”

        Daphne will be joining the “Mintoffian party” only after Mintoff’s death: the party on his grave.

      • TROY says:

        I’ll point him out for you, Daphne.

      • Gozitan says:

        & I will be the first one to piss on your grave. Satanic woman. You are a shame to all of us Maltese. You are not afraid of God? You dont see or read how much illness is around? You dont think that if something happens to you, you will not have a peacefull heart? Take my advise, thank God every morning that you woke up, and let others live their life.

      • Amanda says:

        Daphne, YOU are wrong!
        1. Dom Mintoff (now 95 and is in wheelchair) gave the vote not to you only but all woman.

        [Daphne – Amanda, you are wrong. I was not around in 1947, still less old enough to vote. And Mintoff had absolutely nothing to do with it. It was Paul Boffa, a man Mintoff despised and overthrew. Mintoff himself held women in contempt, unless they were individuals he hoped to shag, whether these individuals were his brother’s wife or random others. If you wish to know how a man feels about women in general, consider the way he treats his wife. And Mintoff treated his so horribly that even today, her friends and their descendants still talk about it. In Mintoff’s time, women in the public service had to give up their jobs when they married, for instance, because they didn’t ‘need’ one now that they had a husband. And it was the Nationalist government, not Mintoff, that rewrote the marriage laws to free married women from the status of their husband’s chattel. There are other examples, but I shall be writing about them in a series of posts dedicated to debunking the Mintoff myth. Mintoff: The Facts.]

        2. If you are not old enough it obvious he did not gave you pension. But if God lend life and be over 60, remember that under this administration you are receiving pension. Not forget also with the new reform of the pension which this government introduce you may not receive it!

        [Daphne – Bollocks. And if you don’t know what that means, use a dictionary.]

        3. If your children were born after his administration, the children allowance was (once again) introduce during his government.

        [Daphne – I didn’t receive it, Amanda, because my husband and I both work.]

        4. Every government took plenty. I never paid high electricity bills like today. I never paid taxes as today.

        [Daphne – And you never had as much as you do today, either. Do the maths.]

        5. How how do you know that YOU are going to be alive to split on his grave and open the champagne. Did God send you a blog message of when you are going dead?

        [Daphne – In fact, I might not be, given just how many of your friends have popped in here to say they’re going to kill me. But there you go. Needs must when the devil drives, and all that.]

        6. I have no heros, neither Mr Mintoff nor Mr.Fenech Adami, or Gonzi, because all of them did for the benefit of Malta. I paid taxes under the three of them.

        [Daphne – Glad to see that you can count beyond the fingers of one hand, Amanda. Well done.]

      • ....... says:

        Int bis-serjeta gbin? Xil-madonna tahseb li int?
        Jaqaw il-gvern qed itijulek shun, qed jimlik bil flus, biex toqghod tghid kontra il labour, x’qed tiehu b’daqshekk! Jien taht il-pn trabbejt u qatt ma naf li hadna xi haga, toqodx tparla ghax ma hadtx xejn minn taht il-labour! Qatt ma xtaqt deni fuq hadd pero ha nghidlek, j’alla dak kollu li xtaqt ghal Mintoff jigi fuqek!
        Ahjar ta halli nkunu hlisna minn nazzjonalista hadra! Kemm ma nahmilkomx jaqq!

        [Daphne – ‘Jien taht il-pn trabbejt u qatt ma naf li hadna xi haga’. Sigh. It’s enough to make you climb the walls.]

      • laburista says:


      • Carmel Scicluna says:

        I will never forgive him and will be the first to spit on his grave and break open the champagne before he is buried. And I will watch his funeral on television and I will laugh.

        Scorn. But not hatred.

      • IMHO says:

        @ Joseph

        B’xiex qieghed titkaza? Mintoff stess kien jitkellem hazin qisu qahba f’xalata u kien ahdar haxix. Ma tridx tigi tghid illi kien irida ta’ vergni skrupluza, ukoll.

      • fuck you bitch says:

        you are a fucking bitch i wish u die before him you CHEAP slut!!
        u r laughing coz he is in a wheelchair…. ?
        i wish u’ll live the rest of your life in a wheelchair with shockabsorbers…..

        [Daphne – No, I’m laughing because I lived long enough to see him reduced to that state. When he wasn’t in that state, I was in no mood to laugh. I feel about as much pity for him as I would have had for Kim Il Sung. Now here’s the bit you don’t understand: Mintoff would have found my contempt a lot easier to handle than the pity of the peasants he despised. Men like that prefer to be hated than pitied. Indeed, the more you pity him, the more I enjoy it, knowing how enraged he would be to know he is pitied by those who once feared him.]

      • Paul Bonnici says:

        You said – ‘Mintoff himself held women in contempt, unless they were individuals he hoped to shag’…

        I wonder if Mintoff managed to shag any lesbians, a particular name comes to mind.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Are you suggesting Vanessa Redgrave was butch?

        Oh! HER…

      • Min Weber says:

        [Daphne – Ah, we shall meet at last. How shall I know you?]

        I’m JEALOUS.

      • IMHO says:


        Dwar min kien se jitflef xoghlu minhabba l-haxi tieghu, Mintoff qal “x’nitnejjek”.

    • Andrew says:

      Jekk għandek qatra sens f’mohhok tinduna li dak li kien ghamel mintoff kien għall-aħjar ġid ta’ pajjiżna dak iż-żmien. Kieku ma kienx mintoff li għamel hekk kieku probabli Malta qatt ma qamet fuq saqajha. Mela għal darba ieqfu eqirdu fuq iċ-ċikkulata u l-kommoditajiet li kontu mċaħħda u kunu kburin li għamiltu sagrifiċċju għal pajjiżkom.

      Dik kienet l-ideoloġija poliika tiegħu, SOĊJALIŻMU, u dak iż-żmien il-poplu Malti kien jippreferi dik l-ideoloġija. Forsi hija ideoloġija li lil min għandu l-flus ma tpaxxihx u għalhekk turik li dak iż-żmien iktar kien hemm bżonn li l-gvern jgħin lil batut bill-benefiċċji Soċjali milli joqgħod ipaxxi lil min għandu l-flus!

      • joseph says:

        exactly andrew…imma din trida tan nobli u miex se tifima..

        [Daphne – Trida ta’ nobbli? Dik minn fejn gibtha? Jew ghalikom min mhux salvagg u injorant bhalkom bil-fors nobbli irid ikun? Le, jien tal-pepe mhux nobbli.]

      • Lilla says:

        Mintoff is not a Socialist, Mintoff is a Communist of the old school.

        The MLP was considered Socialist only because of the existance of the PN, since a communist state is characterised by single party rule.

        Mintoff is a Communist because in the true sense of the word, he tried to make every thing ‘common’ – only for the avaerage citizen (read illiterate ignorants here) though. There was nothing common for the ‘klikka’.

        This meant no free market; everything held and controlled by the state; the destruction of individual freedom; complete control over media; all power handed over to the few loyal to the state; control over who benefitted from higher education;pictures of the Leader every where.

        Does this ring a bell? By describing what is Communism, I have just described the Mintoff years to a tee.

        “u dak iż-żmien il-poplu Malti kien jippreferi dik l-ideoloġija.”

        Yes, because all the illiterate Labour supporters all knew what an idealogy was in those days.

      • IMHO says:

        Fejn hu is-socjalizmu li jiddependi fuq l-oppressjoni ta’ min qieghed diga batut? Min fejn tahseb illi Mintoff kien igib il-flus, jekk mhux bil-fottimenti ta’ xi tip jew iehor? Tghidx ma dahhalx idu fil-but. Poxt bhalu kellek bzonn, johodlok kull m’ghandek u tibqa ffissat fih.

    • Kemm Batejt says:

      Lest we forget, Lorna, so far, not one single person writing rubbish from the other side of the fence, had the ability, to tell us how, from a small country like Malta, he made all that money in the 80’s.

      [Daphne – By prostituting himself to Muammar Gaddafi and other dictators, Kemm Batejt, and by forcing us into an import substitution economy which made life here in Malta roughly equivalent to life behind the Iron Curtain in terms of material deprivation. And by not spending any money on the infrastructure, so we had no phones, no water and no electricity. Especially no water and no phones. Tell me about it, I’m from Sliema. He scaled down education rather than investing in it, the hospital was a pathetic slum with doctors and nurses struggling against the odds and people dying in corridors packed in like sardines, and various other tortures inflicted on his own people. All to ‘save money’. Like the miser he is, who ran the country like he ran his own household (his wife was reduced to living on the charity of her good friends), he never worked out that you have to spend money to make it. He could never work out, either, the link between his policies and the fact that money was leaving the country and tens of thousands were out of work.]

      Abusive comments will serve no purpose. If there is a financial expert out there, please come in and tell me how I repeat, IN THE 80’S, ONE MADE SO MUCH MONEY IN SUCH A SHORT SPAN OF TIME, when our economy must have been the weakest ever.

      It does not add up !

      [Daphne – It does in fact add up, and he did not ‘make so much money’. Anyway, watch this space for a series of posts called Mintoff: The Facts. They’re still in preparation.]

    • Kanadiza Maltija says:

      Is there a “like” button here? :)

  16. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Mela issa ghax ragel xih nahfrulu kollox?

    • lulu says:

      Lorna u FA biegh kollox basta dahhalna fl-ewropa u gejna bil-qalziet ta’taht

      • Jozef says:

        Ahseb u ara kif hu ried lil haddiema, bil-patata barra.

      • IMHO says:

        Mur arak bil-qalziet ta’ taht, lulu. Hekk tmur il-monti? B’xi tanga tal-bellus u bizzilla roza tghajjat ghajjat tas-sriedaq u l-qhab?

    • lulu says:


      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Jien ma nahfer lil hadd. Lin-Nazzjonalisti, per ezempju, qatt m’jien se nahfrilhom il-mod kif irriabilitaw l-immagini ta’ Mintoff u kif hallewh jghaddiha lixxa. Jekk gvern jista’ jinstab hati ta’ ksur ta’ drittijiet umani ghal transfer, xi nghidu ghal prim ministru li ippresjeda r-rovina ta’ pajjiz?

        Mela nikkundanna (thobbuha dik il-kelma hux veru?) lin-Nazzjonalisti ta’ dan.

    • ninu says:


  17. James says:

    is soltu vojtagni minn ghandek…jin nazzjonalist u jdejjaqni il fatt li hawn nies bhalek fil partit. ghamel il hazin tieghu vera ima ghamel gid ukol. naqa rispett u dicenza komuni trid u taqax iktar an nejk

    • geek says:

      Il-veru ma nistax nifhem x’ghandux x’jaqsam ghax int Nazzjonalist, u ghax nies bhal Daphne fil-partit… Ghandek bzonn lezzjoni zghira; dan hu blog *personali*.

      La hawn imnizzel li ghandha x’taqsam ma naha u qas m’ohra. U wkoll, hadd u xejn m’ghandu dritt jghid xi jkun hemm fuq l-internet.

      U biex nghidlek kollox, jien ukoll Nazzjonalist, imma naqbel perfettament ma x’qalet Daphne, ghax ghalkemm jien (fortunatamnet) ma lhaqtx iz-zminijiet ta Mintoff, xorta naf kull mossa li saret minn dak il-Gvern fuq nies li ma kienux Mintoffjani, u l-istess jien, ma nistax nimmagina raguni wahda ghalfejn ghandi nikkunsidra nahfirlu. Mhux ta b’xejn ghadu haj, ghax la l-genna u qas l-infern ma jridu jaccettawh nahseb…

      Mur itlob id-dicenza issa, minghand nies li ghajjruk serp, u DNA hazina, u gurdien u li kapaci jtellfuk xoghol, paga, drittijiet u li hadulek l-art.

    • ninu says:

      James nahseb li hafna Nazzjoalisti bhalek ghadna bzonn biex nirbhu l-elezzjoni.

  18. Kirk says:

    Dawn huma il valuri li jhaddan il partit tijak Daphne! arroganza, nuqqas ta rispett u injoranza.

    Al informazjoni tijak Il perit huwa veru leggenda hajja.
    Kellek bzonn amilt 1% mil gid li ghamel Mintoff!

    [Daphne – Kirk qalbi, int trabbejt taht gvern u prim ministru dicenti u normali, go pajjiz normali tal-west, u m’ghandek ebda hjiel ta’ hajja taht gvern immexxi mil-idolu zgangat tieghek. Jien, bl-oppost tieghek, ghandi. Allura mintiex f’pozizzjoni li taghlimni.]

    • J says:

      Imma qeghdin fil-posizzjoni li nghallmuk kif tistqarr l-opinjoni tieghek mid-dehra. Mhux billi tahsbek li ghax ikbar taf kollox. Ta teenager li fini naf nirrispetta l-opinjoni ta haddiehor u nistqarr tieghi b’mod diplomatiku ghallinqas

    • Joe says:

      Daphne ghandi soluzjoni biex tkun tista tistrih u tobzoq aktar valenu kontra minn ma jaqbilx ma opinjoni tieghek mur ghand tal haxix u ixtri hjara imdaqsa u nahseb taf xandek taghmel bija

    • Nancy says:

      wow daphne! liema hu tal-gvern dicenti u normali? pajjiz normali? mela fejn qed tghix ah? ah ma nahsibx li tista tghid li dal gvern dicenti…prim ministru ghar mil-iehor! andikun ma tafx int kemm batew il-laburisti taht il gvern dicenti tieghek….u kemm tfal laburisti qas pracett ma setghu jaghmlu ax qassisin nazzjonalista kien hemm….ara il-fatti l-ewwel u ohrog mil-holm tieghek ah skizofrenika!!

    • A. Tabone says:

      Ser nikteb bil-Malti ghax inhoss li aktar b’sahhtu biex infisser li rrid nghid:
      Duff nej, iz-zerriegha li ommok u missierek uzaw biex ghamlu lilek, hija zerriegha ta’ hdura li int tobzghoq minn halqek. U min, JAQQ, jigi mieghek, bhal donnu jinjettalek hdura li int ukoll tobzghoq minn halqek (jekk ma’ tixrobhiex minn halqek u tohrogha minn sormok).
      Nithassrek daqs kemm int injoranta u mdejqa. Kemm ser ibulu fuq il-qabar tieghek!!!! Ghax kulhadd kif jghix imut. Kont nahseb li ma’ jezistux is-shahar.
      Jekk jinduna bik xi direttur tal-films, kullma jrid huwa, daqxejn vernic u juzak bhala sahhara f’xi film tal-biza’.
      Jekk qieghed inkun baxx, ma’ jimpurtax ghal xi hadd bhalek.

      • Mariac says:

        Ghax inti qalbek safja u pura, bhal li kieku. Marija Santa, kemm hadtuha bi kbira! Ikkalma naqra issa ghax dalwaqt ikollok gvern Laburista Gdid u Malta terga isir genna tal-art.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        A.Tabone, skuża tajba din: tikteb bil-Malti “għax iktar b’saħħtu”.

        Fil-fatt lanqas bil-Malti ma taf tikteb, aħseb u ara bl-Ingliż.

        Prużuntuż anzjan* Mintoffjan, b’sentimenti Mintoffjani, li jesprimi ruħu b’lingwaġġ imgerfex Mintoffjan.

        Qiegħed sew ukoll.

        *Ilna ħafna snin ma niktbu l-apostrophe mal-kelma ‘ma’. Aġġorna ruħek, żatat.

    • IMHO says:

      L-uniku gid li ghamel Mintoff meta waqqa l-gvern dizastruz ta’ Sant u ghamel hekk biss mhux ghax kien ta’ rieda tajba, imma ghax kien skifuz u koccut.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        U l-unika ħaġa tajba li għamel dawwret il-Mintoffjani kontrieħ, temporanjament. Ma tantx damu kontrieh għax reġgħu waqgħu fil-vizzju u bdew jadurawh issa.

  19. Matt B says:

    Hi Daphne,

    I’m not the most regular of contributors on your site, but I do read whatever you write. I normally agree with the majority of the things said, but here, I have to disagree with you hoping that God rots his soul.

    It’s true that Mintoff ran the country abysmally during his premiership, and there isn’t a day that passes by where I don’t thank God that I didn’t have to endure it and pass through it, but I personally would never wish something horrible like that upon anyone, to be honest with you.

    There again, I equally disagree with some of the hatred comments that are posted against you. Two wrongs don’t make a right, ever.

    • Albert Vella says:

      Well said Matt,

      whatever he did he is still a human being. With her articles D. just shows her bad character and low intelligence.

      The difference between M. and D. is easy. M. enjoys a lot of company but D. will leave this world lonely and bitter!

      [Daphne – Gaddafi was a human being, too, and that certainly didn’t stop anyone. Mussolini, ditto. Hitler, ditto. Kim Il Sung, ditto. Saddam Hussein, ditto, Chairman Mao, ditto. Ceaucescu (I can’t be bothered to remember his first name), ditto. Ted Bundy, ditto. Charles Manson (still alive), ditto. The man who stabbed his ex girlfriend 50 times and is now locked up at Corradino, ditto. You don’t get a reprieve just because you’re human, Albert. The difference between ‘M and D’ is this: he’s wearing a nappy and dribbling and I’m not. There are, of course, many other things but I shall refrain from mentioning them. Suffice it to say that if you worship somebody who cuckolded his own brother, then you’re not much yourself.]

      • lulu says:


      • TROY says:

        And so was Hitler miskin. So what if he killed over six million Jews?

      • Lisa S says:

        What goes around comes around. Now it’s Him next week could be you ……

        [Daphne – I thought the capital H in Him was reserved for God and Jesus, not Mintoff.]

      • laburista says:


        [Daphne – Yes, no and neither. My spectacular neck is a genetic anomaly. Some tribes in Africa go to painstaking lengths to get the same effect, piling on the neck-rings from birth. I got it for free, without any hassle. And it adds a few inches to my height, which is always a boost in a nation of poison dwarfs.]

      • AUSTRALIA says:

        int m intiex ditto? ghax allahares kellek pajjiz jimxi warajk u ma jobdikx ghax ghar min dawn kolla li semmejt hawn fuq f daqqa, kapaci taghmel bil hdurija li qed naqra li hierga minn qalbek. int bis serjeta tahsibhom dawn l affarijiet? ghax qatt ma kont nobsor li malti jista jkun daqshekk krudili lejn bniedem li qieghed fl ahhar jiem ta hajtu…u tantx toqghod tghid li daqt imut lanqas ta ghax mietu il hrief qabel in naghag..taf tmut qablu int, u naf immut qabblek jien. jien qatt ma segwejthom il blogs tieghek ghax nghix l awstralia, imma gieli smajtu ismek jissemma, ghax qalu li qiesek sahhara , u lanqas qbilt ma li qalu fuqek ghax jien idejquni kummenti bla sens li jghajjru lin nies bid difetti, pero din l istorja qed insegwijha ghax gibdittli l attenzjoni fuq facebook, u qed ninduna li abbli qalulek sahhara mhux ghal mod kif tider imma ghax abbli ilsienek hazin , jew skuzani mhux ilsienek hazin ridt nikteb, m ghandekx hniena ghal hadd u ma jinteressakx jekk tweggax lil xi hadd ……. mhux lili ta twegga jew lil laburisti .. imma lil familjari tal perit mintoff. l iktar li ma stajtx innizzel imma tal..may god rot your soul….bis serjeta???? ma tisthiex tghidu dan il kliem? jigifieri int biex titkellem fuq alla nimmagina li int kattolika u temmen fih , imma tista tfemni ma liema kmandamenti timxi ghax bli qrajt s issa kwazi ksirthom kollha (aw bhal ma niksirhom jien ta mhux nghidlek li jien safja).imma ma nasalx li nixtieq deni , mewt , u nghajjar lil haddiehor..possibbli imma li m ghandekx kuxjenza allura? u tmur tixrob fuq il qabar tieghu ix xampanja? u ejja tikteb baxx daqshekk?…..umbghad tghajjar lin nies ta klassi baxxa…..u tghajjarhom hamalli? fehmni ftit kif tfassalhom il kategoriji tal hamallagni u ta nies ta klassi please….int perezempju lilek innifsek ma liema klassi tpoggik kieku?

      • luke muscat says:

        ditto pokemon

      • IMHO says:

        Lulu, hanini, hu xi Valium ghax se ttiq xi puplesija.

        Mhux Mintoff stess kien jithallat ma’ Gaddafi? Minn fejn tahseb li gab il-flus biex ihallaslek ir-relief? Vera li l-qhab jaghmlu kollox ghall-flus, imma nahseb li taqbel mieghi li hemm limiti, ghax inti stess qed titkaza meta isemmulek Mintoff u Gaddafi fl-istess nifs.

    • Angus Black says:

      Matt, I suppose you are referring to Daphne ‘hoping .(to God) that Mintoff’s soul will rot in hell’:

      1 God may not always deliver what one wishes for.
      2 Daphne is just one of vast thousands who despise Mintoff.
      3 All that Mintoff delivered is mere division of a nation.
      4 Mintoff lost ‘Integration’, ‘Independence’ and celebrated his failure to negotiate an extension of an expiring agreement with Britain and called it ‘Jum il-Helsien’ and his brainwashed herd swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
      5 Mintoff’s achievement was the institution called il-Brigata where the seeds of derision, hatred and anti-Church sentiments were planted and now are bearing fruit.
      6 The LP boasts that Mintoff left millions ‘fil-kaxxa ta Malta’, but never mention that Malta had no water, electricity, jobs, phones, etc.
      7. Mintoff did not introduce social services – Gaddafi did – without his blood money, Mintoff would have been royally screwed.
      8 Mintoff was the most undemocratic despot who ever lived. Proof is co-opting KMB, making him PM without ever receiving one single vote – Democracy a la MLP.
      9 Mintoff used thugs to do the dirty work for him, had the police under his filthy thumb and played games with our Courts.
      10 People old enough will recall the incident which left Mintoff in hospital receiving several stitches and a shiner or two. Mabel Strickland, being an honourable lady and owner of the Times, agreed to describe the incident as ‘Mintoff fell off his horse’ and all believed it…until the true story gradually began to seep out.

      These are but a few recollections of Mintoff’s achievements Laburisti are so proud of. I am sure that Daphne will have many, many more illustrations of what Mintoff’s soul destiny should indeed be.

      But, in the end, God is the ultimate judge and perhaps had Mintoff a chance to repent his ill deeds, He may have mercy on his miserable soul.

  20. Eddie says:

    I’d rather be stupid Dom Mintoff than publishing shit like yours on the internet.

    Useless cunt.

  21. Maria says:

    May God rot his soul?? Are you serious?
    The one soul that should be rotting should be yours. Oh wait, you don’t have one!!

    Shame on you! Whatever your opinions you shouldn’t talk about someone in that way. No matter how much you hate the person.

    You lost all the respect I had for you, in my opinion you’re just a sorry excuse of a person..

  22. Paul Bonnici says:

    When a politician is idolised like Mintoff was, power goes to his head. We must always keep our leaders in check.

    Mintoff sowed too much hatred amongst the Maltese. He caused a lot of suffering. He made Malta hell on earth for his opponents. He was a friend fo North Korea, that says it all.

    What was said about Kim Jong Il after his death should also be said about Mintoff. Daphne is right in this case and her comments are justified.

    • lulu says:

      Hekk tahseb?Mintoff gab il-hdura veru lanqas tisthi,xi hadd minkom jghid kemm sofra mill-knisja jew fej jaqblilkom titkellmu u l-partit nazzjonalista ha vantagg mis-sitwazzjoni u zgur li ma tghiduhx dan ghax ihamrilkom wicckom issemmu l-hdura meta qed tkomolu ma din l-ixkupa mahmuga tintenn.hallu xxjuh jghixu l-ahhar naqra hajja li baqalhom fil-kwiet forsi issibu min ihenn ghalikom meta tigu bzonn ghax illum hu ghada inthom jew xi hadd mill-familja imbaghad naraw kemm tiehdu pjacir b’dawn il-kummenti meta jigu fuqkom.

      [Daphne – X’ghamlitlu l-knisja lil Mintoff, lulu? Hanxritu? Tefaghtu go habs ghal ghomru? Haditlu l-hobz minn fuq il-mejda? Kemm ma taf xejn.]

      • lulu says:

        inti taf hafna, ghax issemmi li jaqbillek, le ma sofrewx il-laburisti nahseb int qed tbati mid dmensja ruhi fittex tabib jekk issib wiehed addattat ghalik fil kaz ara jgiblekx siehbek gonzi mill-ewropa

      • IMHO says:

        Lulu, m’ghandekx ghalfejn tinkwieta ghal Mintoff. Xih zmagat bhal mhuhiex kapaci jaqra u jifhem x’qeghdin jghidu dwaru.

        Dak id-dnub, jahasra. Tant qieghed sew li lanqas kapaci jifhem kemm qeghdin jidhqu bih in-nies u li, minkejja kull sforz li ghamel, anke nies injoranti bhalhek ghandhom access ghall-internet.

  23. Eliza says:

    ur a pureeeee evil and the greatest slut on planet earth!!!! You are a women of values and principles??? Ur disgusting the PN party and trowing more bad light then Franco D. is!!!! You disgust me and all Malta!!! Shame on you bitch!

    • IMHO says:

      I’m Maltese and I’m not disgusted at what Daphne Caruana Galizia says about Mintoff. On the contrary, I more than agree and I know hundreds of others who do too.

      So, no, your adulation of Mintoff is not shared by ‘all Malta’. The man is an object of derision and ridicule.

      And well deserved too, I say.

  24. Simon says:

    I feel sorry for you Daphne! You must have had a really bad childhood or something of the sort to have this kind of attitude. I really can’t understand how you manage to wish “May God rot his soul” to someone who doesn’t even know you exist! Ibqa sejra hekk!

  25. Carmen says:


  26. Mark D. says:

    Daphne, by saying what you said you are stooping to his level. You should really think twice before saying what’s on your mind!

    [Daphne – No, as if. That would make me typically Maltese. Then I’d have no competitive edge. Besides, saying what’s on your mind without thinking twice is only dangerous when you’re not particularly bright.]

    • Mark D. says:


    • Svat says:

      typically Maltese? You consider yourself bright? Oh for the love of god shut up already and have some respect he’s still human. It’s people like you that degrade our country.

      • Mitqlu Deheb says:

        Mintoff? Human? Now wherever did you get that idea?

      • Svat says:

        Mitqlu Deheb; Very mature

      • IMHO says:

        Mintoff is INhuman and doesn’t give a stuff what you think anyway.

        He never cared much for his legions of adoring followers.

        To him, you and others like you were only tools he used for his malicious and vindictive ends.

    • Albert Borg says:

      Daphne, you are typically maltese. instead of gossiping and passing vile remarks only with your neighbours, you do it online!

      [Daphne – I actually don’t gossip at all. Ask those who know me. This is politics, sweetheart. Kitchen, heat and so on.]

      • Albert Borg says:

        i have bad news for you – this is not politics. i’d suggest a new edition of the dictionary but i’m somewhat sure that the one you have still gives the same definition as mine

        Politics /ˈpɒlɪtɪks/
        plural noun
        1 [usually treated as singular] the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power

      • BC says:

        Politics? Since when, politics is about spending your day on Facebook and judging a person by some word totally gone wrong from an MP. You must seriously begin considering a defining line between who is bright and who assumes s/he is bright? Bright, my ass.

        [Daphne – Painted it fluorescent pink, have you? Your girl must be pleased. Stick a little tail on and call yourself Her Little Pony.]

      • Albert Vella says:

        To think this is politics just shows of politicsyou have no idea at all.

      • Andrea V says:

        Thanks god that you are the only person calling this mud politics! Otherwise it would be better leave the rock.

      • IMHO says:

        Hell, Albert, Mintoff isn’t “politics”? Good thing the old bastard is senile or he’d be furious.

      • IMHO says:

        You are welcome and able to leave the rock now that you have an EU passport, no thanks to you, the weirdo in a wig and that decrepit old bastard you adore.

      • Vena Agius says:

        il veru ma ghandekx taghmel,iktar ahna nahlu zmien mieghek.Taghmel l’arja ghax ghandek il puluzija imhalsa minna poplu malti u ghawdci ghassa mieghek ghax taf li inti zibel.

    • Simon says:

      You’re one hell of a ‘particularly bright’ person aren’t you?!

      [Daphne – Indeed. But one tends to hide one’s light under a bushel, so as not to appear boastful or conceited.]

    • laburista says:


      [Daphne – Ix-shrinks, bhat-tobba l-ohrajn, ma jaghmlux visiti lil-pazjenti, inqas u inqas mohhom jew xi parti tal-gisem. Huma l-pazjenti li jaghmlu visita ghand it-tabib. Gejja mit-Taljan ‘visitare’ u mil-Ingliz ‘to visit’. Ovvja, jekk ghandek tabib li jigik id-dar, allura f’dak il-kaz iva, tista’ tghid li se jaghmillek visita hu stess.]

  27. Unkown says:

    The tactic you use is simple, you want your blog to make controversy even if you insult people and bring down your opinions to an extent of hearted, you used this tactic now all your life, and I think to myself why are you people giving this blog so much importance when she is only inducing hatred. Hope you read this message and be worried that not everyone is hypnotized by your illusive writing.

    • Lorna saliba says:

      She is not inducing hatred:

      She is merely stating the facts for what they are: Mintoff was the worst thing that ever happened to Malta. He made a secret pact with Gaddafi in 1971 who in turn promised to replace the revenues we recieved through the colonial forces as long as he pushed the British out.

      Not because he was a hero and stood up to the British is his almighty authority, but because he had guarantees from that camel-herder we worshipped for four decades and bent over when he snapped his finger.

      Mintoff would stand up in the Council of Europe and insult the West as l-Ewropa ta’ Kajjin while referring to the eastern bloc, the communists, as l-Ewropa ta’ Abel.

      This was a man who employed chess as his fundamental foreign policy at the expense of turning this God-fearing, proud nation into a hostile state, a state where democracy was virtually nonexistent, a state which stole public land to dish out plots to thousands, expropriating the Maltese countryside to satisfy a bunch of peasants.

      He was replaced by an even greater psychopath, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici. Between them, their mob incitement led to the burning down of a newspaper building, the ransacking of the Archbishop’s Curia, the Law Courts, the Opposition leader’s home, shops, Nationalist Party clubs and schools.

      You are free to idolise a monster, and I am free to think you ridiculous for doing so.

    • Unkown says:

      Btw to continue with what i already said regrading you blog, I once learned that “The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” – clearly this shows that even if we take in consideration that Mintoff did absolutely no good, which is not the case cause everyone in the political history did something to better our situation, unlike some close minded think, then this situation only shows us what you are really made of being only hatred and a sorry person reaching for the extremes to attack personally and hurt individuals, especially those who now can’t defend themselves because of their age. Hope you read this second comment at least you will learn values you seem to have forgotten when writing this blog.

    • Vena Agius says:

      empty vessels make most sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Deafniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  28. Joseph says:

    Hmm….I must admit Mrs. Caruana, that your soul is, or dare I say, more susceptible to rot in hell than, well, anyone’s really.

  29. Joe says:

    Daph….ahjar tmur tkompli titma l annimali! Dizunur lil Partit qed taghmel, ja mara njoranta u mdelka!

  30. Kemm says:

    Ghaziza (Deaf)ne, Zgangata int u min jghid li m’intix. Int mara marida minn mohhok u jahasra qalbi ghadek qas taf kemm!! Il-perit forsi tixtieqlu li ruhu tmur tinharaq fl-infern, imma int hi mkien m’hi sejra tieghek, ghax qas ghandek!! Hadd ma jridha qrib tieghu, ghajr xi wiehed/wahda bhalek, imxajtna, mdejqa u ndannata!! U kieku jsehh dak li tixtieqlu, nixtieq li jaghmilek hajtek mizerja minn fejn ikun. Mohhok biex tghajjar biss, ghax hekk biss taf taghmel, il-bqija hila ta’ xejn!! (Fil-fatt bhalissa hadt ftit minnek u qed naqlalek il-hama ghax xebajtni tilhaq salib n-nies). Nishet is-siegha u l-mument li kellna bhala poplu nitwikkew b’annimal bhalek, imma pacenzja hux, x’taghmel!! (Niskuza ruhi ma l-annimali li xebahtek maghhom; ma jisthoqqilhomx hekk msieken). Nistenna risposta (ovjament bla sens u bla sugu u mimlija tghajjir). L-ahhar haga, nixtieq narak xiha lilek ta issa. Int qeghda sew bhalissa ahseb u ara la titkemmex!! Ara t-travu f’ghajnejn qabel tara t-tibna f’ghajn hadd iehor!! Au revoir

  31. Malcolm says:

    “May God rot his soul, if he finally decides he wants it.”
    I’m certainly not a fan of him or his deeds.. but seriously that phrase describes what kind of person you are.

    [Daphne – Listen carefully, Malcolm my man: ‘I’m not a fan of but’ is the mating cry of a Labour beetle. So do yourself a favour and find another stock phrase, that’s a good chap.]

  32. stefano says:

    you should be asshamed of your self ja hamalla id-dahal is-sahha ta persuna u lil alla fil-hmieg li tikteb. int hmieg bhal ibnek il-pastazz li jmur jifanfra quddiem il-cameras tat tv

    • IMHO says:


      Dak inti kont li rajt fis-sakra l-ahhar darba? Gabuk fuq One News. Ma nahsbix li tiftakar ghax kont imlahlah wahda sew. Kont ma dik il-hoxna, qisa barmil xaham, b’zaqqa barra.

      U Mintoff sar zibel issa ukoll. Ma haqqux mod iehor.

  33. Jonathan Muscat says:

    Int wahda minn dawk li jwaqqghu l-isem ta Malta ghaz-zeblieh. Bniedma arroganti u Injoranta.
    Fejnuma l valuri li tant ghandu ghal qalbu l-partit… Valuri li tant jiftahar bihom li jsejjah lilun nnifsu demoKRISTJAN….

    Biex naghmila cara, la jien laburist u wisq inqas nazzjonalist, u iva naf xkienet tfisser Malta taht Mintoff…kellu t tajjeb tieghu u kellu l hazin tieghu, bhal kull prim ministru iehor.. u zgur li ma jixraqlux dan.

    Imissek tisthi!!

    • IMHO says:

      Imissek tisthi, Muscat. Gej tghid li Mintoff kellu t-tajjeb u l-hazin tieghu. Qisna ma nafux li t-tajjeb tieghu kien idahhlu fil-but, ja qammiel li hu, u l-hazin kien ihallih ghal haddiehor.

      U tghid mhux se nemmnuk, tigi toqghod tghid li m’intix Mintoffjan? U li kieku ma kontx, kont tiehu ghalik daqshekk li tigi tikxef l-injoranza tieghek bil-miktub, halli kullhadd ikun jaf bik? Dur dawra madwarek, halli tara l-hdura ta’ nies bhalek u l-Mintoffjani l-ohra.

  34. Stephen Florian says:

    Daphne, my god you are sick up the attic ! Go see a shrink before you turn on yourself. You are no asset to journalism that’s for sure, you will not need to rot as you are already there,quite rotten as a matter of fact.

    • Albert Vella says:

      Do not call that subject “journalist”. That is an insult to every journalist!

      [Daphne – Journalist or not, Albert, I can certainly teach Laburisti hodor like you a great deal about tolerance. Here you are, in my space and on my property, insulting me and believing you have some sort of right to do so.]

      • Svat says:

        Now you just aren’t making any sense, if the option of commenting is available anyone who wishes can comment, so yes he does in fact have the right to do so, and choose a language

        [Daphne – No, he doesn’t. This is my property. I can lock you out and delete your comments if I wish. I have the right to own and run a blog. You do not have the right to comment on it. You only have the right to set up your own blog.]

      • mart says:

        if you want it to be only you’re space right what you think in a dairy, cos here it’s for the world to see, and anyone can comment.

        [Daphne – Look, I know you’re Labour, but do try to understand the concept of private property. No, ‘anyone’ cannot comment. I suffer them to comment, suffer here being used not as Franco Debono would use it. A dairy is involved in the sale or production of milk. The word you’re looking for is diary, with the i before the a.]

        and pls note: Journalism. yeah not your thing. you’re more like those pensioned guys that spend their day at the band club speaking sh*t about everything.
        I hope no foreigners read your blog. you’re a disgrace to the Maltese Society.

        [Daphne – ‘I hope no foreigners read your blog’. Do I laugh or cry? As for society, you wouldn’t know anything about that, but keep trying. One day you might marry a sinjur li jaghmlek nies.]

      • Svat says:

        Sure you can lock anyone out and delete his or her comments but the point is that the right to make said comments still stands, now regarding what can and cannot be said in these comments is up to you it is your blog after all. And while I have your attention if I do, not everyone who’s commented is a “Laburist ahdar” as you eloquently put it, some people are simply against your horrible statement regarding this man’s soul, regardless of what you say you had no right to state that and it will reflect badly on you, and certainly doesn’t show your aformentioned level of brightness you believe you have.

