Psychiatric alert! Another part of the real xibka tal-hazen is about to go AWOL
The Nationalist Party had better gird its loins for a side-skirmish in the ongoing battle with Franco Debono.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is about to flip out again. The signs are all over his Facebook wall and they’re increasing in intensity. I seem to have become the resident expert in mad men.
Amazing how so many people have forgotten already that up to a couple of months ago he was behaving exactly like Franco Debono, and had been doing that and worse since March 2008 when he was caught lying to the prime minister, the public and his constituents, including me.
The last time I saw Jeffrey on television before his appearance on Super One this week, he was on the Fat Controller’s show and so hysterical that even his Labour enablers felt the need to calm him down.
Jeffrey is getting off on his cooperation with Robert Musumeci, who lives with another Fat Controller. That’s another sign that he’s about to flip out.
Robert Musumeci is a has-been and won’t admit it. Jeffrey is a has-been and has finally confronted the fact. Both are has-beens not because of anything anyone else has done to them, but because they are on the record as untrustworthy liars.
Fact is, only other untrustworthy liars like them. Or the blind and deaf.
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The court case connected to Mistragate resumed this week. Maybe that is why he is showing signs and symptoms of unhingeing again.
What’s wrong with all these big, bold, brave men who want to take on the world and rule it? They run and hide at the first sign of ridicule and then go into a mutually supportive huddle because they’ve been ‘attacked’.
You’d think they could take criticism lying down.
..and then the Times reports that 2011 was a good year for Jeffrey who “cooly decided not to contest the fortcoming election”.
The Times’ reporters either have a weak sense of judgement or a deep hidden agenda. I don’t think the reporters are not supervised – it looks the agenda is driven at the top.
It is a pity that the Standard Publications did not invest in its newspapers, even though they will launch the live portal. Readers who are disillusioned by The Times (or more specifically feel disgusted) do not have an alternative newspaper to read.
Yes, some of The Times reporters do have a hidden agenda, but then don’t try to comment about it on because they won’t publish it. It happened to me several times, including my recent reaction when I used the words “shame, shame” after they published a large photo of the late North Korean leader with a report on the Prime Minister.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
” Politics is the art of the possible -Otto Von Bismark.
Bismark is the German statesman who managed to unify Germany and create a balance of power THAT KEPT EUROPE AT PEACE after 1871.”
Bismark caused the humiliation of Germany in WW1 and the downfall of the Kaiser, Dr JPO.
One of the good things of history is that we can learn lessons from it. At least some do.
Looking back, one of the lessons it taught me is never extend your resouces beyond what is necessary.
Hitler paid for his mistake by opening a second front against Russia, and this was beyond his capacity.
You seem to be opening a ‘second front” by bringing into the scene Jeffrey and Musumeci.
[Daphne – Completely wrong. I merely pointed out that Jeffrey is simmering and about to flip out. I recognised the signs and thought it best to raise the alert. He is about to flip out because he is psychologically and motivationally aligned with Franco Debono, sees himself in him, and identifies with his current situation. This does not mean the rest of us have to keep quiet. They, and not the people who criticise their behaviour, are the problem, and it’s about time this was spelled out clearly to them. The shock on Franco’s face last night on Xarabank, when Arnold Cassola told him straight and plain that he is the cause of all this, told me that this was the first time he had heard it said to his face rather than behind his back or on this website and various other comments-boards from anonymous people.]
Aren’t your hands full enough with Franco?
You should leave the other two for a later date.
[Daphne – I’m not managing Franco, Silvio. I’m writing about him. And despite being a mere woman, I can do more than two things at once, you know.]
So what is going to happen this week? Will Franco vote against? I have a feeling that we are in for a surprise.
Voting against is the least likely option. If Franco Debono wants to defeat the motion, the most he could bring himself to do is abstain.
Or develop another neurotic illness that will keep him away from parliament.
Stale re-hashed stuffed capon is as exciting as yesterday’s re-heated bangers and mash.
Nothing to do with the subject, but did you read Robert Arrigo’s piece in The Malta independent yesterday?
Atrocious English. Thought I was reading something written by an elVe.
Sempliciment ghax qed nappella biex ma jkunx hemm min jimmina x-xoghol ta’ dawk li qed jahdmu biex insibu soluzzjoni bil-kelma t-tajba ghas-sitwazzjoni prezenti nigi attakat mis-sinjura Daphne Caruana Galizia li jien mignun, giddieb, parti minn ‘xibka ta’ hazen’ u li l-Partit ghandu jipprepara biex jiggieled mieghi wkoll. NERGA NSAQSI-GHALFEJN DAN L-INTERESS BIEX MA JITTRANGAWX L-AFFARIJIET?”
(JPO’s Facebook wall)
Given what Debono has been repeating even until this morning, it is you, Daphne, who wants to topple the government. Hawwadni ha nifhem.
[Daphne – I know, but I’ve been dealing with these hysterical men for some time, so nothing they say or do surprises me at this stage.]
