Nice going, Kurt Farrugia – allowing photographers onto a balcony above Joseph’s head….

Published: January 9, 2012 at 2:32pm

Muscat’s minders ‘spontaneously arranged’ for his usual Sunday morning meeting to be held outside the Rabat Labour Party club, rather than inside it, because of the large crowd that turned up to hear him.

There was a larger crowd in Marsaxlokk, and Gonzi’s minders didn’t stick his podium on the doorstep. He spoke inside, as usual, and without a podium, as usual.

Muscat’s minders, in doing so, overlooked one crucial detail: by sticking that podium just beneath the balcony, and allowing photographers onto the balcony to take pictures of the impressive crowd, they also ensured that we would be getting the first clear and reliable aerial shots of the top of Muscat’s head.

Now we have incontrovertible proof of what it looks like exactly, and this means there can be no more faffing around with spray-on hair and the like for ‘statesmanlike’ press conferences.

See the photo in the story in the link I’ve posted below.

25 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Blimey. Look at The Mark of Zorro’s own pate.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Oh and that’s a double-yellow line, yet someone’s parked their elephant.

  3. john says:

    How come Toni Abela isn’t admiring Deborah’s cleavage?

    [Daphne – Because she isn’t made of rubber like his favourite puppet, John, and she might sock him one. Then he’d be a long time recovering.]

  4. Dee says:

    Kif ma tahrablekx wahda!

  5. Noklu says:

    It looks like il-Leader’s Hair Cube is running out, as the front part of the runway is noticeably darker than the back.

  6. Karl Flores says:

    That could be a hair transplantation where grafts of hair are removed from the few remaining hairs (1/5) at the sides and back of the head.

    They are then planted, beginning from the border of the area without hair, and left to grow until long enough to cover as much as possible the area without hair. Tipo Berlusconi.

    • Carlos Bonavia says:

      I have it on the highest authority that Joseph has been advised by his hair-transplant technicians to get his transplants from Michelle’s pubes.

      They claim that the transplant works better if taken from one c_nt to another.

      [Daphne – I debated long and hard (ooooh, vicar) about whether to upload this, but then decided that it would be selfish to keep it to myself.]

  7. ciccio says:

    The state of Joseph’s hair at the top must have been one of Labour’s best kept secrets so far. It will have to be the first problem the PM will need to tackle in the first 100 days in office. It is more urgent than the budget deficit.

  8. Karl Flores says:

    Dear Daphne,

    whenever I submit my comment it is remaining in the square where I had written it. It is after I keep clicking on submit that it finally says that it seems that my comment has already been submitted.

    Kindly check if it is from your side that it’s happening please.

    Always yours,


    [Daphne – You only need click ‘submit’ the once. It will have gone through. The system is slow today.]

    • Peppi iehor says:

      This site must be experiencing a lot of traffic today and is gradually sliding to a standstill. >100,000 hits yesterday and probably again today, judging by the delay when submitting post. Even navigating between pages excruciatingly slow today.

      With that many hits, Madam Daphne, why do you only have one advertisement box on your website? If you have more adverts, you could buy more bandwidth, surely.

      [Daphne – It’s got nothing to do with the bandwith, and this site doesn’t take advertising yet.]

      • P Shaw says:

        The other bloggers take advertsing, even though the quality is extremely poor and sharpness is completely absent.

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    Almost all the men in the photo have bald patches so it’s totally unnecessary for Joseph Muscat to be so self-conscious about his own tonsure.

  10. Albert Farrugia says:

    Impressive. Enough to give Dr Gonzi his one-seat majority back. Well done for pointing this out.

  11. Peppi iehor says:

    Please forgive my side-stepping the issues of cosmetics and appearances.

    Timesonline has caption Dr Muscat’s address of this afternoon with “Malta needs to know who has governing majority” and I’m seriously interested in a knowledgeable opinion. [ ]

    The constitution, as amended by the very same two-party parliament, provides that the country will be governed by whichever of them polls 50%+1 of the public vote and not by the party electing the higher number of seats.

    In this way, the PN having polled 1,500 votes more than the PL, was declared winner despite Dr Sant electing three candidates more than did the PN. For this reason, by-elections were held to raise the number of PN seats to a one-seat majority. Thus the word and the spirit of the constitution were followed.

    Now if Franco Debono defects, will the votes that elected him still remain PN votes? If they do, the constitution demands that further by-elections must be held to raise the number of elected PN members to give the party, yet again, a one-seat majority. Does anyone share this interpretation?

    Can someone please put me out of my misery and give me a dependable answer, one way or the other?

    • Antoine Vella says:

      The consitution only speaks of electoral results. It is not relevant to what happens during the legislature.

      • Peppi iehor says:

        Thank you sir, but I’m still wondering. How is the electoral result not relevant to the legislature, if the same situation prevails?

    • Albert Farrugia says:

      Yeah, we could stretch the way democracy works in this country as if it were a rubberband, as long as it suits the Nationalist Party. I can only say it in Maltese: u tghid mhux hekk!

      Apart from the fact that after the last election, as per the constitution, no by-elections were held to elect the extra 4 seats. The electoral system provides that they are elected automatically during the counting of the election proper.

      Please chat your facts or I might think you are PN elves!

      • Peppi iehor says:

        I think that to be an elf or a troll, one first has to reside, or expect to reside, under a party’s metaphoric bridge.

        I am simply curious about how this particular constitutional provision works.

        If you don’t want to call the co-option of the extra seats “by-elections”, I have no problem with that. I understood that the result has to be out before the additional seats are determined to be necessary, which is why I called them “by-elections”, not to mislead anyone or to be mistakenly pedantic.

        The question I am asking is relatively straightforward. Do Franco’s 2065 first-count votes remain nationalist votes if he crosses the floor? I feel there is a need for clarification, maybe some former Constitutional judge or lapsed politician could oblige; but you don’t have to take my word for it because I’m neither.

  12. Jozef says:

    Is it possible to enlarge the photo and get a glimpse of his notes?

  13. john says:

    It looks like a Celia Borg Cardona.

  14. ganna says:

    Dawn kif qabdu u ghalqu t-triq biex jaghmlu l-meeting barra fir-Rabat minhajr permess?

    Tal-Labour dejjem jaghmlu l-irridu. Fuq dawk il-yellow lines dejjem ikun hemm karrozzi pparkjati. Ghassa tal-pulizija zewg passi l-boghod u ma jghidulhom xejn. Dik is-serjeta li jghajjat biha Muscat.

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