        [Daphne – It doesn’t reflect badly on me, Svat. Regardless of what you were led to believe by the extended family and political party in which you were raised, many thousands of people see Mintoff for what he really was. And because these people tend to be the ones with a higher standard of education and not from deprived backgrounds, their view is more well-informed and reliable than the one you were fed from birth.]

      • Svat says:

        It amazes me how you’re capable of upping your level of rudeness with each reply.

        [Daphne – Actually, Svat, I’m toning it down. This is nothing compared to what I am capable of, but my best would be wasted on you and your friends because you speak English as a foreign language, so I have to keep it simple.]

        First of all you have no clue as to “which political party I was raised in” and that has absolutely nothing to do with my comment. Secondly how dare you judge people’s level of education based on a difference in opinion and talk so highly of yourself?

        [Daphne – It is quite clear what political party you were raised to believe in. And yes, it has everything to do with your comment. My assessment of your level of education is based on your thinking and writing skills.]

        I won’t waste any more time, just keep this up, making me more proud of the so called Maltese journalists of today and what the political scene of this country has come to, you are an absolute disgrace, higher standard of education my ass.

        [Daphne – Where do you keep your ass? Do you live in a house with a large garden, or do you keep it in a field somewhere? An educated ass – you must invite me over to meet it one day. Does it read The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, or is it still stuck on Tony Blair’s biography, like Aaron Farrugia?]

      • Svat says:

        Yes, your highness, whatever you say.

      • Kenneth Cassar says:

        @ Svat:

        “Sure you can lock anyone out and delete his or her comments but the point is that the right to make said comments still stands”.

        Congratulations. You have proven yourself a complete nincompoop.

        Allow me to correct you, while hoping you’ll finally get it.

        1. You don’t have a right to comment on other people’s blogs, websites, newspapers or whatever. That is a privilege the owner of the blog etc might or might not give you.

        2. You have every right to comment on your own medium (blog, website, newspaper or whatever).

      • The innocent bystander says:

        Brilliant Daphne… Brilliant.

      • TinaB says:

        @ Mart

        I actually hope that foreigners do not read, not what Daphne writes, but the comments that you and your ilk posted here – they will without a doubt be first of all totally shocked at the level of ignorance that in 2012 still reigns in this country – then as soon as they recover they’ll definitely die of laughter, rest assured.

        In civilised countries, politicians, royalty, celebreties and all those who are in the public eye are made fun of in this way, and much worse. All the time – and they don’t simply do it on a blog either, but on national TV. And you know what? people can laugh with it, relax and enjoy it, Mart.

  35. JC says:

    proset Daphne! taqta figura tajba qeghda :) Izjed nies bhalek ghandu bzonn il-Partit Nazzjonalista! Ahjar toqghod naqra u taghlaq dan il-blog, ghal-gid tieghek u l-partit tieghek!

    u tkomplix tparla fil-vojt fil-komfront ta’ tfal u zghazagh li qed jikumentaw hawnhekk, filkas ghamel ‘age restriction’ la thossok daqstant kbira u matura! Wara kollox sewwa qeghdin jghidulek! Ma tantx qed turi maturita’ f’dal-blog!

    • IMHO says:

      Haga li m’ghandnix bzonn zgur huma nies cwiec. Ghandna bizzejjed biex nbighuhom buy one get one free.

      Int tidhol maghhom bhala offerta super specjali.

  36. Dafni says:

    Nerga nghidlek Daphne, mur inhexa ma ziemel.

    • Izzie says:

      Wow, what class! Any more crass comments like these from admirers of Dom Mintoff?

      Phew… when you cannot reason with words, you just stoop as low as you can, and then you accuse others of being low (because they happen to have different ideas to yours).

      In psychology we call it projection. In Maltese, you have a saying which means the same thing.

      • Kanadiza Maltija says:

        Seriously, I couldn’t agree more.

        I cannot believe that the Mintoffjani never have anything better to say, nor do they have the capacity to argue a point.

        They talk about all their suffering under a the PN government, yet, I have not yet seen/read one bright discussion about it.

        After reading some of these comments, I’m wondering if I should come back to Malta at all, given the tunnel vision these people have.

    • IMHO says:

      Bhal ma taghmel int, mid-dehra. Jew dak kien hmar li kellek l-ahhar darba?

    • Angus Black says:

      Good advice for a Party which has been mired in Opposition for the last 13 years.

      Go for it, but you will need a large herd of horses working overtime to satisfy your needs.

      • Angus Black says:

        BTW you may appoint Mintoff as your official pimp. He used to have much experience in that field.

  37. Anthony says:

    This is low even for your standards Daphne ! Shameful read .

  38. django says:

    You’re clearly a very sad woman. May God have mercy on YOUR soul, if he has a momentary lapse and decides HE wants it.

  39. chris says:

    sa frattant kulhaddhom l artijiet li tagha bxejn u l beneficji l ohra.. hadd ma rrufjuthom!!!!!!!!!!!

    • ninu says:

      Min.. hadhom l-artijiet b’xejn, tghid mhux in-Nazzjonalisti?

    • Izzie says:

      Ghidli daqsxejn ta’ min kienu l-artijiet li ta b’xejn. Tghid ma kienux tieghu?

      U d-djar go tas-Sliema u San Giljan MISRUQIN b’requisition orders u moghtijin b’kera mizera ta’ 13 u 20 lira fis-sena! B’min tridu titnejku?

      • Jozef says:

        U l-wicc tost ta’ min hataf bini storiku bhal teatri u swali tac- cinema u hallihom jsiru bicciet. Bla ebda’ kuntratt jekk ma’ jimpurtax.

        U jekk il-lands department jipprova jhares l-ligijiet, johorgu jwerzqu u jaghmlu kundizzjonijiet huma, ‘jekk taghtuna permess ghal-supermarket inkunu nistghu niehdu hsieb il-bini li hallejna jizdinga’.

        U harja f’wicc li dawk propjeta’ ta’ l-istat.

        Lanqas ghandhom il-kapacita’ jew hegga jaghmlu uzu minnhom u jiehdu ezempju minn postijiet bhal Leoncavallo.
        Tombla nhar ta’ Hadd u coffee mornings biex jiehdu l-voti.

    • IMHO says:

      Xi poxt bhalek, forsi ha dak li mhux haqqu. Bhal ma kien jaghmel dak l-izmagat tar-ritratt.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Madwar Malta kollha, Mintoff seraq ħafna artijiet mingħand bdiewa u sidien privati biex iqassamhom lin-nies tiegħu.

      Raxx il-bżar misruq.

  40. kevin b says:

    dak li tixtieq li Alla jhassarlu ruhu, LILEK tak id-dritt li t’eduka lilek innifsek, id-dritt li tahdem, id-dritt li tihu hsieb sahtek,id-dritt litivvota, id dritt tal ugwaljanza u minflok ghazilt il mibgheda u l valenu immisek tisthi u wara kollox qed taghmel pjacir kbir li PL bl attegament tieghek!!!

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Kevin b, mhux Alla jħassarlu ruħu. Ħassarha waħdu, bir-regħba li kellu għall-flus, l-eqoiżmu sfrenat, l-għatx għall-poter u l-ħdura li ħakmitu ħajtu kollha.

      Lanqas għall-martu u għall-ħutu ma kellu rispett, aħseb u ara għal xi ħadd bħalek. Kien jarak iżgħar minn dubbiena.

      U rigward min qed jagħmel pjaċir lil min, għalex taħseb li Daphne qegħda tippubblika l-kummenti tiegħek u ta’ Mintoffjani bħalek? Biex tagħmel pjaċir lill-PL?

  41. Raisa says:

    Dear Caruana Galizia,
    You must be totally ashamed of yourself and of what you are doing…this is a shame for our country.. you are a REALLY RUDE PERSON.. and apart from that you are really lowering the level of your ascendants who at law are considered to be of a high level.

    Anyway it is you opinion but believe me you would have done a better job had you kept your opinion to yourself. People like you should never speak in public and give neither their opinions nor report anything.
    Anyway best regards and I hope you get the message

    • Albert Vella says:

      The subject does not have a mind to get any message!

    • Grezz says:

      With a name like Raisa …

    • IMHO says:

      Raisa, sweetheart. The biggest shame for our country, as you put it, is the poor articulation and feeble command of language that you demonstrate here.

      Do take your own advice and keep your opinions to yourself if you have nothing worth saying.

    • Stacey says:

      People like you should never speak in public and give neither their opinions nor report anything

      Raisa, who or what exactly is forcing you to enter Mrs Caruana Galizia’s blog?

      She has the right to express her opinion, and you are too ignorant, it seems, to realise that you have the right not to access this blog.

      I have the right to choose to read this post, agree with it, love it, and even go one further and say:


  42. Antoniette says:

    What a load of rubbish these comments are! Bloody idiots do not realise everyone has a right to say what they like. Malta has been a free country again since 1987, after your pathetic idol and his puppet were booted out. Kemm sirtu thobbuh lit-traditur dan l-ahhar!

    • Mitch.P. says:

      Dear Antoinette, most of these comments were submitted because this ‘article’ was presented rudely and even though it is a free country, one cannot do whatever he likes because Malta is not an anarchy. So before you speak your mind and tell people that their comments are rubbish, see how much your comment makes sense.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        No, Mitch, don’t fool yourself. All “these comments were submitted” because they express the vile, vicious, violent sentiments that Mintoffians harbour in their hearts.

        All it took was one short phrase and swarms of Mintoffians felt free to throw off their uncomfortable “moderate and progressive” disguise and bare their baseness.

        One of the worst things Mintoff did was to cultivate and train the kind of rabble we’re seeing in these comments – his lasting legacy.

    • Albert Borg says:

      dear, its 2012 :) things have changed and we needn’t harbour malicious feelings and base our actions and choices on what happened 30 years ago. while i enjoy reading a satire or two and some pungent opinion on what’s hot at the moment it is sad to see that half of our nation never moved on to enjoy the new millennium with the rest of us.

      • Antoniette says:

        Harbour malicious feelings? Not particularly, but although we may forgive we would be very foolish to forget and risk re-visiting our past.

        It would be very nice for you,it seems, if we forgot the past but no, we will never forget what the real klikka put us through. And how we have moved on, thanks to successive PN governments and you have enjoyed the fruits of the ghaqal tan nazzjonalisti too by your admission.

        Lucky you, we will work for you to keep enjoying them under more PN governments.

      • Snoopy says:

        Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

      • IMHO says:

        Enjoying the new millennium, are you, Albert? That must be because you haven’t seen a Labour government since the last century.

        And aren’t you happy about that.

  43. NDeb says:

    This is honestly the worst thing I have personally ever read!! You should be ashamed of yourself regardless what he has done, bad or good. Nisthi nghid li jiena Maltija. Mhux ta’ b’xejn il-barranin jiskandalizzaw ruhhom meta jiltaqghu maghna. You degrade everyone including women.

  44. Mitch.P. says:

    Dear Daphne, everyone is entitled for his/her opinion but when sharing it in public, one must present that opinion wisely and with decency. I am afraid that you showed none of these qualities by saying, “May God rot his soul, if he finally decides he wants it”. Saying that your life was hard during his governing is no excuse to speak rudely and it is even more rude to ignore the people trying to give you good advice. And you do not have the power to play god and judge people. You have disappointed people from both left and right parties. You should be ashamed!

  45. Albert Borg says:

    sometimes i wonder if you do this simply for the entertainment value, or you’re simply too bigoted to realise that you, Mrs Caruana Galizia who has something to say about everything and anybody and proclaims herself to be of a higher standard to almost anybody else (which incidentally you aren’t – trust me anybody who’s giving you that impression is just having a good laugh behind your back), can stoop to such low levels. i can understand you criticizing the man’s actions back in the day and how their effect may resonate today, but all i see in the above picture is a sick, tired old man – and NOBODY deserves that treatment and public humiliation in his twilight years. its a shame that you put your writing skills (writing – no clue about journalism or factual reporting or giving a decent opinion) are wasted as such.

    You are stating the obvious – the man is too sick to make a public appearance so they called in his daughters. SO? i mean really, is it such an important fact? i’ve had better reads on the back of cereal boxes.

    By the way before you retort and claim once more (as you’ve done a million times – so please don’t do so again) that i’m too young to know etc, yes it was a hard time, evil people, bla bla violence what not – but its over. we’ve lived in better days, made the most out of it as a country and are here now today.

    [Daphne – Do I do this for entertainment? Yes: mine and others. I am against baiting bears, making monkeys dance, or whipping tigers through hoops of fire. But I love the chance to toy with Labour morons and yank their chains.]

  46. Farrugia Mathese says:

    Af li l istonku mhux daqstant delikat u ma tantx jiddardar malajr imma bid diskors moqziez ta’ xi hadd bhalek, jaghmel effett hafna!! Imissek tisthi tghid kliem fahxi bhal dak fuq bniedem…. aktar u aktar ragel tal kalibru ta’ Duminku Mintoff!!! Fid dinja hadd m’hu perfett ghal hadd… u m’hu se jkun qatt li tammetti kemm zbaljajt u ghadek qed tizbalja, anke fuq nies li suppost huma ta’ l istess partit li tant int lejali lejh int!!

    Sew qalulek f’kumment minnhom….Hadd mill kapijiet li kellkom fil PN qatt ma kellu farka ta’ rgulija [fejn ghandha x’taqsam it tmexxija ta’ Malta] daqs kemm kellu HU!!!

    Ghib ghalik ja mara bla misthija!! U int ghal RUHU qed tistaqsi jekk iridhiex Alla?? U KIF nghidlek!!!! Imma RUHEK l anqas l ANTIKRIST, ma jridha ahseb u ara….!!!

    • IMHO says:

      Ghandek xi hotline mal-antikrist, Farrugia Marthese? Kont naf li tal-lejber ghandhom mix-xjaten imma qatt ma kont naf li kontu qaqocca mal-antikrist.

  47. Charlene Borg says:

    Who the hell do you think you are Daphne? God now as well? May YOU rot in hell coz it’s nothing more than you deserve.., you should truly be ashamed of yourself

    • IMHO says:

      Ahseb u ara Mintoff kemm ghandu minn xiex jisthi. Tibkihx, Charlene, ghax minnek ma jimpurtah xejn u qatt ma kien.

  48. Johnny says:

    Nixtieq Alla jtini sahha li xi darba nara lilek f’dak l-istat li qieghed hu.. may god rot your soul

    [Daphne – It’s most unlikely, my dear. My maternal grandmother lived to 97 in her own home, looking after herself and doing her own shopping and cooking, while discussing politics, current and world affairs until the very end. My paternal grandmother died at 92, doing complicated crosswords on her deathbed. Unless there are some genetic traits I don’t know about, it’s most unlikely I’ll be wheelchair-bound, incontinent and demented, unless I get run over by a bus or something. But you can dream.]

    • Malti says:

      And are these relatives of yous ROLLING IN HELL? if they had the same attitude as you, i’m sure they are in flames! Like we wish happen to you and your whole family! Bitch! I pray to God that someone someday will learn you your lesson!
      MIN JOBZOQ FIS-SEMA JIGI F’WICCU ta. insomma kil-bziq jigi f’wiccek, ikun isbah, ax annimal bestja bhima ikrah minnek qatt ma rajna. andek alfejn tajjar lin-nies ukoll! mur orbod mazra m’onqok u intefa l-bahar, int u familtek. qahba

      [Daphne – ‘Learn you a lesson’. You mean ‘teach’. Lessons are taught, then they are learned. Bilhaqq, kemm ghadkom slavagg u hamalli tal-Labour. Ghalxejn dak l-istinkar tan-Nazzjonalisti fuq l-edukazzjoni u l-Ewropa. Kemm biss hadtu l-internet biex tuzawh kif kienu juzaw il-vjolenza missierijietkom. Joseph jghidilna kemm hu safe, u intkom taghtu prova tal-kuntrarju.]

      • malti says:

        is this your deffenition of hamallu ?

      • Gozitan says:

        int lili qed tghid ‘slavag u hamalli’? Mela int x’int! mur itlob l-Alla jihdok illum qabel ghada ja bhima!

      • IMHO says:

        Kemm ghandek alla stramb u pervers, Malti. Tghid jaqdik jekk titolbu joqtol il-haddiehor?

        Mhux ta’ b’xejn int u niex bhalek thobbu lil Mintoff. Dak kien mazra m’ghonqok, zgur. Issa arah jitmermer ftit ftit. Dalwaqt imutlek. U mbghad, x’se taghmel? Tqatta xaghrek? Tintrema ‘l bahar? Jew taqbez minn fuq xi bejt?

        Fil-kaz avzana, ta, ha nigu niehdulek ir-ritratti.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Are you going to live that long Daphne, torturing these Mintoffjani hodor?

      Long live, Daphne! Although I disagree with some things you say, I fight for your right to say them.

      I believe in freedom of expression. Mintoff deprived Malta of this freedom in the seventies and eighties.

      The PN had to transmit radio broadcasts from Sicily because Mintoff stopped them in Malta and threatened them with arrest. They were very dark days indeed.

      • Steven says:

        Nahhhhh , God is fair , he will let Daph live here so she can suffer more when she sees Labour ij n Gov pretty soon. Hell would be a gift for , her she doesn’t`t deserve to go there , it`s like living in Hawaii comparing to what she really deserves. There is no punishment big enough for her. With that veil , cruel comments about nearly everyone. She hates the world and what`s in it. I feel sorry for her actually Such a sad and depressed person.

        [Daphne – Steven, the best years of my life as a newspaper columnist were the years 1996-1998.]

      • Izzie says:

        Not to be forgotten lest we become really jerks in doing so:

        Long live freedom of speech, thought and association, something we’ve breathed again since 1987… and we’re here on this blog, free to say it.

  49. abcd says:

    kemm nixtieq li issib kapell jigik !!! qazzizta malta minn qed tahseb li int ???? mint xejn ta, kulhadd kapaci ikun basted, imma mhux kulhadd kapaci ikollu qalb u juza ghana ezempju car LILEK !!!! shame on you AND may god HAVE MERCY OF YOU .you will need a lot of luck when you meet him

  50. Mark says:

    Daphne, you seem to be gathering quite a number of “lay bare” supporters on your blog. Now this is freedom of speech at its best.

    Back in the golden years tal-perit my dad had his car vandalized because he did not accept a picture of the old nutter instead of an ID card for one of his supporters. Issa kollha jilabuha tal-vergni.

  51. Daniel says:

    J’Alla tghix daqsu Daphne.

    [Daphne – Given my genetic heritage of grandmothers who died at 92 and 97 and grandfathers who died at 86 and 83 (and one of them was a chain-smoking diabetic), and a great-grandmother who died at 102, the odds are that I shall.]

    • Nancy says:

      yeah right Daphne! you wish you could follow the laws of genetics….hehe not to mention…have you realised the decreasing age in every generation?!! hopefully we won’t have to hear your nonsense till then!

      [Daphne – There are no ‘laws’ of genetics. Decreasing age in every generation? I mentioned two: my great-grandmother who died at 102 and her daughter (my grandmother, I must point out, given that you people get confused with relationships and the names given to them) who died at 97. Hardly a decrease to worry about.]

    • BC says:

      Haha, the one criticizing Franco about his ego. Okkkk.

      [Daphne – This is how you write it, BC: Okaaaaaayyyyy. Okkkkkk reads as Ockkkkkkk. And British English uses an s in criticising. The z is American English. See? ‘Learn with Daphne’.]

      • BC says:

        And what’s the problem in using American-English? Can’t really understand your argument. And by the way, that wasn’t really the purpose of the comment, but it was there waving for you, stabbing you in the face, calling you, and you didn’t even realiZe (because I do what I want).

        [Daphne – In Malta, we use British English not American English. That’s why you’re wrong.]

    • SMSN says:

      God willing, someone with enough guts puts you 6 feet under soon enough!

      • SMSN says:

        And hopefully face down, my guess is your backside is far more attractive than what the front has to offer.

        Jesus! I just googled your name to put a face to you and you are one fu%$in ugly ‘person’. Now all the hatred makes sense!! Can really picture your childhood – ugliest girl in school, always picked on because of the way you look…hated your parents for it, probably even tried suing them for the way you looked (God knows I would).

        For those of you who do not know what DCG looks like, google her and then you will certainly understand where all this hatred comes from. I most certainly do

  52. Anonima says:

    Inti bis-serjeta Daphne??? my god kif ma tisthix titkellem hekk ma nistax nifhem jien kif qedt ihalluk taghmel dawn il blogs,imissek tisthi u araf kif titkellem ghoqodt attenta ghax malajr issib kappell jigik ja pastaza ….isthi jekk ghandek wicc,kellu bzonn il-gvern tijak kemm ilu fil gvern ghamel il-gid li ghamel Mintoff kemm dam Prim Ministru ,Grazzi Mintoff

    • IMHO says:

      “kif qed ihalluk taghmel dawn il-blogs”

      U min, Anomima, ezattament qed “ihalluk” tikteb dawn il-banalitajiet? Tghid ghax illum hawn il-liberta tal-espressjoni, haga li ma kienitx tezisti fi zmien dak iz-zibel li hemm fir-ritratt?

  53. dafniyyyyyy l muq says:

    ara vera mara mimlijja dwejjaq int ta dafny go li stonku tijak…. u ma nafx kif ma tindunax li kul meta tiftah halqek hlif hara ma johrog minnu u kiku halqek ma tuzahx bix tparla bil hdura minnu kiku alxejn qijad andek halqek

  54. Martin says:

    Your desperation at the thought that your snout will lose its access to the trough is making you plumb depths even you would not venture into if you were fully sane. Get help.

    [Daphne – I’m so sorry to disappoint you, Martin, but my snout isn’t in any trough and never has been. I work entirely in the private sector and that’s how I wish to keep things. People with my sort of abilities don’t need charity hand-outs to get by, though people with your sort of abilities clearly do, hence the resentment.]

    • Albert Vella says:

      I do not think someone needs abilities to write such rubbish. All you need is no self respect and no mirrors to look at.

      [Daphne – Ah, I see. So given a mirror to look at and a bit of self respect, you would be able to write?]

  55. sandro says:

    xi dwejaq andek daphne madona mhux tinduna li qazzist lalla li halqek foxx imnihrek il kbir landek ja mara sfigurata . kieku jien it tifel tijak nishet is sija u il mument li int omm.

  56. bitch says:

    You are an extremely rude, ignorant, cruel, ugly bitch! Don’t do onto others what you don’t wish others to do to you!

  57. Lydia says:

    Daphne you really are one hell of sick woman! If I can call you woman!!! Cause you don’t even deserve to have the title of human being! May God rot his soul???? You should be ashamed of yourself!

    I am sure they didn’t know about you when they wrote the story about snow white, because the witch in the story is an angel compared to you!!!

    I’m not going to tell you may God (or the devil) rot your soul….I’ll tell you….May you get what you deserve when you go down there where you belong!!!

  58. C Baldacchino says:

    Sinjura Galizia, se nitkellem bil-Malti forsi issiba difficli biex taqraha peres li int tal-PEPE. Ghall informazjoni kollha tieghek dak ir-ragel li hemm fejn il-Perit Dom Mintoff huwa persuna li jiehu hsiebu. Ma nistax nifhem ghalfejn din il hdura li ghandek fl-istonku tieghek ghal nies li ghamlu gid u storja ghal-dan il pajjiz, nixtieqek taghmel ftit kontribut ghas socjeta bhall ma ghamlu dawn in nies. Il-kritika tieghek hija biss kritika ta Mara imdejqa b’hajjita. Ikber ftit Daphne!!!

    [Daphne – Fil-fatt, C.Baldacchino, il-Malti tieghi ferm ahjar mil-Malti tat-tfal ta’ Mintoff. Min jaf x’misthija kellkom fuqkom meta qabdet tkisser u tfarrak il-lingwa fil-konferenza tal-Mile End.]

    • Ver says:

      It’s ‘Mill-Malti’ not ‘Mil-Malti’

      [Daphne – You are quite wrong. Mil never takes a double L because it is a contraction of ‘minn il’. You see, now I’m even teaching you Maltese.]

      • Gozitan says:

        No. ‘Mil’ takes doube L, because we say ‘Tal-Malti’ not ‘ta’ Malti’, and don’t deny me for that, i’m sure. See now, we are teaching you how to write proper Maltese hanini.

        [Daphne – ? Crazy.]

      • Angus Black says:

        Both Baldacchino and ver are wrong.

        ‘Mill’ = from ( mill Belt) = from Valletta.

        ‘Mil-‘ mil-Malti ta… ‘than’ the Maltese of…

      • Reporter says:


        Don’t use logic. Maltese grammar was bastardised by Olvin Vella et al.

      • Ver says:

        I’m quite sure of what I’m saying…I study Maltese at uni ħanini :)

        [Daphne – Really, how did you get in? You’re barely literate. Oh well, Anglu Farrugia did.]

    • Antoine Vella says:

      C Baldacchino, ovvjament tiġi minn Anton Baldacchino. Għidlu li jekk qed jittama li Mintoff jaħseb fih fit-testment jista jaqta’ jiesu.

      Mhux talli s-Sisu dejjm kien xempju ta’ xeħħa, imma talli uliedu marbutin mal-flus daqsu.

  59. Chris says:

    I’d like to see you try to say half the B.S. you say on some live TV show. You wouldn’t last 5 minutes. hah… Pathetic bitch :)

    • IMHO says:

      Hell, I wouldn’t like to see YOU on some live TV show. All our live TV shows are packed with hideously ugly and badly dressed people. You’d hardly raise the tone.

  60. Luke says:

    Hallih Jejx Bniedem??

  61. Macduff says:

    Who’ll send the photo to Lord Carrington?

  62. Michael says:

    Kollok bullshit ahdar ja nkazzata.

  63. Kimberley says:

    Everyone has his own opinion and as much as I respect the ‘freedom of speech’ thing, your comments are way out of proportion.

    Wishing death upon someone is a serious act and wishing a person to rot in hell is even worse. He’s still a human being who made some bad decisions and also brought some great improvements into our country, but I guess people only tend to remember all the bad things that one has done and judge them only on those.

    Also about the picture taking; we all know that way back in the past the Maltese had pictures up on the wall of him and presented candles in front of it, kind of like a patron. Same goes way back when Alexander Ball was given all the responsibility in his hands by the Maltese, they also had pictures with candles as a respect. So taking pictures to put them up on a social network is an every day thing now nothing to be alarmed or make fun of I guess.

    • Jozef says:

      No Kimberley, he didn’t bring improvements into our country, what he did, was to force his way into society and divide a people into what you see today.

      Half are still owed what was forcibly taken, the other half still think we need another one like him. Do the maths.

      • Maria - Siggiewi says:

        That may be your opinion that he didn’t bring improvements in our country! But that doesn’t mean all you people have the right to speak about such a great man like Mintoff in such a cruel and stupid way!!

        And by the way yes we can do the maths and we can also learn history thanks to HIM who brought education free for everyone! He created our national airline…you know which one?? the MIA which you people used to call the ‘Ghasafar tac-comb’??? The social services, votes for women, maternity leave and health services free for everyone, minimum wage and so much more!

        We certainly don’t need you to teach us the history of our country to learn what this man did for us! THANK YOU PERIT WE WILL ALWAYS BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR DEEDS AND WE LOVE YOU!!

      • Kimberley says:

        Oh Really Mr.Jozef?!

        I see that you are a bit misinformed on our Maltese history. You see if you had some common knowledge and some background history you will realize that Malta stands for what it is because of that one man. I might not be a genius in this sector and I am not saying that each action he did was perfume and roses for everyone but the good that was done has to be noted.

        He brought many things that back then the Maltese people had never even dreamed of, and you say that he hasn’t brought any improvements to this country?! I think you should really grab a book and catch up on your reading Sir.

        [Daphne – ‘I might not be a genius in this sector’. Ticcajta.]

      • Kimberley says:

        Neither are you when seeing what an ignorant little prick you are. I guess everything that you did was angelic.

        All I can say is that you really do not take criticism well and you pretend that your words are to be respected and followed yet your ‘speeches’ and articles only attack people in a childish and immature way. Tsk, Tsk. I thought that a woman your age should have learnt a bit of manners by now but I guess I was wrong after seeing how one comments and attacks her ‘viewers’.

      • Jozef says:

        Air Malta, another private company taken over and nationalised in the name of social justice.

        What free education? He shut down all University courses considered superfluous, and rendered the professions a caricature of what a society needs.

        As for social and health services, he replaced all notions of help to those in need, with handouts to the 20,000 (yes) unemployed.

        The vote for women wasn’t Mintoff’s, that was by his predecessor, whom he ostracised and humiliated.

        Maternity leave for women wasn’t introduced by the one who enforced redundancy as soon as a woman married. My mother had to leave her job, it was in her contract.

        Only when the shortage of professional teachers became acute did he change his mind. Most of these entered church schools, to avoid the blatant discrimination and having to subscribe to a minister who called the category ‘buda’.

        Ever envious of other’s successful initiatives he started the war on church schools, which, by then, had become the only place where decent education could be had.

        As for Maltese history, how many of you know how Malta in 1968 was considered a model of postcolonial development? Countries like Singapore were sending over delegations to analyse how Borg Olivier was managing the overall socio-economic progress being registered.

        This included plans for the reconversion of the dockyard, industrial estates, infrastructure, trade agreements and a gradual rehabilitation of relations with Italy. Bulebel, an example of industrial planning is his legacy.

        Mintoff screwed it when he went to Gaddafi, and sold this country to his revolution. What you never see is how he got us entangled in Gaddafi’s military interests and why the money kept pouring in.

        Mintoff realised what he had done when Moro was killed, Malta having become a military base, with our air traffic control and naval patrols manned by libyan officers, who even refused to take his orders, when Libyan gunboats entered maltese territorial waters.

        When the situation got out of hand and Italy started pushing for democratic reforms in 1981, Alex Sciberras Trigona threathened to provide refuge for the Brigate Rosse and Bader Meinhof, both terrorist groups funded by Gaddafi.

        Mintoff had lost control, and the opposition was being blamed for it.

    • IMHO says:

      Ah, Kimberley. Perhaps you’d like to turn your guns – metaphorically, of course – on all the Mintoffjani hodor wishing death and destruction on someone who dares to mock that decripit old bastard.

  64. K says:

    Look at the Mintoffffffjani Daphne, you’d better stock up on champagne! Let’s party!

    • EC says:

      You better stack up on vaseline after the reaming Joseph Muscat is going to give you, fascist thugs.

      • Jozef says:

        Why, what’s he going to do, pile us onto boats and send us off to Italy?

      • Dee says:

        What is Joey going to do to us that was not done to us or our parents in the seventies and eighties?
        Gas, beat or torture us in prison?
        Deny us jobs because of political discrimination?
        Get us to work under military rule in some corp?
        Requision our own homes, close univeristy courses, cause a deliberate run on private banks?
        Refuse to switch on the Christmas lights in December?
        Leave our taps dry for years on end?
        Close private nursing homes and private schools ?
        And plenty more…….


      • Izzie says:

        Of course, because reaming is the only thing PL can do, isn’t it?

      • IMHO says:

        Vaseline? Is that what you use, EC?

  65. Maria says:

    ‘May God rot his soul” What a tongue and what a bitch you are.

  66. Nancy says:

    Daphne you’re simply sick and you have always been! you really think you know it all but indeed know nothing at all. you’re super bias and as Lydia says you don’t deserve to be called human. how can you say may someone’s soul rot?! you wish to live so long…(even though we wouldn’t want to see that). And you call names people who disagree with you….yeah right cos these are better times! Guess what in UK when I mentioned I’m from Malta someone asked me about Dom Mintoff….you think PN are great and anyone who is not PN is bad….well that’s cos you’re corrupt like them! Thank God not living in the same place that you live in! I’m ashamed to say I’m Maltese when I hear stupid people like you talking let alone writing on newspapers and on the internet….ugly b****….and i think you won’t even publish this cos it doesn’t agree with your views!

    • IMHO says:

      If you said you’re from Libya, someone would mention Gaddafi. If you’re from North Korea, someone will mention Kim Il Sung, etc. etc.

      So what’s to boast about because ‘abroad’ people know about Mintoff?

    • Kanadiza Maltija says:

      “Dom Mintoff was the irascible gadfly of Maltese politics. A fiery orator given to exacerbating social divisions at home, when pursuing his political objectives in London he alternated between civilised charm and hysterical abuse. His style ensured that he was reckoned to have set a record for stomping out of political conferences.”

      That’s what the UK thinks of Mintoff… ’nuff said

  67. Anton Baldacchino says:

    Jiena l-persuna li tidher fir-ritratt mal-Perit Duminku Mintoff. Int vera ma tafx x’int tghid, forsi ghax qatt ma kellek is-sahha jew il-kuragg li tiltaqa mieghu. (Mhux ghax hu kien sa jaccetta li jiltaqa ma persuna ta valuri bhal tieghek!). Qed inhoss li bli qed tghid int qed turi kemm ghandek ghira kbira ga fik ghalih. FARKA wahda biss milli kien kapaci jaghmel hu (U meta nghid dan mhux paroli fi blogs redikoli li ttella int!), imma punt wiehed biss sa nsemmilek – Lilek min jafek? Ahna Champagne ma nerfghux ghal meta tigi nieqsa inti. M’ghandniex x’hin nahlu fuqek. U iva qed niktiblek ghax ghandi aptit nilghab bil-facebook, Bhalek. Int nofs l-eta tieghu ghandek, imma tidher ghar minnu! u ‘YOUR SOUL won’t just rot in hell but spitted on by all the devils who sent you here’. May god give you people, like his daughters to look after you, when you will be the incontinent wheelchaired freak. Thank God for institutions like Monte Carmeli!

  68. Dom.Aquilina says:

    wish you back 1.000,000 times the hate you have for Dom Mintoff. And mind you I think it’s better to thing about a great magic from your poor mind to save your party from it’s own sitiuation.

    • IMHO says:

      The thing about great magic is that it can turn frogs into princes, and dirt into gold. Now, wouldn’t you just love that? My, you could even get yourself a brain with a built-in spell check.

  69. Pawlu Mizzi says:


    [Daphne – Stenna ftit iehor u imbaghad saqsi daq il-bastid go s-siggu tar-roti.]

  70. adriana says:

    your tone both in your articles and in the comments disgust me. Do you have anything better to do either than gossip and show hatred to others? do you really re-read what you write ?? because when i read this and your answers to others’ comments it did not show any intellectual ability that you believe you possess. you are more like a depressed woman who vengeance her anger against anyone in order to escape her own sad, depressing life! why else do you only show such hated in all your articles? whatever it is please get your problem(s) solved in order to start writing a more interesting blog. this is for your own good dear.

    [Daphne – Thank you for your concern, but you should go now. There is an old man in a wheelchair who really needs to have his nappy changed. Take care not to flush it down the lavatory at his home before you’ve checked whether he’s paid the bills or about to have his supply cut off.]

    • adriana says:

      is this your reply?? ohh please! i wasn t even born when this man governed and i actually dont have an opinion of him. (neither positive nor negative).
      you weren’t able to give me a mature answer so you scooped low. typical of you daphne! you really didn’t know how to answer me back?? why??? am i right?

      [Daphne – am i right? No, you’re just subliterate.]

    • Andrea V says:

      @adriana: It is pretty useless to write about the subject. Better invest some time in good prayers for the lost and lonely soul!

      • IMHO says:

        Oh, I quite agree that Mintoff is beyond redemption. Sad to say, there’s no point in praying for his soul. If he has one and if there is a hell, he’s already decided his own fate.

    • lulu says:

      dak ghandu min jiehu hsiebu imma inti mhux se ssib min imqar inehhilek ilhara ta tahtek.

      • Angus Black says:

        lulu, Daphne will find caregivers in her old, old age.

        While Mintoff relies on outsiders to look after his needs, as a charitable cause, because there is no hope of any compensation from the miser, Daphne, on the other hand has family and when that is no longer adequate she will be willing to part with her euros in order to have a comfortable care to the very end.

        Mintoff’s millions sit pretty in many foreign bank accounts doing nothing but gathering interest which will be inherited by his two daughters who do not give a rat’s ass about the condition their father finds himself in.

  71. Albert says:

    Il-ftit li qed jaqblu mieghek juri l-livell baxx li waqajt fih f’dan il-blog,irrispettivament x’ghamel Mintoff fi zmienu,li naccertak li ghamel hafna gid li izda int taghzel li ma ssemmix.F’din il-blog int qed tizra mibgheda kbira,naccertak haw nies inkluzi dawk ikbar minnek li lahqu lil mintoff fil-50’s u hemm trid tisma xi hdura kienet tezisti kontra kull min kien ihaddan twemmin socjalista.Staqsi ha tara min zera l-mibgheda fi zmien meta l-knisja kienet haga wahda mal-PN u lanqas kienu jqarbnuk jekk tkun laburist.Sahansitra ndifnu nies fil-mizbla habba twemminhom u zzewgu nies fis-sagristiji.Imma dan ninsewh.It-tmeninijiet kien hemm vjolenza minn zewg nahat,u llum ghax din naqset drastikament u ghax il-poplu mmatura nigu nsibu mara bhalek tipprova terga tifred il-poplu.

