Silvio Parnis: “biex igawdi ta’ taht irid jahdem ta’ fuq”

Published: January 27, 2012 at 12:12pm

A cabbage, cunningly disguised as a turnip through the skilful use of clothing.

That turnip Silvio Parnis has revealed why Labour is suddenly (and falsely) in favour of di mittilkless.

“Ahna l-partit tal-haddiema,” he said during his ‘keynote speech’ at the party’s annual general conference last weekend.

“U anke l-partit tal-mittilkless”.

And why the middle-class?

Not because Parnis the Turnip thinks the middle-classes are worthy of respect.

Not because he thinks they deserve support for their own sake.

No, it’s because he thinks of dawk is-sinjuri, dawk tat-tajjeb, in the way you would farm animals, which have to be cared for properly if they are to give an adequate yield of milk and eggs.

He’s cunningly observed that the Mintoffian way – smashing the middle classes and robbing them blind so that the Mintoffian marmalja doesn’t have to feel jealous and hard-done-by when exercising its right to make odious comparisons – failed spectacularly.

So he’s revealed the New Mintoffian Pragmatic Solution: look, instead of attacking them and driving them to despair by taking all they’ve got and making sure they can’t get any more, let’s take take what we can while ensuring that they don’t give up and stop working or just leave the country.

It’s called exploitation, Silvio.

So why is Labour going to be sejf for bizniss and the mittilkless? So that a Labour government can exploit these to the benefit of the Mintoffian marmalja which has begun to swarm already at all the encouragement emanating from Joseph’s various orifices.

In Silvio’s classic words:


Silvio Parnis, may the devil take your soul and use it as his plaything (previous post on classic terms of abuse refers).

29 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:


    If this philosophy is used in the writing of Labour’s manifesto, then it’s going to be an interesting alternative to the Kamasutra.

  2. Ahleb Guz says:

    Mhux ta’ b’xejn li Iz-Zejza hiereg mal-Labour. Biex ikollhom x’jahilbu wara li jkunu redghu lill-Mittel Kless “dry.”

    Issa qed tinftiehem ahjar ghalfejn Joseph mar jaghmel zjara fil-Malta Dairy Products. Ahleb Guz.

  3. AC/DC says:

    It could be interpreted as at least a token acknowledgment of the fact that we all depend on the same economy, and business has to be thriving for everyone to thrive (and for the hallowed ‘postijiet tax-xoghol’ to be preserved, etc).

    However, knowing their pathological entitlement mentality, your interpretation is sadly far more likely.

    That reasoning may be the only way for them to make palatable the notion that even the ‘evil’ self-employed and businesses have a right to be allowed to do well, because then there will be more money and wealth to steal from them so as to finance all the hand-outs and unnecessary government jobs.

    Just scary to contemplate, actually.

  4. Angie says:

    Yes I heard it. And was horrified that he was so open about it. How dare he?

    What about getting the infamous ‘haddiema’ off their bums and giving a decent day’s work.

  5. silverbug says:

    Imma, sur Parnis, jekk ta’ fuq jinduna li ta’ taht qed ipappiha, jibqa jahdem, iva imma flusu f’daqqa wahda jisparixxu …u ta taht jibqa jcejlaq. U tinsiex…il-mittlekless dejjem tinqabad fin-nofs.

  6. Jozef says:

    Silvio Parnis is Labour’s telephone receiver left unhooked, their most pressing issue with free speech.

  7. Mitqlu Deheb says:

    Kif Mintoff kien qal lil Wistin Abela, Ministru tal-Finanzi dak iz-zmien, waqt li kien qed jaqra l-budget fil-parlament “Ahleb Guz”.

    Tal-Labour ma nbidlu xejn.

    • A.Attard says:

      Ma kienx Wistin Abela imma Guze Abela, li dakinhar kien ministru tal-gustizzja, ghalhekk “Ahleb Guz”.

      This famous phrase was used in a meeting in St George’s Square, Qormi, 27th March 1976.

      Mintoff was using his rhetoric to explain to the plebeians before him that his “great projects” were making loads of money for Malta, and thus the minister of finance was milking these cash cows.

      There is an essay by Jeremy Boissevain at the Melitesia section of the University library with an analysis of this particular speech.

    • Dee says:

      Guze Abela (tas-sitt voti), missier Dr Abela Medici kien ministru tal finanzi dak iz-zmien.

      • Min Weber says:

        I think Dee is right. Abela was Finance Minister. Anton Buttigieg was Justice Minister … followed by his son-in-law? Or by Guze’ Cassar?

  8. Izzie says:

    Of course Silvio, dear, “issa naħdmu għalikom”. Mela m’għadhiex għandkom il-baqra li kien jaħleb Mintoff?

    Dak mingħalih ried iwaħħlu lill-Maltin “ħutu”… (eh, dażgur, ma ninsewx li aħna kellna l-merħba ta’ Mintoff għax konna ħutu Maltin u Għawdxin)… tant konna ħutu li sa 65% taxxi kien jisraq minn fuq il-qliegħ.

