Philately news update
January 15, 2012 at 10:24pm
Stop Press: Maltapost ser johorgu sett bollol b’wicc Franco Debono. B’hekk kulhadd ikun jista jkompli jilghaqu.
I have uploaded the high res (2MB) version of this stamp, allowing you to download it, print it out, and stick it to your wall or fridge to remind you of the real threats to democracy which this country is now facing.
Whether you download it or not, take my advice and left-click on it to make it larger for a good look. It’s worth it.
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I take it you haven’t read what your great leader said in the press today.
“Personal attacks have to stop, even in regards to anybody who does not agree with us and wants to do things differently. We have to respect the dignity of persons.” “We do not need the attacks because we should never forget that we are a party that believes in values.”
As someone said to me earlier, you are the best thing that ever happened to the Labour Party!
[Daphne – The prime minister is free to say that, and I am free to pay no regard to his opinion. This is a basic principle of democracy that people like you are unable to understand. I also happen to know why he said it, and I disagree with it because further appeasement at this stage is as inadvisable as it was at any point since 2008. As for your last sentence, how wrong you are. But then you do vote Labour.]
Actually after I read your excellent article in The Malta Independent today, I thought that’s the closest one can get to saying that the PM hasn’t got the balls to deal with the situation that has been festering for ages behind the scenes.
And I found it odd that of all days, he had to choose today to make reference to you.
[Daphne – He didn’t make reference to me.]
“I also happen to know why he said it…”
Don’t tell me Franco Debono would abstain or vote in favour of the gov ONLY IF you stop writing about him.
Daphne you are spot on keep going you’re on the right track you are doing an awesome job :)
Yes you are right, I do vote Labour, now. I have voted PN all my life as did my father and my grandfather but no more.
And not just me but most of my family have also switched to Labour.
Do we think they are any more honest than PN? Who knows, time will tell, but all we know at the moment is that we are tired of being lied to by our Prime Minister and yes of being associated with people like you.
You say that you support the Prime Minister and the PN yet the trash that you write is turning people away from the party.
[Daphne – Oh what bollocks, honestly. If you switched to Labour it’s because you’re a pique-driven gidra, not because you have made a rational decision. As for the rest of the family switching with you, how fascinating: is it the sort of family which shares a brain and a will, like your brain and will, for example? Or are you all equally thick? Well, perhaps the last, given that IQ is genetic. But then I’ve found that so is hdura. Tired of being associated with people like me, indeed – you should be so lucky. I probably wouldn’t even scrape you off the sole of my shoe if I stepped on you in the street. I choose my friends and even my acquaintances very carefully. There is no way you could ever be associated with me. I don’t generally mix with twits.]
Well actually I have a very high IQ and from the looks of it much higher than yours as I don’t have to stoop to your low levels and insult my own people. I didn’t say the whole family switched along with me. We discussed it as a family unit and most of us reached the decision that we were sick of being treated like idiots by Gonzi PN. And when I said associated with you obviously I didn’t mean first hand but through our association with the party. I too pick my friends carefully and I don’t think a lift mechanics daughter would fit into our little circle somehow.
[Daphne – People with a very high IQ by definition do not cut off their nose to spite their face. We are seeing one such spectacular example all over the media right now. One of the signs of a high IQ is the ability to foresee consequences and map out action accordingly. If you discussed, as a family unit, the way you’re all going to vote, then yours must be one hell of a freakish family. Or you’re lying, which is the more obvious explanation. Let’s try to picture the scene. Supper’s over, family sits down for family conference. Father: “Are we sick of being treated like idiots by GonziPN?” Mother: “Whatever you say, Joe.” Son: “Mhux xorta.” Daughter: “Min hu Gonzi PN?”
Family vote taken, next question. Father: “Are we sick of being associated with the evil witch of Bidnija?” Mother, silently: “Mank kont bhala.” Out loud: “Whatever you say, Joe.” Son: “Fejn iz-z*bb hu l-Bidnija?” Daughter: “Da, witches don’t exist.”
