I haven’t been very nice to poor Franco…

Published: January 14, 2012 at 9:22pm

Oooops, sorry - wrong top criminal lawyer and high achiever

…so now I’ll give some of the publicity he craves as would-be justice minister.

This business about the right to a lawyer during interrogation – it was all about democracy, correct?

And his relationship with Jose Herrera – that’s just work, right?

Making life better for people caught with a kilo of heroin – that’s his brief, accepted, ghax kullhadd irid jiekol.

Franco for Minister of Justice. First we’ll take Valletta, then Washington.

The Times
June 14, 2011
by Waylon Johnston


The right of access to a lawyer during police investigations has been raised again during the preliminary pleas of a man facing a drug trial over trafficking just under a kilo of heroin.

Martin Dimech, 50, of Żejtun, was allegedly found hiding the drug at his farm in March 2009, when the police carried out a raid and found it stashed away behind fridges inside a garage.

The drugs were allegedly kept by the accused in return for €11,600 given to him by another person. The drugs were worth more than €45,500 and had a purity of 35 per cent.

Lawyers Franco Debono and Jose Herrera filed a plea in which they made reference to landmark decisions declaring that it was a violation of a suspect’s human rights not to have access to a lawyer.

Last month, a man currently serving a nine-year jail term on drug-related charges filed a constitutional application asking for his sentence to be revoked for the same reason.

To date, two jury trials have been postponed because lawyers have made constitutional references related to this issue.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    Re this evening’s Dissett, Dominic Fenech and Evarist Bartolo are living proof that the more they change, the more they stay the same.

  2. Dee says:

    According to Karmenu Vella, as reported in The Times yesterday, the PL is ready to govern.

    According to Evarist Bartolo on this evening’s Dissett, the PL is not.

  3. Alfred Bugeja says:

    And lest we forget, the same two had launched an attack on the then Justice Minister in tandem during a court sitting when their target was in hospital fighting for his life last summer.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Kullhadd irid jiekol. Ghalhekk naqraw lil Daphne.

  5. maryanne says:

    Simon Busuttil has pointed out that Joseph Muscat will be appointing more ministers should he be in government. “Muscat qal li ahjar ikollna hafna ministri.”

    That is already an indication that he is facing in his own party of how to appease the ‘old’ and the ‘new’.

  6. k farrugia says:

    Franco Debono mentioned something about Martin Dimech’s case on Bondiplus last Tuesday, when faced with Natalio Fenech’s comments.

  7. Litanija ta’ Franco Debono says:

    Jekk trid triq fl-inhawi tieghek, ivvota lil Franco Debono.

    Jekk impurtajt xi naqra sapun tac-cavetta u dahluk il-qorti qabbad li Franco Debono.

    Jekk int Nazzjonalist mill-hames distrett u trid tqatta’ msarnek ghal mhux iktar minn hames snin filwaqt li tqabbad breakdown lil prim, ivvota lil-Franco Debono.

    Ghandek xi serduq ghal glied? Mela geldu ma ta’ Franco l-Baggio.

    Trid pariri kif tirrovina lil-uliedek? Staqsi lil Mari’ tad-Drappijiet.

    Trid tiehu ritratt ma’ Franco Debono waqt xi ikla intima mar-ragel/mara tieghek? Mur ghand Da Pippo fis-siegha ta’ bil-lejl.

    Trid parir ghal-aqwa mobajl u lezzjoni kif thaddmu live fuq it-television? Ovvjament, mur ghand Franco Debono.

    Qabduk il-pulizija bid-droga? M’hemmx aqwa minn Franco Debono biex jiddefendik.

    Int kaccatur jew nassab? Issa gej Franco Debono biex jghinek, imma trid tistenna sakemm ilesti mil-lista twila ta’ demands li ghandu.

    Trid tbiegh l-asperina? Kont se nghidlek qabbad lil-Franco Debono biex icempel il-kmamar ta’ l-ahbarijiet ta’ Malta kollha, il-prim u nofs il-kabinett, imma m’hemmx ghalfejn.

    Gibt 100 fir-religion meta kellek tnax-il sena? Mela mur igri cempel lil Franco Debono ghax se jaghmel klabb ghal top students u high achievers.

    Inti thobb l-Italja? Ara, mela bhal Franco. Forsi xi darba temigraw flimkien.

    Trid tibdel l-avukat? Franco Debono zgur izomlok irhas mill-kollega tieghu li l-ghandek issa.

  8. the truth says:

    Nixtieq inkun naf meta Franco Debono se jghid jew jissugerixxi xi haga dwar il-vittmi tal-kriminali. Qed jaghmel minn kollox biex jehles lil-kriminali u jitnejjek mil-vittmi

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