Labour signs secret pact with North Korea to train its star candidates and Mrs Leader in public demonstrations of emotion
January 23, 2012 at 11:08pm
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Maybe they are shedding tears of joy at the thought of having got rid of that scum once and for all. Same as we did way back in May 1987 after the general election results were final.
Here is why North Koreans REALLY wept their eyes out:
What’s wrong? Did they find out that Joseph Muscat has just become the prattikament Prime minister?
Anglu Farrugia missed some of these lessons, but managed to grasp the tearful emotional pause and got 100%, like Franco did in religion.
1.10: “The bloggers have today launched another personal attack on the Great Leader, his wife and his children….”
Fost il-lajber harget moda
Kulhadd jghid min xhiex hu ghadda
Taht dal-gvern nazzjonalita
Kemm hruxija u tbatija
Emmnuni li dan mhux biss paroli.
Hu minn Anglu ‘car kristall’
Mhux imbilli fih daqs fahal
Xorta tbikkem biex jizvela
Kif hu sab ruhu
brutalment vittimizzat
Anke Joseph u Michelle
Min fuq il-palk irrakkuntaw
Kif dal-bghula Nazzjonalisti
Lilhom u l uliedhom attakkaw.
Issa sabu terapija:
Fuq il-palk u b’maktur f’idek
ghid xi gralek fuq il-palk
Fin-nofs ieqaf, nehhi l-ghoqla,
hu tazz’ ilma w ixraq naqra
Capcip kbir bews u tghanniq
zgur li bil-bosta taqla.
Issa nsew il-ponn u it-tisbit
Iktar jaqbel tibki w tolfoq
B’naqra dmugh min ghand kulhadd
Fil-gvern inkunu fi ftit gimghat.
U peress li ahna Moviment
Nigbru maghna l’kull min bghata
Jekk hemm bzonn anke lil Franco
Li tant miskin, bis-sieq inghata.
Tajba. Prosit.
And Anglu too..can he get a slot ?