I did say you need half a fried brain to vote for Joseph
Here’s one such example on timesofmalta.com’s comments board.
A Vella
Come on Joseph!
Let’s get this government down so that as quickly as possible you can lead our beloved nation.
Looking forward to paying less bills, less taxes, getting the money back from the extra VAT i paid on my car, having better roads, more rights and at the same time start repaying our debt paying thanks to the budget surpluses, in a few months time we will be the best in Europe.
My only worry is the great influx of people wishing to live here, once they start seeing your achievements.
If we were in, say, Britain or North America, we could safely assume that this is scathing sarcasm. But this is a certain type of Maltese person writing in Malta about Maltese politics, so we have to take it literally.
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Tragic indeed.
Isn’t A. Vella being sarcastic? I mean he can’t be real, now, can he?
He is real all right.
Obviously you do not follow what ONE media feeds its faithful sheep 24/7 .
Like you, I rather suspect A. Vella was taking the p*ss. The bit about the influx of people says it all.
I beg to differ, Daphne. This appears to be sarcasm at its best.
Whenever the scary likelihood of a Labour government being elected is brought up, we ‘console’ ourselves with “U iva, mela dalwaqt jinzlu l-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma” and similar sarcastic comments.
Despite my low opinion of most Labour voters, I don’t think anyone can be so stupid to really believe what is written above.
How pathetic Daphne, writing a whole article on one random comment from the times of malta, that could have been someone sarcastic/ignorant/making fun of maltese politics waiting for someone like you to have something to write an article on. how very pathetic
[Daphne – I forget that to people whose news sources consist of comments on Facebook, a couple of sentences constitute ‘a whole article’. Sad.]
Again, you assumed I only eat articles on facebook. We can end it up here. Very sad indeed.
[Daphne – Eat?]
I only read*
I honestly thought he/she was being sarcastic. I have yet to hear one concrete proposal from the Labour Party. Apart from hearing that he will bring about stability I have not heard Muscat say how he intends doing so. Are 52% of the Maltese crazy?
“Last week Mr Dalli refused to comment on the current political crisis in Malta although his spokesman said that he is ‘closely following’ the situation.”
Fra i due che litigiano, il terzo gode.
Antoine Vella is obviously being sarcastic. He’s a “lecturer” at university but wastes most of his time on blogs…..
[Daphne – Antoine Vella always uses his full, real name. Unlike you. Some university lecturers don’t even bother turning up because, like Edward Scicluna, they put politics first.]
Reuters, one doesn’t have to spend “most of his time on blogs” to make comments. It took me one minute to read this particular entry, for example, three minutes to go through the comments and another couple of minutes to write my own comment.
Kemm bata miskin, dan ukoll:
Jesmond Mugliett
I did not say that the PM is responsible for DCG but persons around him are. Some of us have lived four years of selective attacks just because we have spoken our minds on certain issues. there are various instances which show us that these attacks were coordinated.
Kemm hawn irgiel ta’ mezza eta’ newwieha u imsawwtin go Malta?
[Daphne – What an idiot, honestly. If I were homophobic, it’s the kind of situation in which I’d say dan il-vera pufta miskin. I attack him because I’m told to attack him. Il-vera kaz. Mela hasibni l-mara tieghu, jew. 1. Criticism of politicians does not constitute an attack. 2. Criticism of Jesmond Mugliett, who was suspected of trading in influence, is legitimate. 3. I am perfectly capable of making up my own mind about people like Jesmond Mugliett. Message to Jesmond Mugliett: I criticise you because you deserve criticism and I write about politics. So I suppose it’s all right for you if I criticise Labour politicians, but then if I criticise you and other PN politicians, ‘I am organised into doing it’. Mur stahba, ahjar. Roll on the election. The sooner people like you are weeded out of positions of power, the better. Jaqq.]
Very sad that you do not even manage to stay in one language but switch as if you don’t speak even one properly!