    Jiena nittama li l-poplu tghallem maz-zmien jaddatta ghal min ikun fil-gvern bit-tajjeb u l-hazin ghax dan pajjiz demokratiku.Bl-injuranza tieghek li tipprova zzeblah lil dawk li ma taqbilx maghhom inkluza beckbenchers nazzjonalisti,izda l-aktar esponenti tal-PL fostom il-leader u l-familja tieghu juru kemm ma baqax iktar fejn tinzel iktar bhala livell.Malta maqsuma Daphne u kullhadd ghandu dritt ghal partit li jrid.Tghallem uri rispett,jekk taf kif.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Albert, I think you should take Daphne for what she is. You should be proud that Daphne is free to express her views irrespective how disrespectful they may be.

      Mintoff was an evil man; he persecuted the opposition mercilessly and used the working class to get elected.

      If we forget what Mintoff did in the past, history will be repeated.

    • ninu says:

      Albert ,tidher li addatajt hafna maz-zmien taht il PN daqs kemm ilu hemm u ghad fadallu hana izjed.

  72. defnij d demel says:

    kemm nt demel jaaaqq

  73. Neville Gafa' says:

    Int min tahseb li int? Missek tisthi titkellem hekk fuq persuna, hu min hu.

    L-odju lejn ghajrek kielek.

  74. P.N. says:

    Jekk tahseb li b’dak illi ktibt ser taghmel isem lilek innifsek jew li dan hu xi tip ta’ gurnalizmu tajjeb, ghaddi sa H’Attard! Ara veru kull min ghandu s-sahha jista’ jghid li jrid minghajr ma jigi kkundannat!

  75. Carmelo pace says:

    daphe,dejjem hadt pjacir naqra il blogs tieghek,pero din ud darba ,you went to far,w nies bhalek bdin l attitudni,ggalni nisthi nghid li,jien NAZZJONALIST

    [Daphne – Kieku veru li int Nazzjonalist, Carmelo, kont tifhem xi haga dwar il-liberta tal-espressjoni. Jekk ma tifhimx, allura int bilfors Laburist, anke jekk ma tafx int stess, bhal Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliett u Franco Debono.]

    • BC says:

      Il-liberta tal-espressjoni ghandha tigi kkunsidratha fil-parametri taghha, liberta sa certu punt. F’dan il-kaz ma jidholx id-dritt ghal-liberta izda jigi applikat atti kriminali bhal ma huma pregudizzju, tghajjir u tixwiex li huma kkundanati bil-ligi u min jaghmilhom jissejah kriminal. Thajjar ikteb dawn il-pastazati fuq gazzetta u tara kemm tinghata dan ‘id-dritt tal-liberta’ tal-espressjoni Daphne. Ghandek tibda tohloq certu distinzzjonijiet, ma tistax titfa kollox f’keffa wahda. Insomma jekk ma fhimtx xi kelma ghidli tiddejaq xejn, lest li nispjegha.

      • Kenneth Cassar says:

        @ BC:

        “Thajjar ikteb dawn il-pastazati fuq gazzetta u tara kemm tinghata dan ‘id-dritt tal-liberta’ tal-espressjoni Daphne”.

        Il-kitba ta’ hawn fuq, jekk ma tigix publikata f’gazzetta, mhux minhabba li hi illegali (m’hix), imma ghaliex l-editur ghandu d-dritt li jghazel x’jigi publikat jew le.

        Id-dritt tal-liberta’ ta’ l-espressjoni ma jfissirx obbligu fuq editur li jippublika kull ma trid. Ifisser biss li hadd ma jista jzommok milli tippublika l-kitba tieghek, sakemm il-kitba tkun konformi mal-ligi.

        U jekk qed tahseb li l-kitba ta hawn fuq hi illegali, vera ma ghandekx ideja. Jekk hawn xi haga illegali, probabilment hu xi whud mill-kummenti min nies semi-litterati li jirrejagixxu b’rabja ghal kull kumment li joffendilhom l-idolu alla falz taghhom.

  76. Alex says:

    This man thrived on the ignorance of his followers. He was bright enough to realise this.

    In fact, he did his utmost to preserve a state of collective stupor by wrecking the nation’s education system.

    I consider this to be one of his biggest crimes.

    Judging by the comments made on this blog by his supporters and various well-wishers, it looks like the effect of his educational policies will continue to plague the country for generations to come. Very sad.

    • Izzie says:

      True, you got it all in a nutshell. What is written here is a reflection of cause and effect: those who were gullible enough to drink in each and every syllable the great saviour said, including the famous “ahleb Guz” type of expression, and those who fought against this kind of thing, and who are seen by the gullible as demons and evil.

      Thank God times have changed though the mentality of many is stagnant.

  77. Grezz says:

    I love the way that the sub-literate plebs think that it’s fine to call you and yours any name under the sun and come up with all sort of crap when they don’t know you from Adam, and yet, “jiskruplaw” (for wont of a better word) because – shock, horror – you dared say what so many of us think and feel about Dom Mintoff.

    Iva, ja qatta injoranti – Dak il-bastid haqqu jikkrepa ha jhallas ghal-kull deni li kkawza l-haddiehor tul hajtu. Min jaf kemm qatel nies hu stess bl-inkwiet meta kien fil-gvern.

    May God rot his soul.

  78. nina vella says:

    no way titkellem hekk Mrs. Caruana Galizia..pastaza ta vera ta..may God bless his soul and yours too in the future u nispera li Alla jnehhilek dil hdura li ghandek go fik

    • Izzie says:

      You talk of hdura? Have you read well some of the comments on this blog by the bigots who, wonder of wonders, have forgotten years of pain and suffering, violence and torture, prisoners MURDERED for political reasons… are you all outright crazy?

      Nina Vella, do you have to speak like some kind of Red Cross/Legion of Mary volunteer?

  79. Marc Abela says:

    You hate Mintoff and Labour so much, because he manage to create the middle class in his days and saved our people from hunger. Now GonziPN took us back in the 60’s as people can’t afford to live as human and can’t afford to pay their water &electricity bills.

    [Daphne – Mintoff did not create a new middle class. Eddie Fenech Adami and Lawrence Gonzi did that. Mintoff’s aim was to drag the real middle/upper class down to the level of the working-class, before he worked out that you can’t do that just by taking away their money, property, possessions, freedom and peace of mind. He should have worked it out before he experimented on an entire country, though, given that he had the example of his wife to go on.

    Gonzi PN did not take us back to the sixties. If this were the sixties, you would be scrubbing out latrines in barracks or sleeping 20 to a room with your 16 siblings and random cousins on straw, after a great meal of bread and water and voiding your bowels in a field, as your antecedents did. But thanks to the left-of-centre policies of the Fenech Adami and Gonzi governments, you can write (a little), and you also own a laptop and the means to use it. Il-gvernijiet mis-1987 ‘l hawn ghamluk nies u ma tistax taccetta l-fatt ghax tinharaq.]

    The Times Of Malta & all news papers should not allow you these kind of articles.

    [Daphne – I don’t write for The Times, but if you insist on objecting all the same, you can get together and burn it down again like your parents’ generation of Laburisti did in October 1979.]

    Everyone knows how Mintoff help all the Maltese people and I’m saying ALL Maltese and not just Labour party members like Gonzi PN has been doing for this past decade or more.

    [Daphne – The people in your immediate circle of Laburisti friends and family, Marc, do not constitute ‘everyone’. On the contrary, their opinion is the least reliable precisely because of their lack of education and their general benighted ignorance at the time and even since.]

    If you say that about Mintoff, what shall we say about the person that brought hatred, shooting, bombs and all the machine guns found in Pieta to kill Maltese.

    [Daphne – Who would this person be, Marc? Have you reported him to the Police Commissioner, or told Anglu Farrugia? If it happened before 1987, he is bound to know about it, given that he was a police inspector.]

    What should we expect for God to do with him? What about also the Archbishop Gonzi? Where do you thing he is? After all he did to Malta ……although he was barred in Mdina Cathedral, he is still a hated person by Maltese that lived in those days and still remember the real story that happened back in the 60’s.

    [Daphne – Marc, instead of listening to your parents and grandparents, who were/are almost certainly illiterate and left school at 12 if they went at all, go to the Nationalist Library and read old newspapers.]

    Conclusion, you shouldn’t be considered as a journalist. You are considered PERSONA NON GRADA from the majority of the Maltese.

    [Daphne – The word is ‘grata’, and if those Maltese are of your sort, I am delighted not to be liked by them. If they liked me, I would be worried.]

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      Although he is “barred” in Mdina Cathedral – I think you meant BURIED.

    • dudu says:

      ‘ thanks to the left-of-centre policies of the Fenech Adami and Gonzi governments, you can write (a little), and you also own a laptop and the means to use it. Il-gvernijiet mis-1987 ‘l hawn ghamluk nies u ma tistax taccetta l-fatt ghax tinharaq.’

      This is a simple truth which amazingly is not accepted as such, not even by the various Labour/leftist intellectuals.

      @all mintoffjani – Labour has a historical period to be proud of; Boffa’s premiership. However, this was ruined by you know who.

  80. joseph says:

    daphne kemm int blaaaaa sens u hamalla!!!! trid nurik kemm jien hammallu namlu competition??? mela ax ma taqbadx vibrator ha jkollok ma xiex tehda u qabel ma tisolhu ma tiqafx ja ndannata ……. ex nazjonalista

  81. mart says:

    daphne, you need a high five in the face with a chair.
    how dare you say those words to an elderly person.
    you should rot in hell, afterall these ignorant blogs of yours.

  82. swtyc says:

    Im sure there is plenty of people are thinking of changing one word from this article, in the last sentence, “…Dafnii’s soul..” instead of “his soul”.

    Finally Im pretty sure that what he has done for Malta, you will dream of doing, apart from that you are only capable of talking non-sense on a blog rather then taking action on what you write. That is what we call bullshit.

  83. carmen says:

    Ma nemminx f’alla imma jekk hawn wiehed messu ilek li gibdek min xarek u ramik fl abissi fejn ma jarak u jisimek hadd!!
    J’alla jkollok kwart tar rispett li ghandu l-poplu ghal dak ir ragel!!

    • ninu says:


      • Izzie says:

        Le issa Salvatur ghax il-Joseph irid ikun bhalu u allura ma jistax ihalli li l-laburisti jiftakru certi episodji ta’ zmien Mintoff, miskin… l-aqwa meta gabilna lil dak il-baghal ta’ Gaddafi fil-meetings, u nsemmu l-gnien Gaddafi Gardens, u naghtu l-midalji ta’ Gieh ir-Repubblika lill-ikbar tiranni dittaturi Komunisti… DAK kien Mintoff, u din “just the tip of a bloody huge iceberg”.

  84. Me says:

    It’s only natural for you to despise a great man, Daphne. He was so much greater than you could ever even aspire to be, and still is. Your lies are proof enough of this.

    [Daphne – Mintoff is not a great man. He is a great miser of small physical stature, and emotionally stunted. And now also wearing nappies.]

    • carmen says:

      With nappies and he’s still much more better than you!!

      [Daphne – At what, Carmen? Dribbling?]

      • carmen says:

        wtf O.o you need help lol

      • ciccio says:

        Ghad-dribbling, Baggio forsi jaqlibielu. Dak kien footballer kbir, u bhalissa reggha qieghed fl-ahbarijiet.

      • sandra says:

        i can’t believe that people like this still exist in this country!!! i thought this bullshit had stopped years ago but it seems that the devil still does his work well!! seriously can’t we grow up and act maturely when it comes to politics?? i’m not talking about the average housewives that meet at the supermarket or the the people on the street giving their opinion but about a well known gournalist!!! c’mon!!!

        [Daphne – Journalist, with a J. Gurnalist is Maltese, with a G.]

    • lulu says:


    • sandra says:

      what a cruel person i can’t believe what i’m reading??

      [Daphne – Then read it again, Sandra, or have somebody read it out to you.]

  85. John Bugeja says:

    Dear Daphne,even Norman Lowell would pass as a normal and moderate speaker compared to you…and with all the controversy suurounding Norman,I have never heard him throw as much poison against coloured people as you did with Mintoff tonight…You really outclassed him,negatively of course..
    Just keep one thing in mind.Mintoff is 95,and has been out of politics that count for many years now..But he still got many and many people who volunteer to help him,with nothing to gain,out of the respect they have for him…I know people who go and sleep with him leaving their wives alone at night,just to show recognition to him for what he’s done for the working class…

    [Daphne – Maybe their wives are relieved to get some peace, or maybe they’re inviting their husband’s brother round for some fun while the husband is away. You know, like Mintoff himself used to do when nappies were but a pipedream. And you know what his greatest frustation probably is right now, if in his more lucid moments he can understand what is happening? That he is permanently in the company of those he considers his inferiors and holds in contempt. Charlotte Rampling or some young and handsome Valletta footballer his current babysitters are not. Imagine being reduced to conversation with subliterate peasants day in, day out. Lucky for him he’s got dementia.]

    You have to keep in mind that people (insomma l kelma ggib hekk) like you,li sabu s sodda mifruxa,and have never had the working man at heart,don’t like Mintoff…But then there is the other half of Malta,like myself,my parents,and most of my neighbours and friends,who are or were workers,and still regard Mintoff as the number one politician of all time….

    [Daphne – It wasn’t Mintoff who provided jobs for people like your family, John. This is what you just don’t get. It was people like my family who provided the jobs through investment and hard work. And it was Mintoff who worked against all that because he hated private enterprise unless he or the person some claim was his illegitimate son, Il-Fusellu, could have a finger in it. Your ignorance is almost absolute.]

    Fenech Adami and Gonzi WERE right-wing azzjoni kattolika bastards,but still we don’t wish them any personal harm…..Malta will always be divided on Mintoff..He obviously helped one half of Malta,and hurt the other half..But the half he helped was our half,so we adored him and always will…..

    [Daphne – He did not help one half of Malta. He only pretended he did, and because he was dealing with people who were completely uneducated and mainly illiterate, they did not work out what was going on. But you have answered your own question: his deliberate division of society was his greatest crime. As you saw demonstrated by Fenech Adami and Gonzi, the standard of living is best raised across the board through the creation of an environment which encourages investment in production, and through education.]

    And whem Dr Muscat comes to power,we should again want him to be good to us workers,who have endured much suffering during PN administration,and we hope that he will be as bad as Mintoff,and maybe even worse,to people like you…

    Daphne,whatever Mintoff and labour did to you,you deserve it,and it shows by the blogs you make…..Even so,I still wish you good night,and I will leave you with one thing…You said that Franco Debono is still with his head in second grade….Mela tieghek fejn qeda rasek,ghadek fl 87……….

  86. Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

    I’ll write in their language, so that they can understand:

    Ara kemm qed jidaj Jesin Mikalef u Sejvjer Balzan kulhedt fuq ta dafni u jziduwla l-vjuws tal pagna taha!

    Continue expressing your opinion, Daphne, and let the others go to hell, is-Salvatur included.

    I want some Champagne, and I’ll get Glenfiddich to share.

  87. Lisa says:

    Imissek tisthi Mrs Caruana Galizia, mhux ta bxejn ghandek hafna ghedewwa u hawnhekk turi kemm int mdejqa bik innifsek biex tippermetti li titkellem hekk imma Alla ghandu idejh twila u ghad jilhqek li gabek f din id dija kerha diga tak l ewwel kastig ma twelidek imma min jitkellem bhalek hekk b dal mod haqqu ghar li kont flokok b dan id dwejjaq li ghandek fuqek norbot habel m ghonqi u nitghallaq !!!!

    [Daphne – Nimmagina, Lisa, ghax kieku kont floki kont tkun out of your depth. Nies bhalek ma tantx jistaw illahqu ma certu pressures tal-hajja u ghalhekk nghidu li ghandhom mentalita Laburista.]

    • Lisa says:

      mghandi l ebda mentalita laburista jiena namel dak li nhoss u nivvota fejn jaqbilli min jafni jaf x jien imma li int titkellem hekk imissek tisthi la fuq mintof u lanqas fuq hadd mghandhom jippermettulek li titkellem hekk ahjar iddur dawra madwarek l ewwel u tara l mentalita marida li ghandek u tnehhi ftit minn dil hdura li ghandek mibnija go fik ax trid minghalik tara kif taqbad man nies daqqa ma dik u daqqa ma dak basta tissemma, jin lill mintof ma niftakrux jigverna allura manistax nitkellem fuqu imma dan mux kliem li ghandu jinghad, imissom inehhulek naqra mill qziez li ghandek u ma jippermettulekx li tikteb aktar pubbilkament u ibqa fuq kliemi li din il pride li ghandek jekk mintix ser twqrida int ser teqirdek hi!

    • Lisa S says:

      ir risposta tieghi ma ippublikajtiex daphne hi ? tghidlix li weggajtek bi kliemi ma jmurx jiddispjacini f’gieh Alla

      [Daphne – Lisa, kien hemm il-fuq minn 200 kumment meta dhalt fis-site. Jekk joghgbok, stenna fil-queue. Hawnhekk mhux il-Lidl.]

  88. fusinu says:

    ara vera miskina int ta. titkellem fuq bniedem ekk, qisu mu xejn. u toqodx tajd ax qed nikteb malti hazin u xeba paroli vojt ta. Aqra dan il messag sew forsi ma tafx kif tahdem din il haga li ha namel… aqra dan il messagg go qalbel DCG pls…

    Ghaziz Mulej Alla, allimni kif nista nieqaf naqa ax cajt quddiem nofs Malta, u kif tkun fiha nehhila il qziez u l purcinellati li andi.

    issa hu nifs fond, u suppost thossok ahjar,
    jek le erga irrepeti mil bidu sakem tahdem…

    EEE, u ha najdlek ta,tantx tajjat fuq in nappies, ax int tibdel xi ftit kull xahar :P

  89. Daniel says:

    Guess who needs a nine inch cock? Pathetic bitch. And yes for your info, I’m Nationalist. disagreeing with you doesn’t make me any less and hating Mintoff doesn’t make you any more either.

    You think your’e so smart huh? Ara tidhakx bi Franco ghax qalilna kemm hu bravu.

    [Daphne – ‘Guess who needs a nine inch cock?’ You, I would imagine. Given your anger, I’m guessing yours is around three inches.]

    • ciccio says:

      Daniel, Mintoff had introduced the metric system. Nine inches is 22.86 centimetres.

      • lulu says:


      • IMHO says:

        lulu, hu hsib lilek innifsek ftit, ruhi. Jekk ghandek bzonn is-serhan, mur fittxu fejn tista issibu. Hawn website maghmulin apposta ghad-disprati bhalek.

        Imma isma minni. Nehhihom dawk it-tanga, ghax ma jixiqulekx.

    • Daniel says:

      You dare call me angry? I’m not the one writing the hate on a dying old man. I’m just writing the hate towards you, who can’t wait any longer to see him dead. As if it will make your life better if he dies sooner or later. I’d love to see you open champagne on his tomb one day like you said. It will proves your ignorance. Daphne, writing excellent English makes you an excellent journalist as much as driving a pimped up car makes you cool.

      and by the way, three or nine inches, it suffices, and I’m happy the way life turns out for me. I don’t look out for people on whom to prey, unlike you do every sad minute of your life.

      [Daphne – ‘Three or nine inches, it suffices’. If that’s what she told you, she’s lying.]

  90. yeled shovav says:

    As somebody who’s just been through the loss of an elderly relative, I really don’t see how you can be justified in writing that sort of stuff. Then again, I haven’t lived through a Labourite regime in the 70s – hope I’d never hate anybody so fiercely though.

    I miss the blog posts that poke fun at Maltese linguistic and cultural idiosyncrasies. If you ever wrote a book like that, I’d probably buy it.

  91. Jurgen says:

    Daphne—You’re saying that Mintoff’s family does not respect him????no no one loves you except PN who just love you a political figure and not as a person. First try to discover love daphne :) Trying to hurt others would not make you feel better. We all know that you may feel depressed but insulting others is not the solution….Maybe if you cant do it on your own try to consult a doctor…because it might get worse

    • Dee says:

      Quite obviously you did not have the misfortune to hear his daughters ranting and raving against their precious daddy during the final weeks of life of their sainted mother, when he refused to pay for the private nursing care she was so desperately in need of.

      That man is beyond contempt and his daughters are hypocrites.

  92. jpeg says:

    Daphne I applaud you for stopping short of expressing what you really think of the man. I wish him much worse…my thoughts alone are incriminating.

    Anyway, I’m not sure if I should laugh or cry. It’s disturbing to know these people have a vote. My oh my, we’re doomed.

    • ciccio says:

      “It’s disturbing to know these people have a vote.”

      It is even more disturbing to see someone going after their vote. My oh my, we’re Dom-med.

  93. RM says:

    May god rot his soul…

    Daphne, as much as your writing is most times entertaining and full of sense.. I’m sorry to say this was crossing the line..
    You are free to hate Mintoff but those are words are a bit too harsh.. FOR ANYONE!

    [Daphne – You are free not to read them, RM. No thanks to your Mintoff, this is now a free country. Why, it’s so free that I’m even allowing you to comment here, whereas in his day you’d have driven to my house with a bomb or a gun.]

    • Ceklem says:

      Like your party used to do in the 80’s putting bombs everywere

    • Micallef says:

      Freedom stops there where it hurts others! Otherwise we live in anarchy. Is it that what you want? Or do you just think that the freedom is just for you?

      [Daphne – The maxim is actually: your freedom to swing your fist ends where his nose begins. No, freedom is for you, too. You are free to set up a blog, I am free to comment on it, and you are free to accept those comments or not. Anything else is imposition and restriction. Freedom of the press/speech does not mean you have freedom to get your stuff published on media owned by others. It means that you are free to own your own media.]

  94. Malcolm Farrugia says:

    Daphne. most of the time I do not agree with your posts, however I acknowledge the fact that this wordl would be a total boredom should we all think and agree on everything. I hail form a family with mixed political affiliations, I for one voted twice Pn till 2003, and was raised never to trust Mlp. We might not agree on many issues, but I would never wish you to rot in hell, nor shall I celebrate your demise when it comes hopefully at a very old age. Same applies to Mintoff, the man is praised by many and cursed by others for a variety of reasons, but politics aside, why not let him live his remaining days in peace, and let by gones be by gones!

    [Daphne – Peace comes from within, Malcolm. If Mintoff is tortured, it is by his own actions.]

  95. Clive says:


    • Daniel says:

      What do you wanna prove with this article exactly??? that he was the one that got us all out of the shit in a country who was commanded by church (Gonzi) and a priminister borg olivier as puppet of string of the English colony? Mr Mintoff was one man with balls that’s for sure. Daphne sorry to say but don’t you think that you should find another hobby? now the Maltese people are vomiting when they are reading your articles and let me tell you by being arrogant one gains nothing at all. I better won’t be known rather then being known as the liar and arrogant jounalist. I’m saying this for your own sake but I guess you lost your mind completely now …… what’s all this that all you see is BLUE …. mela qed ittuk xi check extra cash fl’ahhar ta kull xahar jew>????

  96. Spiteri says:

    Come on Daphne.. he has nothing to do with politics anymore.. as you can clearly see. Why don’t we all let him live peacefully now? I do believe you will find something else to write about.

    I am not in favor of Mintoff, nor of Muscat or Gonzi or any other MP. As a health care professional I know that his incontinence and lack of mobility is not easy to deal with.

    Keep on blogging responsibly !

  97. Anti-Daphne says:

    Daphne, people like you are not even accepted in Hell, I thank my God everyday I was not born a Nationalist like you. You’re a disgrace to your party followers who, sadly, think highly of you. I pity them and pity you, someday you’ll get what you deserve Daphne and I hope that day is close.

    • Jozef says:

      Such Manichean dilemmas.

      Does the devil reserve discretion to who frequents his circles?

      Does God renounce His infallibility if this provides solace to humans?

  98. H.P. Baxxter says:

    At what point exactly is one absolved of all guilt? At 65? At the onset of dementia? When one starts using a wheelchair?

    Because I am genuinely fascinated by all you PN sympathisers or apoliticals who are calling for Mintoff to be “left in peace”.

    [Daphne – They are not PN sympathisers and apoliticals, Baxxter. Most of them are beetles.]

    I suppose you’ve no objection to a giant bronze statue of Lorry Sant then, since he’s beyond even the final stage of senility, as it were. And when Mintoff eventually dies, history books should be clement and look upon his legacy with a benevolent chuckle because, you know, he’s dead now and he was old and tottering for a couple of decades before that. It’s no wonder people like Dominic Fenech thrive in Malta.

    • sfb says:


  99. DA says:

    Hello Daphne, by no means I want to criticise you; however, given that you are not so fond of certain individuals such as Mintoff, why do you write such articles? I’d rather spend my time reading or writing something which I’m sure would be of more interest to you – as you might have realised, I am very much into literature and arts as much as you are, and that is why I like reading your articles. I’d like to congratulate you for your excellent writing competence, well done – it’s a pity, no one ever sees that in you. I truly cannot understand why certain people speak highly of Mintoff and of other prominent figures who might have been members of PN without actually being aware of what happened in Malta way back then, mainly because they were born when their political career was over. As you can see Daphne, I am being quite straightforward in what I am writing – give that I was born in the early 1990s, I truly cannot evaluate the performance of politicians in the 70s, 80s, and so on, solely by believing every single argument put forward by those who lived in these years. Nevertheless, I still do believe that Mintoff has his own dignity, as much as you do Daphne. I don’t really like reading malicious comments about people like Mintoff, who at this stage cannot surely reply in writing. However, I hate people attacking you, especially by using spiteful language which I find quite inadequate. You have had the courage to publicly write an article about a paedophile whose identity was very much protected by the media a few years ago – given that I was quite shocked way back then, I did not have the courage to thank you for that, but as they say, better late than never, thank you Daphne. Moreover, I’d like to thank you as well for speaking highly of students who opt for Arts/Languages/Education – many a times, and I’m sure you’d agree with me, they are looked down upon.

    [Daphne – DA, Dom Mintoff spent much of his life abusing his power and influence to destroy and target those who couldn’t fight back. So please don’t feel sorry for him now because he can’t fight back himself. It’s not as though he hasn’t got an entire army of violent morons to do it for him. He won’t be able to fight back when he’s dead and rest assured that people will still be cursing him to hell and back. When he was able to fight back at me, he had no hesitation in doing so, filing law suits and throwing his weight around. The trouble is that people your age have never been given the true story of how this man wrecked the country and destroyed Maltese society by putting in the most terrible rifts that never healed, simply because his long-time friend in the Nationalist Party cautioned against it and after that it was too late. It paid off in 1998, but the price was too high.]

    • DA says:

      Thanks for your reply. Exactly my point, that is why I don’t jump to conclusions because I cannot build arguments solely on what I hear, and I truly do hope you understood this argument. I also do hope you’ve read my other positive comments re your talents and capabilities. Take good care.

  100. M. Bormann says:

    These guys really haven’t got a clue.

    What’s with all this damn hassle?

    May God rot his motha fuckin soul. What’s the big deal?

    May an elephant ejaculate all over his face and stamp on his foot and shit on his head, killing him in the process, and sending him “down” to Satan, there to sodomise him.

    [Daphne – Well, if I upload the crass comments by Mintoff fans, I suppose I should upload the crass comments by those who hate his guts. Taf int, ghal bilanc politiku.]

    • jpeg says:

      Your comment is hilarious Daphne. I picture you chuckling when writing ‘taf int, ghal bilanc politiku’ and it cracks me up :)

  101. Disgusted says:

    I wonder what are you planning to achieve through this blog. Perhaps you’ve suffered under the hand of this man but by publishing this blog, you’ve not changed anything, really and truly.

    Instead of trying to move on like any strong and determined person would do, you dwell on the past whilst letting such vehemently offensive and repugnant words spew out of your mouth.

    Well, you know what? What’s done’s done. Him dying won’t change a thing, or perhaps it will, because you will have one person less to vent your frustrations and deep-rooted hatred on.

    And you should try to cut the ‘You’re saying this because you’re labour’ crap. It makes you look pathetic. You can try repeating it to yourself, if it makes you feel better. Both Nationalist and Labour party supporters can be ethical and respectful, and vice versa. Maybe it’s a concept that is too difficult for you to grasp…..seeing that you’re so biased and closed-minded.

  102. Christopher troisi says:

    Mhux li nahmlu wisq lil mintoff u mhux se nkun wiehed li se nibkih izda lahhar kumment kien zejjed. Harira njorant nahseb jien izda ovjament opinjoni tieghi. Nispera li la darba tistenna li ghandekk ragun u dritt tghidu ma tiddejjaqx mill fatt li hadfiehir jghid kobtrik blistess mod u mhux tara kif tiproca twaqqa lilhom fil livell tieghek

  103. mfo says:

    Mhux ahjar ma tiggudikax ? Mhux ahjar ma tilhaqx flok Alla u tiggudika persuna u x’ghandu jsir minn ruhu ?

    Isma minni u thallix lsienek jikkmandak Sinjura tal-pepe…..ghax il-Malti jghid milli ghadda ghad fadal !!!!!

  104. Whoami? says:

    What no one ever questioned is how this man has managed to buy and run two properties and accumulate massive wealth on a snall salary. His professional career was short and by the time he was out of politics, he was too old to work and was fighting other battles anyway.

    So the simple question: minn fejn gabhom il-flus, dad-demel?

    • J.C says:

      you should ask your mom

    • mattie says:

      “So the simple question: minn fejn gabhom il-flus”.

      Whoami asked a very important question. I often ask myself the same thing, and the one thing everybody should be questioning is YES, where did it all come from?

    • Dee says:

      The answer is simple. War Damage money.

    • Kyle says:

      It takes one to see one

      • WhoamI? says:

        a-ha! go on then. help me understand where he got his money from. certainly not from a measly PM salary, certainly not from his career as an architect, certainly not from his l-Gharix debacle (that was too late in his life). and therefore, the question is: “where from?”.

        [Daphne – Actually, he did make a huge chunk of it, the initial chunk, from his work as an architect. He did much of the work for the War Damage Commission. I believe he was in partnership with Edwin England at the time, but I might be mistaken about this. But when that was over, the next chunk of money came post 1971, so one must use one’s imagination. We know how his ministers made theirs, though we are not apprised of the precise specifics.]

        everyone knows his chum, the sadly missed Col.Gaddafi and how he ran that shit-show in Libya. And the same was happening here methinks.

    • Dem-ON says:

      Mizzz Mintoff Bland could have taken sacks of money to the Commons, not “demel.” But apparently this scrooge kept all the money for himself and left the manure for the others.

    • 666 says:

      Maybe that’s why his daughters came back to look after him – to make sure he really dies and they can claim his millions.

      • Jozef says:

        This could become interesting, a’ la Sufa Arafat vs the PLO.

        Swiss banks subscribed to a deal with Italy to provide information related to the cash stashed away in their banks.

        Malta could do the same.

  105. Tony Zammit Cutajar says:

    Enough is enough. If you ever have the misfortune of one of your own being in a “defenseless” state, you would never stoop so low. You too will age and I am sure that your children would not like to read such vicious comments about you as those you and others are posting on your blog. I too lived through those years and whilst I do not condone many things that occurred I would NEVER wish anybody’s soul to rot in hell. Perhaps Franco Debono does have a case for changing our libel laws after all. Hell hath no fury like a woman…….

    [Daphne – Dear Tony, my sons have lived their entire lives, from the ages of 1, 2 and 3, with the most horribly vicious things, lies and slander said about their mother. By the time I am Mintoff’s age, they will be in their 70s and totally immune. They are, in fact, immune already. Every day they are exposed on the internet to speculation and slander of Labour supporters, speculation and slander which now affects them directly too. When they have grown up reading comments like those you now read here, and which were not uploaded yet when you posted yours, you will understand that being 73 and having somebody declare their wish that their mother rots in hell will be as nothing to them. They have heard and read that kind of thing said about their mother at seven years old. For your own sake, get a sense of perspective. You are sticking up for the wrong person.]

    • Tony Zammit Cutajar says:

      Dear Daphne, it looks like you might have missed my point. What do you think you achieve by attacking a defenseless old person whoever he/she may be?

      [Daphne – No, Tony, I get your point. If the man is insentient, then whatever I say or write about him makes no difference. I and my sons, on the other hand, are far from insentient. Yet you read reams of comments here telling me to go ninhexa ma’ ziemel, that my time is up, that the barbarians are at the gate and they’re going to kill me, that I’m liba, a cunt, a mad, sick bitch who’s got it coming to her, and instead of standing up to that kind of violence against people who can read it, and against people who have done nothing but exercise their right to voice their opinion, you stand up for a nasty, vicious old bastard who wrecked this country, systematically ruined people and businesses, destroyed reputations and peace of mind, and personally pocketed much of the proceeds.

      And why? Because he’s old and in a wheelchair. So what if he is? You might wish to know that I said exactly the same things to and of him when he wasn’t senile or in a wheelchair. I in fact have the dubious honour of being the only person he has ever sued (the case was thrown out), possibly because I’m one of the few people whose opinion mattered to him, because I’m not one of the peasants he despised, held in contempt and manipulated to stay in power. Mintoff was just a schoolyard bully on the main stage, and bullies can’t handle me because I outplay them at their own game, and usually win. ]

      Do you expect me to believe that you are surprised that you are exposing yourself and your children to these attacks. Your children can defend themselves if they need to.

      [Daphne – Yes, Tony, I am surprised. I live in a democratic state which is a member of the European Union, and not in some North African hell-hole under Mintoff and KMB anymore. My children are private citizens, and the only reason they are attacked is to blackmail me into stopping my criticism of the Labour Party. It won’t work, because having grown up seeing their mother constantly under siege, having had their home set on fire twice, and having lived with police security at their gate for months on end, they are as steadfastly defiant as I am.

      I am astonished that your reaction is the equivalent of those who say, when a woman is raped, ‘Oh well, she asked for it because she wore a short skirt and went out at night.’ Do I interpret your thinking correctly? ‘There are dangerous, savage, primitive Laburisti out there, so those who exercise the right to voice their political opinion or their personal opinion about present and former politicians are irresponsible, and if they are attacked it’s their fault. I will criticise them for saying what they do, rather than criticising the dangerous, savage, primitive Laburisti for attacking them, because you can’t change Laburisti so why bother trying. Let’s all keep our heads below the parapet and hope they won’t slash our tyres or set fire to our house.’

      You should know better than that, Tony. And another point: my children should NOT have to defend themselves. The day people start attacking your son anonymously on the internet and slandering him, just because you’ve written something politically controversial in The Times, we’ll speak about how your opinion might have changed.]

      The elderly and the handicapped are not so lucky.

      [Daphne – The elderly, Tony, are not handicapped. They are elderly. They are the same people they always were, but older. If that were not the case, Nazi war criminals and former SS guards would not be prosecuted 50 years after World War II at the age of 80. People born disabled are entirely a different matter, vulnerable usually from birth. And then it depends on what you mean by handicapped. It is not possible to put yourself in a position of power over a country when you have Down’s Syndrome, but it is certainly possible when you have one leg shorter than another and nothing else wrong with you. I realise where you are coming from with this, but there is no comparison.]

      I would have thought you have enough sense (and to use a term you are so fond of – class) to rise above all this. You should know better.

      [Daphne – It is precisely because I know better, Tony, that I cannot ignore it. Situations like this have to be tackled head on and dealt with. Yes, it would be easy for me to do what everybody else does, lie low, pretend to be A Friend To All, and hope for the best when Labour is elected. But I shan’t. I see that as the opposite of sensible or ‘classy’. I have been around long enough in my 47 years in this country to work out that when people say ‘rise above it’, what they mean is ‘avoid trouble and confrontation’. It is a mindset born of a situation in which 400,000 people have to share a rock 17 miles by nine, and so develop many of the coping mechanisms of rats in a laboratory cage.

      It is the coward’s way. And let’s face it, we’re a nation of cowards. 1971 to 1987 needn’t have happened. It happened because Malta was and still is chockful of cowards, all busy avoiding trouble so that they wouldn’t be the one arrested or raided or blacklisted for import quotas.]

      I have had reason to cross swords with you in the past and was hoping that I would not do so again but I cannot sit back and watch all this venom being bandied about.

