Published: January 28, 2012 at 2:56am

While on the subject of smashing the enemy’s teeth (see previous post), I thought this would be a good time to show you an example of the self-confident ‘arja’ and enthusiasm for violence with which the Mintoffiani have celebrated the scent of victory.

You have seen many similar comments and worse in other places and on this website under the ‘Mintoff’ post, but this man is so secure in the knowledge of a Labour victory, that he – like many others – is now posting violent bravado comments under his own name on Facebook.

This is a repeat of 1996, when after the Labour victory, Mintoffiani felt somehow empowered to slag me off and spit at me in the street, for all the world as though it was the law, not the government, which had changed.

I mean, why didn’t they slag me off and spit at me in the street BEFORE Labour got into government? That alone speaks volumes about how they see government in terms of ownership and immunity.

They don’t spit at me in the street now because they imagine there will be reprisals. But they spat at me when Sant was prime minister because they imagined they had some kind of immunity.

Read through all the violent threats and aggressive remarks again, and you’ll see there’s a common thread: they all PROMISE violence and repisals when Labour is in government.

If they wish to smash my face in, what’s stopping them from doing it now? And what makes them think they will have immunity from prosecution if they do something like that when ‘Joseph’ is prime minister?

More fascinatingly still, some of the comments suggest that Joseph himself might use his power and influence as prime minister to get my face smashed in and have me imprisoned or put where (they think) I belong.

Joseph Muscat has woken the slumbering Mintoffian monster, and something tells me that he’s going to be one of the first to be eaten.

Left click on the image to make it larger. This is what a man called France Cefai wrote about me on Facebook.

France Cefai the Mintoffian, on a free trip to the European Parliament, if you please. Imbasta ivvota kontra ghax hekk qallu Joseph.

38 Comments Comment

  1. Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

    This is the kind of politics, if anyone can say it’s politics, that the new rebranded progressive and liberal movement, Labour Party, wants when they are back in power, hopefully not.

    They don’t know anything, and they don’t care either about policies, economy, education, nothing at all.

    They just want those who agree with them to be given special power over those who disagree, those who have some sense in mind, and try to make their life miserable, with threats, violence, transfers, and God knows!

    This is the new Party, they brought back their dormant Mintoffjani back alive, to insult, threat and make themselves the untouchables.

  2. Jozef says:


    Joseph doesn’t have a clue what he’s up against.

    By the way, did anyone notice how Anglu Farrugia was led away from St.George’s Square after the vote? There was footage showing someone holding him as he kept looking over his shoulder. It seemed like the person was trying to dissuade him from turning back.

  3. Lino cert says:

    Report this to the police; his threat of GBH is sinister.

  4. Mercury Rising says:

    I met a newly arisen Mintoffian monster last Thursday morning. Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen his arrogant, rude face since Debono abstained. It is, as you say, scary.

  5. Canon says:

    Is that a MLP banner in his pocket?

  6. TROY says:

    Hekk taghmilla lil martek jekk ma taqbilx mieghek?

    Int xi wiehed min dawn li jghamlu l-arja meta ikunu mal-klikka.

    Nahseb dawn l-idejat gejjin min dak il ‘coward’ l-iehor Gadget.

  7. Mario says:

    A big “thank you” for bringing up the subject of Mintoff and his era, an era which I believe is still viewed by many in Malta in rather simplistic terms. I believe the Mintoff /KMB years were Malta’s own experience with an authoritarian form of government bent on achieving the goal of a totalitarian Communist state.

    I am 37, attended a well-known Catholic school in Malta and still have a vivid recollection of the the Mintoff/KMB years of ‘socjalizmu reali’. Indeed, I now live overseas, a decision taken in no small part in order to ‘never again’ feel as isolated and helpless as I felt during those years.

    Apologists for Communist dictatorships and totalitarian regimes note that these regimes did make some positive contribution to their society: Communist states boasted no unemployment, accessible education and housing; Mintoff supporters claim ‘children’s allowance’ and ‘housing estates’ as his achievements.

    However, the question that should be asked is not “What was a government’s (or Mintoff’s) positive contribution to society” but rather “What was the human cost of this contribution?” In other words, could these achievements have been attained at a lower human cost?

    The answer is ‘yes’: inexpensive consumer goods, fair wages, decent housing opportunities could have been achieved without the need for stifling opposition and severely restricting citizens’ freedoms.