You probably don’t have a family anyway – took them all to London with you, did you?
I am not a lift mechanic’s daughter. I am the daughter of an employer of lift mechanics. There’s more you don’t know, but then, you wouldn’t.]
It is hilarious how you cannot handle people having a different opinion to yours.
[Daphne – I do that all the time, Michael. It’s not different opinions I can’t stand, but stupidity. I am notorious for not suffering fools gladly. It would be a failing if I were a priest or a politician or trying to sell them a frock, but fortunately I’m not and so I can tell them what I think of them.]
Did you receive the email from Dr Muscat?
Cannot agree more. It’s a shame to see people adoring him now. I hope the PM calls his bluff. An election would rid us of all the garbage and the biggest winner will be the PN.
kompli dahhak purcinella….tant qed taghmel hsara lil partit tieghek stess li inti sirt ‘asset’ al labour party.
Bhal Franco Debono mela. Se jtella ‘l Muscat Prim Ministru.
Min jaf x’sa jiehu tal-pjacir li ghamillu.
I have downloaded the bolla and printed it.
No, I did to not stick it to my fridge.
I will not divulge where I stuck it.
Do what Mrs. Trotter did with the pic of the Kaiser in “The Duchess of Duke Street” Stick it above the toilet bowl, upside down,
Any chance we put him on the Cross on the Maltese Flag? It will be a reminder of his suffering, and we can wrap him around us at Labour’s mass meeting after their electoral victory.
@Joe Attard, Gordon and assorted Mintoffian rabble
If Daphne is such an asset to the PL why are you and the rest of the herd so desperate to shut her up?
I can’t speak for others Antoine but for myself I am not desperate to shut her up. I have turned away from PN and a lot of that was to do with the things Daphne was writing in this blog and in her column. I have spoken to others who are doing the same and I know before the week is out I will talk to more. I say keep up the good work. The country needs change and she is helping bring that about.
[Daphne – The new elve spiel. I’m all over the internet and have been for some years, Joe Attard. I can sniff an emerging refrain before its propagators have begun to sniff it themselves. And another thing, you forget how long I’ve been around and writing about politics. This is my fifth general election in the saddle, so to speak: 1992, 1996, 1998, 2003, 2008. And every time it’s the same thing: rubbish like yours, to which my response is that if you choose your government on the basis of what a journalist writes, then you need to have your head examined. However you vote, I shall still keep writing, but you will have Sant, or in this case Joseph, as prime minister. I did not stop writing or working between 1996 and 1998. When the Labour Party is in government, or there is a chance that it will be in government, my readership actually soars. Now smoke that.]
The reply was to Antoine Vella. I assume you know this person well enough to know that they don’t have the brains to answer their own comments. I don’t smoke by the way.
[Daphne – No, but you live in London. And yet you’re going to vote Labour because of the journalist who helped make it possible for you to be there. Ho Ho Ho]
that’s why I don’t like PN – they alwats set the rules to thier advantage. Keep it up and give us all Daph … then we decide ..!/profile.php?id=100001123877506&sk=wall
Mario Farrugia-Borg
Habib tieghi Sirjan, il-bierah qalli: “Intom il-Maltin tistaghgbu bina l-Gharab ghax id-dittaturi taghna jibqghu fil-poter ghal hafna snin. Biss id-dittatur taghkom dalwaqt ikun ilu fil-poter 25 sena!” Ikolli nghid li ma kontx naf x’se naqbad inwiegbu!
Semplici, kellek twiegbu li l-anqas jaf x’qed jghid.
1. Hu qed jiftah halqu ghax mhux qieghed fejn jista jilhqu d-dittatur tieghu, ghax kieku m’ghandux access ghal internet.
2. Taghna mhux dittatur, ghax ivvutawlu l-maggoranza tal-Maltin erba’ snin ilu, (quote J. Muscat 15/01/2012 “u dan sehh ghal sitt elezzjonijiet minn l-ahhar sebgha”.