      [Daphne – It doesn’t matter how often we cross swords because I know it is always done in good faith and not out of personal animosity and so it’s a matter of water under the bridge. But I disagree with you completely on the matter of venom. You would rather bury your head in the sand and pretend the venom does not exist, so that you can rest easy at the thought of a Labour government. I prefer to know it exists, and when I realise that it does exist, I believe it to be my responsibility to bring it out and put it on public display so that as many people as possible understand what we have to contend with here. Pretending something doesn’t exist will not make it go away.]

      A sense of perspective has nothing to do with it. Freedom of speech and expression has nothing to do with it either. If this is what blogging is all about, then perhaps we are all better off without it.

      [Daphne – If I might jog your memory a little, we were not better off without it in the years 1971 to 1987. Much of what was allowed to happen then happened precisely because the newspapers were so weak, the government of the day controlled broadcasting and used it as a propaganda tool, there was no internet, but a great deal of fear. The results were what they were.

      Once you introduce the internet into the equation, politicians are vulnerable and that is exactly why they hate blogs and bloggers and go on about ‘personal attacks’ (imagine them living in Italy, Britain or the United States). They don’t like us because we have deprived them of much of their power and laid them open to scrutiny. And they will never be able to have again the sort of absolute power that Mintoff had. Look what happened in North Africa. The venom of Mintoffjani, who as you see amply demonstrated here are now into the new generation our children’s age, has been around for a long time. I myself have been exposed to it through their newspapers for the last 22 years, so I am hyper-aware of it and take it for granted. I do not find their venom at all surprising. I have box files packed with newspaper cuttings which accuse me of all manner of evil short of copulating with Satan (because it’s pretty medieval out there in Labour land).

      The internet has brought this venom to the attention of thousands of others who, like you, had no idea of how bad it is. The internet has not created venom. It has exposed it.]

      • Tony Zammit Cutajar says:

        Dear Daphne,

        Allow me a parting shot. I still believe you have missed the point of my little contribution. Of course I believe in freedom of speech but god forbid that we can insult anybody with impunity on the pretext of free speech.

        [Daphne – In fact, Tony, yes, we can. That’s what freedom of speech IS. The freedom to insult public persons (not anyone) if we so wish. The day that insulting politicians or former politicians becomes illegal is the day you should worry. It won’t happen anyway, because a judgement against a person for insulting a politician or former politician will not hold up at the European Court of Human Rights. We do not have a grand democratic tradition. Ours is paltry and new, so people do still have a hard time with this kind of thing and I understand that. We operate in a situation where people take for granted the scornful mockery of Berlusconi, Blair, Sarkozy in overseas newspapers, but think ‘Malta must be different’. It is exactly the same mentality we saw with divorce. ‘Divorce is OK for other countries but not for Malta’. Look at the covers, every week, of The Spectator, for example. This week’s has Sarkozy portrayed as a peasant carrying a chicken.]

        Finally and conclusively, I think I am entitled to take exception to your comment :

        “You would rather bury your head in the sand and pretend the venom does not exist, so that you can rest easy at the thought of a Labour government”

        I think I come from a rare type of business person who is not afraid to criticise the government of the day. I have done so for the past 15 odd years and unless I am beset by dementia it is my intention to continue to do so in the future irrespective of who is in government.

        [Daphne – Yes, that I know.]

        Now I have much more important things to attend to so have a very good day.


        [Daphne – You too.]

      • Joanna says:

        Only for the past 15 years, Mr. Zammit Cutajar? While I can understand why you had no need to do so in the preceding decade, I cannot fathom why you found no reason to criticise the Labour governments.

        Or maybe it’s just that you were frightened of the consequences of writing against Mintoff’s and KMB’s governments under your own name in The Times. The consequences for your business and for your physical person would have been horrendous.

        That’s what freedom of expression is. And the lack of it.

        You obviously haven’t thought your argument through. Let’s see now. You call for restrictions on freedom of expression, and what for? To protect an old bastard who removed YOUR freedom of expression completely for 16 years.

        I’d like to have seen you try writing one of your pieces of criticism to The Times back then. Kont tispicca fil-frisk. The Times wouldn’t even have published it, for your own safety. There were no by-lines in The Times back then, or don’t you remember that?

        Instead of getting so worked up telling us what you think about what Daphne said of Mintoff, do please spend a bit of time reading the 700+ obscene comments and threats that his ardent admirers have sent her, and tell us what you think about those.

        Mintoff does not need you to protect him, Mr Zammit Cutajar. He has a horde of vulgar, violent savages to do that.

        In fighting their battle, you shame yourself.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      So it’s acceptable to set someone’s home on fire, to call for her to be ‘punished’ by foul means, to say that she should be stopped from saying what she thinks (without giving up that right yourself), to spread vicious lies about her and her immediate and extended family, to threaten violence and retribution “when we’re in government”, but it’s damnably wrong to say that the man who inspired such sentiments should rot in hell.


      You do the PL and its supporters no favours by holding them to lower standards that you apply to others.

  106. massimo says:

    @Daphne is sahhara tal-bidnija jekk ma jkunx ghawn infern ghalik ghad irrid jinholoq wiehed xi hdura ghandek.kappel jigik ghad issib tibzax ja mara hazina murr kompli dahhaq .

  107. Jamie says:

    How can you be so ignorant and prejudicial in your writings. Do you, Daphne, call yourself a journalist? And before you label me a labourite like you have done to these people without actually knowing anything about them, please note that i come from a very proud nationalist family.

    [Daphne – Go back to HQ and tell Nakita and Kurt that lies must be credible if they are to be believed. Do you ever read comments from real PN voters with real names, who claim to be from ‘proud nationalist families, but…’? Well, then.]

    My father hates Dom Mintoff and has, like you, suffered under his ‘rule’. My father, however, is an educated, well-spoken, critical and most of all ethical person, and would never dream of writing about a person, especially a dying one, in this manner. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for you or your pathetic excuse for a political blog.

    [Daphne – My dear, at your age, your opinion of Dom Mintoff and your wish to defend him could have come only from your father. So….]

  108. Ganna says:

    I would like to ask these Mintoffjani where they think Mintoff got all his money when his salary was peanuts?

    [Daphne – They don’t know he has money, Ganna, because he lives like Scrooge. He even got that poor sod KMB to settle his water and electricity bills, when he’s just picked up a quarter of a million dollars from the Gaddafi Human Rights Prize fund.]

    Look at Borg Oliver: he didn’t die rich.

    I tell the Mintoffjani li trid tkun imgarrab biex titkellem. How about those people who had their land seized by Mintoff and no compensation given to them, so that he could parcel it out in plots and get more votes? Dik tajba – social services at the expense of private landowners. And then they say that Mintoff gave them land. Mintoff didn’t give them land. That land was stolen from the legitimate owners.

    How about those properties which were requisitioned and turned into Labour Party clubs?

    It was this goverment last year that he compansated these people after thirty years.

    How about those people who died of heart attacks or strokes because of his crazy decisions and behaviour? How about that infamous tax we had of 65 per cent, which pushed most money out of the country and discouraged people from earning more?

    It was the late George Bonello Depuis that brought it down to 35 per cent. Mintoff did some good in the first five years but than he lost his way completely. Mintoff never wanted the Maltese to be educated, because educated people are more difficult to control and manipulate.

    • Izzie says:

      Mintoff wanted to exert social control and full stop. Amnesty International, in the 80s, declared that Malta was NOT a free country, and we know why. There’s a long long list of atrocities that MLP under the baton of Mintoff and his clown KMB, together with their bella compagnia, and the worst years were 1981 to 1987.

  109. Rita says:

    Oh My what a disgrace of a women!!! How can you ever talk like that on any one??? Becareful Daphne Don t judge because the final judge is God and don t be to sure that your soul will not rot as well…arrogant people like you shall be taken out of the spotlight cause you only instigate hatered! You may disagree with him in everyway but that does not give you the right to make a laughing matter out of his sickness… We can get to be like him in a second you know!! And i prefer to be bedridden than arrogant as you are!!

    [Daphne – I am not ‘making a laughing matter’ out of his sickness. I have merely said that I will celebrate on the day he dies. And it’s true. I shall. If you don’t like that, well, tough. You are free to celebrate when I die. Freedom: a concept Labour voters are most uncomfortable with.]

  110. Mimi says:

    Daphne oqod attenta ax ma tantx baqalek tamel li trid ax l folja ha tinqaleb u ha jiswilek qares hafna l valenu li qed tiremetti !!!!!!!

    • Izzie says:

      Should this be taken as a threat? You’re still in the opposition and already want to threaten and initiate the “fear syndrome” of Ha npattuhielkom?

  111. Mich says:

    I was not born into the Mintoffian regime, where only people who supported him moved forward. But while it is very subtle, don’t you think this still exists during the PN days?
    If you take a look at the nursing officer reshuffle in the health department, you will see that the people who deserved better posts because of their experience and qualifications in the particular field, where transferred to completely different specialties, all because someone else (who definitely puckered/sucked up to the heads) may have wanted their position.
    This coming election we have to make a decision based on choosing the lesser of two evils, whoever that may be to either one of the Maltese voters. Whether it is PN or PL there will be conflicts of interest, but that will always be the case. I’m just hoping that the next leaders will take recent events into consideration and change their ways to benefit more people.
    Are you sure that Mintoff is demented? If so, I think you’d be exercising some sense of morality by backing off of his mental capacity, Daphne. After all, the man was very intelligent in his time, whether he chose to use his intelligence for the right or wrong reasons. And whether you want to believe it or not, Mintoff’s regime is in the past, and I don’t think that if the PL had to be in government, they’d adopt his methods of leading.

    [Daphne – ‘After all, the man was very intelligent in his time, whether he chose to use his intelligence for the right or wrong reasons.’ I almost despair.]

    • Izzie says:

      Intelligent? His was a very blatant way of terrorising.

    • Mich says:

      Like it or not the guy used his head to get to where he got. Hitler and Gaddafi were intelligent enough to manipulate their followers. That’s the point I’m trying to put across.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      Mintoff violated the most basic of human rights and led many to believe that they, too, could violate the rights of others. That is his lasting legacy. If you want proof, you need look no further than this page.

  112. J.C says:

    Qas temmen b linjuranza li ghand fadal f dana il pajjiz, skuzani jkolli nghida mma il leader ta dawn it tip ta nies hija int daphne. forsi xi darba tinsa naqa l aspett personali u tiftakar f dak morali grow up
    good day all

  113. mark says:

    ahjar tara mandekx xi hadd fil familja tijak fil kundizzjoni tijaw..tajdu al laburisti hudor u jsawtu nies imma issa iz zmien taghkom ta daphne…ja haga kera u bla principju ahjar thares fil mera qabel ma titkellem fuq haddiehor

    [Daphne – Le, fil-fatt, m’ghandniex.]

    • mark says:

      jalla jkollok mela ta jew jalla kif tohrog taqla daqqa ta trakk missek tisthi tajt dak il kliem.imsomma il laburisti tinduna li se jkunu bil maggoranza ax nies bhalek valenu biss qed johrogilom min halqom…illum jew ghada kulhadd jiehu dak li haqqu

  114. P . Borg says:

    Shame on you bitch. May God (you and your friends don’t believe in) gives you 1% of what Dom Mintoff gave to Malta. You would not be earning have of what you earn as women were only good to stay in the kitchen and do children.You are only good to insult every living creature that shows sympathy to the Labour party. Everybody knows why , as you earning lots of money for sharing hatred. You are not worth the time to send this comment.

    [Daphne – Yes, that was in fact the situation under Mintoff: women had to give up their job in the public service when they married, because once they had a husband they didn’t need a job. And when jobs in the public service were vacated, first preference was given to ‘breadwinners’ (men). Oh, didn’t you know? Also, women couldn’t take bank loans unless they had a man attached, and married women had no autonomy and no jurisdiction over communal property or even their own children. My, didn’t you know this? Yes, this was under Mintoff. The Fenech Adami government changed that.]

  115. Damian says:

    In nejka li ma jihux lilek b’xi daqqa ta’ trakk qablu!

  116. Jo Anne says:

    You know what the irony is…. that in some years time I will be laughing with my kids about you saying look at that crazy woman with no teeth and tits till her knees. She used to mock other people and wish their death. She used to write stuff just for the sake of installing hatred in people’s mind… look now how she ended… in a wheelchair full of arthritis and cannot even touch a keyboard.

    [Daphne – Unlikely, Jo Anne, but go on hoping. You have a 50-year wait at least. By then your ‘kids’ may have arthritis themselves.]

    The difference is that Mintoff did a little bit of good and people do appreciate what he gave Malta in the early years of his govern. In your case I doubt how many people will appreciate or remember what you have done or said. Maybe they ll remember that you were full of hatred and stuck in the past. But nothing more I guess.

    [Daphne – I doubt it, Jo Anne. Don’t forget that the internet is forever.]

  117. M.Camilleri says:

    Well, I am one of those voters who don’t side with any party at all…I choose to vote really carefully…However from what I’m seeing at this moment I’m sure of one thing : I’m not going to vote for the PN cause it brings too much hatred against all those people who have different opinion from them..

    [Daphne – Ho ho ho.]

    You say that the Labour people are ignorant and stupid and without any education, but once again Dear Daphne I Think that you are the ones ignorant and stupid to publish things like these about a person who may not be a perfect person but for sure he made some good even for you although you don’t admit it. So if you really love your party, do them a favour and stop publish all this hatred even for people of your own political blood..Me and MANY people like me who are floaters are really pushed away from your party. So if you think that you’re doing some kind of favour to your party, believe me that some day they will wish that your “soul will rot in hell”..

    [Daphne – Learn how to adapt your prepared script to the situation. The situation, with hundreds of subliterate venomous comments from your fellow travellers, renders the content of this comment utterly ridiculous.]

    • Kanadiza Maltija says:

      Well said D. Unfortunately, M. Camilleri, I have to disagree with you… I guess you never really experienced the Mintoff regime… or you would never be a floating voter and this is not hatred… learn the facts, you had no idea what it was like.

      And to all the other hypocrites out there… we pretend to hate and forgive tons of people, but seriously… we don`t. So just because our enemy has become an old hag, does not mean we should forgive and forget.

      Minn jitwieled tond, ma jmutx kwadru… I bet he was having a fit going thru that crowd…

  118. Zammit79 says:

    Hbieb x’artiklu kontu qieghdin tistennew minn mizbla tas-socjeta bhal Caruana Galizia? Id-differenza bejn Mintoff u Galizia tafu x’inhi? Li Mintoff hlief gid ma ghamilx u ghalhekk jekk la Alla u l-anqas l-infern ma jriduh,ahna l-poplu inhobbuh u rriduh maghna imma lill-Galizia(IL-Mizbla) hadd ma jrida l-anqas ahna l-poplu Malti. Il-Mizbla hadd ma hrida d-dar. NAWGURALEK GHOMOR TWIL U SAHHA PERIT MINTOFF U GRAZZI TA KULL MA GHAMILT MAGHNA L-MALTIN U MALTA KOLLHA.

  119. woman says:

    I am embarassed to say the you are a woman like me, because you are a dishonour to our sex. But thank God there are only a few evil women like you. You should be utterley ashamed of yourself to speak of a former PM the way you do as he lead the path to where we are today. Who do you think you are do you think that you are untouchable? Think again BITCH!!!!

    • IMHO says:

      Woman, thy name is fickle (sic).

      Former prime ministers are not above criticism, particularly if they are called Mintoff.

      He did not lead us to where we are today, though he did leave you in the gutter.

    • Kanadiza Maltija says:

      LOL… you women are hilarious… min jaf kemm ilkhom tiggerrew

  120. unbelievable says:

    Ms,Daphne Galizia or whoever you are! you should be ashamed of yourself, how could you write that racist comment? we should not criticise people and publish articles which have racist comments such as yours! How could you insult such a person on the basis of his health! how could you?? I think you’d rather keep your mouth shut as no one knows how you could end up like in 20 years time!!

    [Daphne – Racist, eh. So now Mintoff is black. Or a Jew.]

  121. Anon says:

    I am simply disgusted that such an animal would write such a thing, regardless about whom. This is one of the reasons why today’s society is full of shit without any sign of respect. Burn in hell bitch.

  122. JG says:

    As my daughter would say, OMG.

    Today it has really sunk in what a bunch of hypocrites we are.

    “May God rot his soul, if he finally decides he wants it”. If there was a God, he probably wouldn’t, just as he probably would not for the majority of us Maltese either.

    How many of us has said the same words or worse? I was born in the mid sixties, so I can understand why Daphne said it. Just because Mintoff is an old man does not make what he did OK. That would justify excusing Stalin for what he did had he lived to a ripe old age and was in a wheelchair.

    Mintoff did some good things, let us not forget, but he was a fearful man, and people were scared for their personal safety. I’m sure a lot of people smiled when they saw how scared people were of him.

    I wonder what people say about Gonzi and Eddie? I’ve heard a few. Is it morally wrong to say these things only if it’s about Mintoff?

    We probably would not be where we are today if it was not for Mintoff, because subsequent politicians had to prove that there was a better way of doing things.

    It’s called democracy and it’s something we do now have.

    Do I agree with Daphne? “May God rot his soul, if he finally decides he wants it”.

    No I don’t, but it’s only cause I’m an atheist.

    • Kanadiza Maltija says:

      Well said JC but apparently, no one(especially the PL) has anything to say about Gonzi and Eddie… they would have spoken up by now, surely.

  123. Mqabba says:

    Shame on you Daphne! May your soul burn in the abyss for ever and a day!

  124. GonziPN says:

    Well, at least Mintoff is still lingering on… not the same can be said of EFA’s wife who has been rotting in hell for her husband’s sins for quite a while now!

    Bet one year of your income, DFG, that he will make it beyond EFA? of course, pacemaker malfunction included…

    Goodness me, haven’t seen EFA once shedding a tear for his defunct wife.

    • Izzie says:

      What a dastardly comment. You could say so many things of Mary Fenech Adami, but she was a real lady, unlike most of you commenting here.

      And you don’t even get close to know Eddie. A man need not cry in public to show grief and suffering. He is no crocodile, like your dear Anglu tal-SMU. Or your Michelle. Intom oqbra mbajda u dmugh tal-kukkudrilli.

    • IMHO says:

      Maybe that’s because Dr Fenech Adami is not given to the sort of histrionics beloved of Michelle Eva Peron Muscat?

    • Grezz says:

      GonziPN – Now THAT is an awful thing to say. Shame on you, dragging Mrs Fenech Adami into the equation.

      If there is one thing you cannot criticize Dr Fenech Adami for, it is for showing love and respect towards his wife, who was respected by many. Do bear in mind that grief is, after all, a very private matter.

  125. nedra says:

    jin ha nkelmek bil malti u ta laburista hamalla kif ajartna int …. ara vera mandekx xtamel ta u mur hudu fox kruwitek …..minjaf kif ha tispicca int sa dik l eta …int ga kera kif int ahseb u ara ta dik l eta …..mux ahjar tmur tindifen u ma thalix in nies jarawk JA ZIBELLLLLLLLLLLLLL

  126. John Petrucci says:

    Just a point I’d like to make, we’re all going to rot when we die, not in Hell or Heaven cause they don’t exist. And whilst we’re on the subject, neither do god or souls. Ok, go on

  127. JAttard says:

    Daphne has the guts to say it out loud and you don’t! I wasn’t here during Mintoff’s time but i always hear how bad the situation was in Malta – Daphne has a right not to ‘like’ Mintoff.

    People do what Daphne does all the time, years after years, centuries after centuries..

    None of you got that warm fuzzy feeling when Gaddafi got killed? Are you all ‘satans’?

    None of you got that warm fuzzy feeling whilst reading history books and finding out that Hitler killed himself?

    Are you evil because you liked the fact that these people died?

    Well, that’s up to you to decide – however, before judging people look back at what you guys did.

    So you can all call Daphne sick, satan, demel, and a whole bunch of stuff but even though it’s a cliché it’s true, one’s pointing at her and the rest’s pointing at you.

    OMG, you want Joseph in power so that he would be able to stop Daphne — my god seriously – is this what it’s gonna come to when he’s in power? No freedom of expression? WOW!!

  128. you’re talking and making fun of him because he’s in a wheelchair? have you ever seen your face in the mirror? who do you think you are? you’re fucking disgusting whore trying to catch attention with your stupid blog. you’re a fucking PN & Lou Bondi cocksucker that’s what you are.

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      I think Daphne’s ridiculing him because he was the worst prime minister Malta will ever know and because he ruined so many lives and now lives a ruined life himself.

      Face it. What does the man enjoy most? The simpering pity of people like you or the ability to bully and terrorise? He’s lost the latter and resents the former.

      As Anglu Farrugia told him once on Facebook: ad miltos anni, perit.

      • Grezz says:

        I disagree. May he rot here on Earth prior to rotting in hell. He deserves the worst, for giving us (my generation, at least) the worst 16 years of our lives.

    • Kanadiza Maltija says:

      We would make fun of him regardless.

  129. Jozef says:

    What really got them in a frenzy was the photo itself.

    Woytila offered his decline for all to see, this one can’t stand it.

  130. J. Spiteri says:

    Well done Daphne!

    These are the people creating class distinction. Indoctrinated with ‘ahna tas-South u intom il-puliti’ …

    Partit tal-haddiema … (peress li tan-north mhux haddiema ukoll).

    Dawn jizolqu biss fil-bzieq tahhom stess.

    And re:Dom Mintoff ‘rot his soul’ …. dear … there is nothing to rot.

  131. valli says:

    does a person in a whhel chair has no brains you silly person!!! I meet him and just to remind you about something is that his brain is better than yours at least no one him him with a plate , just to rimind something about silly things made in past from silly persons

  132. luke calleja says:

    imma l veru jaq din daphne trid tajjar u tinsulenta nies qisa sahara

  133. Nigel says:

    U leeeee!! Kem andek zmien 2??

  134. Mark says:

    The difference between gods and daemons largely depends upon where one is standing at the time.

  135. shitppl says:

    Jaqbillek tilhaq salibek daph. Qabel tilhaq salib haddihor.

  136. lost says:

    Daphne the bitch strikes again :)

  137. D says:

    Thanks Daphne!!

    People like you make floaters like me not vote PN!!!

    Respect old people !!!!

  138. foxx kemm ghandek!!! says:

    Ghalhekk ghadek hajja ghax la Alla u qas ix xitan ma jridek!!!!!!

  139. lost says:

    U zgur li you despise him.. he’s one of the main reasons why you have so much cellulite on that fat ass of yours.. you should use some of it (the fat) to fix your ugly face. Good Day to you and the rest of the Roman catholic haters who spend hours of their lousy lives listening to the words of GOD (and thank him they do. can’t imagine how harsher they’d be if they didn’t).

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Mintoff’s to blame for cellulite? And there I was thinking he was only responsible for gross violation of human rights and the original korruzzjoni lampanti.

  140. gordon says:

    aw purcinella bla rispett – postok hu fil-karnival ghedtlek jien!!!!

    ma nafx kif l-independent ma jisthux bik tipprezentahom ax kieku jien ili li tellaqtek il’barra – imma nimmagina bil-mod sfaccat tieghek tattira l-kodardi li ma jafux mod iehor.

  141. chri chri says:

    Imissek tisthi titkellem hekk fuq persuna marida. Jien nazzjonalist u kburi, imma xorta ntenni li ARUKAZA ghalik titkellem b’dan il-mod fuq persuna f’din il-kundizzjoni!!
    Attenta sinjura Galizia, ghax min jidhaq l-ahhar jidhaq l-ahjar, u nassigurak li meta int ser tigi hekk jien ser inkun l-ewwel wiehed li nidhaq!!! :) :) Ja mara njoranta li int!!!

    [Daphne – Tghidli xejn kemm int Nazzjonalist u kburi. Nahseb trabbejt bhal Joseph Muscat: taht santa ta’ Mintoff. ‘Mummy, dak min hu?’ ‘Ibni, dak is-Salvatur ta’ Malta.’ Jaqq. How lucky I was. Thank you, heavenly spirits.]

  142. Hey says:

    Foxx hmiegek a liba mgiddma.

  143. cca says:

    I do not consider myself into politics. I’m not PN and definitely not PL. I do believe however that this man did do alot of good things, he did do damaging things. I believe he ruled more for the country than for the people with all his restrictions however he did bring many good things as well like children’s allowance etc. I believe it was silly to lie and say he is closely following and supports Joseph but this man (like you also said) barely knows whats going on. He’s an old man who deserves redemption (as we all do). There are many people who will admire you and many people who will critisize you for what you do ( as you may well know Daphney) so I dont believe his soul should rot at all. I’d rather have had you focus on how his daughter is trying to fool his admirers and followers to believe in Joseph’s decision by saying her father agrees with him. Many people love Mintoff and if this is their tactic its low..

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      If you’re here defending Mintoff, then you’re into politics. No one’s interested in Mintoff unless they’re interested in politics.

      You may as well debate the joys of supporting Baggio (the real one, not the cockfighter in our parliament) now he’s past his sell-by date.

  144. lulu says:

    whoami staqsi lill dawk iz-zibel shabek minn fejn gabu tagghhom halli tkun aggornat sew.

    • WhoamI? says:

      lulu, x’hin tkun komda, irrispondini daqxejn. la m’hemmx x’tahbi. ghax fl-ahhar xi hadd faqqaha il-mistoqsija.

  145. Theresa says:

    I wonder and state to you – HOW LOW CAN YOU GO????

    I have been disgusted for years about the things you write but today you have hit rock bottom. I feel extremely that there are people going to such limits by writing these words of hatred. And in no way do I refer to any political content that was written by you but passing on such remarks and statements about people, whoever they are and whatever political beliefs they have embraced!
    Learn to show respect to others and may be one day you find some peace & happiness! And please note that you are no superwoman to know for sure that you will ever suffer from dementia! It may come upon anyone at any point in time!

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Another one of the seksikin who never read this blog because it horrifies them but are au fait with its content because they don’t read it.

  146. Kyle says:

    How sad…

  147. julian galea says:

    int minghalik xi alla daphne ? .. dan kollu ghax qed tapprofitta mill-poter li qieghda fih, x’igifieri tigi tghajjar nies bid-dimensia, imissek tisthi, dan l-gherf kollu li hrigt bih mill-universita’ .. ja mahmuga u hamalla ! .. tghajjar lin-nies bil-faqar, dan kollu ghax tista’ int u minghalik xi haga ghax hrigt mill-universita’, jien guvni ta’ 18-il sena li ghodni qed nistudja, iktar intelligenti u diplomatiku minnek u attenta, toqghodx tghajjar lin-nies bil-faqar u dimensia .. ghax kulhadd ghandu xi haga .. ibda minnek mimlija difetti u din il-marda taf tigi fuqek wkoll ta !

    [Daphne – ‘Ghodni qed’: lovely accent, really smart. Get rid of it before you enter the world of work, or you won’t get far. GHADNI.]

    • gordon says:

      vera miskina daphne u mentalita’ ta ‘loser’ jekk tahseb li l-mod kif tirnexxi fil-hajja hu li tahdem al haddiehor lol

      “[Daphne – ‘Ghodni qed’: lovely accent, really smart. Get rid of it before you enter the world of work, or you won’t get far. GHADNI.]”

      [Daphne – Allura int qed tghid li Joseph loser ghax impjegat tal-partit u l-istat? Tsk tsk.]

      • gordon says:

        vera m’ghandekx xi tghid ta – hemm diversi modi kif tirnexxi fil-hajja u l-politika zgur mhux mod kif issir sinjur sakemm ma tkunx korrott bhal hafna mil-ministri li ghandna bhalissa…

      • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

        Jew bhal ma kien Mintoff fl-aqwa tieghu, jimla bwietu u jaghmila tal-mahqur.

    • COD says:

      @Julian Galea, thank your lucky stars that nowadays you can get a proper education. That was not to be for many of us including me because Mintoff decided most of the courses at university were not useful to the country and therefore a waste of time and money. Learn a trade instead – that way a steady supply of labour voters would be ensured, or so he thought. Can’t have people thinking things out for themselves.

  148. James says:

    Daphne Jien ma nafx kif int tista titkellem hekk fuq ragel anzjan.. Tafx nixtieq li jekk infern ma jezistix jinfetah wiehed apposta ghalik ghax il hdura li ghandek lejn il proxxmu hi kbira wisq. Qabel tghid ceta kliem mhux ahjar thares wahda sew lejk in nifsek ja bniedma bla qalb.

    [Daphne – Minhiex qed nitkellem hekk dwar ragel anzjan. Qed nitkellem hekk dwar ragel ahdar u psikopatitku li ara kif ghamel biex jirrovina pajjiz, u dak biex ipatti ghal shortcomings tieghu stess, u waqt li kien qieghed jaghmel dan, ha l-opportunita li jahtaf kemm Alla halaq flus, waqt li zamm il-mara tieghu f’stat tant tal-biki li hbieba kienu jaghtuha l-ghajnuna huma.]

    • James says:

      Il gid li ghamel lil pajjiz ma tarahx??? u int x tindahal x kien jaghamel mal mara tieghu fil hajja personali tieghu mhux ahjar tara x taghmel int ? ezempju min dan li ktibt hawn fuq mhux deni lil ghajrek qieghda taghmel? Nahseb ahjar taghalaq haqlek u tesgha qiesghek. Il biki tqabbdu int lin nies bil hdura li ghandek bhal meta kont tattakka personali lil Alfred Sant. mhux ahjar tiggudka u tikteb fuqek u familtek mela taqbad ma haddiehor turix izjed kemm ghandek internek hazin ja hadra.

      [Daphne – ‘mhux ahjar tiggudka u tikteb fuqek u familtek’: le, ghax ma tantx niddeletta bil-ftahir.]

      • James says:

        ara vera mara imdejqa tant ghandek dwejjaq li toqghod tinfexx tikteb fuq in nies. int taf x ghandek arja zejda. Int sahhara ftakar li id deni li int tixtieq lin nies jigi lura fuqek u dan nistghu nikkonfermawh mid dwejjaq l ghandek ghamel favur lilek in nifesk u l Malta ghaddas rasek gor ramel u jekk ghandek tikteb ikteb fuq il hzunija li il qalb hazina u l hdura li jsawruk.

    • Stefan says:

      Dear Daphne…. You are not in a position to judge !!! But keep in mind that one day you will be judged for your actions…..

      • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

        Stefan You are not in a position to judge, though you’re doing that here, but keep in mind that today you are being judged for your actions: you’re a moron if you can’t see the irony in your comments.

  149. joe says:

    M ank Alla Jaharqek Talli qeda tghid. Dak kien f postu Mhux Bhalek . Tieghek Tasal Dalwaqt Daphne Tasal Dalwaqt.!

    [Daphne – Oh my, it’s just like The Shining, isn’t it.]

  150. Luca Spiteri says:

    I just wish that one day you’ll be in his situation (or worse if God is good enough) so I’ll write blogs about you and make fun of you fucking witch.

    [Daphne – If you start taking lessons and practising really hard right now, by the time I am Mintoff’s age in 50 years’ time you might just about have learned how to write, as distinct from stringing words together. But I’m not getting my hopes up. After all, you do come from a very deprived background, and I don’t mean in material terms because you had the blessing of growing up under Fenech Adami and Gonzi, not Mintoff and KMB. Imagine what a much sadder case you’d have been then. Only medieval people and primitive villagers think of women as witches when they fear them or are threatened by them. But then, that would figure.]

  151. Luca Spiteri says:

    Bdw, I’m not a Mintoff fan, neither a MLP or PN fan.

    [Daphne – No, of course not. To use language you would understand: just trabbejt minn salt Laburisti hodor. And because there were more of you than there were of us, with your 20 children to a room and whatnot, you landed us with our very own Hugo Chavez. South American peasant victims of a real oligarchy have an excuse for thinking the way they do. But do you? No. You’re just damned stupid, which is why you’re still in that gutter generations down the line: you don’t have the IQ to crawl out of it, despite the thousands of opportunities one Nationalist government after another has foisted on you.]

    • Luca Spiteri says:

      Oh sorry, I forgot you’re perfect. Opportunities, seriously ? If we had some decent opportunities to work hard for we wouldn’t waste our time and energy on politics. We wouldn’t waste our time believing a bunch of lies and hypocrites. Even developing countries have better opportunities than us. I don’t blame you that you argue about opportunities you lived in a time when Malta was still developing, but has Malta improved since than ? Believe me, I look forward to the day I leave the islands.

  152. jummy says:

    galizia ieqaf ftit hares fil mera u ahsebb bejnek u bejn ruhek li ghandek familja ghaliex kieku jajru lilek hekk min jaff kemm il libell taghmel mintiex tinduna li waqajt in ghal sormok bdan il paroli zejjed u dan lahhar kemm sirt iddahhlu l’alla ATTENTA li ma jmurx jigri lilek hekk willrot your soul hannini . l hena tieghek tajjar in nies x jaq ta mara fik tqazzizni tikteb nerga najdlek ghat tenta ghax li qed tajd fuq il perit jigi fuq jew fuq uliedek . muur gibek ghamilt kwart li ghamel hu ghax holl xaghrek u gib iz zejt allhares kont gvern int ghax ghar min gaddafi tkun ja kruwa ta xadini

  153. chri chri says:

    Imissek tisthi titkellem hekk fuq persuna marida. Jien nazzjonalist u kburi, imma xorta ntenni li ARUKAZA ghalik titkellem b’dan il-mod fuq persuna f’din il-kundizzjoni!!
    Attenta sinjura Galizia, ghax min jidhaq l-ahhar jidhaq l-ahjar, u nassigurak li meta int ser tigi f’din il-puzizzjoni jien ser inkun l-ewwel wiehed li nidhaq bik!!! :) :) Ftakar li INT b’certezza ser tghaddi minnha fil-familja tieghek u ser tishet il-mument li kont tkellimt hekk! Ja mara njoranta li int!!

  154. Becks says:

    Well everyone is complaining about the rude comments Daphne is making when in fact 90% who are commenting on this blog put light on their own ignorance (for example ‘mur inhexa ma ziemel’).

    I may not agree with the way Daphne has voiced her opinion, yet I do understand her anger even though I am only 20 years old.

    I thank the lucky stars I wasn’t even born during his years as prime minister.

    I think that most of these people who are commenting on this blog in favour of Mintoff are deluded and have been for many years – I think they should take a look at what he really did apart from initiating the children’s allowance (which everyone seems so eager to mention).

    I thank the PN I can now study at university without having to protest for my rights to study (not mentioning being beaten by MLP supporters). So yes, Daphne you are right, he just might as well rot in hell.

    • Maria - Siggiewi says:

      Seeing a comment by such a young lady is disgusting! I congratulate you Ms Becks for speaking so of a man who has done so much for his country! You study at university? I think you should go back to the elementary stage to learn respect for your seniors! Shame on you for encouraging such hateful thoughts!

      • Pampers says:

        What a bloody serf. No Maria, one does not automatically deserve respect simply for becoming old (or in Mintoff’s case, a dribbling moonbat in a wheelchair).

        Being old does not excuse the abuses he carried out when he was in power. Respect is earned and not through intimidation and screaming as people like you seem to think. Nor through the cunning expedient of growing old.

        I blame the Catholic faith for this sort of reasoning.

        [Daphne – Incidentally, so do it, and said as much to a friend who brought up the subject this morning.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Islamic perhaps. Respect for the “sheikh” (xih). Our goddamn Southern Mediterranean culture coming through again.

      • Izzie says:

        Were it Hitler becoming old, would you forgive him his sins and his bastard ways?

      • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

        Respect is earned, not demanded by seniority by right.

        Mintoff deserves all the opprobrium heaped on him and he’d love every minute of it.

  155. Clifford says:

    Dawn intolleranti issa meta ghadhom fl-opposizzjoni.

    Mela x’se jaghmlu la jkunu fil-gvern?

    Tghid se nergghu bid-dimostrazzjonijiet spontanji? U nkissru u naharqu imbaghad nghidu li konna provokati?

    Tghid se nergghu nibdew nghajru lil ta’ kontrina xewwiexa? U nhedduhom bit-Treason Act?

  156. Frankenstein says:

    That old man up there once brought down his party’s government. He now lies there in a miserable state.

    Franco Debono, who is now in the same position that man was in in 1997-1998, should look at that picture and reflect on what will become of him one day and what people will have to say about him then.

    • Justin says:

      a great old man with discipline thats what 75% of this country think of him!!! Thats what the world needs.. their children disciplined!

      as for you Daphne.. 75% think you’re scum! you ugly Witch

      [Daphne – Oh look, I have a reader who works for MISCO.]

  157. Kelinu says:

    Daph darling I guess mandekx fix ix tizvoga I’d dwejaq tijak… I would suggest a huge cock it will relax u ta .. Ax mili jider mandekx am xix teda!,,,

    [Daphne – I’ll give Franco Debono a ring, then. I’m told he used to keep some really big ones.]