    [Daphne – Consumer goods were not inexpensive. They were merely unavailable. On the rare occasions some were allowed in because somebody had paid a bribe or because the government decided it should issue some random quotas, the prices were horrendous.]

    Thus, an analysis of the Mintoff/KMB government ought to look at the human cost of this regime’s so-called achievements: a cost measured in terms of instilling class hatred, dismantling the country’s education system, engendering corruption at the highest levels, and using isolationism to foment a false sense of nationalism.

    Due to the excessive ‘human cost’ incurred by Malta for Mintoff’s policies, it would be only fair for him and his acolyte KMB to be brought to justice – if not in Malta, at least in the US under the Alien Torts Act.

  8. dudu says:

    Is he wearing an Italian suit?

  9. SPAM says:

    The longer it takes them now to achieve victory, and the more ridiculed they are, the more hatred they are going to instigate.

    JM started with being a wolf in sheep’s clothing, pretending he cares for everyone and after 4 years at the helm he is showing his true colours.

    All these messages should be made public for all the wannabes who are not voting bla bla. Hopefully they will realise that under Labour government life will not be a fairy tale and that they will be giving pay cheques to these illiterate imbeciles.

    As Silvio Parnis said “biex igawdi ta’ taht irid jahdem ta’ fuq”

  10. cat says:

    “Missu Fredu Sant ghallmu naqa Ingliz lil dan Cefai.” He used to be his personal driver.

  11. lino says:

    Kent nuf li emm ejc xi mkin, imma ma kentc nuf fajn. Madunna tal-hnina.

  12. Izzie says:

    They are simply one word: ZIBEL.

  13. The fastidious one says:

    When you say “spit at me in the street” are you being literal?

    [Daphne – Yes.]

    • Grezz says:

      Charming, eh? As charming as the Labour supporters who used to expose themselves and piss off trucks onto children on Sliema’s Tower Road in the 1970s.

    • The fastidious one says:

      I’m amazed but not surprised as I know from personal experience how vindictive they can be. I tried imagining what would happen if the opposite had to happen and say someone who writes against government, for example, is spat at.

      Attakk moqzies and so on and so on. Whilst one can disagree with what one says it is ridiculous to take it to that extent or worse.

  14. ciccio says:

    I said it in a previous post.

    Vote Joseph Muscat. Get Dom Mintoff.

    The responsibility for comments and behaviour like that above falls entirely on Joseph Muscat. He brought back into his movement the black sheep which Alfred Sant had managed to isolate.

    Joseph’s inexperience and lack of control is showing.

    Rather than consolidating his party and focusing on the brand and reputation, carefully choosing the people around him and the markets he wants to serve, Joseph is actually hiding the identity of the party, which the party paid for, and is seeking to embrace the “anything goes” image to please everyone so that he can become PM at 38, as if this is what the national interest dictates right now.

    Joseph’s vision is nothing new. He is just recycling Mintoff’s “Moviment tal-haddiema,” only that he now calls it “Moviment progressiv u moderat.” A movement that is controlled by the same people of the past – the Mintoffjani – like Joe Grima, AST and Karmenu Vella.

    Alfred Sant has now been isolated, and his 22 months in power forgotten.

    It would be enough for Joseph Muscat to think about the Mintoff legacy. At least there he has the benefit of “hindsight.” The ignorance, the violence, the envy, the hate, the class wars, the economic deterioration. This is what Joseph will be remembered for if he plans to follow in Mintoff’s footsteps.

    Mintoff is now the past. He is actually a figure from the past century. Expired and rotting.

  15. Joe Scerri says:

    I have no doubt that once elected Socialist thugs will again resort to violence.

    There have been many veiled threats over the last few months on this site and elsewhere. In a way I hope they do, because it will show their true colours and ensure that they spend another 15 years in opposition.

  16. gozitano says:

    This France Cefai even took the maktur tal-lejber in his pocket (check photo) to show it off at the European Parliament.

  17. joseph says:

    bhal ma taghmel jaghmlulek jejt il malti daphne!! daqs kemm tajjar u tixtieq affarijiet jigru fuq nies ta tendenzi laburisti INT…allura imbilli jixtiequ lilek fija xi haga ?!jew int biss tixtieq u tirra lil dak u lil ihor biss????

  18. AC/DC says:

    Honestly, I’m really disappointed and disillusioned. Joseph Muscat had the opportunity to offer something new, and he blew it.

