Just unbelievable

Published: January 5, 2012 at 7:01pm

A comment posted on Malta Today’s site:

Posted by: Bonzi — 05/01/2012 13:28:31
It is not our business.Lets leave this poor family alone in their grief. This was a good opportunity for GONZIPN&co to shift the attention from Debono saga on this case.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Neil Dent says:

    Unbelievable? Really? Just when you thought they couldn’t sink any lower……

  2. John Schembri says:

    So now we have found the motive of the double murder/tragedy.

  3. Riff Raff says:

    Hi Bonzi, I heard that President Obama is looking to beef up his team of political strategists.

  4. Jozef says:

    Fr.Joe Borg couldn’t believe a comment surpassing the very definition of bile on Maltatoday

    Maltastar uploaded a comment telling Mr.Xuereb to shut up.

    According to someone else, we’re going to be denied ‘our right to know’ because of Dolores Cristina.

    Matthew Vella cut and pasted his notorious ‘powerful emotions’ answer into one of his ‘reports’

    This has now become grotesque, and requires a statement by the highest authority.

    Unless the state and its values were delegated, as usual, to a priest yesterday afternoon.

    We should really go into this, it’s frightening.

  5. Ian says:

    Oh, for f**k’s sake.

  6. anthony says:

    It is either that this is a case of collective madness or the after effects of the alcohol consumption over the festive season. A national alcoholic psychosis.

    I sincerely appeal to all the moderators of these popular blogs to be extra vigilant,in these exceptional circumstances, in the interest of the Maltese community.

    It is their duty.

  7. Grezz says:

    What next? Hearing that the whole tragic story was was orchestrated by GonZIPN!!!!! simply to divert attention from any of their short-comings?

  8. Cherubin Sufi says:


  9. mattie says:


  10. oldtimer says:

    Bonzi is a “miskin” – have mercy.

  11. MMuscat says:

    Bonzi, how clever! Is that the way a Labour supporter views the Gonzi-Bondi relationship?

  12. Paul Bonnici says:


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