  158. BAGGIO says:

    Il-vera tal-misthija! J’ Alla hadd ma jaqa ghal dawn il-provokazzjonijiet, mhux ma’ din biss izda in generali. Konvint li l-Labour Party preparat u attent fuq l-issue tal provokazzjoni. Din id-darba is-sewwa jirbah zgur!

  159. Dominic says:

    I wonder what your ultimate aims are Daphne. Some bloggers purposefully write controvertial titles just to attract traffic, but I don’t think you care about traffic.

    Some bloggers want to persuade people, but if you read the theory on persuasion, and watch 12 Angry Men with Henry Fonda, you will read that he patiently takes the moderate stance, making careful argument, whilst the Angry Men drive opinion away.

    [Daphne – Dominic, I watched the film. And I wasn’t impressed. By the acting, yes, but by the theory of psychology, no. In real life, people do not like to feel they are having their minds made up for them, or visibly having their minds changed. The second point is that I am not in the business of persuasion. I am in the business of entertainment.]

    I don’t think you want to persuade anyone, perhaps because you believe there are no floating thinkers out there to persuade when it comes to Mintoff. If you wanted to persuade Maltese people of anything in any case, you would not choose to be irreverent about God.

    I like Maggie Thatcher for example, whilst I am still intellectually curious to learn of mistakes she made, but not from someone who just hates her and revels in her dementia. They switch me off instantly so if they are looking to persuade me, they fail.

    [Daphne – Why exactly would you be curious about Thatcher’s mistakes? And for God’s sake, man, haven’t you heard about biographies, or are you too cheap to buy a few?]

    I can only conclude that you write purely what you feel and think about Mintoff with no agenda. You were hurt by Mintoff. He turned Maltese against Maltese. You hate Mintoff because of what he did.

    [Daphne – B.I.N.G.O.]

  160. L.n says:

    Int veru bniedma kelba u hadra ta Biex tikteb dawn l affarijiet ahjar thares harsa fil mea u tirranga naqa ruhek KERHA.Int u minn jappogak il veru demel ma nafx kif Alla ihallik hajja!!

    [Daphne – Li kieku l-kruha kienet tiskwalifika n-nies milli jghidu l-opinjoni taghhom dwar il-politika, Ln, allura l-parlament ikun kwazi vjot. Il-politika u l-kitba muhmiex Miss Malta contest, allavolja hekk jahsbu tas-Super One.]

    • Joe Borg says:

      tgħallem ikteb illitterata:

      ‘vojt’ tgħid mhux ‘vjot’..
      ‘m’humiex’ tikteb mhux ‘muhmiex’
      ‘avolja’ mhux ‘allavolja’

      mela ma xxommx il-ħmieġ li għandek taħt idejk?? oh well … lanqas li se tifhimni nitkellem bil-malta … illiterate!

      [Daphne – ‘Avolja’ jghiduha nies ta’ certu klassi socjali biss, bhal ‘pirmli’, ‘irkotta’ u ‘petlor’. Tal-pepe bhali jghidu ‘allavolja.’]

      • geek says:

        Tgħallem itfa` comment fuq blog, illitterat.

        Meta tuza dak li jissejjah browser u tigi biex timla ‘form’ go ‘webpage’, jekk hemm xi haga li m’ghandekx, ma tiktibx ‘na’ fiha.

        Imma insomma, nahseb qas fhimtni nitkellem bil-‘malta’ hux? Ukoll, innota l-uzu t’ittri kapitali, commas, etc.

    • Sam says:

      Let’s face it, super one has got some good looking journalists that are not just good looking but good at reporting the news to the audience. That’s better than anyone who thinks has an answer for everything and thinks is the reincarnated prophet. that is so sad thinking your so “literate”, when whats the whole point of acting so rude and feeling confident and right on what you say when ultimately you know that people despise you for your stupid comments, if you were literate enough you’d use a better way of putting your thoughts and pure hatred into a sentence and if you’ve got manners put words in a more ethical way, yes we live in a democratic country but we also live in a country where most of us practice Christianity so if you’ve still got some values, respect them

      [Daphne – Phew. Stream of consciousness.]

  161. Nick says:

    I am a nationalist, the last sentence
    You wrote is totally out of context and stupid! You should be ashamed of your self for writing such a thing. Everyone does mistakes, big people do big ones but this man did many good things too and you are nobody to judge anything bout his soul. This is nothing but an article full of bullshit, I do expect better from u.

  162. The innocent bystander says:

    Forget rotting souls and focus on the rotting minds of countless generations. . Free classes offered to all that follow this blog. So many people short changed by the Maltese education system…let’s end this cycle of damage and repair. There’s been too many lost generations. My heart bleeds for you all.

  163. Where the fuck is juctice? says:

    So you call yourself high class and civilized by writing this crap? You call us Labour fans “hamalli u injoranti”? We may be less wealthy and less educated than you but we certainly don’t write this kind of crap about EFA who was the most corrupt PM the nation has seen.

    [Daphne – I certainly do not ever call myself ‘high class’. You have to be very vulgar and working class to do that. Civilised? Well, yes I suppose I am, given that unlike most Labour supporters and politicians I know and have seen, I know how to use cutlery. I do not have to call you hamalli and injoranti. Anybody can see that this is what you are, by the way you write – unless, of course, they are hamalli and injoranti themselves.

    ‘We may be less wealthy than you’ – I doubt it. Your lot seem to have all the money nowadays, which is why most shops on the island seem to cater to your abysmal taste and the rest of us have to resort to the internet. ‘We may be less educated than you’ – oh, that definitely, but then you didn’t have the head start that I did, so don’t let it eat you up too much.

    ‘We didn’t write this kind of crap about EFA’ – that’s because 1. you don’t actually know how to write, 2. he was the greatest leader Malta ever had and raised people like you by the hair from the muck in which you lived (and got spat at for doing so, because it turns out you actually liked the muck), 3. he wasn’t at all corrupt, which is why he doesn’t have millions stashed away in overseas banks like Mintoff does, 4. you might never have written about him (and indeed your party did, repeatedly and horribly), but you expressed yourself in other, non-verbal ways that included the ransacking and violation of his family home.]

    • Where the fuck is juctice? says:

      Min jitfa lil kullhadd taht keffa wahda huwa l-akbar injorant, ghaziza Daphne. Jien Laburist gej min familja Laburista li minnhom involuti fil-PL li jafu juzaw furketta u sikkina, nannuwi kien gurnalist u kien jikteb fuq l-orrizont u t-Torca jigifieri jaf jikteb u ma jiktibx dawn it tip ta hmieg, li tikteb inti.

      [Daphne – Mort hafna ikliet ma gurnalisti mit-Torca u L-Orizzont, u hadd minnhom ma kien jaf juza furketta u sikkina. ‘Jien Laburist gej min(n) familja Laburista’ – mhux ovvja li gej minn familja Laburista? Kieku ma kontx tkun Laburist ghax haga bhal dik ma taghziliex b’mohhok.]

      • Where the fuck is juctice? says:

        U jien naf nuza furketta u sikkina.

        [Daphne – Nista nimmagina ezatt kif tuza furketta u sikkina: minflok iggib l-ikel hdejn halqek, iggib halqek hdejn il-platt, u l-furketta u s-sikkina qatt ma titlaqhom minn idejk sakemm tlesti, u zzommhom qishom zewg handles.]

      • mazinga says:

        aw ja mahmuga andi risposta alijk mant wihet miz zejtun

      • hm says:

        Your kind of comments are ruining other valid arguments.
        These is a red “x” on the top right corner of your screen. Kindly click it :).

      • Pampers says:

        X’ lingwa qed tuża Mazinga hi? Hawnhekk nitkellmu bil-Malti u l-Ingliż

      • Dee says:

        Qed juza il -lingwa tal-aristokrazija tal-haddiema, ulied is-suldati tal-azzar.

      • Paul Bonnici says:

        Yes name him and give us his address. Or is he too cowardly or illiterate to write in this blog?

      • D, says:

        Mahmug hu is-Salvatur/ Traditur li qed jiddewwed fuq dak il wheelchair.

        Fi zmienu , dak wasal ghal kollox biex jikseb il-poter, anke li jinfama lit-Tabib Sir Paul Boffa b’incest ma bintu.

        Isthi, Dumink.

      • Grezz says:

        U probabbli, l-furketta fl-id il-lemminija, u s-sikkina f’tax-xellug.

      • ciccio says:

        Jew forsi jzommhom b’saqajh.

      • ciccio says:

        OOps. This was a reply to Grezz about the knife and the fork.

      • Jozef says:

        mazinga, tlift iz-zeta.

    • M.Farrugia says:

      if daphne herself is not ‘hamalla’, then no one is. And if you call yourself civilised… well you should go pray for a miracle dear! and you say you are a mum?? Poor God help those kids to have a mother like you! What did you teach them instead of ABC and 123?? ‘Do-anything-to-try-to-look-cool-and-original-whilst-not-giving-a-fuck-of-what-morality-and-dignity-is’??

      [Daphne – They’re doing rather well, actually. Certainly a lot better than most people who are voting Labour. This is not because of ‘favours’, but because not voting Labour presupposes a certain high level of intelligence but more so, of insight. Some intelligent people vote Labour, but they catastrophically lack insight.]

    • Grezz says:

      People like the above could never have written on a blog previously anyone, seeing that (1) the internet didn’t exist at the time and that (2) Mintoff banned computers.

  164. Carmel Scicluna says:

    May God rot his soul, if he finally decides he wants it.

    You shouls make these kind of ‘prayers’ to the devil. He will surely enjoy them.

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      The only drawback in going to hell is that one would meet Carmel Scicluna and Mintoff.

      Such boring company.

  165. Steve says:

    [Daphne – …………… Shame they didn’t guillotine all the peasants and leave everyone else alive. Humanity would have been so much the better for it.]

    Well look who is talking. It’s a shame you seem to have escaped the burning of the witches. Then again a devil like you cannot possibly burn with normal fire right? …. oh and do yourself a favour. When you mention the Divine…if you really have to personalise God as a He ….do so in a respectable manner .. use the capital letter for the “h”…you know…it’s by pressing the caps lock on the right hand side of the keyboard. Or use the shift key. You should know better being a great fan of your beloved “Christian” party.

    You really do show Christian morality in this empty blog. Some values your son must have learned from a poisonous flat chested tart like you. One is bound to find people who agree and applause your obdurate attitude but as they say…birds of a feather flock together.

    I really am flabbergasted at the amount of friends you are creating as time goes by. By what I read here they all seem to like you….on a lit barbeque no doubt of that.

    A word of courage to Mintoff:
    “Nill illigitimi carborundum”

    [Daphne – ‘applause your obdurate attitude’. You went to all the trouble of raiding the thesaurus for ‘obdurate’, then got the verb wrong. Oh well.]

  166. john says:

    hadd wara dadd jasal ta kulhatt daphne fil vicin inti qieda

    [Daphne – Is-soltu tal-Labour. The big revenge streak. Kemm intkom imsieken. At times like this, I revise my view of which side was in the right in the French Revolution. Shame they didn’t guillotine all the peasants and leave everyone else alive. Humanity would have been so much the better for it.]

    • Albert says:

      So if i’m getting this right your wish is that the lower class never really existed.You wish that the french revolution exterminated all the peasants so the elite only live comfortably withouth any hassle.Just because we cannot use cutlery.Somethimes i ask myself what has gone wrong in your life.You seem miserable and hungry for attention.You are the one installing hatred here in every post and yet try to figure out why people hate you in return or want revenge.

      [Daphne – Sorry, Albert, but I need to put up a road sign here: CULTURE GULF AT WORK.]

    • Dee says:

      The sans coulottes turned on their own eventually.

    • Maria says:

      I think we would have been so much better WITHOUT YOU!!!!!

    • stiefnu says:

      Dan it-ton ta’ John vera juri kemm tal-Labour inbidlu. M’ghadhomx vendikattivi, jaccettaw il-kritika ta’ kulhadd, jemmnu fil-liberta’ ta’ l-espressjoni……mamma mia x’gej ghalina.

  167. Sam says:

    Jalla jigi iz zmien meta tixjieh int u tispicca fwheel chair li nikteb f’ blog fuqek ta kemm kont eda sew u baxxa bil kummenti moqziza li kont tajd u naraw kif thossok! min iz zik tahseb li int?

    [Daphne – Ahjar toqghod attenta, mela, Sam, ghax jekk tivvota Labour ha jnehhihomlok il-blogs.]

  168. Daphne says:

    Daphne… first time I’m reading your post… honestly you are just a patethic person. Disgusting to say the least.

    Get a life and show some dignity. Wise persons can keep political issues at bay when it come to being at a near vegan state. You should just shut up and attack someone esle. Such an ass… and such a stinky one. I pity you and your brains thinking your’re an all-Mighty Godess… bahhh take my suggestion and go to Dingli cliffs.. just look down and jump. You’ll do us a huge huge favour.

    [Daphne – ‘a near vegan state’. So you mean Mintoff isn’t eating any animal products or their derivatives? Or did you mean that he is almost in a vegetative state? Jew bil-Malti: ‘sar vegetable’.]

  169. abc says:

    hahaha moderation my balls.. you choose what to post and what not to. Get a life…

    [Daphne – That’s what moderation IS, abc.]

  170. Jurgen says:

    Tismagha titkellem lil daphne fuq il labour u fuq mintoff, tahseb li Mintoff kien qisu xi dittatur…..Mur ghidilha li l Labour kien il partit li ggieled ghad dritt tal vot tal mara…..Ghax shabek in nazzjonalisti minn dejjem konservattivi kienu u li kien ghalihom dejjem bqajna fej konna…..hahaha kemm jien kburi li jien progressiv u mohhi miftuh u bniedem li lest ghall bidla…..Bdw u l hdura li bzaqt ghal Mintoff, xi erba injuranti u nies hodra setghu iggustawk ta. Ghax jien avolja Laburist, meta miet Demarco xorta ma qattx nifrah u qas meta Fenech Adami kien qieghed hazin ax dawk Maltin bhali u ghalkemm b opinjoni differenti xorta nirrespetthom ghax xorta huti Maltin….VIVA MALTA!!!!! VIVA L MOVIMENT TAL BIDLA HUTI!!!!! nies b’mohhom maghluq bhal tieghek li ghadhom jimxu bi principji politici marbutin mar religjon kristjana spicca zmienom daphne….Soon you and your conservative party would be just part of our history :) Enjoy your last days of glory tart :)

    • Jurgen says:

      bdw ktibtlek b malti tal internet gifiieri toqghodx issibli ix xaghara fl ghagina u tghidli ghax ma nafx nikteb ghax flok “ghax” ktibt “ax” ghax nista nassigurak li naf nikteb….

      [Daphne – Ara, xi hlew, mela hawn lingwa gdida, Malti tal-internet? How najs. Gotbless.]

      kieku mhux qieghed l universita nimmagina. Bdw di spiccat li tiggeneralizza li l laburisti hamalli u njuranti u n nazzjonalisti edukati u ta skola. Ghax ghandi shabi nazzjonalisti qas jafu jiktbu u jien l universita u ehe mis south u gej minn middle class ukoll hahahaha naf li twegghek int jekk nghidlek li jien gej minn middle class u qieghed l universita.

      [Daphne – Arakaza jekk jaccettaw nies daqstant ‘weak’ fl-universita ta’ Malta. ‘Gej minn middle class’: qalbi, il-middle class mihiex kwistjoni ta’ flus biss.]

      Uzgur hehe ghax li kien ghall partit tieghek, l universita kellha tkun ghat tifel tat tabib u ghat tifel tal avukat. Imma dak li ghajjartu u kasbartu, dak tani l possibilta biex tifel bhali, Bin il haddiem ikun jista jkun bhat tifel tat tabib u t tifel tal avukat u jmur l universita :)

      [Daphne – Kemm sejjer zmerc. Kien il-gvern ta’ Borg Olivier li nehha l-hlas ghall-universita. U kien il-gvern ta’ Mintoff li ghamel salt restrizzjonijiet biex in-nies ma setghux jiehdu korsijiet f’dak l-istess universita, u li ghalaq hafna dipartimenti bhal dawk tal-BA. Int qieghed l-universita, jekk vera hu hekk, minhabba l-policies tal-gvern ta’ Fenech Adami, li rega waqqaf l-universita fuq saqqaja wara t-tifrik ta’ Mintoff, li fetah l-universita ghal kulhadd, u li introduca l-istipendji.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Jurgen, l-università m’ghandhiex tkun ghat-tifel tat-tabib u t-tifel tal-avukat. Nofs it-tobba u l-avukati huma Laburisti inkalliti u Mintoffjani wkoll, u injoranti pesti. U t-tfal taghhom gwappi daqshom.

      • Izzie says:

        Basta tara il-kapolavuri u t-teżijiet, ftit minnhom mixtrijin ukoll, u tkun taf ftit mill-istudenti x’livell għoli għandhom.

        U mbagħad, insejtuhom l-għoxrin punt? Fi żmieni ġejna obbligati nagħmlu qabda O Levels u A Levels biex ikollna l-punti (kien qisna l-Kwiksave).

        Kelli nistudja għal 11-il O Level u 5 A Levels, u miegħi fil-kors kien hemm min dahal, tifel ta’ ministru, bi 3 O Levels BISS u dan biex jilħaq avukat. Imn’Alla li wara t-tielet sena bagħtuh ‘il barra.

        U dan mhux serq ukoll jew? Dażgur, għax li għamlu l-labour kollu jfuħ: ilma mbierek minn dak is-Salvatur ta’ Malta li kienu jixegħlulu x-xemgħa u jagħmlulu l-fjuri quddiemu, qisu San Padre Pio. Ara, very ma tafu xejn.

  171. julian galea says:

    int minghalik xi alla daphne ? .. dan kollu ghax qed tapprofitta mill-poter li qieghda fih, x’igifieri tigi tghajjar nies bid-dimensia, imissek tisthi, dan l-gherf kollu li hrigt bih mill-universita’ .. ja mahmuga u hamalla ! .. tghajjar lin-nies bil-faqar, dan kollu ghax tista’ int u minghalik xi haga ghax hrigt mill-universita’, jien guvni ta’ 18-il sena li ghodni qed nistudja, iktar intelligenti u diplomatiku minnek u attenta, toqghodx tghajjar lin-nies bil-faqar u dimensia .. ghax kulhadd ghandu xi haga .. ibda minnek mimlija difetti u din il-marda taf tigi fuqek wkoll ta !

  172. M.Farrugia says:

    If you really read the things you write on your blog, you wouldn’t have the dignity to name God himself. You are NO ONE to judge what a person is, whether it is by gender, sex, race or even politics! if it wasn’t for him, you in the first place, wouldn’t even dare speak your own word!! How I would love to see you instead in that position, so all the country could make fun of you.. with the difference that everyone would have a real reason of why to make fun of you! you have been literally a bitch to have the guts to write this things.. to even think about such things! may your soul rot in hell! because that’s what you deserve!

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      And exactly who or what gives M.Farrugia licence to judge others in Mintoff’s defence?

      Your judgement is poor anyway, if you think Mintoff’s admirable.

      He would only ever want to be remembered as PM so people who rubbish him are only giving him what he wants, unlike people like you who give him the pity and sympathy he hates.

  173. Shanice Vassallo says:

    almenu dejjem igiled al malta bix tkun al ahjar mux bhal partit li em bhalissa mohhu bix iberbaq l flus u jdahhal l flus gol but min fuq dar l poplu u min fuq darek ukoll purcinella kollok. ahjar flokk toqod taqla lil dak u lil ihor thares naqa fil mera ax forsi vera ma kinx perfett imma ha nejdlek xi haga qalbi lilek qass tista tejdlek persuna ax nies bhalek qas jistholqilom jisejjhu persuni jisejhu annimali… u dak DIZUNUR kbir ghal annimali igifiriii

  174. Jake says:

    You tell other guys to grow up? Speaking with word like that?
    Why of course you’re a grown up, just a mentality of an 8 year old kid ;)

  175. Paul Bonnici says:

    You never know Daphne, the LP may introduce the same internet as North Korea, so that you can praise our leader.

  176. Justin says:

    you are a very horrible person.. you crazy bitch!

  177. Joe Borg says:

    may god rot your soul … if you have one! i seriously doubt that ja tadama mqadda.

  178. MARLENE says:

    Oqghod attenta ghax hadd wara hadd tasal ta’ kullhadd u Alla jdejH TWILA u jilhaQQ ma kullhadd.Ma ghandekx biex tedda ghax nahseb jekk thares lejn il mera tedda sewwa bik innifsek

  179. Xihadd b'mohhu sew says:

    Foxx il-liba nazjonalisti nirra titmermer l-infern daphne ja qahba..arana tilajn liba u intom nizlin. Viva il Labour!!!!!!!!!!

  180. J.Borg says:

    Kemm tifilhu taqaw fil baxx int u it-tifel tieghek, li irnexxielu jirredikola dibattitu fl-Universita’. Missek know what’s rotting? your reputation and sanity.

  181. Kemm Hawn Injoranza says:

    Din bis-serjeta? Dak li hemm mieghu huwa l-persuna li tiehu hsiebu. J’alla jigrilha hekk hi u mux jiehdu r ritratti mahha jispiccaw imma jidhku biha .

  182. Toni says:

    Daphne Caruana Galizia…. Injoranta kbira u sinjura li titkellem min sor**. Immisa tishti titkellem hekk. Fidila mill-kbar dil mara.

    • TROY says:

      Toni, jien ma nahsibx li Daphne mara injoranta ghax gennitkhom u hawditkhom.

      Niehu pjacir nara tant Laburisti fuq dan il-blog, ghax ejja nghidu il-verita, dan huwa l-uniku blog bis-sens.

      F’dan il-blog kulhadd jghid li jrid u minghajr censura hlief ghal ragunijiet ta’ ligi, u ma nafx ghalfejn hemm bzonn taqa daqsek baxx fir-risposti tieghek.

      Possibli m’inthomx kapaci tkunu konstruttivi meta tirrispondu? Hemm bzonn tajjir hu kliem bla sens.

  183. Natasha says:

    Daphne you are a great disappointment . Certain words in your article have shown your true color (black). You should be ashamed of yourself to speak like that. But be careful cause what goes around will eventually come back around. May god bless dom in whichever state he is.

  184. Daphne,
    i think you’re really helping out the labour party with your ridiculous and extreme comments.
    also, its shameful what you saying about mintoff..
    if you really want to get him over the bridge, all you need to do is just stand infront of him.. im surely your suppost fixed but sill a fuck-face would give him the final infart!
    fejn irrangajtu wiccek? il philipines jew? ma ladyboys!
    kemm int kera!

  185. David says:

    Dan l-artiklu juri certu livell ta’ hdura li zgur mhux gejja minn sempliciment nuqqas ta’ qbil fil-politika. Zomm f’mohhok Daphne li bil-hdura, qatt ma tixhed dawl sabih fuq l-argument tieghek, anka jekk ikollok ragun.

    Xi kultant inhoss li hemm certu ghira f’Daphne li forsi ma kienitx kapaci taghmel 0.1% tal-hidma li ghamel Dom Mintoff. Tinsewx, li minkejja li Daphne ghandha kapacita’ kbira daqs Dom Mintoff, Daphne kapaci teqred hajja ta’ individwu waqt li Dom Mintoff kien kapaci itejjeb il-hajja ta’ individwu.

    Hadd mhu perfett u la Dom Mintoff u qas haddiehor mhu kapaci jakkomoda pajjiz shih u b’hekk dejjem se ssib min hu kontrik. Pero jekk ma kellu xejn tajjeb, kien bniedem genwin li dak li jaghmel, ma jaghmlux ghal DAK jew ghal DIK, imma jaghmlu ghal Malta. Tant kien genwin u ta’ principju, li minkejja li Alfred Sant kien mal-partit laburista, Dom Mintoff ma appogjax lil Alfred Sant imma qabez ghal Pajjiz. Liema bniedem iehor verament genwin qatt ghamel hekk?

    Nixtieq narak tikteb artiklu fuq l-imhabba pero nibza’ li sekonda biss niehu biex naqrah ghaliex ikun vojt. Jien Nazzjonalist pero nemmen li l-hazin ma tirrangahx bil-hazin. Jekk trid turi d-diffetti ta’ Dom Mintoff, prova ghal darba ghamel xi haga tajba u tara kif il-hazin ta’ mintoff jispikka izjed. Kull m’int taghmel tohloq rabja fin-nies Laboristi u titfa lil PN f’dawl ikrah bhala partit arroganti.

    May the Devil rot your soul, if he finally decides to be replaced.

    [Daphne – ‘Daphne kapaci teqred hajja ta’ individwu waqt li Dom Mintoff kien kapaci itejjeb il-hajja ta’ individwu’. Oh, the irony.]

  186. brenda says:

    Imma kif m’ghandek rispett lejn hadd, lanqas ghall-ragel anzjan u marid(hu min hu) li ma jistax jirrispondik lura! Shame on you!

    [Daphne – Dak mhux ‘ragel anzjan u marid’, Brenda. Dak il-bniedem li h*xa Malta. Kieku rajt il-Kim Il Sung marid go siggu tar-roti kont tghidlu miskin ukoll? Mela f’dak il-kaz, miskina int.]

  187. laburista says:

    go play with yourself Witch/giraffe………… that might make you happy for a while or else do it cicciolina style… go find yourself another giraffe……. yuk you stink!!

    [Daphne – Cicciolina went with giraffes? That’s a new one for Silvio Berlusconi.]

  188. Stef22 says:

    Lol. This is what happens when you run out of ideas!

  189. anon says:

    Wara li qrajt il-kummenti ta’ qabli, li hafna minnhom kienu banali u minn imhuh semplici li jikkumentaw fuq ‘hepi’ nahseb li:

    1. Alla ma nafx ghala ma jistax jissemma fil-politika meta fl-innijiet taz-zewg partiti jissemma u min jaf kemm eluf ta nies kantawh bir-raghwa f’halqhom f’xi mass meeting jew (ghan-Nazzjonalisti l-iktar din) fil-meeting tar-rebha;

    2. nahseb jien li kull prim ministru jaghmel it-tajjeb u l-hazin tieghu u fuq dil-haga biss ma naqbilx ma’ Daphne, li ikkunsidrat biss il-hazin li ghamel il-perit Mintoff;

    3. ma nahsibx li Dom Mintoff kien is-suggett ta’ l-artiklu li kitbet Daphne. Il-punt taghha kien li lil dan il-bniedem qed juzawh b’mod hazin fi propoganda biex jigbdu lura lin-nies li kienu jhobbu l’Mintoff meta dan lanqas biss jaf x’inhu jigri.

    Ftit rajt kummenti li jitkellmu fuq dan is-suggett, meta dan huwa l-importanti ghax dan hu dak li qed jigri bhalissa.

  190. Kemm Hawn Injoranza says:

    prova ikber naqra

  191. Kemm int tan-nejk says:

    kemm m’ghandekx qalb?

    [Daphne – Ahjar bla qalb milli bla mohh.]

    • Kemm int tan-nejk says:

      u jidirlek qed tuza mohhok biex tghid li ahjar bla qalb?

    • Ralph Emerson says:

      I’d rather be so wholly stupid that the condition would render me incapable of communication than be a heartless human being who spits pain and slander, because really and truly, the brain helps you survive but the heart helps you smile through every barricade. The cause of your abominable writing, especially recently, I see now is the lack of the latter.

    • Kemm int tan-nejk says:

      u int tahseb li uzajt mohhok bies ghedt li ahjar bla qalb?

    • a nobody says:

      int andek mohh? mela ma nafx min m’ghandux ee

  192. Mario says:

    Ma nistax nifhem kif gurnalista (suppost professjonali) tithalla tikteb dawn l-oxxenitajiet u hadd ma jkellimha. Fejnhom l-awtoritajiet tal-pajjiz??? Mela ghandunragun Franco li ministru tal-Gustizzja qieghed ghalxejn..

    [Daphne – Jaqaw int xi wiehed tal-partit progressiv u liberali?]

  193. Angel says:

    Daphne… You must be worst than an atheist.. But be carefull `cause one day you might be in that wheelchair too, and i dare say, where you deserve.. You MUST be a close relative of the Devil with so much unbeleivable hate in your blood-stream.. How come the PN associates with savage `animals` like you, is beyond me.. Shame on the PN…

    [Daphne – ‘Worse than an atheist’…really progressive and liberal.]

    • TROY says:

      Angel, I truly don’t know if Daphne is an atheist or not, but I believe in God and the holy bible and therefore in Satan.

      I believe in heaven and hell and that good people go to heaven and bad ones to hell.

      Lots of people on this blog sent Mintoff to hell, so what’s your problem exactly?

  194. JJS says:

    Ja qahba kerha mil wardija

    [Daphne – Bidnija, actually. It’s on the next ridge. And Joseph Muscat lives in the valley beneath both, in a house with a pool but no view.]

    • Phreud says:

      plus a linfa protected with a plastic sheet, uncovered only when the kappilan visits fil-festa.

    • Angus Black says:

      A house with a pool but no view.

      No wonder the LP has no vision and is like being surrounded by four walls which prevent it from seeing the horizon, let alone go beyond.

    • JJS says:

      Once a qahba always a qahba!….. irrespective if shes from Bidnija or wardija.

  195. A says:

    What I’d like to know, is whether this man beat you with a stick, held your family captive in a cellar, or better still made you bare his children in his basement while you lay there helpless. I’m sure a well rounded gossip columnist like you has heard of the Josef Fitzl case. And I didn’t opt for the word journalist because I hardly think that’s fair to the rest of the dignified journalists out there. That poor woman, has the right to wish her father eternal damnation. You on the other hand do not.

    If a person whose really lived under communist rule had to read this, I’m sure he or she would be appalled considering the devastating life they lead. So far be it for you to compare the suffering of these poor people to the life you lead back in 70s and 80s. And before you accuse Labourites of not being able to speak decent English or use cutlery, look around and come to terms with the fact that there are almost as many ignorant Nationalists as there are Labourites. What a cliche. I also suggest you learn to write proper Maltese.

    [Daphne – I do write proper Maltese. It’s the sort of Maltese that people like me speak. Meanwhile, you would do well to learn idiomatic English. Yours is far too studied and awkward, like a third-form essay written by somebody who learned English from Enid Blyton’s Famous Five.]

    Being the dignified lady that you are, I’m sure you have a compact mirror handy.

    [Daphne – This is so funny.Is it real? Have I gone down the rabbit-hole? No, A, I do not have a compact mirror handy. Sorry about that.]

    Now open it and look at yourself, then speak about people whose soul deserves to rot in hell. We’re all very aware that your teenage years are behind you, so please for your own sake, stop acting like an attention craved sixteen year old. It’s very unbecoming of you.

    [Daphne – It may have escaped your notice, A, but I have a surplus, not a deficit, of attention. In fact, I’m thinking of selling some at a good discount.]

  196. A Montebello says:

    I just spent the past hour of my life reading this thread, and at times laughing out loud.

    Where are all these people coming from? Why read and comment on a blog of a person they profess to hate with a passion?

    Surely – they’re not being forced to. My guess is they’re being rallied by the Labour meerkats.

    The hypocrisy of being shocked by Daphne’s hatred of Mintoff whilst spewing up their own vile insults is hilarious with zbub ta’ zwiemel and useless cunt and death wishes galore. You’ve got to see the humour in that.

    I know exactly where Daphne is coming from, having lived through the dark ages of Deserta and Sparkle Toothfroth.

    I was pelted with rocks from the Labour Party club in Republic Street, and chased by policemen for protesting for my education.

    I remember the fear.

    As regards to the Perit himself, I feel nothing for him. I don’t wish him ill. But I don’t wish him good either. He is nothing to me, and that’s how I dealt with my trauma. But I really don’t think I can handle another one.

    • Izzie says:

      The best weapon, in fact, is INDIFFERENCE. I only wish I had my father here with me.

      At least I would have drunk to his health, that which the MLP managed to rob him of.

  197. Connie says:

    Dear Daphne,

    I am really disgusted by your blog and comments about one of great leaders in our country. Mintoff and Borg Olivier were great leaders in times of austerity, they both gained independence from British in very hard times.

    [Daphne – No, Borg Olivier did. Mintoff tried to raise the rent on the British military base and they told him to stuff it and didn’t renew the contract. He begged and pleaded and they said FO, so he sulked and said ‘Now I’ll show you’ and went to Gaddafi.]

    Unfortunately your mentality will never make you understand their leadership calls. To lead means to serve and Mintoff brought certain ideals that we could have never had if we continued to be ruled. In fact Maltese people always fail to be respected by foreigners, because we think we are less than them. Mintoff never feared anyone and I admire him!

    [Daphne – How terrible, putting Borg Olivier and Mintoff into the same category.]

    In here you show what a shallow personality you have , you have no emphaty or compassion for those who are sick and disadvantaged. Hence there is no trait of leadership in yourself. Maybe it was God’s call that made him a leader and blessed him with such a long and prosperous life. God has no favourites.

    [Daphne – Is God also responsible for Hitler and Ceaucescu, Connie? ]

    • Phreud says:

      Connie, So you reckon Mintoff was a leader ? I think you mean tyrant! And I won’t blame God, although you seem to think He had a hand in us being blessed with that sorry excuse for a man.

  198. Ralph Emerson says:

    No, this is not about the quality of the individual. When the damage is being done, when evil is being sown, then yes, the media has a right to inform the people. But let sleeping dogs lie. We can all read history. Let us make our own judgement. I don’t understand why most people read your ‘work’ and applaud for it is not work at all. It has crossed beyond the line of journalism and entered into the realm of demeaning and desperate head hunting.

    [Daphne – Head-hunting does not mean what you appear to think it does.]

    And to speak about commenting on the ‘evil’ of dying people, I’m afraid that it is you who is bordering on the line of evil intent, despite what the cause of your passion is, be it politics or otherwise. Your writing is immature and just a bunch of words that try to insult, try to prick.

    [Daphne – Try? No, it succeeds.]

    Whatever the man did, you cannot publicly announce your discriminate hatred towards him and if you’re proud of it, then decades after this they’ll be writing similar articles about you.

    [Daphne – ‘You cannot publicly announce’: quote chapter and verse of the law which prohibits it. ‘Decades after this they’ll be writing similar articles about you’: probably, given that they’ve been saying the same things for 22 years already and still haven’t got bored of me. In fact, to my surprise and delight, I appear to have attracted a whole new generation of Laburisti hodor, who are telling me the exact same things their parents did 20 years ago. Age shall not wither me, apparently.]

    If you run out of ideas and things to write about, look at your life and envision a situation where you can change the future. And go change it. Rather than sit on your laptop, netbook, computer or whatever and write insults targeted at a person of the past and feel good about how well you can do it.

    [Daphne – I have been doing that for two decades already, ‘Ralph Emerson’. I was in fact Malta’s first proper newspaper columnist, and a woman to boot. And I contributed in no small part to several causes, not least the vote for Europe, which is more than can be said, for example, for our future prime minister. But then you probably voted No, so you won’t be impressed.]

    • hpb says:

      LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, “first proper newspaper columnist”……

      Please spare us the word “proper” since it is an insult to everybody’s intelligence. Maybe you write a lot and maybe your English is good but your articles are without real content but only hate!

      [Daphne – I see you are unfamiliar with the language. ‘Proper’, as used here, is what people like you mean when they say ‘ez sutch’. It means I was actually the first newspaper columnist, proper, with my name and picture on top and a recognisable current affairs column beneath. No, there weren’t any others before me, not in The Times and The Sunday Times at least. I know this hurts, but deal with it.]

      ToM fired you.

      [Daphne – Yes, and sorely regretted it because they never found an adequate replacement, despite efforts still ongoing until today. But there you go. We remain good friends, though. Why, I even get my magazine printing done there.]

      Maltatoday would never even dare to talk to your and well the Independent is going down the drain. They publish your mud only because they need an entertainment page.

      [Daphne – Not really, no. And Malta Today is party political newspaper. I would never work for anything like that.]

    • Ralph Emerson says:

      That is why I did not put a hyphen between head and hunting. How long have you been writing again? Do you just write this hogwash using a thesaurus, thinking that you’re oh so smart?

      I’m only saying this because the way you criticize people’s comments is not by a rational argument but by making yourself look pathetic and, no, this is not the new brand of ‘Mintoffjani.’ These are just people who despise you as a ‘writer’ because you’ve crossed the line.

      [Daphne – You asked me how long I’ve been writing. Longer than you’ve been alive. And that’s how I know a stinking Mintoffian when I see one (or 500), even if I hadn’t had to live among them in the Sixteen Golden Years, an experience that sharpened up my Mintoffian-spotting skills (survival skills, they were in those days) no end. I have never used a thesaurus in my life. I don’t need to. ‘Head-hunting’ must always be hyphenated, otherwise it means a head which hunts. Bet you didn’t know that. You can’t get that kind of information from Maltastar or Facebook.