[Daphne – I speak both properly, Frank, which is probably more than can be said of you, and certainly more than can be said of Franco Debono, who speaks and writes no English. And being an expressive communicator is not sad at all. It is very useful.]
I think if there is one weakness of which Daphne cannot be accused, it is her command of English and probably also Maltese.
What kind of ill-thought remark is that? Perhaps you need to read Daphne a little more.
@Common Sense:
Might be that the speaks both languages and even more languages but it is a sign of bad education to mix them!
[Daphne – Not necessarily, no. It depends on the context. Bad education indeed. Oh you lot are so very amusing.]
Actually, research has proven that switching between languages to better express oneself is a sign of intelligence.
People would do well to read something more substantial than fb or timesofmalta.com.
Doesn’t even know the VAT case had been lost…
This is quite clearly a sarcastic comment. If this is literal, I will shoot myself.
He is repeating word-by-word what gets said 24/7 on ONE radio.
By “24/7”, I include the live NIGHT radio programs .
Fair enough. However I still think the last statement – “in a few months time we will be the best in Europe” – kinda gives the sarcasm away.
Tragic indeed!
“Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions.”
-Niccolo Machiavelli
If we cannot take A. Vella seriously, then we cannot take Joseph Muscat as serious.
Mela tajjeb, Sant ried li jaghmel lil Malta Svizzera fil-Mediterran u issa iktar qed naraw kbir ghax dan irrid mhux li nigu ahjar minn pajjiz wiehed imma ahjar minn 26 l-ohra li hawn fl-Ewropa.
Dan jaqaw qieghdin jieklu hafna laham taz-ziemel ghax darba it-tabib qalli biex ma niekolx hafna minnu ghax nibda nara kbir.
@ peppi ic-cuc “LIKE”
Sarcastic or not, A.Vella’s comment is a summary of what Joseph Muscat has promised he will do when he is in government, in some cases, even the first decisions.
And Joseph Muscat will be held to account on each and every promise he makes, because that is the spirit of democracy which Franco Debono says he is fighting for.
Don’t bet on it.
As Macchiavelli advised, a clever prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise if keeping such a promise is against his interests.
Lower taxes and a budget surplus, eh? You can tell it’s not Franco Debono. He was brilliant in maths in Form IIC.
That’s not to be taken literally. If it’s written by who I think it is, it’s to be taken very, very sarcastically.
Sarcasm or not, isn’t this the kind of talk Muscat used to build his political ivory tower.
However since the election became imminent, he’s already started his own undoing and that of his party.
First he told us that he will not be taking a populist approach and yesterday he said he will not reduce the public debt. This meltdown will reach it apex when the PL electoral manifesto is published.
Maybe it’s only my impression but Muscat doesn’t seem at all comfortable with the early election.
We may be facing the elections within a couple of months and we still haven’t seen one single decent policy from Labour. They had said they will show us their policies “when the time is right.” Well, isn’t this the right time?
I’m positive the first thing a Labour government would do is decrease electricity and water bills, they’ve been promised for so long.. What bothers me is how they will make up for it.
Maybe another botched up CET system? Initiating payment for healthcare services? Taxes on each door and trash collection? Lowering or even obliterating stipends?
I should like to see Joseph attempting to lead this nation through the coming troubled times and leave us unscathed.
I think Dr. Gonzi has managed wonderfully thus far and people should remember and appreciate more.
He’s (probably) being sarcastic. That’s more than can be said for legends like xifajk http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/en/newsdetails/news/national/Standard-and-Poor-s-downgrade-Malta-s-rating-20120113 who has a very clear grasp of economics… Or even worse Mr. Saviour F Cachia http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/en/newsdetails/news/national/We-will-be-the-underdogs-Joseph-Muscat-20120115 who seems to equate exercising his democratic right (and duty) to vote as a citizen with a bargaining chip.
Even assuming that they “help their own” and respect some collective agreement it is well beyond me how he can then trust them in government presumably to only honour contracts with their own.
The list goes on but yes it is quite disheartening to know that democracy gives these people a vote… C’est la vie.