General Johnny Dalli is rounding up his officers

Published: January 15, 2012 at 9:48pm

Is this going to be the Sargas election?

Now Jesmond Mugliett is beginning to go off, too. You always know when Johnny Dalli is planning something, through the sheer inability of his lieutenants to maintain an inscrutable facade.

Here he is on Facebook today:

On the same day that PM calls for a stop on personal attacks, I am called a person of dubious character by the hate blogger of wardija. To me it has long been evident that the PM had lost control over this coterie of evil bloggers.

First of all, Jesmond, I live in Bidnija and have done so for the last two decades and counting. Bidnija, not Wardija and certainly not Bahrija.

Secondly, you do yourself and your General Johnny no favours when you expose your links by using the exact same terminology – hate blogger – that Saviour Balzan does. Incidentally, both Saviour and Jeffrey know exactly where I live because they have been to our house, Saviour when it was set on fire (to write a report) and Jeffrey when he needed my help and support in the last general election.

Thirdly, you are of dubious character. You are underhand, disloyal and – if the accusations of the Labour Party before 2008 are to be believed – also unprincipled. But more to the point, I don’t like or trust you – and when a woman doesn’t like or trust a man, even only going on instinct, she’s usually right. I ignored my first instincts with Jeffrey. That’s always unwise.

Now for the lessons in democracy, lessons you need to be taught because your views on freedom of expression and control are one of the reasons I believe that you, General Johnny and Lieutenant Jeff more properly belong with Labour.

Indeed, I think the reason you spend most of your time socialising with Labour sleazes, feel so at odds with the Nationalist Party’s shift away from the conservative right, and have entered into personal unions with Labour sympathisers, in Jeffrey’s case twice in succession (I would have found it impossible to be in a relationship with a Laburist, the fundamental differences in attitude, rather than politics, being too acute) is that you are more comfortable with people who think that way, and that the Labour Party is your natural home, as your behaviour demonstrates.

“The PM has lost control over this coterie of evil bloggers”.

Do you understand that you are NOT living in China or North Korea, Jesmond? I address myself to you, too, Jeffrey, because you have said similar things on your own Facebook wall (pathetic for a man your age, but anyway).

The prime minister of a democratic country does not control the media. He especially does not control the blogosphere or the internet. This is an EU member state. The prime minister could not even control the media when that prime minister was Dom Mintoff and the year was 1979, which is why his supporters had to resort to arson and terror as their last-ditch attempts at control.

The prime minister does not phone people and tell them what to write. More to the point, he does not phone people and tell them what not to write.

Let’s try to envisage the scenario you and the Labour Party have in mind, shall we, Jes and Jeff?



Mrs Caruana Galizia? Il-prim ministru jixtieq ikellmek.

Oh, what a nice surprise. This has certainly brightened my morning.

Hello, kif int, all right? Tajbin?

Tajbin, grazzi, u int? Mrs Gonzi? Kullhadd tajjeb?

Tajjeb, grazzi. Tajbin. Imma qed nghidlek biex tieqaf immedjatament milli tghid affarijiet dwar Franco, Jesmond, Jeffrey u Dalli ghax tipijiet bhal dawk ma tafx x’jaqbdu jaghmlu meta ikollhom xi fellus f’rashom. Jekk tkompli sejra hekk, ikun ghib ghalik.


X’inhi? Mela sirt tahsiba bhal Mintoff issa? Ejja ahraqli d-dar ukoll, ghal ftit, jew ghamilli xi bomba wara l-bieb, jew arrestani u deffisni go xi cella mahmuga. Ma nistax nemmen x’qed nisma. Int il-prim ministru, jew din xi cajta?


The prime minister could never lose control of ‘evil bloggers’, Jesmond, because in a democracy the prime minister never has control of bloggers in the first place.

This is a simple concept for people like me to understand. It is clearly much more difficult for people whose natural home is the Malta Labour Party.


Jesmond Mugliett’s ‘friends from the gutter’ are so well informed, well read and up to speed, that they don’t even have a clue what he’s on about. They just know that ‘Defni’ is something evil and bad because that’s what Super One tells them.

And so Jesmond got this stupid response among others, from somebody who thinks that mine is a fictitious name (and can’t even spell it) and is not even sure what gender I am because Daphne, for all she knows, is a man’s name:


It must be really heartwarming to know you have the validation of so many people with half a fried brain.


When Jesmond Mugliett, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Saviour Balzan (what irony, a newspaper owner…) and the Labour Party say that the prime minister should stop people like me, do they know what they’re saying?