      “All our progress is an unfolding, like a vegetable bud. You have first an instinct, then an opinion, then a knowledge as the plant has root, bud, and fruit. Trust the instinct to the end, though you can render no reason.” Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

  199. James says:

    x int imdejqa Daphne, toqod timmodera ahjar timmodera kliemek chicken . ghala ma ggibx il comments kollha ghax ikunu qarsulek il laham il haj ?? basta tfettah dik it toqba li ghandek taht imniehek li minna hlief hdura ma tohrogx. J’Alla il hdura u mibgheda li ghandek lejn in nies iddur kollha f’ deni fuqek

  200. S . S . says:


  201. Claudine says:

    Daphne- one word ‘brilliant’ and in a nutshell that’s how I’d describe you !

  202. mazinga says:

    int ha twigeb ja mdemla

  203. MASSIMO says:

    As much as you wish to spit on duminku mintoff’s grave, i wish to use your grave as a toilet cause you deserve nothing more than that! So therfore don’t wish harm to others cause it come right back to you!

    [Daphne – As I have pointed out already to somebody else, this will be impossible.]

  204. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Ghall-Bhima Burger m’ghandekx bzonn furketta u sikkina.

    Problem solved.

    (Kieku mhux ghall-fatt li l-marmalja sar ghandha l-flus bix-xaba’ u saret tintefa’ d-de Mondion.)

  205. J says:

    why dont you post all postes ??? guess you really losing it e :)))

    [Daphne – Because unlike your mother, J, I work. And moderating 600 comments from Mintoffjani is no joke. It’s like listening to Leonard Cohen while people commit suicide.]

    • Ralph Emerson says:

      I’m not a Mintoffjan but you still did not publish my post and it’s probably because it’s a good comment that you thought you’d hide from the public. It’s great when you publicly destroy certain people but when it’s just a good comment, you’d rather not.

      [Daphne – Ralph (and it’s Ralph WALDO Emerson, incidentally), when your comment is still showing up on your screen with the magic words ‘comment awaiting moderation’, it means exactly that. Otherwise, you’ll see ‘comment deleted’.]

      • Ralph Emerson says:

        I was not trying to impersonate the genius posthumously. Incidentally, that’s my name. Bravo on trying your best to appear superior over anyone’s comments.

        [Daphne – Really, it’s your name? Wow. And to think you had parents who voted for Mintoff. Who would have thought it.]

  206. J says:

    nahseb din l istorja saret biss habba b ghira bazwija lejn it tifla tijaw ghax fi ftit xhur li giet Malta ghanda kariga li int qatt ma tohlom u let’s face it lebda bniedem fil partit nazzjonalista ma jrid jara lil wiccek hdejh tieghu hux x tahseb??

    [Daphne – Ara, mela l-gvern Nazzjonalista ta kariga importanti, il-Yana Mintoff Bland? Mela vera flimkien kollox possibbli.]

  207. hm says:

    From this blog and your replies to certain comments one clearly can see how much of a sad person you are and your desperate need for attention. Where are your morals?
    I’m curious, what are you getting out of this? Satisfaction?
    It just shows how much of an ignorant person you’re being, lashing out at an elderly and humiliating him, regardless of who he is.
    As others may have said above, get a life.

    [Daphne – It’s a sport I can do sitting down, hm. Some people shoot birds and rabbits. I shoot fish in a barrel.]

  208. Mandy says:

    Mintoff should be proud of himself. Juding by the number of comments this blog-post has received, it looks like he’s as “popular” as Mark Vella Gera and Consuelo Scerri Herrera.

  209. Amanda says:

    Loving your work, Daphne.

    I detest that old big-buckled bastard and it makes my heart skip a beat with joy to see him looking so frail in that photograph.

    What goes around comes around. We’ll be well rid of him soon.

  210. J.Borg says:

    ara x’inhi helwa jahasra, ghanda risposta patetika u brainwashed ghal kollox. proset sabiha, kemm ghandek immaginazjoni fertili. A++. hekk tqattaha il gurnata hi? blogging bxi tazza kafe f’idek? tajjar, titpastas u tghid l-ereziji? no wonder komda int, ghax ma tqattax bi snienek biex taqla lira.

    [Daphne – Dak ghax naf nikteb bl-Ingliz (u bil-Malti), J. Borg. Ara li kieku kont ommok (jew il-mara tieghek, ghax ma nafx kemm ghandek zmien) – kieku kont nghaddi l-gurnata ghand tal-grocer, jew ghand tal-bingo, jew ghand il-hanut tal-gaming nigbed il-levers tal-magni biex forsi nirbah flusi lura. Jew kieku kont omm Byon Jo Zammit tas-Super One, kont noqghod nahdem il-blue films fil-Macina (jew fil-Mile End, issa) ma’ Jason Micallef, l-uniku problema l-fatt li ma tantx hemm post ghal mara f’gay porn.]

  211. Canon says:

    Meta Mintoff tilef il-kawsa ta’ L-integration ried iwahhal f’ xi hadd u wahhal f’Arcisqof Gonzi. Hawn Mintoff zergha hafna mibeghda lejn il-Knisja u ghada tinhass sal-lum.

  212. Manuel says:

    I just don’t get it. These PL apologists are defending Mintoff. They should be criticising his daughters (who incidentally left Malta in their teens while their father ruined our teens) who with all the money they have, and I am sure they will inherit more later, left him in a State home for the aged instead of providing him with private home care.

    Furthermore, it did not occur to them that by placing him there, they are giving the present administration a certificate of excellence for the care of the aged. The Laburisti should ask Mintoff’s daughters some questions. Ejja, kuragg.

    • maryanne says:

      A certificate of excellence? No, she threw insults at the klikka hallelin. Imissha tisthi, jekk taf.

    • Dee says:

      They are even worse then their doddering old fool of a father.

      KMB iz-ZERO paid for his water and electricty bills when they remained unpaid NOT them. And THAT is a fact that was made public during court proceedings related to that matter.

      What FAMILY values is that Yana creature jabbering about?

  213. Wenzu says:

    you are following your leaders instructions to the word I see.

    I guess RCC is in Brussels currently and can’t pull your ear.

    how low can you go?

    [Daphne – Actually, he is in Malta.]

  214. Michael Camilleri says:

    I wish to see Mintoff rot in hell. It’s that hell does not exist, f**k it!

    At least I am pleased to see him in that state at last – in a state of living decomposition. I hated that being when he made our life hell.

    • gordon says:

      Michael nixtieqlek elf darba dak li tixtieq lil Mintoff.

      • TROY says:

        gordon, kemm hu tal-genn dan il-blog hux. Izhomm lil kullhadd imkahhal mieghu. U mela L-Orizzont, dejjem l-istess kantaliena.

        Keep on entertaining us.

        Viva ix-xoghol,errr sorry thawwad….viva il-Labour.

  215. DC says:

    Daphne, your words mirror the hag that truly lives within. You may not have slept on straw or crapped in fields, however the reek of the gutter hangs over you and your pen.

    [Daphne – Oh no, that’s one of my dogs. He lets out the occasional stink now that he’s six years old.]

    • DC says:

      haha I highly doubt that it is your old dog creating the stench surrounding you…and before you bark out your accusing assumptions that I am an envious ‘laburista’, note that I have been schooled by the same nuns you have, I have availed of the EU freedoms you constantly harp on about and I support the same political party as you, yet none of these entitle me to spew hatred the way you do….let your cauldron simmer Daphne, it’s reaching a dangerous boiling point.

      [Daphne – Hmmm, I noticed you the other day on Jeffrey’s wall, bitching about me.!/vickylynne.buontempo ]

      • DC says:

        Wrong again Daphne…I thought my initials would have indicated that. Indeed, never have I ever been moved to the extent of commenting on anyone’s blog until reading your post today.

        [Daphne – There are people here who call themselves Ralph Emerson, DC. Your initials mean nothing. Next time call yourself BS.]

  216. Ralph Emerson says:

    Pathetic, really. My parents were always floating voters and they always voted as they thought best for the country at the time. And I’m proud and glad of this as I don’t suffer from all this political boohoo. I don’t know why or what caused you to brand my parents this way, but I suppose that anyone who criticizes this bland article has become a “nonsensical Mintoffjan” for you.

    [Daphne – I would have more respect for your parents, ‘Ralph Emerson’, if you told me where they floated to in the years 1987 to 2008. ‘Floating’ presupposes parties of equal quality with roughly similar policies. When the parties are so dramatically different, so diametrically opposed, it’s not floating but instability.]

  217. Lorraine says:

    Daph., you’ve really hit the pits now! You don’t publish photos and say what you did about Mintoff, or any person of that age. Just because he’s in a wheelchair and needs help doesn’t mean that his mind is gone. I’ve just lost my father and seeing this photo drove me to tears cos at the end, however great a man/ woman you are we all end up six feet under including you! The hatred spewing through your lips is amazing. Just pray that you don’t live to be his age cos i bet you’ll be a pathetic sight my dear!

    • D. says:

      The tragedy is that his memory has gone, and with it his ability to feel any sort of remorse or guilt for all the harm he did to his family, political opponents and Malta itself.

  218. A says:

    I thought having a blog like yours implied actually allowing all the comments to be shown. Very communist of you to pick and choose what comments you make public. Tisk tisk.

    [Daphne – There are no blogs in communism, because there is no freedom of expression. And it’s tsk tsk, not tisk tisk.]

    • A says:

      I wasn’t referring to the blog, I was referring to the fact that you actually moderate every comment. Hence the communist remark. If you can write so bluntly than why not let people comment without moderation, pretty unfair and selective of you. And both tsk and tisk are accepted, just look it up.

      [Daphne – Because I am responsible at law for the content: the equivalent of a print publisher. And because if I did not check each and every comment, people like you would abuse the system to lie about others and slander them, as they used to do on Malta Today before they introduced – finally – moderation.]

  219. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    Reading all these comments does not give me any peace of mind at all.

    The truth is, I dislike the idea of Labour in government not just because I don’t trust Dr Muscat and his team, but also because I don’t trust his supporters.

    It is they who seem more than ready to group together and go all out on people they hate, and not just through websites, but in the streets too.

    Reading the words of these people, who hope that Muscat will be worse than Mintoff was towards the PN supporters, reminds me of all the reasons I don’t want to see a PL government.

    Because chaos and revenge is in fact what they, the supporters, want. They know they won’t get it from the people in office, so they will go out and sort things out themselves. At least that is the impression I get from all these comments.

    So what happened to the whole “Malta has moved on and we don’t need to fear the PL supporters any more because they aren’t going to behave violently. They are democratic and friendly people who are all for democracy” rubbish spouted by those prudent intellectuals who “want change”?

    And what do these prudent and “open-minded” bloggers have to say about these comments?

    It is true that they didn’t write them and that they are not responsible for other people’s actions. But they are supporting a party that is followed by these people who might very well go ahead with whatever they think they can get away with because their party is in power so it’s safe to do what they like.

    By putting the PL in power, no matter how politically correct they try to come across, they are also giving the core supporters the licence to seek their revenge. And if the worst happens, what will those prudent people say? “I didn’t want to look brainwashed so I voted Labour” ?

    Would the PL speak out against such threats? Will the PL distance themselves from people who expect them to be worse than Mintoff was towards PN voters? Because if they do then these supporters are in for a rude awakening and would feel let down, and the PL might just lose the next election.

    It’s not about being brainwashed. It’s about comments such as the ones found here. It’s about what might be unleashed on the island should the PL enter government.

    And if anyone has brainwashed me against the PL, it is the PL itself. I don’t need to listen to the PN tell me how bad the PL is. I can see what they are like perfectly well without anyone’s help.

    • ciccio says:

      Well said, Edward.

      He who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind. It’s what Joseph Muscat has been doing by bringing back the Mintoffs from the dead.

      • Lilla says:

        How can the PL speak out against such threats when they have candidates with the same mentality.

        Members like Justyne Caruana, with her talk of “dawk mhumiex parti mil familja tagħna”, and “dawk huma s-sriep”.

        How can the PL distance themselves when they have the same people that condoned the threats, bullying, and violent acts during the 1980s?

        People like the stand-up guy Dr. George Vella, living in Zejtun where a Nationalist couldn’t walk through the village square because of the fear of being beaten up, who did nothing. He never spoke up then, what makes you think he will speak up now?

        There will be no miracles here.

    • Amanda Jane says:

      Very well said, Edward.

    • Karl says:

      I wish I could print this comment on a sheet of gold and hang it on a wall. Kif jghid il-Malti, id-demm jigbed.

      [Daphne – We’re very distantly related: fourth cousins, and not because of the surname, either. My surname is Vella, not Caruana Galizia. Yes, Edward thinks very clearly.]

  220. Nazzjonalista sal-mewt says:

    Daphne couldn’t agree more with you here. Thank God I wasn’t born when Mintoff was in power but my family were and they suffered a lot. Would love to come and drink some champagne with you.

  221. Xejn sew says:

    Jien cert li meta l-Perit jistrieh, se jserrah.

  222. Xejn sew says:

    Qed niehu pjacir kbir nara reazzjoni sample tal-moviment progressiv u liberali li qed jikteb hawn.

    Mur are kif imma kif jirreagixxu dawk fil-PL li huma ftit inqas progressivi u ftit inqas liberali.

  223. anon says:

    keep it up Daphne. U naghti parir biex min ma jogbux l-istil kif tikteb ma jidholx fuq dal-blog. Sinjal li min kiteb hawnhekk, tajjeb jew hazin, tinteressah il-kitba tieghek.

  224. Daniel says:

    Daphne, ahjar tara kif u fuq min titkellem, ghaliex biex tghid li j’alla ruh Dom Mintoff titmermer, veru mara (jekk tista issejahlek mara!) bla sinsla! Kemm int HAGA VULGARI U INJORANTA!!! Ja pucinella, int u min jahsibha bhalek! CLOWN!!!!

  225. D. says:

    My heart bleeds at the sight of so many posts sypathizing with this old man just because he happens to be old.

    How many of them know that the marmalja Socjalista/Laburista/ Minoffjana hadra had no such delicate considerations for age when they beat up an OCTAGERIAN at Tal-Barrani ,. his only fault ?

    Having the gumption to exercise his freedom of movement to attend a political meeting held in the town he was born and bred in. The fact that this OCTAGERIAN in his younger days provided jobs for several families in the south, as did his father before him in the family business did not stop the savage attack that landed him in hospital for several weeks for multiple injuries.

    Thanks Ms CG for throwing the bait that helped entice back to the surface the vicious violent ignorant backward intolerant Socialist monster whichhibernated during the Sant years but has now been awakened with increased vigour by Muscat, him of the NEW Labour movement.

  226. edd says:

    HAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA…. Great one’re the BEST. And I mean it :))

    Its amazing how the Labour Party has not come to terms with its past, and a very sad past indeed.

    It will not be any better with Joseph, who is getting all the trash politics has to offer, like Cyrus and even Grace tal-Exotique. Thank God the trash is moving out from the PN, like Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

  227. Carmelo says:

    Nirrah, int u min jahsiba bhalek (i.e. PURCINELLI) la tmutu u tkunu fil-qabar taghkom, id-dud li jkun qed jiekol is-salma taghkom, jifga u jirrametti fuqkom!!! JA QATTA NIES MESSLAH IL-WARRANI!

  228. hubert says:

    jekk ghandek il -kuragg mur ghidlu hekk fwiccu ha tkun taf min hu mintoff

    [Daphne – Fil-fatt, diga ghamilt hekk.]

    • hubert says:

      meta ghamilt hekk ja giddiba bhal gonzi il mahbub tieghek

    • gordon says:

      postok aktar fil-habs milli hawn. u jekk tkun il-habs mintix xi toqghod titqazzez mar-regina t’hemm ta lol

    • Amy Lyle says:

      Brava… prosit…Jiddispjacini ghalik ghaliex narak persuna mimilja rabja li certament giet minn xi mkien u ghandek ir-ragunijiet tieghek. Pero min jibqa jghix fir-rabja ta’ avvenimenti li graw fil-passat jghix hajtu mdejaq u qatt ma jista jsib il-ferh u l-paci fih innifsu.

  229. hubert says:

    kieku ghidu xi haga hekk fuq missierek xtghid?

    [Daphne – Ninjorahom. Ahna tal-pepe hekk naghmlu. We play it cool.]

  230. Nazzjonalista sal-mewt says:

    Edward Caruana Galizia I couldn’t agree more!

  231. hubert says:

    nahseb sew kien qallek lino cassar is sahhara tal -bidnija hahahah min qallek li labour ghandom bzonn il vot tieghek kieku zgur ma jitlef minn irrid lilek mieghek mhux minn maghdux cans biex imbaghad iwahhal fik kieku tixtieq li tigi labour imma no way int l-istess bhall dik li kontu tajdula hammala tiftaka elien montesin bil hdura ghandek l-anqas hitler ma kellu lejn il-lhud

  232. Chica says:

    Skuzani, insomma il-kelma skuzani maghndiex ghalfejn nuzaha! ghaliex nigu fil-punt ‘inti’ (Daphne) qatt ma tuzaha anke fejn hafna drabi jkollok bzonn!
    li ser nghid hija, ma naf l-ebda mara taqa fl-livel daqsekk baxx! thalt l-ewwel darba f’dan il-blog, it-tort tieghi! iddizgustajt ruhi naqra dak li jinghad minnek kif ukoll min nies li jsegwu l-blogs tieghek! ara vera mghandekx misthija!
    Taf x’naf li mhux ta b’xejn !! Mela sewwa inti li tghid li ahna il-Laburisti illiterati?ee sewwa ghidu ghar mit-tfal xi kultant, inti ezempju car ta dan ghaliex il-kummenti tieghek fuq nies morda dejjem jihraxu, taf ghaliex titkellem hekk?! ghaliex qatt ma garrabt ugieh bhall dan, jew jekk iva mandekx sens ta kuragg u solidarjeta’ lejn haddiehor, imma il-kas tieghek Daphne, hmm il-kas tieghek hu kas li ghandek tfittex kura mil-aktar fiz possibli ghaliex li ghandek inti hija marda inspjegabli li qeda tnaqrek min gewwa! Get a Life DAPHNE! LIVE LIFE AND LET OTHERS LIVE! YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Chica says:

      mela you cut that part where I MENTIONED Dr.Alfred Sant!!!! kif jaqbel lilek titkellem DEMEL!!!!!

      EEE JA DEMEL!!!




  233. hubert says:

    tista tghid xi haga tajba fuq pl u xi haga hazina fuq pn

    • Jozef says:

      xi haga tajba fuq pl u xi haga hazina fuq pn

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Nista’ nibda jien?

      It-tajjeb tal-PL: Xejn

      Il-hazin tal-PN:
      1) Hafer il-porkeriji tal-1971 – 1987
      2) Aghmel lil George Abela President
      3) Ta l-flus lill-iktar faxxa ta’ nies hamalli u injoranti. Tahom il-gid meta dawn ma jikkontribwixxu xejn, anzi jerdghu biss.
      4) Ta l-istipdendji lil kullhadd.
      5) Ta wisq servizzi medici b’xejn.
      6) Ma hax sehem fil-gwerra tal-Libja.
      7) Ghandu nies mill-aktar hamalli fi hdanu.
      8) Inkompli?

      • Paul says:

        Jien nahseb li meta Gonzi tefa li George Abela bhala president , kien ghamel l – ahjar haga li seta jaghmel ghax George Abela ” kien” forsi l – unika persuna serja li kellhom tal-Labour.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Ha npoggiha hekk: Bl-iktar persuna tan-nejk li ghandhom il-Labour – Joseph Muscat – il-PN xorta se jitilfu l-elezzjoni.

        Jigifieri ghalxejn ghamlu lil George Abela president.

  234. acidguit says:

    Daphne, i am sure that you have plenty of reasons why to hate mintoff so much. But don’t you think that being so aggressive backfires? I think you could be giving your opposition a weapon to use against you.

    [Daphne – I’m not in the business of collecting votes or approval, so it doesn’t matter either way. And you know how it is with Labour: if they don’t have the facts, they’ll invent them, So I majtezwel give them some facts. I’ll just say it again for good luck: MAY DOM MINTOFF ROT IN HELL, NOT THAT IT LOOKS LIKE SATAN IS IN ANY GREAT HURRY TO COLLECT HIM.]

    • hubert says:

      kompli sejra hekk ja imdejqa daqt tiqatalek iz-zejza nahseb int ha kollok tmur l-iran kemm int vojta jien tajjeb kont ghandi u nibqa ghax jien mhux bhalek niehu pjacir bil gid jaghmlu minn jaghmlu jien 2008 lil pn ivvotajt 2004 pl 1998 pl 1996 pl 1992pn u il gejja ma kontx ha nivvota lil hadd imma int iktar qieghed tikkonvicini ghax ghandi nivota labour

    • acidguit says:

      You say that you are not in the business of collecting votes, but on the other hand you claim that you are anti-labour. So after all you are representing something and you have a purpose. I am just saying that you could be helping them win.

      U fuq kollox tkun qeghda tpaxxihom…

      [Daphne – You flatter me by crediting me with so much influence.]

      • acidguit says:

        Just look at the number of comments you got. You would be mistaken to think that you are not influential..

      • Kemm int tan-nejk says:

        No, you do not have that much influence. But even if you manage with your hat blog to piss off 100 PNs with your low intellect that could be decisive for the election. So in a way we all have to thank you for your services!

        [Daphne – I do not write about hats. It is actually Super One that pisses people off and makes them vote Nationalist. I am one of them.]

      • Kenneth Cassar says:

        @ acidguit:

        I will certainly not dispute the fact that Daphne does indeed influence people. However, rest assured that the hate comments directed at her have nothing to do with her influence.

        The hate-speech coming from the semiliterates stems from a mindset that idolizes “leaders” to demi-god status.

        Read George Orwell’s “1984”, and you’ll recognize similar traits.

        Don’t delude yourself into thinking that a change of tone in Daphne’s writing will change their mind about anything. If anything, it would prevent us from approximately knowing the extent and severity of the problem. And my, do we have a problem.

    • Mariac says:

      Ix-xitan ma jridux ghax inkella jkollu il-kompetizzjoni

    • Amanda Jane says:

      Hear, hear, Daphne.

  235. edgar says:

    I just cannot understand why all these Mintoffians are defending this scum, when 13 years ago Alfred Sant and the Labour Party called him a traitor. Not agreeing with your leader is one thing, calling him a traitor is much, much worse.

    • Kemm int tan-nejk says:

      edgar, did you ever think about that many people here are not defending “this scum” but are just furious how daphne speaks about dead and nearly dead people?

      Whatever a person did in the past it is still a human being! I cannot stand daphne but I would never go so low to piss on her grave!

      [Daphne – That’s why the Labour marmalja poured into this blog in their illiterate hundreds when I wrote about poor old Kim Jong Il. Yes, indeed, this is all about altruistic concern for dead and dying people in general, isn’t it. And the point I made, incidentally, is that sadly, Mintoff is neither dead nor dying. Would that he were knocked down by a truck 42 years ago. The history of Malta would have been so much better and we wouldn’t have had to deal with foul people like you. You would have been normal and well balanced. ]

      • Kimberley says:

        Maybe if he was to be knocked down by a truck back then your foul mouth wouldn’t be able to say a word because, just maybe our country would still be without any rights for women but I guess your’e just a know-it-all prick and you’ll be rolling in ditches ;)

        [Daphne – It was the Nationalist government, in 1995, which legislated for rights for (married) women. There were no gains in terms of rights for women under Labour, except for the vote in 1947. And that was Paul Boffa, a very different sort of Labour politician to Dom Mintoff. So different, in fact, that his widow wrote an open letter to the electorate, asking former supporters of Boffa’s Labour Party to transfer their vote to Eddie Fenech Adami.]

  236. edgar says:

    May he rot in hell you say. The pity is that there is no hell, so may he have his rotting here and that is what is actually happening.

  237. Riya says:

    Dawn kollha li kitbu hawn fuq qed jghidu dan il-kliem kollu dispregjattiv kontra Daphne minn habba erba’ kelmiet?

    Mela insew, jew ma’ jafux, li meta kien Prim Ministru Borg Oilivier kienu jgibu barri bil-qrun sa hansitra fuq kartellun kbir fuq il-Kazini Laburisti, fosthom dak ta’ Strada Reale fil-Belt Valletta, u Laburisti u Mintoffjani kattivi u vera njoranti kienu joqoghdu quddiem il-bieb tal-istess kazin u jiddahqu lin-nies bil-kartellun u jghaddu kummenti dispregjattivi u baxxi kontra Borg Olivier lin-nies li kienu jkunu ghaddejjin ghal-affari taghhom.

    Mela insew, jew ma’ jafux, li meta miet Borg Olivier u konna wahhalna posters minn fejn kien se jghaddi il-Funeral u anke f’toroq ohra hargu Laburisti u Mintoffjani ta’ qalbom tajba u ghamlu forma ta’ qrun fuq ras Borg Olivier meta dan kien diga mejjet.

    U jien nistaqsi lil Mintoff, ghax ghadu haj, u lil dawk ta’ madwaru, ghax ghadhom hajjin ukoll: x’passi kienu jittiehdu dwar dawn l-affarijiet baxxi li kienu jsiru bil-barka tal-Partit Laburista imexxi minn Duminku Mintoff?

    Daphne hadra u qahba ghax qed tghid x’opinjoni ghandha dwar Mintoff?

    Insew dawn, jew ma jiftaktux, li lil Eddie Fenech Adami kienu jgibuh fuq kartelluni bil-harqa. Insew li fi zmien Mintoff isem Eddie Fenech Adami anqas kien jissemma fuq ix-xandir ta’ l-istat.

    Insew dawm in-nies li kitbu hawn fuq li lil Eddie Fenech Adami kissrulu d-dar u sawtulu u werwrulu l-familjari tieghu. U nerga nistaqsi, x’kien ghamel Mintoff dak iz-zmien biex jara min kienu dawn il-Laburisti u Mintoffjani ta’ qalbhom tajba li wettqu dawn l-attrocitajiet?

    Nahseb hemm differenza kbira bejn li tghid erba’ kellmiet (fuq blog personali tieghek) alli taghmel affarijiet bhal ma kienu jghamlu il-Laburisti u l-Mintoffjani bil-protezzjoni tal-Pulizija u anke tal-Gvern taz-zmien ta’ Mintoff.

    Min garrab lil Mintoff ma jista’ jinsa u jahfirlu qatt ghax dan kisser il-pajjiz u l-generazzjoni li ghexet dak iz-zmien.

  238. Entertain me says:

    Continue to entertain me all you mintuffjani and nazzjonalisti, I’m really having a laugh :-)

  239. Nina says:

    Quite a sample of the profile of 50% of the electorate! Joseph should be thrilled. Who needs policies to run this lot?

  240. Riya says:

    Mela kullhadd nesa li lil Eddie Fenech Adam pruvaw joqtluh waqt li kien diehel ghal tieg fil-Knisja taz-Zejtun?

    Mela ma tafux li meta partitarji Laburisti hollqu il-problemi biex ma’ jsirx il-meeting fiz-Zejtun u gew sparati tiri lejn il-folla u kienu instabu anke tiri fuq it-trakk li kien qed igorr lil istess Fenech Adami?

    Dan kollu triduna ninsew?

    Trid vera tkun iblah, jew mignun, biex tinsa stejjer u attrocitajiet gravi bhal dawn.

    Jghidulna dawn li qed jiktbu kontra Daphne bi hdura liema bhala, x’ghamel il-Partit Laburista biex jigu solvuti dawn il-kazi gravi fuq il-hajja ta’ nies li marru ghall-affari taghhom ghal meeting jew biex jivvutaw fiz-Zejtun waqt elzzjoni generali.

    Imma wara li ghaddejna minn dan kollu f’dan il-pajjiz illum lil Daphne jghajjru kattiva u mignuna ghax tikteb dak li thoss go qalba.

    Imberkin huma dawk in-nies li ma ghaddewx minn dawn l-istejjer tal-wahx fi zmienijiet ta’ gvernijiet Mintoffjani u Laburisti.

    Alla jtik is-sahha, Daphne, u ibqa ikteb ha tfakkarna f’dawk iz-zminijiet koroh li ghaddejna minnhom halli min ghadu zghir isir jaf l-istorja ta’ Malta fi zminijiet tal-gvernijiet tal-Laburisti u Mintoffjani.

    • John Bondin says:

      forsi tfakkarni naqra wkoll fis snin ta qabel, meta kienu keccewni mil-klassi ghax missieri kien mal Labour u galuni indur mal-iskola b’tabella ma dari .. “jien missieri man naha tax-Xitan’ .. u le .. xejn ma jimporta ghax dawn laburisti .. psatas, hamalli, tihom Daphne sewwa taghmel .. ezempju haj ta kif ghandu jkun nazzjonalist vera!

      [Daphne – Yes, we believe you.]

      • Dee says:

        @John Bondin.

        I believe you all right.

        And there we were, led to believe for these last 15 years or so that your sort went extinct when Alfred Sant became Labour Party Leader.

        Seems that we were wrong after all.

        Floating voters and luke warm Nationalists THANK YOU for reminding them of the REAL FACE of Labour .

  241. gordon says:

    Kompli sejra hekk xejn ma nghidlek ;)

    Kif jghidu what goes round comes round u l-karma tieghek tibzax ghad trid tfittxek u tpattilek tal-hsara li qed taghmel. Nixtieqlek elf darba dak li tixtieq lil haddiehor.

    [Daphne – Karma, eh? Jaqaw sellift it-Tibetan Book of Living and Dying minn Franco Debono?]

    • Jake says:

      Kemm taf iddahaq daphne, ma mortx go xi circus tahdem ta clown, kont taghmel iktar success.

      • MayMintoffRotInHell says:

        Jien qed nara li Daphne ghamlet success. Ftit izjed, u tilhaq rekort (kif jghid Anglu Farrugia) ta’ 1000 kumment.

  242. Linda Kveen says:

    Looking at that photo of Mintoff in his wheelchair brought back a memory that I had long forgotten but which I think might amuse you, Daphne. I was a student at the University of Malta from 1977 to 1979.

    During the summer months, a group of us from the University used to go once a week to do charitable work at a nursing home in Hamrun, which I believe used to be called “Little Sisters of the Poor.” Well, one of the inmates was none other than Mintoff’s father.

    He too was in a wheelchair at the time and quite vocal about how awful his son treated him.

    In particular, he always complained about how his son never came to visit him.

    I find it highly ironic that his Labour admirers venerate him to such a degree that they leave their wives at home to spend the night by his side at his nursing home while Mintoff certainly never paid the same respect to his own elderly father.

    When Mintoff passes away, I will be more than happy to join you in dancing on his grave. In fact I will supply the champagne of your choice and bring along the hors d’oeuvres.

    • etil says:

      What you are saying about Mintoff being too busy to visit his father is quite true. Mintoff’s wife Moira used to visit his father regularly. I know because I saw her many times.

    • Dee says:

      “I find it highly ironic that his Labour admirers venerate him to such a degree that they leave their wives at home to spend the night by his side at his nursing home while Mintoff certainly never paid the same respect to his own elderly father. ”

      “Dust though art dust though shall become.”

      The prospect of a sizeable inheritance is like fresh warm steaming horse-shit. It attracts the flies and creepy crawlies.

    • MayMintoffRotInHell says:

      It’s going to be very crowded on that grave. Maybe the PL can lend us their portable stage ta’ Silvio in-Nexos, you know, the one they thought they’d be using this week.

  243. sergio dimech says:

    L ahwa meta tkunu qedin tghidula sahhara lil din ix xahmet l art tfahhruha tkunu qedin. into dizgust task socjeta u qatt ma xtaqt deni lil hadd imma ha nghidlek jien ma nixtiqekx tmut immaterial nixtieqek tbati fuq li tbati ja wiza li int. u biex nghidlek daphne ill kruha take wiccek ftit rajt bhala jaqqq kEmm int mara dizgustanti ma nafx x gazz kellu zewgek li jorqod mijek!!! May god rot your soul something that should have never been born. what a waste of space on this planet you are occuping. Wish you and your family the worst life ever…

    • Izzie says:

      How very Christian of you, Sergio. U toqgħodx tiġi titkaża hawn. ‘Mn Alla għandna xi ħaġa li tissejjaħ liberta’ ta’ l-espressjoni li, għall-grazzja t’Alla tahilna l-PN fl-1987.

      Jew insejt kollox> Għax naħseb li kellek rasek imdeffsa sew taħt ir-ramel fis-snin 80.

      Tgħallem titkellem, l-ewwel, u ikteb bis-sens ukoll, mhux ta’ baxx li int. Kemm tiflaħ tkun injorant, baxx, aħdar u viljakk. Qabda ċrieċer.

      • sergio dimech says:

        Il-liberta ta l-espressjoni???? qed nara jien kemm hallejtuh liberu lil Franco debono attak wara iehor!!!! piss off mate.. U lil qed tghid baxx? Baxx din il mara kerha u injoranta Galizia u Eddie Fenech Adami li ta il mahfra lil Zeppi il-hafi u jigdeb fuq Alfred Sant… Nies bla stonku!!!

      • Izzie says:

        Lil Franco Debono m’hemmx għalfejn iddaħħlu fil-kredu, Sergio.

        Id-deċiżjonijiet tiegħu ħadhom kif rid hu u kontu tafu li, kif qal hu, mhux xi “little child” ta’ xi ħadd, lanqas tal-PL – ħadtu falza stikka oħra, msieken.

        U iva, aħna għandna l-liberta’ assoluta ta’ espressjoni; u waqt li Żeppi l-Ħafi and friends kellu ħafna “friends” miż-żewġ naħat, ninsabu ċerti li Alfred Sant, jaħasra, QATT ma qal gidba. Miskin.

    • D, says:

      Insejt tghid VIVA IL-LEJBER fl-ahhar, halli turina kemm int tal-affari tieghek.

      Sorry, bil-lingwa tal-internet issa: insejt tejt viva il lejber flahhar halli turina kem int talafari tijek.

      kip it up u prosit tal intervent.

    • Jozef says:

      One cannot occupy a waste of space.

    • MayMintoffRotInHell says:

      waste of space dak li ktibt int ghax l-ewwel tghid li ma tixtieq deni lil hadd u mbgahd tghid wish you and your family the worst life ever u qed nikteb bhalek biex tifimni sew ghax ma nahsibx li kapaci taqra kitba normali

  244. P Shaw says:

    Daphne qajjimt il-marmalja socjalista. You have reduced them to their basic instincts. Kudos.

    At times, I wonder whether there will be a state funeral when he dies. Will he continue to be a cost and burden to the country even after death?

  245. gol hajt says:

    To all the Mintoff admirers, please get real. To the majority of us Maltese, Mintoff wasn’t at all different to Gaddafi, Caucescu, Tito and all. Fortunately his reign didn’t last as long.

    Although watching a butchered Ghaddafi in his last few minutes of his life wasn’t at all a pleasant sight, we all breathed a sigh of relief. It was cathartic.

    Mintoff has long gone from the public eye but surely in his prime many despite their beliefs would have felt the same.

  246. Village says:

    Hell does not exist so the bastard is rotting in Malta, on earth.

    What a pleasant sight.

  247. Lorna saliba says:

    This is unbelievable: these people criticise your blog, call you names but cannot help reading your articles.

    They are all offended at the way you speak of Mintoff, having forgotten the insults they themselves threw at him when he crippled Sant’s government.

    When I see Mintoff, I remember Gaddafi and his Green Book. I remember years of persecution and queues for jobs.

    I remember the building of the largest Soviet embassy in the Mediterranean and our blood ties with North Korea, which trained our ‘special’ forces.

    I remember paying bribes to by-pass an endless line of applicants to get a colour TV and going shopping in Catania where sarcastic Sicilians would hold up bags of Treets and tell you…”anche questi sono buoni”.

    We were looked at as though we were deprived Albanians who craved western goods.

    Thise were the Mintoff years, the years of the Brigata Laburista and Renato dancing about like a complete prat in fringed sleeves. I also remember Mintoff’s photo hanging in each and every government department like Chairman Mao, and Agatha Barbara’s face on the pound replacing that of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

    Must I also remind you of empty car show rooms, when vehicle importation was only limited to Skodas for the poor and BMWs for the privileged few who worked in Libya, or the endless trade embargoes with Italy, France and Japan, imposed because they wouldn’t buy our capers.

    How can we ever forget?

  248. Matt B says:

    Jesus Christ, cut out all the hdura guys.

    If you disagree with what was said, you can always put it in a civilised manner (like I did) instead of resorting to speech more reminiscent of the stone age.

    Are we living in 2012 or otherwise?

  249. TROY says:

    Jien ma nistax nifhem kif dawn il-Mintoffjani qedin jiehdu ghalihom, meta huma stess kienu ghajru lil mintoff traditur u xtaqulhu li jmut zoptu.

