Just in case you’ve been gagging for Part Two of Behind The Scenes At the Labour Konferenza
January 26, 2012 at 1:08am
Another party-emblem-free video of a party-emblem-free conference:
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Partit Anonimu.
Ma tantx hemm nies zghazagh fiz-zghazagh. Il-perit Bianco ghandu daqsi zmien, kwazi 50. U ara, hemm Tander Coconuts.
But are these videos authentic? I mean are they really Labour’s? Fact is I can’t believe they could stoop so low.
Naghmel ghonqi taht mannara li dak l-Olandiz li indirizza lid-delegati hbewlu il fatt li fil Golden Years li tant joghxew isemmu, kien ikun reat u ksur tal ligi infami dwar l-Indhil Barrani li il partit fl’oppozizzjon ikollu mistieden barrani. Jew AST staha jghidlu..
Hawn min hu aktar ipokrita minn dawn in-nies?
Ma tantx qed imutu bil-guh tal-Lejber jekk qed imorru l-Excelsior u l-Corinthia ghal workshop.
“Ahna in-nisa irridu xi darba forsi insibu dik ir-ricetta li insibu dal-bilanc imma nahseb il-bilanc huwa meta inti fil-verita tipprova kull hin u kull mument tghix kull aspett ta hajtek”… Michelle Muscat
Can anyone please explain what she means?
I notice that Michelle has had her hair restyled and cut between this video and the Eva Peron performance.
Maybe she’s been taking ‘style advice’ from that Laburista minn guf omma, Carina Camilleri, aka Rita from the Lazy Corner.
Hence the yellow cardigan. Next up: Minnie Mouse spectacles and a wardrobe of wigs.
On the subject of Rita/Carina mil-Lazy Corner. She’s been on Facebook telling her ‘friends’ that we need a change, that change is not an option but essential.
What she doesn’t tell them is that she’s not voting Labour because Joseph and Michelle “who she knows personally” have converted her to Labour with their progressive ideas. She’s voting Labour because her lot voted for Mintoff, KMB and Sant, and would have voted for Anglu Farrugia if he became party leader himself.
Imbasta bil-programm fuq il-PBS.
Who’s that girl in orange. Is she the same girl addressing the Labour conference?
Did you notice there appears to be one of the twins on tow with Michelle , at the Corinthia work shop ? 2.07
and again on stage ! 2.24
Ma kontx naf li Toni Abela sar mara :D
Honestly, I thought this video was very tongue-in-cheek. But the general conference of which party is it exactly trying to depict? No emblem, no flag, nothing.
same old crap………………
I have just watched this video/feature and honestly I feel sick. Ma nafx jien jekk hux forsi jien differenti, jew dawn qed jghixu f dinja differenti minn tieghi.