Robert Abela: complaining about small cliques of power when he has the run of San Anton Palace and the use of its servants
January 23, 2012 at 12:10am
Labour star candidayt Robert Abela, quoted by Malta Today:
Abela said Labour did want to take power, “but while the PN wants power for a small clique, we want the power to do good. That’s the fundamental difference between the two parties.”
Abela said the government had assumed a “divine right to power”, offering nothing new but “20 years of the same faces… at least in 2008 they had GonziPN to save their face.”
Power for a small clique, eh? This from the man whose father is the head of state, and who was made head of state by ‘GonziPN’.
Wicchom u x’imkien iehor l-istess.
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Hin minnhom qal li dan il-gvern ma jemminx fl-alternanza tal-poter.
It-tifel tal-President jitkellem hekk? X’qed jghid li m’hemmx ghalfejn naghmlu elezzjonijiet? Li jmisshom huma ghax il-PN ilhom.
Veru tal-misthija. Missieru misshu jidisasocja ruhu minn mieghu jekk irid jibqa jgawdi r-rispett ta’ kulhadd.
I felt, to put it mildly, insulted at his words.
Another faccia da sciaffi who is trying to convey the impression that his aspirations are those of St. Francis of Assisi or Mother Teresa.
Jahsara imsieken.
Can’t they measure their words?
How can they? When his father tried, he was booted out.
They’d rather measure their boats. Everybody and his uncle is starving under this government.
Like father like son.
Skont iz-zokk, il-fergha. U vera zokk, ha nghidilkom.
The Abelas are not to be trusted – by the bye, what about Consie and the Administration of Justice?
Exactly, like father like son – why is anyone surprised?
His father is hyped by the submissive media – for example nobody mentions the contracts that they both have with MEPA.
In 1996, together with ALfred Sant (he was his advisor then) he froze Malta’s EU application. It is useless to claim that he helped join the EU through his work on MEUSAC in 2003 – that was just a hypocritical act of convenience.
Gonzi has a habit of putting his faith or appeasing people who are disloyal – Marisa Micallef Leyson, Abela family, Franco Debono, etc.
Tonight Gonzi even met Franco Debono. I thought that by now, it was quite clear that you cannot be seen anyone near this erratic moron. AFter four years of impetuous behaviour, Gonzi should ignore him once an for all.
My thoughts exactly.
Appointing George Abela as President was an astute political move but, as it turns out, shortsighted.
One cannot teach an old dog new tricks.
Very aptly said, if President Abela wants to be credible, he should disassociate himself (politically) from his son’s comments.The NP’s ‘same faces’ are of those with a record of success as opposed to the ‘same faces’ of Labour who reigned with terror in the 70s and 80s.
Actually it’s the PL which is offering 20 years of the same old faces.
Of the Cabinet none were ministers 20 years ago; most (including Gonzi himself) weren’t even MPs and only four were ministers in 1998.
This contrasts sharply with the PL and probable “new” government where several were ministers not 20 but 25 years ago.
I can’t understand why the PN doesn’t strive harder to point out these things.
Nobody can deny that the present Maltese President is a person who commands respect, bur I find it unethical that his son presents himself as a candidate for the general election, irrespective the political party. Unfortunately this is not the first case as we has Mario Demarco contesting when his father was President and Beppe Fenech Adami too.
Robert Abela:
You can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
You can take a man right through a (free of charge) law course, but you can’t make him a gentleman.
Daphine, I think you should advise your contributors that there is a law against exposing the President of the Republic to ridicule.
You might have some who try to use your blog to put you in bad light.
[Daphne – What, you mean for a change?]
Perhaps the president should come clean about his office buying out the (failed) recording studio of Marika Mizzi .
Just unbelievable.
These people have no scruples and shame. Dr Gonzi made Robert Abela’s father president of the republic, and then Robert Abela takes to the stage to attack and denigrate Dr Gonzi.
Dr. Gonzi’s trouble started from that moment when Louis Galea was sidelined.
So much for “l-aqwa President li qatt kellna. Proset PROSSET XXX”.
A conniving, rapacious snake of a man who knows no shame. If his son wanted to enter politics, George Abela should have resigned. Or the son should have stayed out of politics. You can’t have both.
[Daphne – There is a precedent. But I know what you mean.]
The precedent is only partial. In that case, there was a sort of parliamentary passing of the baton. Here it’s more a case of the son picking up a baton that’s been lying unused since 1998.
Like I always say, Daphne: when you have a country running with lawyers, it’s easy to forget that there are actions which are perfectly legal, but still profoundly immoral and, especially, in incredibly bad taste.
[Daphne – On that score, I agree utterly.]
Well said, Daphne.
All these prominent lawyers that earn hundreds of thousands of euros per year and are going to contest the election on the PL ticket, are they all so altruistic that they are willing to forego their mega earnings and start earning the measly wage our MP’s make? I wonder…
…and the firm Abela Stafrace and Associates, of which he is an employee, if not a partner, is MEPA’s legal counsel….just to put things into perspective. Ma jafux jisthu, le.
Hbieb, jien meta naqra u nisma dak li jghidu l-esponenti zghazagh u mhux daqshekk zghazagh Laburisti inhossni verament hazin.
Jien ser naghlaq dalwaqt 39 sena u ma nistax nifhem kif qatt jistghu jigu jaghtuna lezzjoni fuq demokrazija, liberta u fuq kollox kif tmexxi pajjiz il-quddiem mil-lat ekonomiku.
Inhoss li qtajt qalbi.
Gonzi, stinka taf u ikxef sidrek ma shabek halli il-papa jsir president halli ahna tal- familja Abela inkunu nistghu immoru nieklu San Anton. Imbaghad biex nidhru sbieh mall- marmalja naghjruk min fuq il- palk!
Ungrateful pigs, or as one of our late lamented teachers used to say, casting pearls before swine.
And Lawrence Gonzi is stabbed in the back, yet again.
To do good to whom, Robert? Those chosen few? Or the whole Maltese population?