Perhaps Franco would care to tell us a bit more about his working relationship with Jose Herrera?

Published: January 14, 2012 at 10:48pm

Here are some more cases in which they’re working in tandem, despite not being partners.

Maltarightnow: Sentenza sospiża wara li ħebb għal Surġent tal-Pulizija
8/12/2011 Awtur: Ray ABDILLA

Sandro Pace ta’ 27 sena minn Ħ’Attard kien ikkundannat sitt xhur ħabs sospiżi għal sena wara li ammetta quddiem il-Maġistrat Antonio Mizzi li fis-sigħat bikrin tal-Ħamis li għadda f’Xatt is-Sajjieda, Marsaxlokk ħebb għal Surġent tal-Pulizija.

Pace ammetta li wara nofs il-lejl mar jimbotta lis-Surġent Francie Sciberras, li minn naħa tiegħu mar iferraq xi persuni li kienu qegħdin jiġġieldu. Huwa ammetta wkoll li nġurja lill-istess Pulizija bil-ħsieb li jweġġgħu u li nġurja lill-istess Pulizija. Ammetta wkoll li fixkel lill-Pulizija waqt il-qadi ta’ dmirijiethom.

Pace li tressaq mill-Ispettur Priscilla Caruana ammetta wkoll li kiser il-paċi pubblika b’għajjat u ġlied u li qal kliem oxxen fil-pubbliku. Għalih deheru l-Avukati Jose Herrera u Franco Debono.


The Times
December 5, 2011
Trafficker jailed for five years

Patrick Borg, of Birkirkara was today jailed for five-and-a-half years and fined €12,000 after admitting to trafficking in cocaine in May 2008 and selling the drug from his house in Birkirkara, which is located close to the primary school.

Mr Borg filed a guilty plea just before the start of a trial by jury.

He also admitted to having threatened his girlfriend with a pistol and would not allow her to leave his house.

The sentence was delivered after a plea bargaining agreement reached by defence counsel Franco Debono and Jose’ Herrera and prosecutor Maurizio Cordina.

In its sentence the court observed that during the compilation of evidence, several witnesses had given evidence of having bought drugs from the accused.


The Times
December 4, 2007
Man on trial for burglary ‘denied the murder’

An Egyptian national investigated for the murder of a Gozitan elderly woman, who was found dead in a well close to her Xaghra house, denied involvement in the homicide but admitted to burgling her house some months earlier, a police superintendent testified yesterday.

Police Superintendent Antonello Grech told jurors in the trial of Ibrahim Hafes Ibrahim El Degwi, 42 that he denied his involvement in the murder of Maria Attard, who was found dead in February 2002.

He said, however, that he and another man had burgled the woman’s house in June 2001. (…)

Lawyers Jose Herrera and Franco Debono are appearing for Mr El Degwi.


Man jailed 12 years in Paceville death trial
By MaltaMedia News
Dec 14, 2006

42-year-old Anthony Schembri from Ħamrun was sentenced to 12 years in prison for causing the death of 27-year-old Gozitan Stephen Sam Portelli after seriously injuring him with broken bottle in 2001. He was found guilty with six votes against three in a trial by jury.

As the trial drew to an end on Thursday afternoon, the man was furthermore found guilty, with eight votes against one, of seriously wounding Karm James Grech, aged 17 at the time of the incident. The case took place in Paceville during the early hours of Saturday, 27th October 2001, when Anthony Schembri stabbed both men with a broken bottle.

Lawyers Franco Debono and Jose’ Herrera appeared for the accused.

5 Comments Comment

  1. Min Weber says:

    Kien hemm appell jahraq – dak l-istess wiehed li saret talba ghar-revoka tas-sentenza minhabba li ma kienx hemm l-avukat waqt l-interrogatorju – li Herrera ghaddieh lil Debono.

    Kien dwar drogi. Hemm hafna x’wiehed jista’ jghid, inkluz dwar il-modalitajiet tat-tqassim tad-drogi, u elementi ohra tal-isfond.

    X’inhu ghaddej minn wara l-kwinti?

  2. xmun says:

    Michael Falzon – another one who somehow feels left out (and a good thing too) or is he part of the gang? He feels very comfortable on Maltatoday nowadays with his own blog. Not much substance in there.

    from MaltaToday

    “Former PN minister insists problem is Gonzi not Debono”


    “it’s a group of people who topple a leader and not one person on his own”

    [Daphne – He was seriously misquoted. Find his original piece in Malta Today today and read it. He is very critical of Franco Debono and his actions.]

  3. Jozef says:

    No wonder they have a problem with the minister.

    Perhaps all those who support Franco’s ‘balls’ should stop and think why Joseph has been uncharacteristically silent.

    Franco’s reforms
    John Dalli’s power station
    Jeffrey’s rushed divorce bill
    Musumeci’s and Falzon’s proposals to reverse Mepa’s remit

    None of these in the 2008 manifesto chosen for implementation. None challenged in their integrity, just discarded, or so it seems, when the iniquity is exposed.

    And inversely

    The perverse distortion and blatant sabotage of the transport reform and the BWSC plant convertible to gas when the pipeline is in place.

    The shameless wooing of ‘developers’, one of them indicted of assault.
    The utter absence of any decency to disclose what has been agreed and signed with the Chinese Communist Party
    The constant harping against any satire directed at those who spell out their disgrace.
    The subtle admission that if it’s not the ideas that are challenged it must be those who propose them; as if people are what they think and not the other way round.

    Who needs an electoral programme when keeping one’s word is out of the window?

    Or when the rule of law is proving too restrictive.
    ‘Mhux ahjar nirrangaw bejnietna?, il-Maltin ghalhekk tajbin.’

    It explains Franco’s distress, No one resorts to his tactics if the motives are one’s genuine convictions. Unless one is under some check.

    Labour intend to win by projection, not default. How long this house of cards will last is what has to be challenged. Anything else is to Joseph’s liking.
    The same will happen to him. Not could.
    It’s the natural progression of events.

  4. Angus Black says:

    ‘Ma min rajtek, xebbahtek’ (Birds of a feather flock together)

    Had Franco been appointed minister, would he not have had to give up his lucrative legal practice?

    Why is it such a sore point with him other than that he wants Gonzi’s job at all costs?

    Franco Debono’s place would be with the LP but there are two catches:

    1. In that case he would demand a ministry – or else.
    2. Minister or not, he would be subservient to Joseph Muscat, his former classmate, nemesis, and who never got 100% in religion in Form IIc.

    If he crosses the floor, giving Labour a majority of one, then Joseph can go to the President and request to govern. Would that not be ironic? Joseph becomes prime minister without ever getting one vote in a general election? All this without all the ‘suffering’ Debono went through and Debono would have crowned him PM !

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