They have either taken leave of their senses, or they have no understanding of how the media operate in a democracy. As for the Labour Party, we knew that about them already.

Their history with free speech involved instigating the burning down of a newspaper building and using Xandir Malta in much the same way that they now use Super One.

Now we have the even more delicious irony of hearing Franco Debono call, simultaneously, for harsher libel laws, an end to criticism of his behaviour, and more democracy. Indeed.

As for using the term ‘evil’ to describe people who criticise you, Jesmond, might I suggest that the next time you disport yourself in Magistrate Herrera’s salon, you take a good look at some of your fellow guests. I wouldn’t spend five minutes in their company if you paid me.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Angus Black says:

    At any cost, including that of calling an immediate election, at a cost of losing one, these persons who show lack of character, let alone loyalty to the Party should be swept away and kicked out. They can no longer be trusted.

    There are simply no redeeming factors here. When someone wrote a while back that this NP is not the same as the one of old, (s)he was correct and the only way to restore it is to expel the ones who think only of themselves.

    Within the NP there were always a variety of opinions, sometimes conflicting and controversial, but they were always heard, sometimes accommodated and other times compromises were found but ALWAYS WITHIN the Party structure

    Franco, Jeffrey, et al, broke all kinds of rules and have become pariahs which the Party and moreover, the country do not need nor afford.

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    Coterie is one of the latest Labour buzzwords. I’ve heard at least a couple of speakers make liberal use of it on television in the past week or so.

  3. Nina says:

    I totally agree with Angus here. The Nationalist Party cut loose Jeffrey, Jesmond, Franco and Robert and go for mature candidates who are capable of dignified behaviour.

    A strict policy should also be adopted regarding Facebook behaviour by prospective and current politicians – do we see any foreign politicians Facebooking in the same manner as the above four? Certainly not!

    Any Facebook propaganda should be done through an official Facebook page for the candidate/party – Barack Obama’s one comes to mind. Not on a personal basis (and posting pictures of their breakfast!).

    Jeffrey et al’s activity on Facebook primarily serves to satisfy their egos – they’re all good-looking boyish men with something worthwhile to say (from the popolin’s eyes) and with each click on the ‘Like’ button they swell a bit more.

    [Daphne – I always forget how much lower the Maltese standard for ‘good-looking’ is where men are concerned. Jeffrey is a frigging sparrow-build midget who reaches up to my ear at most (and I’m not that tall, believe me) while Jesmond looks like the class nerd or somebody who should be teaching maths at a polytechnic. As for Robert Musumeci – spare me. Kermit with a balding black wig. At least Jeffrey has stopped that ridiculous business with dyeing his grey hair to look younger. Kieku hawn xi George Clooney jew Daniel Craig mas-saqajn, jahasra.]

  4. Chris Ripard says:

    This is the guy who was responsible for doing up a 500m stretch of road to the airport, which took an unbelievable 8 months and which he shamelessly used for photo opportunities, looking ridiculous in his high visibility vest, a couple of times.

    I had written to The Times pointing out what a joke the whole project was, though it wasn’t that funny for people who had to get to Hal Far and back every working day.

  5. Taks Fors says:

    Nothing, so far, has convinced that Johnny Dalli is not behind the present scenario with the likes of Mugliette, Franco and Jean-Pierre as his pawns. Dalli can’t wait for his ‘spectacular return’ from the present ‘prison sentence’ he’s been served with by the man who defeated him hands down for the Party’s leadership.

  6. Sarah says:

    Well said, Daphne.

  7. Taks Fors says:

    I have no doubt whatsoever that Dalli is running a parallel PN (or so he thinks) with one very eloquent (to bikkejja) message: Basta mhux Gonzi.

    To this sad lot, even Joseph is acceptable as long as Gonzi does not remain PM and at the helm of the Nationalist Party. Sad but true.

    Sadder still if the Nationalist Party does not get rid of all the people who have dissembled, and so publicly, these last four years.

    Gonzi himself keeps saying that the party brings out its greatest strengths when under attack, and these are the whiners who brought the party to the present situation, so to hell with them.

    Come what may this coming election, there is a lesson for all here, including the Nationalist Party itself: that even tolerance has limits, and while there should , and must, be internal hot discussions and disagreement, all and sundry have to pull one, and only one, line. The one decided by the Nationlist Party, and not by individuals with their own personal agenda.

  8. Jozef says:

    Did he finish his scholarship or whatever it is he was awarded?

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