    Anki Alfred Sant ħa bastunata bil-famuża CET minflok il-VAT, u waħħlu lill-ħutu Maltin ukoll, tant li fi 22 xahar, waqt li l-Ewropa kienet sejra ‘il quddiem, Malta kienet qed tiffonda mill-ġdid bl-istaġnar.

    U Joseph Muscat x;bi ħsiebu jagħmel? Il-flus iridu jiġu minn x’imkien imma proposti żero għandi l-PL. Biżżejjed tara x’reazjoni negativa jkollhom kif tirfsilhom il-kallu dwar kif se jsibu l-fondi għat-traħħhis li qed iwegħdu.

    Tiftakru dak il-billboard fi żmien l-elezzjoni meta l-MLP wiegħed xahrejn bla taxxa jekk jirbaħ l-elezzjoni? Xi ħadd intelliġenti ma ddejjaqx jikteb fuq l-istess billboard: “U wara?”

    Dak hu li ġġib magħha il-politika QARRIEQA. Nispera li l-memorja ta’ ħafna mhix daqshekk qasira, u ma joqogħdux jibilgħu dak kollu li qed jintqal minn min qed iraxxax il-bżar fl-għajnejn.

    PS. Ktibt bil-Malti ħalli nevitaw li xi ħadd jinterpreta ħazin l-Ingliż u malajr nidħlu f’xi kontroversja futili.

    • Jozef says:

      Kif qal Silvio.

      ‘Dawk li jistaqsuna minn fejn se ngibu l-flus, ser naghmlu dak li ghamilna meta’ tlajna l-ewwel darba’

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Izzie, yes, I had forgotten about the Labour electoral promise of giving us the 2 months without taxes. it was like the sales gimmick that mobile phone companies are using to attact new customers.

  9. Dee says:


    Silvio most definitely does not share the same literary bed-time preferences as Franco Debono.

    Maybe that is why he is always so forthcoming with his privates for his faithful old biddies.

  10. aston says:

    Ayn Rand it isn’t.

    But, to be fair to Silvio, that one statement of his shows a better understanding of economics than most of his almost Minister colleagues. Then again, maybe he’s borrowed it from somewhere.

  11. D S says:

    This Silvio Parnis is a bit of an enigma. Does he hold a regular job? Is he a catwalk model?

  12. joseph says:

    IMMA ALFEJN DAL FUSS KOLU??? issa anki ghax qed jejt favur il middle class qed ittik f sormok? semilli xi haga li tara tajba fil labour plssss!! tallum u tal birah…..

    • angie says:

      xejn!!! xejn!!! u XEJN!!! hlief hdura m’ghandkomx.. lanqas biss taf tisspelli bil-malti… ghad baqalek x’taqdef biex tigi vicin il-middle class int….

    • IMHO says:

      Jekk hemm affarijiet tajbin xi tghid, ghax ma taqbadx u tghidhom int?

    • Manuel says:

      Ghax jittratta n-nies daqs li kieku kienu kabocci. Read what he wrote recently about the kabocci trade and how the mittil kless is being robbed when they buy kabocci.

      It was an article in your own newspaper. Xi haga tajba fil-Labour?

      Kif tista’ jekk zammejtu d-dinosawri tal-passat ma’ saqajkom? Difficli.

      Issa l-mittil kless ghal qalbkom? Ma tantx kient if zmien iehor. Parnis jirrifletti lil-leader tieghu: pinnur, jonfoh fejn jaqbillu.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Joseph, possibbli taħseb li Parnis tkellem favur il-middle class? Mela veru m’għandekx ideja u ma tifhimx dak li tgħidulek.

      Bravu, hekk iridek Muscat. Kif kien iridek Mintoff.

    • Lilla says:

      Kieku hemm x’insemmu, nsemmuh ruħi. W itghallem ikteb bil-Malti. Ħa ngħinek:

      Imma għal fejn dal ‘fuss’ (fil-‘brackets’ għax kelma barranija) kollu? (?waħda biżżejjed) Issa anki għax qiegħed jghid favur il-‘middleclass’ qiegħed itik f’sormok?
      Semilli xi ħaga li tara tajba fil-Labour jekk jogħġbok! Ta’llum u tal-bieraħ…

    • Alfred Cassar says:

      Ta’ llum difficli, ta’ lbierah impossible Joseph

  13. H.P. Baxxter says:

    At least he distinguishes between working class and middle class. Which is more than can be said for Joseph – sorry, DOCTOR Joseph – Muscat.

  14. francesco says:

    L-gherf kollu ta’ Silvio hareg meta qal “f’dawn l-ahhar tlett snin u nofs, ahna ghamilnijielom l-agenda lil PN, bis-sahha ta Joseph Muscat”.

    U kemm capcpulu id-delegejts!

    Keep it up, Silvio, ghax jekk taqta qalbek tmut.

  15. James says:

    Mela ghad baqa’ middle-class Malta?

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