    Joe Debono Grech sa pprova jattakkah fizikament fil-parlament.

    Kienu hargu wkoll direttiva f’kull kazini Laburisti li hadd m’ghandu jsemmi lil Perit u tnehhew sahansitra ritratti tieghu.

    Issa f’daqqa wahda sar eroj! Issa! X’hin telaq min mohhu, triduh lura?

    Dawn tant m’ghandhomx lil min johorgu ghal elezzjoni li qabadhom paniku kbir.

    Anglu Farrugia kien wiehed minn dawk li l-izjed ghajjar lil Mintoff u qal li huwa zmagat, u issa Alla jbierek qieghed ifahhru.

    Bhal ma kien ukoll jirreferi ghal Joseph Muscat bhala ‘il-BOY’, u issa dan sar il-leader. Hallina, Ang, ja faccol.

  250. mandango says:

    Incredible! And our taxes have to foot the bill for your safety. If it were for me, I’d let you face the music and dance to your own song.

    • MayMintoffRotInHell says:

      Your taxes, Mandango? If you would have us believe you, tell us how much tax you pay.

      Crime prevention and personal protection are complementary but are not the same thing.

      Police are placed at someone’s door to prevent crimes. Now ask yourself why that’s necessary if all you laburisti hodor are angelic virgins.

  251. Randolph says:

    Għażiżissima Daphne,

    Grazzi tar-ritratti illi qed ittella tal-Perit Mintoff. Dawn qed nagħmel kollezzjoni tagħhom.

    Nista nassigurak li il-Perit għadu maħbub ħafna, kemm mil-Laburisti, u nassigurak aktar li hemm bosta Nazzjonalisti li jirrispettawh u għadhom jonorawh, bħala l-aqwa Prim Ministru li qatt kellha Malta.

    Bla dubju, ma nistenna xejn aħjar mill-erba qlafat li għandek maġenbek. Il-ħdura ma tistax ma tiżboqx aktar minn hekk. Speċjalment meta qed ngħixu f’Rebbiegħa Ġdida bħal din. Mhux hekk??

    Saħħa u risq, u min jixtieq id-deni l-għajru, isibu f’daru, ħadd wara ħadd tasal ta’ kullħadd u, Alla ma jħallasx bin-nhar ta’ Sibt.


    [Daphne – Int jismek Randolph jew Gakki? Kien hemm ghalfejn toqghod tistenna li ntella r-ritratti jiena, meta hemm daqstant ritratti ta’ dak il-bicca (ghax kien veru poison dwarf, miskin) bastid fuq l-internet? Mur fittex, u toghxa.]

    • Antoniette says:

      “Nassigurak li hemm bosta Nazzjonalisti li jirrispettawh u ghadhom jonorawh”.

      Are you on drugs, or just trying to be sarcastic?

      Let me tell you, we all feel like Daphne does about Mintoff; it’s just that not everyone has the guts to admit it.

      You cannot blame us though, seeing as your party is the vile and violent party that it is.

  252. Anonymous says:

    First of all I would like to inform anyone who is flaming on this blog that it’s a waste of time. Freedom of speech applies to everyone and that includes Daphne.

    I am surprised to find this level of hatred in Maltese society after all these years.

    Have we all forgotten what both parties have been telling us… We are one nation and we must respect one another.

    Don’t take me wrong, I don’t like this kind of journalism as I deem it unnecessarily shallow and disrespectful to the person mentioned in the article and journalism as a profession.

    I personally like Mintoff’s way of leading our country. People who found it hard was only because they thought of themselves instead of the country’s best interest. No, the country’s best interest at the time was probably not Daphne or any other individual person but the nation as a whole. Keep in mind that at the time Malta did NOT have the financial problems we are facing today.

    [Daphne – ‘I personally like Mintoff’s way of leading our country.’ That’s because you didn’t experience it. If your parents liked it, it’s probably because they were completely uneducated, like most of them, or had sentiments similar to those of the Brigate Rosse, which they sought to alleviate through means other than kidnappings of the bourgeoisie. “the best interest at the time was probably not Daphne or any other individual person but the nation as a whole” – an intensely totalitarian statement, the very underpinning of totalitarian politics and extremist dictatorships: the individual sacrificed to the ‘common good’.]

    PS: Daphne I am sure you can utilise your time better than writing articles about a man who can no longer do anyone harm. Remember one thing, you reap what your sow. If you’re sowing hatred, don’t expect anything better when the wheel turns.

    [Daphne – Despite my writing style and choice of medium, I am not your age. Why do I say this? Because you’re giving me advice.]

    • Anonymous says:

      FYI Daphne, my parents are very well educated but that is besides the point. The point I was trying to make was that even if we have different political views and idealogies, I would never dream of wishing any other person(invluding yourself) death and hell.

      [Daphne – Read this ]

      I personally think that if you were to use your talents elsewhere(being it restrained political criticism or journalism of factual events) you would very successful.

      [Daphne – ‘If….you would be very successful’. Sigh. There’s something you haven’t noticed, Anonymous, perhaps because you think I sprang out of a cake only last month.]

      Your linguistic skills in both languages(Maltese and English) are excellent and I sure that they can be used for better causes than picking on old enemies(if you want to call him that) and creating new ones in the process.

      [Daphne – I’m glad you noticed the bit about the Maltese, because had you been around before I started this blog, you would have been exposed to reams of Laburist ahdar arguments about ‘dik li lanqas biss taf bil-Malti’, when the reality is that my Maltese is actually better than theirs, because I’ve had the advantage of a better education. Listen to Silvio Parnis and Angly Farrugia speak, for exmaple, and you’ll see what I mean. They are practically incoherent.]

      Just another thing I wanted to point out, please don’t put all PL followers in the same pot. As you can see, I’m being very polite even though some of the comments you posted about me and other fellow PL followers are degrading.

      [Daphne – Needs must when the devil drives, Anonymous. Again: ]

      I see a lot of people here commenting and arguing over the matter in a very wrong way. Again, I have to tell everyone, we are a civilised country thanks to all our previous PMs(Dom Mintoff, Eddie Fenech Adami and yes why not Lawrence Gonzi). It’s an illusion created by both parties that everything the other party does is totally wrong.

      [Daphne – We are NOT a civilised country thanks to Mintoff. The reverse is the case, and it’s not as though you can’t see the evidence on ghastly display here. Why do you think it’s only the marmalja Mintoffiani who communicates in this style and fashion?]

      I am aware that what happened in the 70s and 80s must have hurt a lot of people, but after 30-40 years I would expect people who lived through it to be willing to improve the situation, so we can have a better country for everyone and not instigate hatred for the simple reason that “ghax hekk ghamluli mela hekk se naghmel”.

      [Daphne – Anonymous, the situation HAS improved beyond recognition. Do you honestly think that this is what Malta looked and felt like in 1986? That this is the way we lived? Take a trip to Albania or somewhere like Georgia and you’ll have a better experience of what life was like in 1986 in Malta. But factor out their spectacular scenery and the wide open spaces, because we didn’t even have that consolation.]

      I am not in a position to give anyone advice Daphne, but I am in a position of stating the facts. Fact is that if we keep mud-slinging at every disagreement this PN/PL split will never close and we will keep the country back from evolving into a better place for everyone to live in.

      PS: I know I probably am wasting my time, because you will find something to comment about which will try to ridicule me or others, but I am hoping that reading this will at least make some of us think about what we say and what we do to fellow human beings. This goes for everyone(no exceptions PN and PL followers).

      [Daphne – I am not trying to ridicule you. I am merely mesmerised by the fact that people of your generation, who were brought up in households where Mintoff was god, KMB was somebody you should actually vote for, Alfred Sant was fine and now Joseph is going to save Malta, are just like those young people in China who haven’t clue about what the whole world knows of their country and actually saw happen in film footage on the world news: the Tianamen Square massacre. I thought that was only possible because of Chinese laws and authoritarian discipline which ban all mention of it, including by parents to their children. I had not accounted for the fact that it can actually happen in situations where the parents WANT to conceal things from their children, and their children grow up either too brainwashed or lacking in initiative to find out the truth.]

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Freudian slip. Mintoff is NOT running the country, but one of his greatest acolytes thinks he is, though he isn’t.

      • Anonymous says:

        I only stated Mintoff lead the country and I liked his methods, even though they were not always popular leadership methods. I never said he is leading the country. I quote what I said… “I personally like Mintoff’s way of leading our country.” which if read on it’s own might be mistaken for an article back from his day but if you keep reading my post you’ll notice I also said ” People who found it hard was only because they thought of themselves instead of the country’s best interest. No, the country’s best interest at the time was probably not Daphne or any other individual person but the nation as a whole” which is referring to past events. If you’re going to comment do so by reading carefully what was written, like Mrs. Caruana Galizia does, before posting.

        Kindly note that I am not a Mintoff acolyte, as Daphne has said I barely remember the man and what I do remember of him were some very bad decisions(in my opinion). I’m referring to 1998 when he voted against his own party. I’m a PL follower, meaning I agree with the party ideologies of equality and worker’s rights but certainly not a Mintoff fan.

      • MayMintoffRotInHell says:

        “I personally like Mintoff’s way of leading our country” is in the present tense.

        “I personally LIKED Mintoff’s way of leading our country” is grammatically correct but a factual error.

        “I DIDN’T like Mintoff’s way of ruining Malta” is grammatically and factually accurate.

      • MayMintoffRotInHell says:

        If you barely remember the man, then how can you like his “methods”? You certainly didn’t experience his government and could only have heard a biased view.

        Let’s interpret those methods, shall we?

        You like the fact that he handed out cash, “jobs” and plottijiet tal-gvern, which were no such thing given that he confiscated private property with impunity, accepted blood money from Gaddafi to drip feed to your parents, and the “jobs” he created had ridiculously exotic names and absolutely no content. If he had had his way, you’d have spent a part of your life – if not all of it – picking capers for a living.

        So drop the fine words and, if you really want to know what the man was like, don’t ask the people who adore him.

  253. Rita Magri says:

    Daphne there is a fine line between saying what you think which is everyone’s right and being totally rude.

    [Daphne – No, there isn’t a fine line. There is a gulf between the two. I reserve the right to be as rude about Dom Mintoff and his ridiculous daughter as I please, and fortunately, the law now upholds this right, though there is still much to be done.]

    I really hope that when you are old yourself someone gives you the same treatment.

    [Daphne – I have been at the receiving end of much worse ‘treatment’ at the hands of your party, Rita, since the age of 25. I am hardly likely to bother at 95, though I imagine your lot with still find me a source of great fascination, because I combine all the elements that act as a red rag to their totalitarian bull.]

    But for now I really think you like the attention you are being given that is why you are acting like a spoiled child. I really think that all people should be treated with respect Mintoff or not, he is an old man who is obviously ill and tired.

    [Daphne – Read my earlier comment again. I have lived in the glare of the public spotlight since an age when many are still at university. I do not need any more attention. I need less. I know, yes, that with some women columnists it’s all about the attention and the reason they all end up shafting me, or trying to, one way or another eventually is because they think I have the attention that is rightfully theirs. But the reality is that I am so accustomed to it that I am completely indifferent, as somebody who is born blind in one eye ends up pretty much oblivious to it because that is all he has ever known. The reality is that I have more or less never had an adult life outside the spotlight, and I don’t know what an adult life outside the spotlight might be like. So I can’t compare. This is normal to me.

    ‘All old people should be treated with respect’: a very foolish comment. Old people are not a different class of person. They are the same person, but old. The law underscores this: you do not escape prosecution by virtue of your age, though you do escape prosecution by virtue of mental infirmity, at whatever age. Age has absolutely nothing to do with it.]

    So pls dance the samba on his grave when he dies but at least he will be remembered for Good and Bad things, you will be remembered only for the BAAAAAADDDD. P.S Satan says hi xx

    [Daphne – I don’t believe in Satan. Unfortunately.]

  254. Maria Attard says:

    Imma inkredibbli tara certi kummenti, lanqas temmen li pajjizna huwa SUPPOST nisrani…Mintoff huwa bniedem bhal kull wiehed u wahda minnha u zgur ma jixraqlux il-kliem ikrah li intqal hawn fuq umbaghad specjalment minn nies li tant jahsbu li huma ta livell gholi u to top it all, iridu nghajru hamalli lil tas-south…i come from the south, born and raised in the south and it would never cross my mind to speak about someone in this way. Veru tal-misthija!!!

    [Daphne – Who are you talking about, Maria? Me, or the crass rednecks commenting here? ‘I come from the south’. Where is the south? The last time I looked, Malta was 17 miles by nine. Does it have a south? Amazing.]

  255. Claude Sciberras says:

    I tried reading all the comments and could not get to the end mainly because of all the hate language.

    Now to be honest with you I would not have said rot his soul but you are free to do so.

    [Daphne – You don’t need to tell me that I am free to do so, and the fact that you feel you have to say it speaks volumes about the state of democracy in this country. Franco Debono thinks democracy is best served by tighter libel laws. But no, democracy is best served by more people doing what I’m doing so that everyone can just bloody well get used to it and join the rest of the civilised world. Saying that somebody should rot in hell might be a novel experience for Maltese society sucked into the vortex of duttrina and Catholic forgiveness, but believe me, it is nowhere near an unusual thing in the Anglo-Saxon world. ‘May you rot in hell’ is in fact one of the most ordinary (and old) British insults. Google it.]

    However what I wanted to ask you is whether you receive this amount of abuse regularly and decide not to post them or if this was just in response to the article on Mintoff.

    [Daphne – I receive abuse regularly, but the worst abuse I receive is when the subliterate Facebook crowd begin picking up on links. They are not normally here because most of them can’t really read. No, I don’t post the comments, but in this case, I thought it imperative to do so, so that others may be able to understand the full scale of the problem, and that it is not a problem for me but a problem for the country, at this far-reaching level.]

    If the former I’m really sorry for you, I dont know how you manage to take all that abuse regularly.

    [Daphne – I started young, Claude. I’ve been at the receiving end since my mid-20s. You get used to it, and beyond that, I am hardly likely to care what subliterate guttersnipes think of me. Their sort have always hated my sort, whether we write about Mintoff or not. You can be really nice to a Laburist, employ him and his extended family for 40 years, and you’ll still find out that he and his own have been running you down and treating you only as a source of money, waiting for the moment when they can stab you and take what’s yours, or watch it taken from you. I used to be one of those people who thought that politics don’t matter, friend to all, blah blah blah. Then in my dotage I realised that letting Laburisti close is always dangerous because they will always secretly hate you and wait for the moment they can do you in. People like that grow up with the idea of Them and Us, and even if they grow to be richer, prettier, smarter & C & C they continue to have that lingering feeling of not quite belonging, that somebody will ‘find them out’, that The Others whose lives they worked to usurp will do them in so they had better do them in first. The politics are almost incidental. It’s just that this type of person is almost always Labour, so Laburist has ended up becoming a byword for the type, rather than the politics.]

    If the latter it confirms how idolised this person was and to date I cannot understand why. They called him salvatur and traditur he used to call his own bla bocci he was rude and brought the country to its knees, so I cant understand what there is to idolise.

    However it explains how you still have pro-Gaddafi fighters battling it out in Libya.

    [Daphne – A nice comparison.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      “Saying that somebody should rot in hell might be a novel experience for Maltese society sucked into the vortex of duttrina and Catholic forgiveness, but believe me, it is nowhere near an unusual thing in the Anglo-Saxon world.”

      May Daphne’s soul be raised to the heavens for such clarity of thought.

      English, or rather British English, for the puritanical Yanks are but Maltese with better genes, has a whole arsenal of expressions involving the devil, hell, the soul, and the various unpleasant things that can be done to it.

      The devil with you.

      To hell with you.

      Blast your soul to bloody hell.

      Now try translating them into Maltese. What happened with “may god rot his soul” was the usual mental translation from English to Maltese meaning. Or word-value. Or whatever it’s called. It goes to show what a vast cultural chasm separates us from our madre patria the UK (this should keep the thread going for another 800 posts).

      It’s EXACTLY this mental translation which triggered the national outpouring of indignation at the simple, honest, British words “Fuck off” captured on camera. Because how would translate that into Maltese? Fuck is tahxi. Ergo mur inhexa, they probably thought. Wrong. “Hallini bi kwieti” is probably the most faithful translation.

      It becomes hilariously evident during Saturday-night fights between Maltese and foreigners, where the lingua franca is English. You get things like: “Fuck your mother!” Then there’s the epic: “Rubber jolly. Ewrosfakkers.”

  256. anthony says:

    kieku kont minnek ghaziza daphne, l-anqas biss nohlom nighid dawk iċ-ċuċata li tikteb ghax fil verita int lanqas in tajba biex dak ir ragel fuq il wheelchair juzak bhala bicca fiex jimsah zarbun, u kieku int imqar fdik il hajja mdejqa tieghek taghmel 1% tal gid li ghamel hu, forsi jkun hemm xi hadd jimmisjak la tmur fejn jixraqlek. sahha u jalla tiehu lura dak kollhu li tixtieqlu.(min qalbi)

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Facli taghmel “gid” b’li tisraq minn ghand haddiehor, anthony. Cwiec bhalek forsi ma jafux li Mintoff kien miljunarju. Ma tantx kien idahhal idejh fil-bwiet biex iqassam dak l-imbierek gid li tghid li ghamel.

      Forsi ha jidfinhom mieghu.

  257. Ange says:

    Oh Daph! You are hilarious. I imagine you sipping a glass of red wine bemused with all these comments. I would be. Such entertainment!

    They’ve really come out of the woodwork.

    I’m so glad you did this.

    It should remind everyone what Labour are really like. Hdura and class hatred. How that 20yo actually believes that his opportunity to get into university is all thanks to Mintoff just shows how warped the young generation is.

    They don’t know how good they have it now. My daughter is sitting her Matsecs this year. Such a crucial year. It brought back memories of my own fifth form year, which never started thanks to Mintoff closing down our schools.

    Having clandestine lessons in each other’s houses and being followed by the, yes, hamalli and uneducated Labour, harassing us ‘Jew b’xejn Jew xejn’.

    These spiteful people are still there.

    And yes, they will come out in force if there’s a Labour government. Making sure they put Malta back in the gutter because they know no better.

    God save us.

  258. John Bondin says:

    Daphne, ix xampanja tieghi lesta ghal wara l-elezzjoni li miss, meta inti tkun qed tinharaq …

    • D. says:

      “TINHARAQ “as in arson attack?

      Shades of ;
      “Ca Ira
      Ca Ira
      Les aristocrats a’ lá lanterne”. ?

    • gordon says:

      tinharaq imma fl-infern jekk hemm gustizzja hemm fuq! din mhix mara imma xitan u nithassar lir-ragel li tqanna bija

      • Dee says:

        She knows one more then the devil, ja cuc ippatentjat. Thanks to riffraff like you, the ratings of her blog have flown sky high AND ALL THE WORLD NOW KNOWS JUST HOW MUCH THE PRESENT LABOUR PARTY HAS NOT CHANGED SINCE THE SO-CALLED GOLDEN MINTOFF ERA.

        Good work, Ms DCG.

      • Kemm Batejt says:

        Kemm int ARJURANT, Gordon.

        Dejjem Tieghek,
        Kemm Batejt.

      • TROY says:

        gordon jahasra qed terga thawwadni – hemm fuq, fejn jigi ezatt?

        Mhix mara imma xitan! Mela kif qed tghid int ix-xjaten kollha rgiel.

        Ix-xjaten, kemm huma lucky in-nisa.

      • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

        hemm fuq m’hemmx gustizzja ghax kieku Mintoff ma kienx jithalla jfotti l-hajja ta’ tant u tant nies.

    • Mycroft says:

      “Il Fusellu” irxoxta ?

  259. Marcel Proust says:

    Actually I find her attractive.

    I could dedicate to her image some of my lines, my verse, and my poetry. The woman fascinates me. I’m not interested in her doctrine, her beliefs and I do not let those issues prejudice my feelings. If she is a witch, she is a jolly attractive one at that.

    I am positive that a hoard of commenters will now hound me; still, as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said, If I’m in love with you, what business is it of yours?
    A poet can nourish his verse with a one-side love affair; for Love is a great beautician.

  260. D. says:

    The day we got rid of Labour in May of 1987, my normally very staid mother went right in the middle of the road blowing one of my young child’s whistles with sheer joy and behaving like a football yob.

    I plan to go do cartwheels in the middle of the road to celebrate the “passing on to a better world” of this nasty old piece of work, followed by a “wake ” with what is left of my family with champers, Mars ice-cream and a selection of Barilla pasta and other appropriate products.

  261. J Abela says:

    Now, I can confirm that over the past years I have developed a pathological grudge towards all-caps comments.

  262. A says:

    The only awkward thing about this is your attempt to belittle my English, because unfortunately for you I bring more to the table than swear words. As far as I’m concerned I’m not writing a narrative, so excuse me for not making it as flowery or as you’d like it to be, I save my idioms for people worth reading them. Would you have rather I swore at you so you could take pleasure in mocking my etiquette? Probably. And no, your Maltese involves to much code switching, you should see to that and let the people ‘like you’ know that their Maltese is faulty.

    [Daphne – ‘Code switching’. Your people so love that term. People who are bilingual can code switch to their heart’s delight. It’s people like you who have a problem, struggling in both languages.]

  263. Mycroft says:

    I think Charles Mangion was correct whwn he said that MLP/PL supporters have different DNA. These comments prove it.

    I certainly would not want to know and be associated with some of the punters posting illiterate comments/threats on this blog.

    My nanna used to call them hamalli, criecer, illiterati and scroungers on social security.

    [Daphne – My nanna used to call them ‘bums’. As in, ‘dak bum’. Or, in extreme cases, ‘dak il-vera bum’. I used to find it hilarious as a child, because she appeared unfamiliar with the other meaning of the word. In those days as children, we used bum for bottom.]

    What they can never understand is that this abysmal difference has nothing to do with “flus” (wealth) but is upbringing/ability to think and make one’s way in the world without leaning on nanny state for handouts.

    Oh. by the way, can you include Denis Sammut (BOV Executive Director 1982 – May 1987) with Dom Mintoff in soon kicking the bucket and rotting in hell?

    [Daphne – You’d be surprised to find how he’s reinvented himself and hidden his corrupt past and his stolen bank money. Google him and get a shock.]

  264. JB says:

    Did you notice that this website now ranks No. 33? Impressive.

    [Daphne – Thank you. And do you know what my greatest satisfaction is? That I moved up the most recent few places on the back of Dom Mintoff and his admirers. Outwitting these people has become a sport for me.]

  265. lord lucan says:

    I have a great idea.

    Mintoff should be preserved in a mausoleum once he dies like Mao and Stalin were.

    [Daphne – Once he dies, eh? Shame we can’t do it before.]

    I figure like this everybody will be happy since the Laburisti/Mintoffiani can go visit him for inspiration etc, and the Nationalists can keep the memory of him alive for their own particular reasons which become especially important around election time.

    [Daphne – Mintoff didn’t figure in either of the two last elections, lord lucan. He figures now because the leader of the Labour Party has turned him into his main platform for election: Mintoffian nostalgia. Obviously, that is going to provoke an equal and opposite reaction.]

    Lastly and most importantly in relation to the initial comments on this blog, one could argue that in a sense Mintoff would have gained immortality by being preserved for eternity, and the question of what happens to his soul becomes insignificant.

  266. SMSN says:

    Daphne, judging by a few of your posts on your meaningless blog, it seems as though you haven’t had a decent f$%k in a while. It is because of people like yourself that this country will never move forward. Relax, get out a bit and instead of posting rubbish on here, utilise any free time you have (which seems to be abundant) and post an ad on some dating site to try find some poor guy/woman that can satusfy you. Good luck! – I’m sure your dog would be interested, word is, they love bitches.

    • A Montebello says:

      SMSN: you call Daphne’s blog meaningless – yet here you are spouting the same kind of venom you accuse DCG unjustly of. A tad hypocritical, wouldn’t you say?

      And how can her blog be meaningless and yet stall a country from moving forward?

      • SMSN says:

        AM – If you actually did read my post before you commented (excuse my advanced use of the English language), you would have noticed that I never gave DCG’s blog so much importance as to imply that it was the sole reason as to why this country is so behind.

        Hope we clarified this.

        P.S – congrats, you are one brave lad/lass

    • edd says:


    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Here’s another who gets off on cheap porn sites.

  267. lea says:

    -.- <—- this says it all !!

  268. L.Gatt says:

    For those who see Mintoff as a poor fragile old senile man (which he probably is now) I have one comment.

    At the time that Mintoff was PM, I had a relative who worked in Castille.

    I clearly remember that this second cousin (who was not even a practising Catholic) would often relate how Mintoff took swearing to a whole new level.

    Mintoff apparently was known to start a monologue of direct insults with both Jesus Christ and Mary.

    This is how this sweet little old man let off steam at the end of the day, to the embarrassment and humiliation of those around him.

    So let’s just face it – up there “They” do not want him, so you guys back in Malta are lumped with him, incontinent or not.

    • D. says:

      A relative of mine who worked under Dom when he was works minister way back in the fifties, used to say exactly the same about him. I swear on the heads of all those I hold dear to me that it is the sacrosant truth.

  269. A Montebello says:

    I suspect that were he still in power, or still had the power to, the old man in the wheelchair wouldn’t think twice about arranging for the elimination of Daphne.
    Age does not abstain one from guilt and condemnation.

    Nazi war criminals are still being hunted down.

  270. lord lucan says:

    “He didn’t figure in the last two elections” (Mintoff and all he stands for).

    I disagree with you on this point since the fear factor about Labours past behaviour is probably the single most important reason for the Nationalists’ success over the last 2.5 decades.

    I seem to remember that in the early 90s you were much more critical of the PN administration at the time, then after two years of Sant after his shock win, (due mainly to utilizing modern US style election campaign techniques) you understandably just cannot let this happen again.

    What happened to you in the 90s (that is taking your eye off the Labour ball so to speak), is what happened to many people of the same temperament, they forgot just how bad it can really get.

    These so called Labour Party supporters don’t actually support their party for any valid/sane reason since the party does not officially have any policies. The real tragedy about it all is that on many issues such as the role religion should play in politics/state, the Labour Party is closer to the aspirations/beliefs of both the middle and upper classes, the problem is they are just too rotten deep down inside to realize this.

    [Daphne – The Labour Party is NOT closer to the values of the middle classes. Not at all. It is actually much more conservative than the Nationalist Party on matters of religion and ‘people who are different’. That is why Muscat is unable to commit his party to gay rights and was unable to commit his party to divorce. The working class, in Malta as in Britain, is more conservative than the middle class. It is the under-class who don’t give a damn. ]

  271. christian a says:

    kif tista ma tahmlekx lilek meta tikteb ekk mi8sek tishti tghajjar lil missier malta isthi !!!!!!!!! wassa iz zmien li intom il hammali nazzjonalisti ma tibqawx fil gvern.

  272. etil says:

    My Daph, you have definitely opened a hornet’s nest. Good for you – the Mintoffjans are out in their throes, vying with one another as to who is the most vulgar, coarse, and yes, ignorant.

  273. Izzie says:

    So now Mr Gatt is insinuating once more, typical of all those crying foxes, that they want to shut us up! Oh, we are so afraid. Ma, x’biza.

  274. Lomax says:

    Ha nikteb bil-Malti, bil-permess tieghek, ghax qed nara illi hawn nies lanqas bil-Malti ma jifhmu ahseb u ara bl-Ingliz.

    Meta naqra certu kummenti (illi jistghu jingabru fil-kumment – Mintoff ghamel minn Malta genna ta’ l-art) nistaghgeb kemm huwa difficli illi tfiehem lill-injorant x’ gara verament.

    Jiena ma rridx nghajjar jew nitghajjar pero’ l-fatt jibqa’ illi trid tkun veru mhux istruwit u b’ghajnejk maghluqa biex tghid li Mintoff tah futur lil dan il-pajjiz u li salvah.

    L-ahwa, intom illi qeghdin tiktbu bi hgarkom kontra Mintoff, kunu afu illi Mintoff ghamel gid mela le imma tant ghamel hsara, tant kemm qered hajjiet nies, tant kemm wegga’ u kisser familji, tant kemm ghaffeg drittijiet taht saqajh, illi l-hsara illi ghamel iridu jghaddu generazzjonijiet sabiex tithassar. Dik hija r-realta’.

    Mintoff zera l-mibeghda lejn il-klassi (kif jirrizulta b’mod car mill-kummenti taghkom), igglorifika l-injoranza, bierek il-korruzzjoni u, b’mod generali, qered il-valuri illi tabilhaqq kienu jaghmluna Maltin. Fejn qatt qabel Mintoff ma kien hawn il-mibeghda tal-klassi illi giet ma’ Mintoff? Fejn qatt qabel Mintoff kien hawn il-kollass ta’ rispett lejn l-awtorita’ illi gab mieghu Mintoff. Tabilhaqq, kien Mintoff illi ghajjar lill-kostituzzjoni “karta ta’ l-incova” u kien bil-barka ta’ Mintoff illi Agatha Barbara ghajret lit-teachers hafna insulti. Mintoff dghajjef lilll-istituzzjonijiet u ghamel hsara irreperabbli, certament mhux fil-medda ta’ hajjitna.

    U punt ta’ l-ahhar: f’ demokrazija, kulhadd jista’ jikteb li jrid u jghid li jrid sakemm ma tirfisx fuq id-drittijiet ta’ haddiehor. Demokrazija ma jfissirx inti tghid li trid, basta jiena naqbel mieghu. Din hija d-demokrazija illi thaddnu intom u ghandkom kuncett totalment zbaljat ta’ x’inhija demokrazija.

    Thank you Daphne for allowing me to use Maltese – however, as Napoleon aptly is reported to have said, the biggest battle one has to face is that against ignorance.

  275. Charmaine says:

    Daphne I feel sorry for people like you that for some publicity and to get known you trash people like Dom Mintoff that have done so much for their country. You may not agree with him politically but no one can deny the fact that he has always done whats best for his country. I’m sorry but “the rot in hell” comment is proof that you would say anything just to get the spot light since you can’t get it any other way.

    [Daphne – I don’t need to do anything to ‘get known’, Charmaine. It turns out that even illiterates half my age are big fans.]

    • Dee says:

      The only ‘best’ he ever did was for his over-inflated macho ego and his pocket.
      Issa jiehu kollox mieghu meta imut!

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Charmaine, sweetheart, it all depends on what country you live in. You live in a cuntry, apparently. Those who despise Mintoff don’t.

      What’s best for Malta is not and never was for Mintoff to decide. The selfish bastard used the country to satisfy his gargantuan sociopathic ego. He drove investment away, drove private initiative into the ground, stole private property, sent many to an early grave, ruined education, befriended the world’s pariah states and courted their vicious leaders. For what?

      To end up old and dribbling in a wheelchair with millions stashed away in the bank.

      Long may he live and may he have many lucid moments.

  276. A Montebello says:

    Dear Daphne…. I’ve bitten my fingernails down to the wick waiting in anticipation of “Mintoff: The Facts”.

    When can we expect the first instalment?

    Will it be a precursor for “Mintoff: The Musical”? It could work…. and the finale could be big tap-dance number at the Adolorata.

    Sigh… more waiting.

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Kieku taf kemm hu veru li ma taghmel xejn ma’ Mintoff ghax ma kienx jahmel jara xi haga tajba li ma kienx jivvinta mod kif ifarraka jew jisraqa.

  277. jessi says:

    might marry a sinjur li jaghmlek nies.]
    xi trid tajd bija li il foqra mumix sinjuri ??

    • geek says:

      1. – Irranga l-Malti.
      2. – “foqra mumix sinjuri”. Nahseb hekk ifissru l-kliem hux; Jekk fqir, ma tistax tkun sinjur…

  278. Johnny Kexx says:

    Daphne is the woman Labour always wished to have but instead twekkew b’kannen such as Marisa Micallef.

  279. D. Mercieca says:

    Dom Mintoff has done a lot for this country and he was able to bring this country on its feet. I don’t exclude the fact that he has done bad things but keep in mind that he has helped a lot of people especially the people who could not afford a good education. I really feel pity for you, Daphne. You have completely ruined your façade of a ‘polite’ and ‘educated’ woman from your comments. This is pure hatred. You’re constantly sitting behind a computer and attacking people with this blog – Get a life.

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Are you saying schools in Mintoff’s time were lousy? I quite agree.

      He couldn’t bear the idea of the great unwashed acquiring the sort of education that would enable them to challenge him. He didn’t put the country on its feet. He drove it into the ground.

      Private enterprise and initiative is what built the country up again and pulled it out of the abyss that was Mintoff’s legacy.

      The saddest thing about Mintoff – for you, not for me since I don’t care for the man – is that he wasn’t even a skilled statesman. He was hopelessly incompetent in that department.

  280. bonnie says:

    You never have anything positive to say about anyone whether it be from the nationalist party or from the labour party. Needless to say one cannot deny you being a pish banter. I cannot begin to fathom how someone can be so foul-mouthed.

    Perhaps I ought to bring it to your attention that your poor , notorious and rotten soul is most loathed by many.

    I on the other hand, do not hate you but I must admit, the piss that comes out of your mouth is venomous on the people you speak about. Try saying something nice for a change.

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Sweet bonnie. The world is full of blogs. Why do you read this one and post a comment that condemns you far more than anyone else.

  281. Francis Saliba MD says:

    As Christians we should leave God out of this. He does not rot souls. He judges with superhuman fairness and ample forgiveness for those who beg forgiveness and who genuinely repent their transgressions.

    As frail human beings we can only observe facts and these are unquestionably very dismal indeed. An arrogant despot, who in his prime rode rough shod and mercilessly like a juggernaut over all who stood in his way is now reduced to the hell of an impotent living death depending on the charitable help of others for his most basic needs – the only attenuating circumstance being that he may not even be conscious of the depths of his miserable existence..

  282. M Vella says:

    I am 40 and very proud to be Nationalist. We all know what we went through in the 80’s and it’s stamped on black and white. But dear Daphne, this just shows me that you are in the same level of ignorance, hate and spirituality that the labourites were in the 80’s. You are no better. Shame on you for talking like that. You should be an example to all and not instigate hate and evil like this, whatever the person has done. This is just not the way! Our party, the Nationalist Party, always fought for the right and for the good. Our leaders have never ever instigated this type of hatred, anzi, we were always thought to do the opposite. You have made a fool of our ideologies and believes. Shame on you Daphne. You seriously need to stop spreading such nuisance. What good do you think you are doing? When you write or say something, do it with the intention of spreading peace and good. You call this democracy? This is evil, full stop.

    [Daphne – Beetle alert. Stay still while I stamp on you, then scrape you off the sole of my shoe.]

    • M Vella says:

      There is something called Karma Daphne. What you wish for others, will all come back to you. You’re a disgrace to our party and to the nation.

      [Daphne – Kemm tifmu fil-karma tal-Labour, God bless. Kulhadd armat bit-Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, ghandu jkun. You talk about karma and how much you believe in it but you haven’t applied the rules of karma to Labour’s purgatory in Opposition. Try it. You’ll like it.]

  283. Amy Lyle says:

    “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?” Luke 6:32

  284. A Montebello says:

    You certainly disturbed a nest of hornets that have been lying dormant since the 80s.

    Whilst robbing many of their youth, here’s good old Dom have a laugh with good friend, Kim.

  285. Mark G says:

    Press CTRL and F and type in Laburista into the search engine, then read the comments that this person has written.

    Without a doubt s/he has lost it, and a caps-lock fanatic also.

    ” JAAQQ KEMM INT KERRAHHH” is this person’s main argument. Love it.

  286. Eyes in Face says:

    Kif ma tisthix tigudika lil haddiehor Daphne? Daqs kemm int kera! Tinduna li nazzjonalista xhin thares lejn wiccek. Ara in-Net ul-One u tara ghalfejn qat ma tista tkun Laburista. GHAX KERA XIHAGA TA! MHUX FTIT!

  287. pepp says:


  288. pepp says:


    • D. says:

      Kemm taf tuza kliem sabih u tad-deheb biex tghabbi.
      Jaqaw int xi erudit mil-bir tas-skieken maghruf ahjar bhala Fondazzjoni Idejat?

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      X’finezza ghandhom tal-PL. Ghandu b’xiex jiftahar Muscat. Ahjar jiftah gagga ghall-annimali kollha li ghandhu fil-partit minn flok fetah sezzjoni ghal min huwa omosesswali.

  289. Joe says:

    Brilliant Daphne, you’ve just exposed their true colours. Progressive my foot.

  290. patbugi says:

    “May God rot his soul, if he finally decides he wants it.” yes very mature indeed.

  291. lara farrugia mintoff says:

    … What a very elegant woman

    • Lisa S says:

      loool if you call this Woman elegant…. then I’m very curious to see how you are personally !!! and maybe teach you what elegance is all about !

