UPDATED WITH NEW PICS: JPO’s ‘second wife’, like his first, is back with the Labour Party

Published: January 25, 2012 at 2:55pm

Carmen Camilleri Ciantar, JPO's 'second wife' and now a prospective Labour star candidate

Carmen Camilleri Ciantar, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s companion of the last 10 years and his wife-to-be, has gone back to the Labour Party and has been reintegrated into the Labour machine.

She is seen in the video below, sitting among the delegates at the closing session of the Labour Party annual general conference at Mile End last Sunday, applauding Joseph Muscat as he speaks.

Camilleri Ciantar, who works in the marketing department at Yellow Pages, had left the Labour Party for a few years while living with Pullicino Orlando and when he came under attack by Alfred Sant and Super One.

Now that her husband-to-be has acquired the status of a Friend of Labour, by undermining the prime minister, leaking stories to Malta Today, consorting with a Labour crowd and blabbing while under the influence of too much whisky, attacking the government from within and doing his best to hasten its demise, Camilleri Ciantar is back at Mile End and is being considered as an election star candidate.

Pullicino Orlando has in the interim cut his losses with his PN constituency and with the party itself, and has announced his retirement from electoral politics. The couple’s bread is now clearly buttered on the Labour side.

Jeffrey celebrates his divorce from his first Laburista - imagine Carmen and Marlene both on the government benches

Jeffrey jipprepara biex jiffanga meta johroglu l-permess ghal Mistra

Jeffrey and Carmen: they've buttered their bread on the Labour side

11 Comments Comment

  1. joseph says:

    allura imbilli hirga mal-PL qeghda taghmel xi haga hazina??? ja sahhara tal bidnija alurra ghax int liktar mara kerha tal pajjiz navelluk mal erba t irjieh tad dinja …..u int ktibtli li int tal PEPE ajma qeghda taghmilom unur hejjjj lil tal pepe…isma wara kollox int u min hu bhalek hemm isfel tridu tinzlu ta xorta bhalna xejn ahjar mu se jkolkom

    • The Peasant's Pitchfork says:

      Oh for the days when the great unwashed knew their place and stayed in it. And no, I’m not joking.

  2. Jozef says:

    It would be interesting to get some form of reference to her capabilities and talent. Career moves and previous employers would make a good start.

    If I’m not mistaken, she left one employer abruptly to join a competitor who had just made a monstrous proposal next to JPO’s Mistra thingy.

    The same one who tried to implicate Tonio Fenech.

  3. Joe Micallef says:

    I am listing to parliament commemorating the Holocaust. I am flabbergasted to hear Anglu Farrugia speaking about respect for human rights – he also mentioned the ‘hate’ comment on blogs!

    [Daphne – He must have been reading what his Mintoffjani rabble have been writing here, then. Forsi hu ma jghidulux biex imur jinhexa ma’ ziemel, ghax ragel, you know.]

  4. Nisa ta' success says:

    Is it now the turn of Ms. Mugliett, one of the other “nisa ta’ success” on John Bundy’s “Affari Taghna,” to be declared a star candidejt?

  5. Know.know says:

    Something tells me that JPO and Carmen have not yet given up on their Mistra deal.

    Let’s see how it pans out with Saviour Balzan and Malta Today when that happens.

  6. David Meilak says:

    I’m sure she will be another self proclaimed ‘Ekonomista’.

  7. Me says:

    Tacky people.

  8. Gorenye says:

    Kellu ragun Alfred Sant li ma ridtx hobz ma’ dal-karfa.

  9. Michael Poep says:

    Ms Carmen Ciantar, where have I heard that name before? Ah yes, a former ‘partner’ of a former Secretary General of the former Malta Labour Party… early nineties in Golden Bay.

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