3. Jista jitkellem hekk kieku kien hawn Malta fl’1981 meta l-organi tal-iStat kienu juzaw il-gass tad-dmugh u armi fuq l-oppozizzjoni… meta int kont ghadek thaddan il-Lejber, qabel ma hrigt mal-PN ghall-kunsillier.
U hallina, Mario Farrugia Borg
Tista twiegbu hekk:
1. il-gvern milux fil-poter 25 sena.
2. il-prim ministru kurrenti ilu biss minn 2003.
Missek wegibtu li propjament m’ilniex 25 sena. Afdajna lil Labour bejn Ottubru 96 u Settembru 98 u ndunajna x’isarrfu. Ahjar 50 sena taht il-PN mill 22 xahar taht il-Labour
U ghidlu ukoll li dittatur ma jigiex elett mil-poplu.
Nippreferi noqod hobz u ilma kulljum ghal 25 sena taht il PN milli niekol hasi mimli kulljum ghal 25 jum taht New Labour.
Hear hear. As the younger generation would put it: Nivvota Labour? Inzabbab.
Dear Daphne, what do you think will happen in Parliament this week? Everyone is saying the PN found an agreement with Franco, who will stay home when the vote is taken and then get a little ‘gift’ in return. I really hope it’s not true.
If El Capon gets his wish and the government loses the majority, what happens to the vote concerning the money that should go to pay for the increases in pensions, children allowances etc announced in the budget?
If the no-confidence motion were to pass, pending bills, including the budget, would presumably die on the order table as soon as Parliament is dissolved.
Blame it on the power-hungry opposition and its co-conspirator, that thoughtless backbencher.
In that case,I hope that Mr Prime Minister WILL MAKE THIS POINT LOUD AND CLEAR TO THE WHOLE NATION before the so confidence vote is taken.
As soon as parliament convenes, I’d call for early elections and won’t even go through with the no confidence vote. Even if PN loses the elections, it would have shown that what it stands for doesn’t leave space for these shenanigans and threats from this scum, and they would just disappear into ignomity and disrespect.
History has a nice way of remembering these mavericks.Then while the majority of the electorate gets its five years of Labour disaster, PN would be back in full force again, minus the leeches and wipe PL into oblivion once again.
It may have escaped your notice that this isn’t a wrestling competition where the “audience” can buy some popcorn while the underdog catches his breath to rise again and thump the “aggressor”
Real life – i.e. jobs, credibility with potential investors, justice, etc couldn’t give a toss about “has-beens” and “mavericks”
Gonzi has, so far, steered this country well – given the circumstance and tools at his disposal – and it would be a shame to not let him carry on. Even post 2012.
Do you really believe that a political party can ever get shot of its “leeches” and hangers on? Power corrupts, as they say. See what the One Ring did to Smeagol. (See? A Lord of the Rings reference there ;) )
I agree. The more time passes the more I think, now is the time to call for an election. Pull the carpet from under the PL and disgruntled backbenchers. Probably the PN has a better chance of winning an election now than later.
What makes you so sure that PL will surivive for the entire five years?
Labour will survive for five years.
The way the electoral districts are drawn up will guarantee the PL at least three seats more than the PN.
The 2008 election result, where Labour polled 1,500 fewer votes than the PN, is a case in point.
Proset daphne keep it up you are doing a great job for our leader joseph muscat xejn ta sugu ma fik viva il habib tieghi u siehbek jpo jien nahseb li int jaqalek ghalih e
Am I the only one that gets annoyed when I hear the words ’25 years in power’ ? It seems the 2 years of Labour under Alfred Sant get forgotten.
1d? I thought Franco Debono was in Form 2c.
There are people who are being prudent in their criticism of Franco Debono. If an election is called this week, there will be no reason for these people to restrain themsleves and they will come out in full force to show who Franco Debono really is.
If Debono feels bad about the criticism he is getting now, I shudder to think how he will feel when people’s criticism and disdain will hit him in full force.
Are there plans for a first day cover with a signed copy of his form IIC report inside?
How about mobile top up cards with their value corresponding to his marks?