Oh, Jesmond – are you still there then?

Mrs Jesmond Mugliett and Sandro Chetcuti of the Labour Business Forum (but more famously of the attack on Vince Farrugia) at Consuelo Herrera's birthday party in Gozo.
You know how it is with some men of a certain sort – their true colours come out under the slightest provocation, most particularly when the one pricking their giant (and colossally fragile) ego is a woman.
We can’t have that, can we.
The Gang of Three – Jesmond, Jeffrey and Johnny, with their attendant train of similarly-egoed characters like Saviour Balzan, just can’t stop bitching, even though one of them has been imprisoned in Brussels for the last few years while the other two have said already that they’re retiring from politics at the end of this term of government.
The big question, quite frankly, is why Jesmond Mugliett and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who are so clearly unhappy with their party and even with their constituents and their wishes, don’t just resign now instead of sitting there simmering with anger until the eventual dissolution of parliament.
They’re hating every minute, they have no intention of contesting another election, so common sense dictates that they should make way for somebody who’s bothered and not bitchy and resentful. This would be especially the case with Jeffrey, who has the achievement of divorce legislation under his belt.
This had not occurred to me before, but it does now. There could well be a reason why Jeffrey and Jesmond have elected to carry on bitching and simmering until the next election, which will be sooner rather than later, it seems, than shed the burden they so reluctantly carry and move on to concentrate on their private life and professional practice.
This would be that they’re not really planning to retire from politics at all, that they are merely biding their time until Brutus stabs Caesar, then they will elbow their way back to the forefront. If Brutus doesn’t stab Caesar after all, or if Caesar’s replacement turns out not to be their Johnny Dalli (trying for a Gary Glitter comeback), then they will stick to their original plan of moving out.
Of course, all three of them hate my guts, because I’m usually one of the few telling them to their face and in public what people really think of them. They’re more accustomed to receiving the accolades, on their Facebook walls and at parties organised by Laburista ppatentjata Consuelo Herrera, her brother and her silly little handbag-dog of a lover, of xeba’ Laburisti hodor u nofshom illiterati.
Meanwhile, the people who think as I do tiptoe around them and keep their options open by telling them one thing to their face and talking about them quite differently behind their back.
Anyway, I said in my newspaper column this morning that it was only a matter of time before Franco’s antics brought the rest out of the woodwork, and that Jeffrey has begun to flip out already.
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Have you noticed that Joseph seems to always be wearing a blue tie? And often has a blue background
Also that in the past week many concrete slabs (billboard bases) have been sprouting all over MALTA. In preparation for the election? Who is behind it?
I’d just said as much myself when seeing him on TV.
They’ve abandoned their signature colour because it is, quite literally, a red rag.
Somebody must have told him that it brings out the colour of his eyes.
PL – and this time they got the PN locations as well – while Joseph Muscat tries to make the public swallow the idea they are not in a desperate hurry to grasp power after 25 years of isolation in opposition.
In the top video Gonzi spelled out the reason why he did not reinstate Mugliett as minister in this legislature.
Manuel Dimech bridge was crumbling down, we were told by Mugliett, but Gonzi was later told in 2007 that the concrete was stronger than normal concrete and the contractor did not have the right equipment to break the hard Korean technology of the 1960s!!! (Allow me three exclamation marks please, Daphne.)
It is more than obvious that Mugliett tried to take Gonzi for a ride, and when the opportune time came he was sent to the backbench.
It is clearly obvious that Gonzi sometimes undeservedly shoulders the responsibilities for what his ministers do.
It would be great if you found the clip when, just before the 2008 election, Mugliett was even afraid to come out of his office and is heard asking if the One reporters are around (to make a quick getaway to his car).
He was such a useless parliamentary secretary with a relatively small portfolio responsible for roads – and made a hash of it.
Isn’t it strange how all these influential men – Saviour, Robert Musumeci, Jeffrey, Franco, Johnny Dalli and Jaaasmond – all literally crap their pants because of one woman’s blog.
Well done, Daphne.
In one of his press conferences this weekend Joseph declared that the Labour Party was ready to govern.
Yesterday Evarist Bartolo declared that the Labour Party was not ready.
Joseph’s short career in politics was full of electioneering and how to get that MEP seat, he’s only prepared (sort of ) for that. That’s what elections for him are all about, getting the seat. Billboards and where HE will be contesting.
What the seasoned Evarist had in mind was the real world: a fully fledged electoral campaign without computer mistakes and without ‘repeater classes’, ‘the demolition of incinerators, which had already been scrapped’ and without harebrained Valletta projects where boats would have been passing beneath City Gate ….x’cuc hu it-tejatru bla saqaf ta’ Piano!
Meanwhile Karmenu Vella together with Aaron Farrugia are still on the drawing board trying to come up with another masterpiece of an electoral program.
All this, because Joseph wants to highjack the electorate’s ship in the middle of a storm.
Joseph Muscat thinks about appearances, but has made no serious proposals to show that he is ready to govern.
Last time I wrote that as soon as Dr. Muscat gets into power he will say, as all Labour leaders have said before him, ‘Listen I am going to be honest with you..the mess in which the Nationalists left the country is worse than we thought so all our promises will have to wait.’
BUT I think there is going to be a bigger excuse to renege on their promises to everyone. I heard a hint of it from one of the future Labour ministers: ‘The EU controls the budget and what we spend.’
And “the international markets control the price of oil.”
Jesmond Mugliett must be proud of the response he’s getting:
Rodnick Abdilla Abstain if you believe that we need to swipe away such people
2 hours ago
What are people like Rodnick Abdilla and his beloved PL planning to do, exactly? Bazooka everyone who dares to criticise them?
On a lighter note.
For those peasants who are not sure whether Daphne is the name of a man or a woman.
Rome. Museo di Villa Borghese. Apollo e Daphne. Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
Sheer Magic.
Like the man said, aux langueurs d’Apollon, Daphné se refusa.
It is so undemocratic for MP backbenchers and EU Commissioners to interfere with the freedom of expression of the free media.
Franco Debono please note.
I must admit …. you are one of the best
And yet, you are pro-Labour. Joseph must be very pleased with you.
Sandro was at Joseph’s ‘vote of confidence’ last week.
Pass the hand cream.