  292. Lisa S says:

    @ IMHO …. kemm tahseb li int bravu qed nara l comments tieghek donnok ilhaqt l avukat tax-xitan, li int imhallef, avukat jew tabib zgur ma tghadilix minn mohhi…. imma aqtali kurzita x tahdem int hi b dal mod diplomatiku li ghandek kif titkellem u tirrispondi ??? kennies mal gvern jew bit truck taz-zibel ax gibtni f dubju inkella forsi qieghed fuq l-assistenza socjali jew taht il pensjoni tal morda??

    • IMHO says:

      Lanqas xejn, Lisa S. Kompli ipprova, forsi taqta x’naghmel. Il-premju stilla huwa dizzjunarju halli titghallem tikteb sewwa.

      • Lisa S says:

        jien nitghallem nikteb sewwa???? int bis serjeta qed tghid lili hekk ? looool jiena nghalmek tikteb jekk trid fil-prezent qed nghati lezzjonijiet privati kit taqra u tikteb jekk tithajjar ghidli halli nerfalek post ghax lili zgur ma tistax tghajjarni fuq il kitba ! u jekk tithajjar ukoll volontarjament nghallmek kif tkun bniedem inteligenti u eleganti u kif twiegeb b mod diplomatiku flok redikolu

  293. Shanice vassallo says:

    You call us injornati it would be much better if you take a look at your leader and his followers including yourself because i have never seen anyone more ‘injornat’ than you. You think you’re better than anybody else because you write on the internet and have your own personal blog. Well flash news love everyone has that ability and you have nothing better than other people. In alot of people’s opinion you are just one ugly bitch that don’t stand when people are better than you and the people you believe in so you try to hurt eveyone with your words. I suggest you shuy your mouth and you look in the mirror cause you have much more faults than all the people you call namess all together

    • Pampers says:

      ‘Well flash news love everyone has that ability and you have nothing better than other people.’

      No, not really love. You certainly don’t. You might know how to spam comment boards and the Facebook profiles of your fellow goats with incoherent, unlettered sentences and regurgitate the empty slogans you read on the Malta Today website but you can’t write.

      What’s all this nonsense about mirrors anyway? Are you one of those insecure people who spend hours in front of them?

    • Dee says:

      What is an ‘injornat’?

    • d_Riddler says:

      Nice ghetto name, Shanice.

    • IMHO says:

      Flash news, Shanice: You’re on the internet but you can’t write or spell to save your life. Is that a wig you’re wearing or did you grow your pubes that long?

  294. PEPPI says:

    If he doesn’t hurry up and die, my champagne is going to go off. And I speak for many thousands when I say this.

    Dan kliem il brava DCG Hu jien najd li kieku jigri bil kontra DCG go off many people will go to be the first to spit on her grave as you said and i am speaking for the other thousands of Maltese people . Even when you are gone bless your soul there will be an other one maybe your son that ass hol //// ????

    [Daphne – For a moment there I thought I finally had a comment from an eloquent Mintoffian. Then I realised that it was part of my own sentences, copied and pasted. What a disappointment.]

  295. Manolita Camilleri says:

    Wow. U dan suppost blog post intelligenti. M’ghandekx x’tghamel b’hajtek qisek Daphne…

  296. Sean says:

    I never voted in my life and will never do. After reading through most of the posts here. I can consolidate that statement in the previous sentence. I really hate politics and I don’t like people hating each other because ot their political belief.

    Kollha kemm intom Maltin, kullhadd nies u qeghdin nghixu f’era gdida. Ghalxejn toqghodu titqatlu bejnietkom intom minn intom u ma min intom. Kollha kemm intom ghandkom il-valuri taghkom.

    Rigward dan l-artiklu Daphne jidhirli li ma kellux jigi “posted”. Inhoss li mhux uman dak li qeghda tghid fir-rigward ta dan l-ex politikant. Il-politikanti kollha ghamlu tajjeb u hazin minn L-A saz Z.

    Jekk issemmi il Mintoff… gab xeba riforma fejn jidlu servizzi socjali etc. U flopinjoni tieghi kien bniedem kbir. Bhala hazin kien estrem fcerta mentalita’ li kien jimplimenta. U vjolenza kienet ukoll frekwenti minn certa nies. Nista nifhem u nadher certa nies li jitkellmu b’certa mod minhabba li gew milquta minn certa kattiverja li kienet tezisti f’dawk iz-zminijiet.

    Jekk issemmi il Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami. Dan ukoll gab xeba biddliet u hafna tajbin ukoll, pero tfaccjat xeba korruzjoni fil-pajjiz. Zdiedu il-barunijiet tad-droga. Hija ovvja din.. qeghdin kullimkien ma saqajna. Hafna businesses jevadu it-taxxa ghax ikunu “tal-qalba” u ahna nahdmu l-ahwa! Fil-gvern precedenti kienet lestrem liehor! Tant kien hemm strettezza li certa nies kienu jmorru lura b’terz tal paga “gross” id-dar! Minn estrem ghall-lehor

    Jekk insemmu il-Alfred Sant. Jekk xejn kien ser jipprova jgib biddla pero kien wisq “strict” … gholla il kontijiet tad dawl u tal ilma … kien ser inehhili li stipendju igifieri laqatni direttament. Pero kien RAGEL bizzejjed illi sejjah elezjoni kmieni. Haga li dan il gvern qed jevita akkost ta kollox….. Dejjem kollox kontra.

    Fl-ahhar ghandna dan il-gvern. Ghogobni kif mexxa fil-bidu pero ghandu xebgha affarjiet hziena ukoll. 1. “Tal-qalba” ghadom igawdu… funny li ma tiktibx fuqhom dawn Daphne! Considering li kont urtata minn certa nies li kont taf meta kont izghar … hafna snin ilu. . . . 2. Korruzjoni? Galore! Ghad hawn hafna businesses li ma jiddikjarawx taxxa u ahna ghadna inhallsu. . . 3. Trasport? No comments 4. Easy Gas? Congrats Caqnu

    Pero il kantaliena ta Joseph Muscat QAZZITNI. L-unika haga li naf hija li Joseph Muscat tghallem il kelma “stabilta” pero xi TFISSER u kif der jimplimenta din il kelma ghadu fis-shab … u jrid jiggverna! Sakemm jibqa “jwassal” il messaggi qisu “puppet” tal-klikka antika li hemm gol PL. Il-partit mhux ser jigi fuq saqajh. Nista nifhem ghala in Nazzjonalisti u il Laburisti stess jekk nigu f’dan warrbu lil-George Abela … Dak biss seta’ jkun ta “challenge” igib riforma fil-PL. M’ghandu xejn konkret …”duhhan biss” …u flopinjoni tieghi m’ghandux il hila jiggverna.

    • NikiB says:

      Someone has to run the country so as a citizen you have to choose who you think can do the best job. You don’t have to like politicians to do that. If you do not make a choice, others will do it for you. Then don’t complain about the result.

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      ‘I don’t vote and never will.

      I never read this blog and never will.’

      Not voting means government by default so if you don’t like what you get it’s your fault.

  297. Rover says:

    That excuse for a man, sitting in his wheelchair with his mouth wide open, blighted the best years of my life. May a swarm of flies crap in his mouth.

    • Dee says:

      He blighted the best years of several members of two generations of my family including myself. I am one who believes in forgiving and forgetting, but the sight of that simpering Yana Mintoff Bland mouthing her revised version of Mintoffian family values was simply too much to stomach.

  298. James says:

    Daphe kruha galizia – tghid li il labour hamallu ? kemm int hamalla int li toqod tikteb lura bi hdura imaghad jien li ktibtek x ghamilt int u ibnek hassarta qas hallejta tidher. Mara cercura hamalla pastasa u ardita dak li int ghamel pjacir lil Maltin kollha intefa go kamra u ghidilhom isakruk u jarmu cavetta ha nehilsu minnek ghax qazzizt lil kullhadd x int hadra

    • Dee says:

      This one IS a wood-worm (susa) , and NOT a beetle.
      Get pest control quick.

    • IMHO says:

      Kull m’ghandek taghmel, James, huwa (bil-lingwa li tifhem inti):

      tidholx fil-blokk ta’defni
      tippowstjax fuq Fejsbuk
      taqrax il-powsts ta’ haddiehor mehudin minn dan il-blokk
      ixtri l-orizzont u imsah bih.

  299. hubert says:

    ma jmissekx tisthi tikteb hekk fuq bniedem ta` dik l-eta. qed toffendi lil anzjani u lil dawk kollha li qed isofru minn xi dizabilita. kemm int purcinella..u qed niktiblek bil-malti biex jifhem kullhadd u mhux ghax ma nlahhaqx mieghek ta. You`re nothing but a puppet on a string, jigbdulek l-ispaga biex titkellem. Tkellem fuq affarijiet bis- sens mhux tobzoq il-hdura ja baghla.

  300. TinaB says:

    Manolita and Shanice are the perfect example of the typical Labour Party supporter (names included).

    I bet Joey is so proud of them.

  301. Pappagall says:

    I’d rather he rots HERE than in hell.

    Pity we cannot witness his suffering. That monster ruined a good part of my life and looking at some of the comments above, ruined for ever a lot of nitwits whose misfortune was being born into a Mintoffian family.

    How odd that they don’t realise that their poor standard of education is what it is, solely because of this monster, because it suited him best to have as few as possible highly educated people.

    • May (Canada) says:

      Being uneducated is not a disgrace nor is being ignorant. Being vindictive though is not a good attribute. Hey, I’m with you as far as ruining so many people. I decided to run away from it at the young age of 18, in 1975 when everything was at its peak. No I did not want to leave everybody behind and go to a massive country at 18. But I did, put it all behind me and did not let it ruin my life. What you are doing is re-living the past.

      That my friend is a shame because that anger is going to rule your present and your future. Instead why don’t you forget the past, make something of yourself, enjoy the present and surrender the future to God and The Holy Spirit. In the meantime forgive the man and pray for him. Let us hope that I am not wasting my time with you.

      [Daphne – You put it all behind you because you have been out of Malta for almost 40 years. You would not have been able to put it behind you if you were still in Malta, listening to the leader of the Labour Party harking back to Mintoff and dragging out his daughter to preach, while surrounded by faces we remember from those days, who are asking us to vote them in again. You haven’t really put it behind you anyway, if after 40 years in Canada you’re checking out blogs about Maltese politics.]

      • Kenneth Cassar says:

        @ May (Canada):

        “…forget the past, make something of yourself, enjoy the present and surrender the future to God and The Holy Spirit”.

        I will never understand how someone who presumably believes that God gave people free will, can simultaneously surrender the future to God and the Holy Spirit.

      • Kemm Batejt says:

        “if after 40 years in Canada you’re checking out blogs about Maltese politics.]”

        Funny how people who’ve been away from Malta for 50 years and over, always feel the need to come in, to check the political scene in Malta.

  302. Stefan Vella says:

    This particular blog post is worth an electoral campaign on its own.

    Cheap and highly effective in exposing Mintoff’s legacy – the ignorant, intolerant, viscious and violent side of the Labour Party.

    Viva l-Lejber.

    • maryanne says:

      Joseph Muscat can wear all the blue ties he can afford to buy, paint all hues of blue backgrounds on his billboards and even paint his whole face blue. We will not be convinced that they have changed. Not even one iota.

  303. El Blog De Pontiac says:

    700+ comments say it all.

    Let us give tribute to a man who made brother fight with brother, gave us Dirghajn il-Maltin, Bahhar u Sewwi and a minority government and more, lots more!

    [Daphne – ‘Made brother fight with brother’. He cuckolded his brother in cold blood, so why are you surprised?]

  304. May (Canada) says:

    Hey everyone, Leave the poor old man alone!! No I have never been a fan of him or the labour party. But he is a human being with a soul and made by God Himself. God is love and it is blasphemy for anyone to say those words about his soul. Sure, like me you may be a supporter of the Nationalist Party. Then behave with dignity which is exactly what the Nationalist Party always stood for.

    [Daphne – Bit difficult to vote Nationalist in Canada, May. Or Labour, for that matter.]

    • Kemm Batejt says:

      Dear May (Canada),

      You want people to ‘leave the poor man alone’, then tell them to stop taking photos with him and of him.

      If people regard the man above as their national treasure, then they should respect his condition, his privacy and they themselves should leave him alone.

      He’s not a rock-star – he was a politician (who no longer is in the public eye) and he should be treated as such and people should be left free to discuss the good, the bad and the ugly.

    • Kemm Batejt says:

      “God is love and it is blasphemy for anyone to say those words about his soul.”

      God is Fair and that’s it. Useless going on about God without first understanding that God is a Just and Merciful God. Understand this and you’ll understand everything.

  305. MayMintoffrotinhell says:

    Is this the David Gatt who’s a failed mafioso?

  306. Mycroft says:

    After May 1987 I vowed “never forgive, never forget”. And, boy, was I right.

  307. Qammiel says:

    Dawn il-kummenti ghandhom ikunu “required reading” ghal dawk in-Nazzjonalisti li qed jghixu fl-illuzjoni li l-Labour, l-esponenti tieghu u l-marmalja li tappoggjah inbidlu. DAN hu t-terremot ta’ Joseph Muscat?

    Taf x’imisshom jghidu dawk kollha li jemmnu li qalb Mintoff taharqu ghaz-zghir. Dan il-bniedem, bil-miljuni kollha li ghandu, tant hu qammiel (u uliedu qammelin daqsu) li ma marx f’dar tal-anzjani privata izda f’kamra wahdu f’San Vincenz u qed jiehu post anzjani li m’ghandhomx il-mezzi li jmorru f’dar privata.

    • Manuel says:

      Well said my friend. Sabu x’jaghmlu bihom il-miljuni. Hbewhom go l-Isvizzera biex l-ebda gvern Malti ma jsibhom, inkluz dak ta’ Alfred Sant li riedna Svizzera fil-Mediterran

  308. Brian says:

    Bniedem bhal dak ghad trid tistenna d dinja biex terga tara, tista tghid, tmeri, tmaqdar. Tghajru (ovjaaa) il fatti huma miktuba u riflessi sa kemm ma jfalluhomx nies opportunisti bhalkom l istrategisti tal PN. Proset tal pagna lilek u n nies li m ghandhomx x jaghmlu isegwu l politika mahmuga u lletterata taghkom.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Ghidli minn fejn tixtri l-qat, ha nordna grossa.

    • Manuel says:

      Id-dinja ghad trid tistenna?

      Id-dinja qed tfittex li tehles minn nies bhal dawn. Ghad jasal zmien fejn Chavez, il-Klikka tal-Korea, Castros ecc…jitqacctu.

      Kemm tahseb li poplu jdum jissaporti?

      Wahda mill-affarijiet li kien ghamel “dan il-bniedem kbir” Mintoff kien proprju n-numru maghluq ghad-dhul fl-Università. Ma riedx li n-nies jitghallmu JAHSBU ghax min JAHSEB huwa meqjus perikoluz.

      Imnalla hawn nies bhal Daphne li JAHSBU iktar milli huma sentimentalisti politici.

      Kulhadd ifahhru ghax gab ic-cildren allawans (sic). Li biegh lil ruhna lil Gaddafi qisu qatt ma gara xejn, biex jaghmel dan, ma nghidu xejn dwara.

      Gaddafi tana l-flus u Mintoff mela Malta (fl-iskejjel, specjalment) bil-Ktieb Ahdar ta’ Gaddafi.

      U taf kif spicca Gaddafi miskin hux? Halluna PL.

      Ghadkom sa llum tahsbu li d-dinja jew Malta ahjar bikom milli b’haddiehor.

      Dazgur li l-fatti miktuba! Miktubu u mnaqqxa fuq il-karattru u l-hajjiet ta’ dawk li TASSEW sofrew taht ir-Regim Mintoffjan.

      U llum Joseph Muscat qed jerga’ jidealizza l-persuna ta’ Mintoff, biex jigbor il-voti, naturalment. Inkella ghaliex ser johrog fuq id-distrett taghna?

      X’ghandu x’jaqsam maghna? Xejn. Dak gej minn post ta’ bdiewa u rahhala, Burmarrad, kultura kompletament differenti mill-kultura tal-Port il-Kbir.

      Qatt ma hsibt li wiehed minn Burmarrad irid jigi joqghod il-Birgu, jew l-Isla. Gej ghax ghad hemm il-fantazma ta’ Mintoff thuf fil-mentalità ta’ xi whud.

      U forsi ghax minhabba hemm il-Monument tal-Helsien – April’s Fool dahka u farsa.

      Il-fatti? Il-fatti juru bic-car li Muscat mhux lest li jiggverna pajjiz bhal dan. Bla ideat, bla programm, bla TWEGIBIET. Same old same old PL-MLP: intom tinkwetax, jiehu hsiebkom l-Istat-Partit.


    • Izzie says:

      Politika “lletterata”?

      Għaliex tagħkom qiegħda taqsam bil-kultura! Ar’hemm ħej… ħudu nifs qawwi, speċjalment meta tisimgħu d-diskorsi kolti u intelliġenti ta’ Anglu Tuks Fors, Silvio il-prattikament Ministru tas-Sawt, il-Billy Ray Cyrus Engerer li wiegħed lealta’ lil Joseph Muscat (għax intom tħobbuhom wisq it-tradituri u dawk li jibdlu l-bandiera BISS fejn jaqbel lilkom), dik l-avukatessa intelliġentissima ta’ “viva l-Labour” (għax jekk tgħid xi ħaġa oħra trid tħaddem in-newroni u l-materja griża u ħi jkollok tagħmel sforz enormi).

      Ovvjament nosservawkom, dak kollu li tgħidu u tiktbu wkoll – u komplu poġġu l-videos tagħkom fuq Youtube. Almenu jkollna biex nidħku u tipprovdulna iktar materjal fuq x’hiex nikkummentaw.

    • Kemm Batejt says:

      Ehe miskin, qisu l-Madre Tereza, ezatt bhalha. Dik kienet ezatt bhal dak t’hemm fuq, toqghod bil-guh hi, ghal granet shah, biex tghin lill-fqir.

    • TROY says:

      Brian, you tell them mate – antichrists are not that common and pity we have to wait so long for another Mintoff.

  309. Village says:

    Ad multos annos perit, jew kif jghid Anglu Farrugia fuq Facebook, ad miltos anni. Mur arak 10 snin ohra.

  310. silvio says:

    Daphine- Is this (794) an all time record?

    Well done, now you deserve a rest.

    [Daphne – Not just the comments, Silvio, but also the daily page views. Unfortunately, I can’t rest for now because I have a magazine going to print and so will be working all weekend and sleeping three hours a night for the next few days. But then I’m free for a bit, which is good.]

  311. fred says:

    Mintoff did something which no colonial power ever succeeded in doing in Malta. He managed to divide Malta to rule it.

    He incited hatred towards priests, nuns and the Catholic Church in many of his followers. He encouraged his supporters in hatred, envy, hdura and lanzit for anyone who wasn’t a ‘tifel ta’ haddiem’, and if there were ‘tfal ta’ haddiema’ who objected to his methods, then he instigated hatred against them too.

    Eddie Fenech Adami and those who supported him – or rather, those who saw in him salvation from the blight that was Mintoff – were the spawn of Satan. Mintoff brought Malta to the brink of civil war.

    ‘Il-Helsien’? He wanted Britain to pay more rent for its military base here when the contract was renewed on 1 April 1979. Instead they told him he could keep his military base, they were winding down in the Mediterranean anyway, and left when the contract expired on 31 March. So Mintoff went begging to Gaddafi to save him with money, to rescue him from the wrath of the marmalja when they found out that his deal-making attempts to extract more money from the British had blown up in his face and now he had no money with which to pay the dockyard workers, who had no work either because the Royal Navy had pulled its ships out.

    And in a massive PR exercise that was possible only because most of his supporters were completely illiterate and he controlled radio and television broadcasting, Mintoff carried out a masterclass in false propaganda and public relations, and sold his colossal failure, and his humiliation at the hands of the British, as a spectacular success. He had chased the British out. He had succeeded because they were afraid of him. Gaddafi was the new hero, come to save us.

    Mintoff made Malta a living hell for everyone here. The point is that only half the population – the sentient, literate part – knew it for the hell it was. The other half were in hell too, but mistook it for paradise.

    Such a great man. Daphne, please reserve a glass of champagne for me to celebrate but I think you’ll have to bring in thousands of gallons of the stuff because he did so much damage and hurt so many thousands of people who are willing to celebrate his demise.

  312. Marcel Proust says:


    Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it ~ attributed to George Santayana

  313. Kburija li laburista says:

    Likieku taf x’hemm lest ghalik wara mewtek zgur li tinqafel fkamra u ma tohrogx minn hemm DCG…messek tisthi tghid dak id diskors fuq min firixlek is sodda biex issir gurnalista, ara vera ma tisthix minn alla li halqek!!!!….int haqqek tigi mahruqa go nofs pjazza qudiem in nies ta madwarek stess!!…kollu bi sahha ta L-KBIR DUMINKU MINTOFF ghandek li ghandek il lum!!!……taf x’naf inghid sinjur sahhar……ahjar titghalem teduka lilhek nifsek ghax vera niqsa hafna minna dik u turi ukoll il partit tieghek minn xiex huwa nieqes….messek tisthi tidher qudiem in nies b’ledukazjoni li ghadejt ili ibnek…veru ghandek biex tiftahr bih heee!!!…insejt meta bezaq f’wicc Alfred Sant??!!….ahjar bezaq f’wiccek ghax int jixraqlek hekk!!!….haga ohra nghidlek Delizja, min jidhaq l’ahhar jidhaq l-ahjar u int taf li l-parti tieghek telfa kbira li idum ihossa ghal dejjm ghandkom!!……. tkomplix turi kemm int vera hamalla u mdejqa bik nifsek ghax kulhad jaf x’int!!!

    [Daphne – Eh, issa bezaq f’wicc Alfred Sant (ghax tahseb li bniedem tal-pepe jista qatt jagixxi bhal xi hadd bhalek). Diga smajna li ghajjar il-Sant b’mard. Ditto (fittex fid-dizzjunarju; hemm hafna fuq l-internet). Kemm intkom minn ta’ wara l-muntanji, jahasra, bil-miti medjoevali taghkom. Ha nghidlek ezatt x’gara: qal dawn iz-zewg kelmiet- “fuck off” – lil Kurt Farrugia u lil Byon Jo Zammit, dak li bl-Ingliz nghidulu a ‘son of a whore’, ghaliex ommu, li kienet Pom Pom Girl tal-Labour, kienet tahdem il-films pornografici fil-Macina ma’ Stephen Ciantar li kien is-segretarju propaganda tal-MLP. Kuntent issa li taf il-fatti? Issa mur ftahar bihom il-kazin, ejja.]

    • Kburija li laburista says:

      qed turi kemm inti mara baxxa u dak li huwa tieghek qieghda tiprova taghtih lil hadiehor!!…no thanks…ahna nies civilizati ghandna mghana, mela nies hamalli bhalek u l familja tieghek!!!….imbili tuza lingwa ingliza ma jfisirx li int civilizata…ghadek anqas taf kemm ghad baqalek tiehu privat fuq hekk biex forsi tilhaq in nies taghna! taf li il qahba milli kollha ittik? u int u dawk ta madwarek hekk qed jaghmlu!…kulhad jaf x’ghamel ibnek, ma hemmx ghalfejn nghidu jien u tgidibni int!…ta wara l muntanji huma nies li jidkelmu bhalek DCG ghaliex hlief hama ma johrogx min halqek!!…li kieku nies ikunu jistaw jaraw fil vizwal dak li johrog min halqek, hlief shab u duhan iswed ma johrog!!…hafna kuntenta bil partit tieghi, ghadek anqas int stess ma taf kemm!!….ahjar milli qieghda f’partit li ta madwaru xebaw jajruh li hu skadut, aroganti,maqtuh mi dinja, evil u hafna u hafna iktar!!!…dan shabu stess qalulu, ta, mhux xi had li tant thobb int!!!….MISKINA…NITHASREK! :))

      [Daphne – Hawn medicina jghidula Valium, qalbi. Mur ghand it-tabib u saqsih.]

      • Kemm Batejt says:

        Hemm tat-two jew tal-five.

      • Dee says:

        U jekk il-Valium ma jahdimx, forsi tista taqra The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.

      • Catsrbest says:

        Tahseb li jfiqu. Lanqas jekk jivvintaw tat-100 flok tat-2, tal-5 u tat-10. Tahlix bzieq maghhom ghax ma jfiqux.

      • Kburija li laburista says:

        jidher li lqattek fil laham il haj!!…il verita twega!…nahseb li int ghandek bzon tiehdu l Valium!..wara l-elezjoni!! :)

      • IMHO says:

        U izgur li nafu li l-qahba milli jkolla ittik. Ara kemm qed ittina inti hawn. Prosit, hej. X’se tilbsilna l-lejla?

  314. Ray Mizzi says:

    For sure Daphne needs a huge V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ connected direct to the power station so won’t need to stop playing to change the batteries .

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      Are we playing Wheel of Fortune now?

    • d_Riddler says:

      The comment says a lot about your own obsessions, Ray. I would seek professional help if I were you.

    • Dee says:

      Aqbad dak il-vibrator sur Mundi, u ghaddieh lil John Bundy biex ic-charger tieghu juzah bhala generator kull darba li tinqatalu il-provvista tad-dawl waqt AFFARI TAGHNA.

      U jekk dan mhux star comment, I don’t know what is.

  315. Tony Zammit Cutajar says:

    If JOANNA has the guts to identify herself, I might consider replying to her if, of course, I have nothing better to do.

  316. A Montebello says:

    Thank you Daphne!

    You’re the only person I know who can provoke, surprise, shock, name, shame, entertain … and coax the worms out of the woodwork, and get them to remove their “progressive” masks and show them for what they truly are.

    But above all, you remove the wool that we allow to be systematically pulled over our eyes because we’re sometimes too busy, scared, cowardly or traumatized to recall the true face of Labour.

    Again, thank you.

  317. paddy says:

    Hemm minn qallu is-salvatur u minn ix-xitan u fl-ahhar dawk li kien jghidlu is-salvatur beda jghajru Guda u Traditur. Veru l-istorja ta’ bniedem tinkiteb mitt sena warajh, biss Mintoff irrnexxilu zgur jifred lil Maltin – divide and rule – u ismu biss ghadu jaghmel hekk sal llum. Ara ftit hawn stess.

    Infakkar biss lil Joseph Muscat li kien jmur il-Kulegg San Alwigi kieku baqa l-Gvern Laburista kieku nini nini l-universita b’in-numerus clausus u l-punt vantagg ghal minn kien jmur biss skola tal-Gvern. Hekk konna nilghabu bl-edukazzjoni, biex hadd ma jinsa.

    • Angus Black says:

      Milli nista nifhem Joseph xorta wahda kien jidhol l-Universita ghax in-nanna kellha ritratt tas-Salvatur fis-salott.

      867 kumment dwar l-artiklu ta’ Daphne u ghadhom delhin. U forsi 800 ohra jidhlu llum min ghand l-imdejqin li tilfu l-vot ta’ sfiducja fil-gvern.

      Lill dik l-imdejqa li qalet ‘min jidhaq l-ahhar, jidhaq l-ahjar’, nghidilha li Joseph dejjem ghandu dahqa sarkastika imcappsa ma wiccu, u meta jkun il-waqt, id-dahqa tisparixxa u malajr il-partit tieghu stess jarmih bhal lumija maghsura.

      Imbaghad iwahhlu f’Joseph, Karmenu, Jason, Scicluna et al ghal telfa ohra. Xi dwejjaq ghandhom.

  318. ray says:

    herrera, j.p.o., john dalli, franco, joseph muscat, mintoff……………….who’s next? and i guess you call this journalism? you should try finding something more intersesting when no one is around at home to throw dishes at!

    note: i posted this comment earlier and you did not publish it. is it because you found it too personal? are those all the guts you have?

    [Daphne – Didn’t I? Oh dear. And those people you mention – jahasra, the poor, poor things. Such great victims of the horrible blogger. Maaa, x’pajjiz. They’re the ones who have or had the power to rip you off and abuse you, ray, not me.]

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Ray, ruhi, jekk ghandek bzonn il-gazz, mur girja ghand tal-laham.

      Tifhem fil-gurnalizmu, mid-dehra. Smajt li Jason ghandu bzonn gurnalisti godda ghax ma tantx joghgbuh li ghandhu bhal issa. Inkella tista tidhol ma’ tal-Orizzont ghax dawk is-suppost gurnalisti li ghandhom ma jsarrfu xejn.

  319. ray says:

    a hamalla is not difined by your political beliefs or the language you speak, but by being an expert in vulgarity and personal gossip! and you, daphne are the queen of vulgar personal gossip!

    • Dee says:

      Mela tal-pest control illum qedin bl’ off, x’infestazzjoni ta’ baqq susa u brieghed hawn ?

    • Angus Black says:

      Too bad Daphne’s ‘gossip’ always seems to be the truth which rubs the Labour elves the wrong way.

      But then, truth always seems to hurt the Labour Party. Their dictionary must give them a different interpretation of the word.

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Kemm ghandek zball, Ray. Ara inti, per ezempju. La naf minn int u lanqas naf x’hobz tiekol imma ga naf li int hamallu prima klassi mill-mod kif tikteb.

  320. Pampers says:

    These people are just like Khomeini’s Basij and Hizballah goons. They’ve got the same herd mentality, the same disregard for freedom of speech and the same hatred for those who think differently.

    They also have that revolting tendency to idolise the dictators they root for.

  321. Paul Bonnici says:

    One person who would probably not object to your views about Mintoff is Dr Alfred Sant.

  322. TROY says:

    My this bog is such fun.
    Thanks Dom.

  323. Kburija li laburista says:

    mela hasarthom aaaaa sahara ta wied afrid!!!!…li jaqbilek igib hux?!!!,,,,messek tisthi tidher fejn hemm in nies int!…go maqjel mal qzieqez tajba u ghal imkien aktar!!!!!!….ipostjhom jekk ghandek il bajd!!!!!!!!!!

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      X’kull wahda, ukoll. Kull min jikteb hawnhekk favur Mintoff ma jafx jikteb hlief insulti u tajjir b’ortografija orrur, bilkemm jaf jesprimi ruhu, m’ghandu l-ebda argument sod, ghandu l-kijbort bil-hsara ghax il ‘!’ mwahhal.

      Ahjar terga tmur fil-maqjel fejn trabbejt, kburija. ghax hemm postok.

    • mark says:

      Ajdila ;)

  324. Silvio Farrugia says:

    How influential you are, Daphne. I heard your name mentioned in bars, band clubs and everywhere else for that matter. How you get the Laburisti’s back up!

    I believe we do not have anybody as courageous as you. That is why I worry about your safety but it seems you worry less about it yourself.

    You remember and know how they can be.

    Can anybody imagine Franco Debono if he were to do what he is doing to a Labour government?

    I may not agree 100 per cent in all you write but I admire you a hell of a lot. You are the best man we have (as they used to say in regard to Mrs Thatcher).

  325. mark says:

    Aaa Purcinella !! Int Tahseb li xi hadd ed jingustak ??kumidjanta kollok meta jinzel il gvern tieghek iccelebra u mhux meta imut xi hadd PURCINELLA kollok iddahaq in nies bik taf biss u turi kemm int baxxa u hamalla taf biss…Dak Bniedem ta unur jissejah ax nehha il faqar mil pajjiz u il gvern tieghek rega gabu

  326. Charley Barley says:

    I suppose that i could be vindictive and retort; the next time you go to Communion (if you have the audacity!) you will most certainly choke on the Holy Bread.
    But i wont say that, i wont stoop to your level of depravity.  I will not berate you for being what you are: A distorted and bitter woman with no place in society.
    What i will say is that, the editor of this rag should be interdicted and disbarred from ever holding a responsible incumbency.  Of course, he is doing his job, allowing the likes of you to stand on your pathetic soap box and give public vent to your venomous rantings which, all who see just snigger at. No, there is no unanimous appreciation of the context of your drivel, just your pitiful and warped perspective of life.
    Yet your editor, it seems, is impressed by the socking sensationalism that you regurgitate.  Yes, it sells. Not for any literary or journalistic value,but for the morbid spectacle that you make of yourself.

    I am glad that when they spawned the likes of you they broke the mould.  Admittedly you are (thankfully) unique and when you succumb to bovine spongiform encephalopathy and  your pen runs dry, you will be remembered (if at all) for being one of life’s entertaining diversions, but nothing more than a waste of space.

  327. Rommy says:

    Niskanta kif nies bħal Daphne għadhom iħalluhom jiktbu dawn l-artiklu li jmorru kontra kull kodiċi tal-etika! U aktar tal-mistħija li ssib nies jiggustawhom. Dawn l-affarijiet m’għandhom jinkitbu fuq ħadd. L-isbaħ li mbagħad irriduha tal-bravi u minn għalihom li ħadd ma jista’ għalihom; mhux kulħadd taħt sema wieħed qiegħed!

    B’danakollu anke nies tal-istess twemmin politiku bħal JPO qalu li nies bħal Daphne u Bondi ħsara qed jagħmlu u mhux ġid lil partit. Meta se nikbru?

  328. Death Of A Clown - The Kinks says:

    My makeup is dry and is cracked on my chin
    I’m drowning my sorrows in whisky and gin
    The lion tamer’s whip doesn’t crack anymore
    The lions they won’t fight and the tigers won’t roar

    So let’s all drink to the death of a clown
    Won’t someone help me to break up this crowd
    Let’s all drink to the death of a clown
    Let’s all drink to the death of a clown

    The old fortune teller lies dead on the floor
    Nobody needs fortunes told anymore
    The trainer of insects is crouched on his knees
    And frantically looking for runaway fleas

    Let’s all drink to the death of a clown
    So won’t someone help me to break up this crowd
    Let’s all drink to the death of a clown
    Let’s all drink to the death of a clown

  329. Żeża Ta' Bubaqra says:

    Thanks for letting through all these comments Daphne. Truly eye-opening for me. Without them being published here I’d have never been anywhere on the internet where such people hang out and speak like this. Thankfully I’m not surrounded by beetles/elves and I don’t have friends who talk or think like this.

  330. A KELBA says:

    int il veru kelba imma ta ahjar tmur titmha il klieb gharwiena kif taf tghamel a kerha is shahar jiehdu ghalijhom meta nejdulek kerha.a IMXAJTNA

  331. Pietru says:

    Hija hasra kbira li bniedem li ghamel tant gid jigi trattat b mod daqsekk hazin. Malta saret li hi grazzi ghal dal bniedem.

    Kull haga sewwa li saret f dal pajjiz ghamila Mintoff. Meta spicca mill gvern mintoff, kull ma halla warajh kienu: flus, xoghol u sussidji. Il faqar nehhieh min pajjizna. U ghamel l ugwaljanza fil poplu.

    Illum il gurnata wara hamsa u ghoxrin sena x fadal f dal pajjiz? Tal Maltin ma fadal xejn… kollox inbieh. Dejn kemm trid taqbez kull Skala. U rega tfacca l faqar.

    Nahseb jekk nitfaw fuq mizin min ghamel il gid, jekk hux il partit nazzjonalisa jew il partit laburista. Il Laburista jirbah bil kbir…

  332. Anthony Borg says:

    Cannot believe those comments. Tmur quddies il–Hadd nahseb hux? Tmaqdar persuna bhal Mintoff? Hazin ghamel bhal kulhadd, izda ghamel hafna iktar gid li snin wara ghadna ngawduh. Tmaqdru u tghajjru issa fl-istat li qieghed? vera juri l-karattru li ghandek.

  333. Catherine says:

    With no reference to politics, after reading some of the comments written here by most, the hatred and venom some of you are spouting, makes me ashamed to be Maltese. May God forgive you all. Please do not bother in replying as I will not stoop down to your level in replying,

  334. ashleyy says:

    Omg. I dont know this sad woman but i read some of her blog and its really sad to read and to know that people of the sort exist. Does she even have standards? May she be forgiven . I can see she is surely hated !! I pity her family. Must be really ashamed of her.

  335. gino gauci says:

    inti mara qahba mil kbar ja moqziza

  336. brains says:

    Daphne, could you just pop over to the palace just to make sure he passed away, I am afraid that things are not what they seem.

  337. alphonse says:

    Il hdura li ghandhom in nazzjonalisti hija fenominali,gawdu il ftit xhur li fadalkom fil gvern,ghax din id darba tkaxkira kbira ghandkom, Mintoff gab il gid fill pajjiz u nehha il faqar u intom kemm ilkom fil gvern ergajtu gibtu il faqar,u ma naqbilzx ma min jghid li Daphne hija qahba,nahseb li meta issejhilha qahba tkun qed tghamilla unur

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