Jason Micallef is one of just 23 members of a closed Facebook group called freedom of sexx and noughty fun lovers.
Justin Fenech, the group’s administrator and founder of Malta Swingers, describes the group on his own Facebook profile:
we are here to bring together all noughty fun lovers and promote frdom of sexx
every one is free to join males and females,this is our meeting point!!!!!
This is how Facebook closed groups operate (quoted from Facebook).
Closed: For Closed groups, everyone on Facebook can see the group name and members, but only group members can see posts in the group. Unless you’re added to the group by another member, you’ll need to ask to join. You’ll become a member when your request is approved.
Can I prevent people from adding me to a new group?
The functionality of approving a group membership is not available. (DAPHNE’S NOTE: THIS IS HOW TO SAY ‘NO’ IN 10 WORDS). Similar to being tagged in a photo, you can only be added to a group by one of your friends. When a friend adds you to a group, a story in the group (and in News Feed for Open or Closed groups) will indicate that your friend has added you to a group.
Please keep in mind:
Only your friends can add you to groups.
When a friend adds you to a group, you’ll get a notification right away.
You can leave a group anytime. To do so, just go to the group page and click “Leave Group” in the right-hand column. Once you leave a group, you can’t be added by anyone else unless you explicitly request to be re-added.
So, either Jason actually asked to join the group and was accepted (well, wouldn’t they snap him up?) or one of the only 23 members of the group – who has to be one of his FB friends – added him. Jason received the notification immediately and either liked the idea and stayed or just didn’t bother. Either way, it doesn’t say much about him.
The thing is, he’s always given me the impression of somebody who swings. I just don’t know what with. A very attractive pot-plant maybe, given that this was his specialisation before he joined the Labour Party, hence his old nickname Jason tal-Fjuri.
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Hi Daphne,
To be fair, if one is added to a facebook group by a friend, one is not requested to *approve* the ‘add’: instead, they are simply added to the group and remain there unless they unjoin. In my view, this is a serious flaw on facebook, because anyone can be added to any group, even if only temporarily.
While it is true that you get a notice whenever you are added to a group, it is also true that many people recieve way too many notifications to actually go about reading them. With only around 300 friends, I get something like 10 notifications a day. With almost 5,000 ‘friends’ (cough), Jason could easily recieve hundreds.
I’m definitely not one to sing any praises to Jason Micallef, but I wouldn’t read too much into this scoop.
Such nonsense. Anyone should keep up with what happens in their name. If Jason Micallef can’t handle a Facebook account, how does he plan to cope with running a TV station owned by a party in government?
M Gauci is absolutely right….I didn’t notice that I had been added to that baby P group for about a month or so. Not trying to stick up for Jason here, but these ‘group memberships’ don’t mean anything
At best, it means that Jason Micallef is sloppy about maintaining his public image, short of slicking back the hair.
These people can’t be for real, can they?!/photo.php?fbid=125730334122503&set=a.125729424122594.16656.100000566113326&type=3&theater
Mela dalwaqt naraw xi haga bhal din fuq Super One u fiex gabna GonziPN!
Jase bats for the other team, doesn’t he?
Does that mean he may vote PN next time?