    There is a sizable portion of the electorate who would like another viable option besides electing PN over and over, but who are still unconvinced about the so called ‘new’ Labour. The ONE thing Joseph Muscat needs to do to be elected, is to convince these people.

    Alfred Sant managed to do it in 1996. What the results were is another matter, but Sant managed to convince a lot of people – most of them businessmen and self-employed who were fed up with how they were being treated by the PN at the time – that he was a reasonable alternative who could bring change without f***ing up the country like Mintoff and KMB had done.

    But instead, Joseph Muscat is now doing the very things that will scare away those same people. He went and resurrected the ghosts of the past, the very things that are most hateful to anyone who voted MLP out in the past!

    He even brought in ‘the daughter of the great prophet’ himself! (Which feels more like the daughter of the anti-christ to those who still have the scars from the 70s and 80s).

    Why he did something so stupid and contradictory is beyond my comprehension. Instead of convincing the people who need to be convinced that Labour is really ‘new’ Labour now, he scares away those very same people in an effort to appease the old guard die-hard Mintoffjani (who would never vote for anyone but PL, anyway). Colossal stupidity!

    This country feels doomed right now.

  19. Mifsud says:

    Ma nafux niktbu ‘teeth’ pero rridu nkissruhom…helu dan France. L-aqwa li b’maktur ahmar fil-but.

  20. Antoine Vella says:

    Daphne, you should consider taking legal steps against France (sic) Cefai.

    I have also received death threats on the Malta Today website but they were anonymous. I have been thinking about making a report to the police, not because they can do anything about it but just to give publicity to the marmalja methods that the Mintoffjani are adopting.

    • Grezz says:

      “Are adopting”. They have always done so. The internet has simply made them more “in your face”, seeing that they have been unable to use physical violence these past few years.

  21. Harry Purdie says:

    To all Nationalist supporters and floaters: ‘To the gym, bulk up’! The red hoard riseth. Jeez.

  22. Min Weber says:

    Intom tafu min hu France Cefai?

    He’s not a Mintuffjan. Check it out for yourselves.

    [Daphne – Min, he has just 64 Facebook friends, of whom: Aaron Farrugia, Alfred Grixti, Anthony Agius Decelis, Anthony David Gatt of Super One, Brian Hansford, Charles Buhagiar, Charles Marsh, Chris Cardona, Gavin Gulia, Glenn Bedingfield, Jason Micallef, Joe Debono Grech, Joe Mifsud, Joe Mizzi, Joseph Vella Bonnici, Kurt Farrugia, Krista Caruana of Super One, Labour Pride, Luciano Busuttil, Michael Cohen, Michael Farrugia, Roberto Francalanza, Roderick Galdes, Sandro Kitcher, Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi ]

    • kitty says:

      He’s also ex-dockyard. As soon as Alfred Sant was in power he was by his side driving him around.

    • MayMintoffrotinhell says:

      Why, then, does he want to knock out someone’s teeth for criticising Mintoff?

      I’m not a Mintoffjan and I’m not in the least bothered by criticism of Mintoff. Actually, I enjoy it enormously. France Cefai can keep his theet, if he has any of his own, that is.

    • Izzie says:

      He’s got all the bloody Laburisti in his list of friends including some of the old stock. And so il-France (kollox qishu barra Franciz) is not a Mintuffjan? God blimey!

      • Min Weber says:

        What I meant is – and someone else pointed it out – that he was Sant’s chauffeur. Being a Santian meant – by definition – not being a Mintoffian.

        What baffles me is that Sant always drove his car himself.

    • stiefnu says:

      Min Weber int bis-serjeta’ qed tghid? France Cefai mhux Mintoffjan?

      Nahseb li ma tafux. Mhux Mintoffjan biss, Mintoffjan per eccellenza jekk vera hemm wiehed.

      U naf x’jien nghid. U kif qalet Daphne kien driver ta’ Alfred Sant, jew ahjar passiggier, ghax Alfred Sant hu kien ihobb isuq u France jaghmillu kumpanija fil-karozza flok imur ghax-xoghol it-Tarzna.

      U ahna nhallsu t-taxxi.

  23. Grezz says:

    I have always said that Labour – and diehard Laburisti – will never change. If anything, they would only have got worse, with all that hatred and lanzit brewing in them over the years. They’ll only explode once Labour are in power, and that is a dangerous thing.

  24. Paul Bonnici says:

    He looks out of place there; he looks like a lost gipsy in Brussels.

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