I didn’t know Daphne had a parliamentary televoting facility.
Can I have one as well?
Joseph Muscat’s new buzzword seems to be ‘stability’. It is apparently more important than his party gaining power or himself.
Yesterday he repeatedly said that stability is the most important thing for the country at the moment and not an election.
There’s a very simple way of ensuring stability. He, and his fellow Labour MPs, should vote against Anglu Farrugia’s motion.
received today in the spam folder, from the Labour Party.
Dear Friend
The last few days have been characterised by a burst of political speculation across our country, and throughout all our media. I wanted to ensure you are correctly informed of my perspective on the current situation, and what responsible action I intend to take to address this speculation and instability.
Why does this matter? The Prime Minister has lost control of the situation. Worse he is off the case, even going to Tunisia and Qatar at this crucially sensitive time. It seems unbelievable, but at the very time when Malta needs a strong, united government and an effective voice in Europe, we have an unstable government.
A weak government means a weak economy and that affects every one of us, through higher living costs, fewer jobs, prevailing uncertainty and falling behind when we could be pushing ahead.
That is why what has happened over the past couple of weeks is not about playing politics. It is about people’s lives. We did not choose this fight, but we will not ignore or run away from it either.
Today I ask you to join me in calling for this government to step aside. It is time for new leadership, a fresh and innovative economic policy and a renewed commitment to forge and create the future our families deserve. Together, we can rebuild our economy and revitalise our schools, hospitals and roads. We can unleash our country’s true potential and make our country a fairer, more prosperous place for us all.
This cause cannot be successful without your support. Do join me and support this vote of no confidence in Parliament next week. Let us have this vote so that the people – NOT the politicians – the PEOPLE, can exercise their right to choose the strong government we need without delay.
Thank you for your support,
I just read an article on Malta Today about tomorrow’s interview with Franco Debono and one of the comments really irked me.
Mainly as this is a clear insinuation that there is a PN plot to assassinate Franco Debono.
The rubbish that this paper allows into its comments-board is beyond belief.
Posted by: johnmer — 14/01/2012 19:00:03
Petru, Maybe the prisoner of Zenda wrote that post?
Are the people at Maltatoday out of their mind?
Mela Saviour vera spicca?
I can only assume that they see an opportunity to sell more copies of their flailing ‘newspaper. When will Franco realise he’s being used by all the media?
Ma tarax. Imma skond Musumeci il-velenu qieghed f’certu blogs.
How long is the Prime Minister expected to carry on pandering to the whims of El Capon anyway?
I have lost track of all the fresh issues he keeps bringing up on a daily basis with every new TV appearance and newspaper interview.
Dan nixxef mohh kullhadd, mhux mohh il-Prim Ministru biss u qazzez lil Alla li halqu.
They’ll keep on pandering to him until it finally dawns on them their mission is doomed.
The fatal mistake was allowing him to join the party. The second fatal mistake was allowing him to stand for election.
All efforts to ‘manage’ him are pointless. The man’s a waste of space.
He’s got to have at least 52 issues on his list. One more than Joseph’s 51 proposals.
The Botox market is pretty competitive. One must keep one’s name out there.
erm, as El Capon said, kullhadd irid jiekol.
surely this crap galizia never heard bout the sayin.. judge not before you judge yourself, she insults and tries to put shame on people who did something prominent.. both good and bad… I should put shame on her parents for they gave her life. she should have been killed at birth. and apart from that … using her same tactic.. she could spend a couple of Euros to lower her long neck … Galizia U SUCK !
I am sorry but with your behaviour and extremely aggressive comments towards the PN/PL Mps you are not going to recall reconciliation back.What is the important thing when these circumstances crops up???To a lighten more fire or to do like Edwinu did??I really admired him last Friday on Xarabank altough to tell you the truth the PN Party nowadays is not the PN during EFA times. And that is the problem!!!It is similiar when A.Sant was creating enemies aound him from d same party.
[Daphne – I don’t think you understand one basic thing: I do not work for the Nationalist Party. I am not a Nationalist Party employee or politician. I have neither the same imperatives, nor the same objectives. Their objective is to sort out the crisis. My objective is to keep my readers informed of what is going on. My particular objective is to break ranks with much of the rest of the media, who are licking Franco’s butt and not putting things into their proper context, for a wide variety of reasons, from personal friendship to the desire to see Lawrence Gonzi brought low. Or simply because, as with certain reporters at The Times, they do not realise just how serious this situation is and are treating it as an exciting diversion from the usual mundane stories of a routine January.]
It was said somewhere above, that JPO and Musumeci are has-beens; in a short time, Franco Debono will also be a “has-been”
Stop personal attacks, Gonzi urges supporters.
[Daphne – Well, luckily we’re not living in North Korea, as Debono claims, and nobody’s bothered to define what they mean by a personal attack. They should consider themselves fortunate not to be living in Britain or Italy if this is what they define as a personal attack. If somebody wants my vote, they should also expect my criticism. This particularly applies to the awful let-down, Jeffrey.]